R - putting coordinates together - r

I want a list of coordinate points in [0,1] x [0,1]. Suppose I have
x = seq(0,1, length.out = 100)
y = seq(0,1, length.out = 100)
I want to combine them so that I get a 100 x 100 matrix with each possible coordinate in [0,1] that I defined. So I would like to get a data frame M of the form
M[i,j] = c(x[i], x[j])
with i and j ranging from 1 to 100
Edit. Here is an example of the output I want. Take
x = c(0,0.5, 1)
y = c(0,0.5,1)
M = c(0,0) c(0,0.5) c(0,1)
c(0.5,0) c(0.5, 0.5) c(0.5,1)
c(1,0) c(1,0.5) c(1,1)
I would like each of the entries to be vectors of class numeric.
For why I want this, I just want to draw a two dimensional lattice with lines between each ('neighbouring') coordinate in M. Ie., edges are (M[i,j], M[i, j+1]) and (M[i,j], M[i+1,j]) for when this makes sense.

This should do it,
a <- 11:20
b <- 11:20
allCombs <- outer(a,b,paste)
Use your vectors instead of a and b.
If you don't want them as strings, and want it as a matrix, it's not possible as an element of a matrix cannot be a vector. What you can do, if you need to use these to refer somewhere else is use, expand.grid.
a <- 11:20
b <- 11:20
allCombs <- expand.grid(a,b)

Like this?
M <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(x), ncol=length(y)))
for(i in sequence(length(x))){
for(j in sequence(length(y))){
M[i,j] <- paste0("[", i, ",", j, "]")


Compare array over matrix without loop

I need an array Y of integers and NA to compare to a matrix and return TRUE, FALSE, or NA. I'm limited in how I can write this - no loops or if statements. It has to be very plain. The issue is that it only compares the length of the array without repeating over the rest of the matrix; also, it isn't correctly recognizing FALSE values.
I know it's my apply function but I don't know how to get apply() to repeat by itself without looping.
answer <- function(x,y){
y <- as.matrix(y)
z <- apply(apply(x,2,`==`,y),1,any)
q <- as.matrix(z)
It depends on how you see the matrix but R is a mostly vectorized language you don't need loops to compare elements of different sizes, but be mindful of direction and of recycling
answer <- function(x,y){
cat('+++++Solution 4+++++\n')
q <- x == y
x <- matrix(c(1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1), nrow=4, ncol=4)
y <- c(1, 1, 1, NA)
Or solution by row very ugly stuff
answer <- function(x,y){
cat('+++++Solution 4+++++\n')
q <- matrix(apply(t(y),1,`==`,t(x)),nrow = 4,byrow = TRUE)

Is it possible to use vector math in R for a summation involving intervals?

Title's a little rough, open to suggestions to improve.
I'm trying to calculate time-average covariances for a 500 length vector.
This is the equation we're using
The result I'm hoping for is a vector with an entry for k from 0 to 500 (0 would just be the variance of the whole set).
I've started with something like this, but I know I'll need to reference the gap (i) in the first mean comparison as well:
x <- rnorm(500)
xMean <-mean(x)
i <- seq(1, 500)
dfGam <- data.frame(i)
dfGam$gamma <- (1/(500-dfGam$i))*(sum((x-xMean)*(x[-dfGam$i]-xMean)))
Is it possible to do this using vector math or will I need to use some sort of for loop?
Here's the for loop that I've come up with for the solution:
gamma_func <- function(input_vec) {
output_vec <- c()
input_mean <- mean(input_vec)
iter <- seq(1, length(input_vec)-1)
for(val in iter){
iter2 <- seq((val+1), length(input_vec))
gamma_sum <- 0
for(val2 in iter2){
gamma_sum <- gamma_sum + (input_vec[val2]-input_mean)*(input_vec[val2-val]-input_mean)
output_vec[val] <- (1/length(iter2))*gamma_sum
Using data.table, mostly for the shift function to make x_{t - k}, you can do this:
gammabar <- function(k, x){
xbar <- mean(x)
n <- length(x)
df <- data.table(xt = x, xtk = shift(x, k))[!is.na(xtk)]
df[, sum((xt - xbar)*(xtk - xbar))/n]
gammabar(k = 10, x)
# [1] -0.1553118
The filter [!is.na(xtk)] starts the sum at t = k + 1, because xtk will be NA for the first k indices due to being shifted by k.
Reproducible x
x <- c(0.376972124936433, 0.301548373935665, -1.0980231706536, -1.13040590360378,
-2.79653431987176, 0.720573498411587, 0.93912102300901, -0.229377746707471,
1.75913134696347, 0.117366786802848, -0.853122822287008, 0.909259181618213,
1.19637295955276, -0.371583903741348, -0.123260233287436, 1.80004311672545,
1.70399587729432, -3.03876460529759, -2.28897494991878, 0.0583034949929225,
2.17436525195634, 1.09818265352131, 0.318220322390854, -0.0731475581637693,
0.834268741278827, 0.198750636733429, 1.29784138432631, 0.936718306241348,
-0.147433193833294, 0.110431994640128, -0.812504663900505, -0.743702167768748,
1.09534507180741, 2.43537370755095, 0.38811846676708, 0.290627670295127,
-0.285598287083935, 0.0760147178373681, -0.560298603759627, 0.447188372143361,
0.908501134499943, -0.505059597708343, -0.301004012157305, -0.726035976548133,
-1.18007702699501, 0.253074712637114, -0.370711296884049, 0.0221795637601637,
0.660044122429767, 0.48879363533552)

R: Draw a polygon with conditional colour

I want to colour the area under a curve. The area with y > 0 should be red, the area with y < 0 should be green.
x <- c(1:4)
y <- c(0,1,-1,2,rep(0,4))
Using ifelse() does not work:
What I achieved so far is the following:
But then the red area is too large. Do you have any ideas how to get the desired result?
If you want two different colors, you need two different polygons. You can either call polygon multiple times, or you can add NA values in your x and y vectors to indicate a new polygon. R will not automatically calculate the intersection for you. You must do that yourself. Here's how you could draw that with different colors.
x <- c(1,2,2.5,NA,2.5,3,4)
y <- c(0,1,0,NA,0,-1,0)
#calculate color based on most extreme y value
g <- cumsum(is.na(x))
gc <- ifelse(tapply(y, g,
function(x) x[which.max(abs(x))])>0,
plot(c(1, 4),c(-1,1), type = "n")
polygon(x, y, col = gc)
In the more general case, it might not be as easy to split a polygon into different regions. There seems to be some support for this type of operation in GIS packages, where this type of thing is more common. However, I've put together a somewhat general case that may work for simple polygons.
First, I define a closure that will define a cutting line. The function will take a slope and y-intercept for a line and will return the functions we need to cut a polygon.
getSplitLine <- function(m=1, b=0) {
force(m); force(b)
classify <- function(x,y) {
y >= m*x + b
intercepts <- function(x,y, class=classify(x,y)) {
w <- which(diff(class)!=0)
m2 <- (y[w+1]-y[w])/(x[w+1]-x[w])
b2 <- y[w] - m2*x[w]
ix <- (b2-b)/(m-m2)
iy <- ix*m + b
data.frame(x=ix,y=iy,idx=w+.5, dir=((rank(ix, ties="first")+1) %/% 2) %% 2 +1)
plot <- function(...) {
Now we will define a function to actually split a polygon using the splitter we've just defined.
splitPolygon <- function(x, y, splitter) {
addnullrow <- function(x) if (!all(is.na(x[nrow(x),]))) rbind(x, NA) else x
rollup <- function(x,i=1) rbind(x[(i+1):nrow(x),], x[1:i,])
idx <- cumsum(is.na(x) | is.na(y))
polys <- split(data.frame(x=x,y=y)[!is.na(x),], idx[!is.na(x)])
r <- lapply(polys, function(P) {
x <- P$x; y<-P$y
side <- splitter$classify(x, y)
if(side[1] != side[length(side)]) {
ints <- splitter$intercepts(c(x,x[1]), c(y, y[1]), c(side, side[1]))
} else {
ints <- splitter$intercepts(x, y, side)
sideps <- lapply(unique(side), function(ss) {
pts <- data.frame(x=x[side==ss], y=y[side==ss],
idx=seq_along(x)[side==ss], dir=0)
mm <- rbind(pts, ints)
mm <- mm[order(mm$idx), ]
br <- cumsum(mm$dir!=0 & c(0,head(mm$dir,-1))!=0 &
if (length(unique(br))>1) {
mm<-rollup(mm, sum(br==br[1]))
br <- cumsum(c(FALSE,abs(diff(mm$dir*mm$dir))==3))
do.call(rbind, lapply(split(mm, br), addnullrow))
pss<-rep(unique(side), sapply(sideps, nrow))
ps<-do.call(rbind, lapply(sideps, addnullrow))[,c("x","y")]
attr(ps, "side")<-pss
pss<-unname(unlist(lapply(r, attr, "side")))
src <- rep(seq_along(r), sapply(r, nrow))
r <- do.call(rbind, r)
attr(r, "source")<-src
attr(r, "side")<-pss
The input is just the values of x and y as you would pass to polygon along with the cutter. It will return a data.frame with x and y values that can be used with polygon.
For example
x <- c(1,2,2.5,NA,2.5,3,4)
y <- c(1,-2,2,NA,-1,2,-2)
plot(range(x, na.rm=T),range(y, na.rm=T), type = "n")
p <- splitPolygon(x,y,sl)
g <- cumsum(c(F, is.na(head(p$y,-1))))
gc <- ifelse(attr(p,"side")[is.na(p$y)],
polygon(p, col=gc)
sl$plot(lty=2, col="grey")
This should work for simple concave polygons as well with sloped lines. Here's another example
x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2)
y <- c(-2,2,1,2,-2,.5,-.5,.5)
plot(range(x, na.rm=T),range(y, na.rm=T), type = "n")
p <- splitPolygon(x,y,sl)
g <- cumsum(c(F, is.na(head(p$y,-1))))
gc <- ifelse(attr(p,"side")[is.na(p$y)],
polygon(p, col=gc)
sl$plot(lty=2, col="grey")
Right now things can get a bit messy when the the vertex of the polygon falls directly on the splitting line. I may try to correct that in the future.
A faster, but not very accurate solution is to split data frame to list according to grouping variable (e.g. above=red and below=blue). This is a pretty nice workaround for rather big (I would say > 100 elements) datasets. For smaller chunks some discontinuity may be visible:
x <- 1:100
y1 <- sin(1:100/10)*0.8
y2 <- sin(1:100/10)*1.2
plot(x, y2, type='l')
lines(x, y1, col='red')
df <- data.frame(x=x, y1=y1, y2=y2)
df$pos_neg <- ifelse(df$y2-df$y1>0,1,-1) # above (1) or below (-1) average
# create the number for chunks to be split into lists:
df$chunk <- c(1,cumsum(abs(diff(df$pos_neg)))/2+1) # first element needs to be added`
df$colors <- ifelse(df$pos_neg>0, "red","blue") # colors to be used for filling the polygons
# create lists to be plotted:
l <- split(df, df$chunk) # we should get 4 sub-lists
lapply(l, function(x) polygon(c(x$x,rev(x$x)),c(x$y2,rev(x$y1)),col=x$colors))
As I said, for smaller dataset some discontinuity may be visible if sharp changes occur between positive and negative areas, but if horizontal line distinguishes between those two, or more elements are plotted then this effect is neglected:

R: Generate matrix from function

In R I'm interested in the general case to generate a matrix from a formula such as:
X = some other matrix
Y(i, j) = X(i, j) + Y(i - 1, j - 1)
Unfortunately I can't find how to account for the matrix self-referencing.
Obviously order of execution and bounds checking are factors here, but I imagine these could be accounted for by the matrix orientation and formula respetively.
This solution assumes that you want Y[1,n] == X[1,n] and Y[n,1] == X[n,1]. If not, you can apply the same solution on the sub-matrix X[-1,-1] to fill in the values of Y[-1,-1]. It also assumes that the input matrix is square.
We use the fact that Y[N,N] = X[N,N] + X[N-1, N-1] + ... + X[1,1] plus similar relations for off-diagonal elements. Note that off-diagonal elements are a diagonal of a particular sub-matrix.
# Example input
X <- matrix(1:16, ncol=4)
Y <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(X), nrow=nrow(X))
diag(Y) <- cumsum(diag(X))
Y[1,ncol(X)] <- X[1,ncol(X)]
Y[nrow(X),1] <- X[nrow(X),1]
for (i in 1:(nrow(X)-2)) {
ind <- seq(i)
diag(Y[-ind,]) <- cumsum(diag(X[-ind,])) # lower triangle
diag(Y[,-ind]) <- cumsum(diag(X[,-ind])) # upper triangle
Well, you can always use a for loop:
Y <- matrix(0, ncol=3, nrow=3)
#boundary values:
Y[1,] <- 1
Y[,1] <- 2
X <- matrix(1:9, ncol=3)
for (i in 2:nrow(Y)) {
for (j in 2:ncol(Y)) {
Y[i, j] <- X[i, j] + Y[i-1, j-1]
If that is too slow you can translate it to C++ (using Rcpp) easily.

Ordering 1:17 by perfect square pairs

There was an interesting question on R-help:
"Take the numbers one up to 17. Can you write them out in a line so that every pair of numbers that are next to each other, adds up to give a square number?"
My solution is below and not particularly special. I'm curious about a more elegant and/or robust solution. Maybe a solution that can take an arbitrary string of numbers and order them like this if possible?
sq.test <- function(a, b) {
## test for number pairs that sum to squares.
sqrt(sum(a, b)) == floor(sqrt(sum(a, b)))
ok.pairs <- function(n, vec) {
## given n as a member of vec,
## which other members of vec satisfiy sq.test
vec <- vec[vec!=n]
vec[sapply(vec, sq.test, b=n)]
grow.seq <- function(y) {
## given a starting point (y) and a pairs list (pl)
## grow the squaring sequence.
ly <- length(y)
if(ly == y[1]) return(y)
## this line is the one that breaks down on other number sets...
y <- c(y, max(pl[[y[ly]]][!pl[[y[ly]]] %in% y]))
y <- grow.seq(y)
## start vector
x <- 1:17
## get list of possible pairs
pl <- lapply(x, ok.pairs, vec=x)
## pick start at max since few combinations there.
y <- max(x)
You can use outer to compute the allowable pairs.
The resulting matrix is the adjacency matrix of a graph,
and you just want a Hamiltonian path on it.
# Allowable pairs form a graph
p <- outer(
1:17, 1:17,
function(u,v) round(sqrt(u + v),6) == floor(sqrt(u+v)) )
rownames(p) <- colnames(p) <- 1:17
image(p, col=c(0,1))
# Read the solution on the plot
g <- graph.adjacency(p, "undirected")
V(g)$label <- V(g)$name
plot(g, layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold)
