WordPress plugin localization, load_plugin_textdomain doesn't work - wordpress

Ok i built plugin for contact form, I wanna add translation for it. In my main plugin files i add this code
function ap_action_init() {
// Localization
load_plugin_textdomain('prijava_forma', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__))."/languages";
// Add actions
add_action('init', 'ap_action_init');
in my file where contact form is written i have this
_e( 'Prva','prijava_forma' );
In my language folder I added the .mo and .po files created with Poedit.
Also I defined WPLANG in config.php and changed the language in the dashboard.
But i get no translation. Where could be problem, i am new to this?

There are many possible causes:
.mo file not readable or not found at all (.po file is not used by WordPress by the way)
The string you are expecting is not translated yet
Wrong .mo file name, valid names are ar.mo, fr_FR.mo..., invalid ones are br_BR.mo, arabic.po, AR.mo, ar_AR.mo... So make sure you get this one right.
for plugins the name will be the concatenation for the text domain, a dash and the locale: myplugin-ru_RU.mo
Check what load_plugin_textdomain() returned, if the .mo file was loaded, it should return true, in which case the next step would be to check that you are not missing the textdomain parameter in your __(), _e() and similar functions.
More on WordPress localization

It may be also caused on hook where the functions is attached and where are the po/mo files.
On the Init Hooks, load_plugin_textdomain() returned true but string were not translated.
I changed the action to plugins_loaded as my po/mo were in a folder inside a Custom plugins.

Also make sure that your string stands for itself. Do not append anything to the string, do this after the gettext function instead.
return __('Please translate me'.'(666)','your-textdomain');
return __('Please translate me','your-textdomain').'(666)';


Translation files of my plugin are not being loaded or work incorrect

I need to translate some parts of text to French.
Things I've tried so far:
I created fr.po and fr.mo files in my plugin's /languages directory. I used Poedit for this purpose. I've tried different variants like fr_FR - didn't help.
I added the following to my plugin's main file along with its name and other information:
* Text Domain: pluginname
* Domain Path: /languages
Plugin name does not contain any special characters or underscores/dashes - it's a single word.
Also, tried to use load_plugin_textdomain() function instead (or even along with) to make this work.
Also, tried to add this to my wp-config.php file:
define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');
Tried to use any combinations of described actions as well.
I have a string to be translated:
__('Recently', 'pluginname')
The word "Recently" is being displayed correctly but it is not being translated if I change site language. I tried both changing in WP admin panel and adding into config file (mentioned above)
I tried to use get_locale() to check if this was actually changed. This returns 'fr_FR' which is exactly the same with my .po/.mo file names.
**P.S.: ** Checked all these questions and tried all suggested solutions - didn't help:
Wordpress - Plugin translation not working
WordPress plugin translation issue
Wordpress plugins translation
Update: load_plugin_textdomain() returns false if I try to var_dump() result right after function execution.
Actually, the problem was in the names of files. Other than locale name it should also consist of the plugin name, e.g. pluginname-fr_FR.po/pluginname-fr_FR.mo for my case. Yes, this is described in the codex, I should read this more attentively :)

WordPress constant scope using define method

I'm defining plugin path as a constant through constant define method as shown below.
define( 'MY_PLUGIN_DIR', untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) );
It is accessible within plugin all files and themes. But when I call this constant in another plugin this constant becomes undefined.
How I can get this plugin constant in another plugin? Any help will be appreciated.
Probably your problem is the order that wordpress is calling your plugins: the plugins that sets the constant is loaded after the one who calls it.
A better explanation of how to force your plugin be loaded first can be found here. I'm putting here a quote of the part that matters:
The order that plugins are loaded (as of WP 2.9.1 at least) is determined by the order of an array stored as "active_plugins" in the WP options table. Whenever a plugin is activated, it is added to this array, the array is sorted alphabetically by plugin name, and the array is saved to the DB.
Fortunately, there is a convenient action hook, "activated_plugins", that is called after the active plugins array is saved to the DB. This allows you to manipulate the order of the plugins stored in this array after the array is initially saved.
You'll have to the following PHP code in the plugin who defines the constant, then deactivate and reactivate it (copied from the link I providaded above).
function this_plugin_first() {
// ensure path to this file is via main wp plugin path
$wp_path_to_this_file = preg_replace('/(.*)plugins\/(.*)$/', WP_PLUGIN_DIR."/$2", __FILE__);
$this_plugin = plugin_basename(trim($wp_path_to_this_file));
$active_plugins = get_option('active_plugins');
$this_plugin_key = array_search($this_plugin, $active_plugins);
if ($this_plugin_key) { // if it's 0 it's the first plugin already, no need to continue
array_splice($active_plugins, $this_plugin_key, 1);
array_unshift($active_plugins, $this_plugin);
update_option('active_plugins', $active_plugins);
add_action("activated_plugin", "this_plugin_first");
Hope it helps!

Wordpress : load_textdomain won't load my .mo file (not for a theme nor a plugin but for a template part)

I am using Yoast's method to build an html site map in my Wordpress site. But it needs to be translated.
It uses a page template page-sitemap.php that uses a template part
<?php get_template_part('/partials/sitemap'); ?>
In this template part i ...
load_textdomain( 'site-map', TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages' );
The function returns a false. (" If .mo file is not readable or the import fails - returns false. Otherwise returns true. ")
The path is right for I list the files of the folder TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages' and it shows my language files.
As you see my domain name is 'site-map'. My .mo file is site-map-fr_FR.mo
Why can't it be loaded ?
Thanks for any clue,
I found the answer :
load_textdomain( 'site-map', TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages' );
... gives the path of the folder containing the .mo file. but the path of every individual mo file should be used in its own oad_textdomain instruction :
load_textdomain('site-map', TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages/site-map-fr_FR.mo');
load_textdomain('site-map', TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages/site-map-en_US.mo');
load_textdomain('site-map', TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages/site-map-es_ES.mo');
load_textdomain('site-map', TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages/site-map-ru_RU.mo');
load_textdomain('site-map', TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages/site-map-de_DE.mo');
Shame on me it is a very obvious and useless thread ...
Sorry !
Try load_theme_textdomain('site-map', TEMPLATEPATH.'/partials/languages'); instead your function.

Enabling hook form alter module - not showing up in modules

Good Day,
I am doing a hook_form_alter and followed a tutorial where you create a directory in your /sites/all/modules directory and place the module.info and mymodule.module files within. I've called that directory mymodule so the path will be /sites/all/modules/mymodule.
The problem I'm having is trying to enable the module. It does not show up in the list of Modules when I check. It's clearly in my directory.
My module (my_module.module) looks like this and is going to be used to modify the form where you add the product (basically taking out the SKU, list price and commission):
// $Id$
* #file
* Module to hold my customizations to Ubercart
* Implementation of hook_form_alter()
function my_module_form_alter($form_id, &$form) {
if ($form_id == 'product_node_form') {
$form['base']['model']['#required'] = FALSE;
$form['base']['prices']['list_price']['#required'] = FALSE;
$form['base']['prices']['cost']['#required'] = FALSE;
$form['base']['prices']['sell_price']['#required'] = FALSE;
$form['base']['prices']['shippable']['#required'] = FALSE;
And the info file, my_module.info, looks like this:
; $Id$
name = My module
description = My customizations to Ubercart
package = Custom
core = 7.x
Why would it not show up in the modules list and how do I make Drupal see the module so I can enable it?
I don't have a category called Custom and nothing is showing up.
So far, i've gone into my php.ini file and put in safe_mode=off to see if that would help (because someone said this sometimes causes Drupal to ignore new modules for some reason) but that didn't help.
I created both files on the server so I don't think there would be any issues with something like linefeeds (I use GoDaddy's FTP File Manager and it comes with an editor.)
What could the problem be because I'm stumped?
Thanks for looking.
Make sure to name the .info and .module files with the same name.
E.g. mymodule.info and mymodule.module.
Note that, the name should be alpha-numeric (underscore is allowed) and starts with a letter.
In your hook implementation, replace the word hook with your module's name
function mymodule_form_alter($form, &$form_state, $form_id)
// code goes here...
I discovered something that works. After reading about people having issues with linefeeds and not knowing if this was creating the problem, I decided to try something.
I went to a module directory and found a .info file. In my case, I went to a directory that had Commerce in it and copied the Commerce.info file to my custom module's directory.
Then, what I did was take out the stuff that Drupal added after it installed the Commerce module (you can do the same for whatever .info file you copy from) and modified the information at the start, removing any dependency lines or anything that doesn't matter. In other words, make it like the .info file you are trying to use but DON'T COPY from the .info you've been trying to enable!
Save it this file (in my case, it's still commerce.info.)
Now delete the .info file you were trying to enable originally.
Rename the new .info file to the name you wanted (commerce.info => mymodule.info.)
Go to your Modules page and refresh it.
Voila...there it is. Enable and save configuration.

Set PHP Variables for Drupal 7 Theme Files

I want to set custom php variables that can be used throughout my drupal theme (html.tpl.php, page.tpl.php etc.) I need the variables set based on the $title of the node. I'm not an expert on how Drupal works, the moduling and hooks, and I just need to know the simplest/easiest way to accomplish this. I keep reading about implementing some sort of hook in the template.php file where you can set variables, but I've been unsuccesful with everything I've tried.
So, basically, how would you accomplish this:
Get $title of Node
Set variables that will be passed along into theme files (for example, to do basic things like: if($title == 'news_page') { $siteSection = "news"; } )
Have $siteSection be available to use in theme files
Any help would be great.. thanks!
Before Drupal builds the HTML for a page from a theme's template (.tpl.php file), it runs preprocess "hooks". Hooks are basically a naming convention for functions that let modules and themes override or "hook" onto Drupal core processes.
E.g., if you want to display a message to a user when they log in, you can use hook_user_login.
function MODULENAME_user_login(&$edit, $account) {
drupal_set_message("Welcome, ". $account->name);
When a user logs in, Drupal looks for all loaded functions that end in "_user_login" and it runs them. If this function is in an enabled module, it has been loaded, so it will get run as well.
If you want to make a variable named $site_section available in your page.tpl.php file, you can hook into template_preprocess_page. This is a theme hook, so the name is a little different, but it functions pretty much the same way. To call this hook from your theme, you need to create a file called template.php in your theme's directory. Inside template.php, we'll add:
function THEMENAME_preprocess_page(&$vars){
switch (drupal_strtolower($vars['node']->title)) {
case "about page":
$site_section = "about";
case "news page":
case "news page1":
case "news page2":
$site_section = "news";
$site_section = "none";
$vars['site_section'] = $site_section;
The <?php is used to tell the server the treat all of the proceeding code as PHP. We then declare our hook function with the intention of loading Drupal's array of page variables into a local variable called $vars. By adding the & before $vars, we'll be allowed to modify the values for use outside of this function.
The switch statement will let us efficiently test the page title for multiple values. The value of the node's title may contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and symbols, so to avoid a case-sensitive mismatch, we're going to convert the title to lowercase and only test that (symbols will still be in the title, though). After the switch statement, we set the value of our $site_section local value into the referenced $vars array for use in page.tpl.php.
However, if it's just your intention to break the site up into sections for theming purposes, there are other ways of accomplishing that. My answer to a similar situation a few months ago might be helpful.
