Two computer on a same IP? - networking

I have implement a Client-Server application in java. The server can serve multiple clients, and I want to test that, but my knowledges on Networking is poor, and I need a way to test my application on my home.
I have a rooter, which are connected both of my computers. My "server" class in java uses as host the local host ( on a given port.
How can I test my program if
The is running on the Computer A is running on on 3943 port
1st is running on the Computer A
1st is connected to 3943 port
2nd is running on the Computer B
2nd is connected to 3943 port
Any ideas?

Use unique ports for the clients and servers running on the same machine. In addition is localhost (internal to that machine). Computer B cannot communicate with on Computer A. Use if all applications or on the same machine. Use the computers actual IP address if you want external machines to be able to communicate with the server.

When client and server, are on the same computer, what you are doing must be already working.
To connect from a different computer, you need to find the "real" ip address of your server.
If you are on Windows, open a command shell on your computer A, and run ipconfig. On unix/linux/mac, run ifconfig.
Look for a string, looking like an ip address, but not, there has to be another one if you are connected to a network, probably looks like 10.0.0. or 192.168.<0 or 1> ..
Use this address everywhere instead of

A full TCP connection consists of two different endpoints. The server side of the connection is one endpoint (it will be do a listen on that endpoint). When a client creates it's side of the connection (the client socket), it will do a connect to the server ip:port combo and get a number assigned from a range of so-called "ephemeral" ports.
The fact that both sides of the connection have the same IP address doesn't matter - the full connection is defined by two distinct elements (address:port combinations).
FirstClient's connection to the server will be ServerIP:ServerPort<->Client1_IP:Client1_Port, and SecondClient's connection will be ServerIP:ServerPort<->Client2_IP:Client2_Port. The network layer can differentiate between these (they are two different connection streams) and route traffic to the appropriate sender/receiver for that stream.

If you run the server bound to IP you are not opening it to the network, only your own computer will be able to connect to it, acessing (loopback IP address).
To open this server to the network, you must do one of the two things:
Bind it to the IP so it will be acessible from all networks;
Bind it to a specific network IP address so that it will be available to that network only.
Its common practice to just bind it to, its easier.
Once its done, you will be able to connect from other computers to the server running on computer A, however, not through IP Thats the loopback address and can only be used by a computer to connect to itself.
Computer A can use the IP to connect to the server since the server is running on it, but other network computers will have to specify computer A's network IP address.
You can find your IP address on the network adapter details, or running the command ipconfig /all on a command prompt (Windows) or ifconfig (Linux).


How find correct Ip for connection Client/Server Qt?

I created two Qt apps: one client and one server.
I use them to send some data for handle a remote device.
If I am in localhost I haven't issues about them, but when i search to connect them by internet i don't know how to find correct Ip server to connect Socket Client.
How i can find this ip node?
Is there a class to find It?
you cannot find it automatically, if this is what you're asking about.
In real life you would deploy your server on some publicly accessible host, give it a domain name (important part as your host can change the IP address at any time) and connect the client via the DNS domain.
However if you're just playing around and you want to show to the world that your app works, specifying the IP address of the server in your client code would be perfectly fine (assuming you're running both the server and the client in the same network).
In that case, if you're running mac/linux run the command ifconfig (or just ip depending on the distribution). On Windows you can run the command ipconfig. Both windows and linux will give you a similar output resembling this:
Pay attention to the network adapters. There can potentially be many of them. You may have some emulated adapters if you have docker or VMWare, you may have the wireless adapters if you have a WiFi card, and then the ethernet adapters if your computer can connect to the the internet with an ethernet cable. Each of these adapters specifies a different IPv4 address. You want to pick the one that is connected to the same network as your client. So for instance if both your server machine and your client running machine are connected to the same wifi, you pick the address from the Wireless LAN adapter

IP address is not reachable or is invalid

I am facing a strange issue these days. I have a list of IP addresses which I want to connect to during the deployment using Jenkins. Now what is happening is, if I am deploying at one IP address (remote machine but in same location) in my local location server, I can successfully do that. But If I am trying to deploy to an IP address (remote machine in other country/region) It is throwing the error, saying
Error : Ip address XYZ is not reachable or is invalid.
Please be notified that I am able to get the response from the machine when I ping it using:
ping XYZ
But while trying to deploy on it using Jenkins, I am not.
Please let me know if there's any solution for this problem.
There isn't enough data points but you can look for these things
1. IP address, Check if all three machines are in same n/w (Jenkins Server, target and your machine)
You can check it with IP address of each machine
2. check Gateway set for Jenkins server
3. Best way if feasible is to ssh / rdp to your Jenkins server and try running your command manually that will give you
Local machine get loopback address(, so it will be reachable or any local machine having IP address with same subnet mask thats called LAN.
When you are reaching out to remote machine, either it should be public IP address(visible to everyone in the world) or you must have connect to that Area-Network via VPN, this is called tunnelling to remote over the WAN (wide area network). Their(remote location) again, you will notice that all the IP address have same subnet mask as you have on the local machine.
So their could be be IP address duplication case in VPN scenario, where you are bale to ping but not able to reach. This is because, IP address is assigned to other machine but not you yours and ping responses are coming from that other machine. That means your machine is in failed to resolve ARP and in dormant state.

Networking - binding to localhost

I have a general question regarding binding and connecting to localhost. I am using a TCP client/server and on the server side I do sth of the form:
bind(localhost, 9999);
This is done on a unix host with a name e.g. host1
Now, the client is running on a separate Windows box, on the same network. In order to connect I tried to connect via hostname:port, hostIp:port but none of that succeeds.
Is this because binding to localhost is not visible across the network for other processes to connect to and is used for e.g. client/server running on the same machine?
If you are binding to localhost (i.e., you can only accept connections from the localhost, not over the network.
If you need to accept remote connections over the network, you should either bind to one of the local IP addresses (e.g. or all interfaces (i.e.
This is due to the fact that is always local loopback address, and as such never routed over the network.

VirtualBox networking for an NGINX client having multiple hostnames

I have a host laptop running Debian, and a client VM running Debian. On the client, I run NGINX, and it serves up a complex web application with several hostnames (e.g.,, The laptop moves between several different networks, with a seemingly ever-changing IP address.
I'm trying to meet the following conditions with this VM:
The IP address of the client shouldn't change (e.g. always
With a static IP, I could edit the host /etc/hosts file and keep complex hostnames
The client should have access to the Internet
No other machines need to access the client
What is the best way to set up the Attached to settings for this client?
To do this, simply add two network interfaces to the box.
The first interface will use Host-Only, and that is how your host can connect to the client. This will create an additional network adapter on the host.
The second interface will use NAT, and that is the gateway to the internet. This will create an additional network adapter on the client.
If you've already got a client running, you'll need to get the next network adapter up and running by executing sudo ifconfig eth1 up and to get an IP address, run sudo dhclient eth1.

What happens when two processes bind to a port and communicate with the same server?

If two processes both use a shared local port to connect to the same remote port of the server server, what happens when the server tries to respond to one? Or is there a mechanism to prevent this?
I assume you're asking about TCP here. When the two processes connect to a single remote port, they will be using different local ports. That is how the server distinguishes the connections. A connection has four parts that uniquely identify it: source port, source IP address, destination port, and destination IP address.
