how to capture the http status code from service callout in Apigee - apigee

Please let me know how to capture the HTTP status code received from a 3rd party invoke using Service Callout policy. I need this to do some conditional checks in flow.

Finally got it with some experimentation

Your the response object is defined in the Callout policy -- by default ApigeeUI uses calloutResponse, but good convention is to rename it to something more informative and less likely to get overwritten.
So, if you named it, for example, "yahooWeather" you could then access the variable "yahooWeather.status.code".


Adding custom validation logic to dart:io HttpClient

I am trying to create an HttpClient that can validate an SSL certificate after every TLS handshake and before any other data is fetched/sent.
So the flow would look like this:
Create an HttpClient
Execute a request
The client connects to the host via HTTPS
After the TLS handshake was done, the client now knows the certificate
Pass the certificate to a callback. Execute actual request when callback succeeds, abort the request otherwise
In case the callback was successful, proceed as usual (e.g. pass the response etc.)
I was looking into SecurityContext already. The problem is that it only validates against a fixed set of certificates, but I want to validate the certificate dynamically based on the certificate that was sent by the host.
Also, I saw that there is a badCertificateCallback method in HttpClient, but this does not serve my usecase well as I want to validate every certificate, not just the invalid/bad ones.
I was wondering whether I could theoretically create a class that uses HttpClient as a superclass and therefore modify it's behaviour, but I am wondering whether there is a more elegant way that doesn't break that easily when the implementation of HttpClient changes.
Another idea of mine is to set a SecurityContext that rejects every single certificate by default. I could then use the badCerificateCallback to do the checks normally done by SecurityContext (check against a list of trusted certificates) and add my own validation on top of that. Is anyone aware of any drawbacks this might have? I got a little bit uncertain when reading about the limitations regarding iOS.
Has anyone here done similar things before and could give me a hint? :)
Thanks in advance!
For your usecase, it is better that you have your own version of BetterHttpClient.
However, instead of BetterHttpClient inheriting from HttpClient, you can use composition. Compose HttpClient inside BetterHttpClient. This will give you more control over what you want to use/update from the existing implementation and also this will be better guarded against any changes that HttpClient will go through

Add request interceptors to specific calls

I'm currently trying to figure out which options does retrofit offer to add an interceptor only to specific calls.
Background & use cases
I'm currently using retrofit 1.9
The use case is pretty simple. Imagine a user who needs to login and get a session token. There is a call.
* Call the backend and request a session token
Observable<Session> login(...);
All other calls will require a token from the above session in the form of a request header. In other words, all subsequent calls will have a header which provides the session token to the backend.
My question
Is there a simple way of adding this header only to specific calls through interceptors?
What I've tried so far
Obviously the easiest approach was to add the #Header annotation to the specific calls and providing the token as a parameter
I guess one can inspect the url in the request inside the interceptor. Not very flexible.
Create different rest adapters with different interceptors. I heard you should avoid creating several instances of the rest adapter for performance reasons.
Additional info
I'm not committed to interceptors, I would use other solutions
I've said I'm using retrofit 1.9, but I'd be also interested in a way to do it with retrofit 2.x
Please note this is not an answer, comment box was too small.
I've recently had this problem and I came up to the same possible solutions as you.
First of all I put aside double adapters - thats a last resort.
#Header field seems ok, bacause you explicitly define that this specific request needs authorization. However it's kinda boring to use.
Url inspection in interceptor looks "ugly", but I've decided to go with that. I mean if all requests from a one specific endpoint need that authorization header then what's the problem?
I had two other ideas:
Somehow dynamically replace/modify okHttpClient which is used with Retrofit. After some tests I figured that it's not possible.
Maybe create some custom annotation #AddAuthorizationHeader to the call definition, which will do everything for you, but I guess it wouldn't be possible either.
And in this matter Retrofit 2.x doesn't bring anything new.

Adding correlation id to automatically generated telemetry with App Insights

I'm very new to Application Insights, and I'm thinking of using it for a set of services I plan on implementing with webapi. I was able to get the basic telemetry up and running very easily (right-clicking on a project on VS, Add Application Insights), but then I hit a block. I plan to have a correlation id set in the request headers for calls to downstream services, and I would like to tag all the telemetry related to one outside call with the same correlation id.
So far I've found that there is a way to configure a TelemetryInitializer, but if I understood correctly, this is run before I get to access the request, meaning I can't check if there is a correlation id that I should attach.
So I guess there might be 2 ways to solve this: 1) if I can somehow actually get access to the request headers before the initializer, that would obviously solver the problem, or 2) somehow get a hold of the TelemetryClient instance that is used to report the automatically generated telemetry.
Perhaps the last resort would be to turn off all of the automatic stuff and do all of it manually, when I could of course control what properties are set on the TelemetryClient. But this would be quite a lot more work, so I'd prefer to find some other solution.
You were rights saying that you should use TelemetryInitializer. All TelemetryInitializers are called when Track method is called on any telemetry item. Autogenerated request telemetry is "tracked" on request OnEnd, you should have all your custom headers available for you at that time.
Please also have a look at OperationId - this is part of the standard context managed by App Inisghts and is used exactly for the purpose of correlating requests with downstream execution. This is created and passed automatically, including traces (if you use trackTrace).
Moreover, we have built-in support in our UX for easily seeing all telemetry for a particular operation - it can be found in "Search->Details-->Related Items-->All telemetry for this operation"

What is the correct way to add an EventListener to an AtmosphereResource?

I am using Atmosphere Framework 2.0.8.
I have implemented an AtmosphereHandler in my application and have two way communication occurring correctly over WebSockets and Long Polling.
I am trying to add some handling code for when the client disconnects to clean up some resources specific to that client (ie. I have an entry in a table I want to remove).
I have read the following wiki entries:
OnDisconnect Tricks:
Configuring Atmosphere Listener:
The thing I am not clear on is where I should add the call to
atmosphereResource.addEventListener( new AtmosphereResourceEventListenerAdapter() {} );
I eventually found some example code in the JavaDoc for the AtmosphereHandler that registers the EventListener in the onRequest() method.
What I would like to know is if this is the correct way to go about it?
It is my understanding that the AtmosphereResource represents the connection between a client and the server for the life of that connection. The uuid stays consistent for the object on multiple calls through the onRequest() method from the same client. As such, the same AtmosphereResource object will get the EventListener added every time the onRequest method is called.
This seems wrong. Wouldn't this lead to thousands of EventListeners being registered for each AtmosphereResource?
It seems that the EventLister should only be registered once for each AtmosphereResource.
I feel like I am missing something fundamental here. Could someone please explain?
Here's an example using MeteorServlet, so it won't look exactly like what you'll have to do, but it should get you started. I add the listener to a Meteor instance, and you'll add yours to an AtmosphereResource. Each resource gets just one listener.
The overridden onDisconnect() method calls this Grails service method that handles the event. Of course, you'll want to call something that cleans up your database resource.
Note that the servlet is configured using these options. I think you might need the org.atmosphere.interceptor.HeartbeatInterceptor, but it's been so long since I initially set it up, I can't remember if it's necessary.

Check if a webservice exists

Could someone please be kind enough to show me the best way to determine if a webservice (ASP.NET) exists at a given URL?
I assume an approach will be something along the lines of issuing a request using System.Net.Webclient but how could I determine if it is a valid webservice and what sort of request should I issue?
EDIT: To add a bit more context I am determining if a webservice exists because I am attempting to build a generic tool that uses arbitrary webservices.
The only way IMHO to be sure the service is up is to be able to call an innocuous method on the service and verify the response. Retrieving the WSDL is not sufficient.
There is a similar SO question on this here:-
How do I test connectivity to an unknown web service in C#?
I would ask for WSDL document. If you get it back it means that the service exists and you can check to WSDL for implemented methods.
Consider reading about WS-Discovery
