Wordpress "I think you have a wrond seperator" - woocommerce

I am uploading my wordpress website database from excel. How ever getting this error
I think you have the wrong separator. Please go to the settings page and change your separator!

This may be the excel version problem as MS excel have no support for ; & ,. So if your database contains any of this symbol ms - excel will not support it. When you open such databse from ms-excel & made changes then Go to Save as & keep CSV format instead of default excel format & save it. That will definitely work..
For more information refer this link


Excel Found unreadable content, Do you want to recover contents of this workbook. exporting from RDLC

When trying to Export RDLC as EXCEL(xlsx) using ReportViewer from backend,
Excel is throwing
"Excel Found unreadable content, Do you want to recover contents of this workbook".
I tried to rename the file type as zip and extract the contents and tried to modify xml(just introduced new line after first tag
Then followed by Zip and rename to XLSX. which resolved the issue and excel opened without any message.
How to resolve the issue?
Went through many posts which did not solve the actual cause.
I have even tried with Blank RDLC Report. which did not resolve the issue , which shows the issue is not with Report Data. The same is working fine with XLS type.
Thanks in Advance.
Finally found a solution:
As per available code online for downloading RDLC Report from backend,Response is handled badly and forgot to end the response which lead to corrupted file and above error.
Just included Response.End(); at the end and the issue is resolved.

Apple Itms-services:// Problems in ASP.NET

I have a problem. In my asp.net application I store the *.plist and *.ipa files in a sql database.
Over a webcontroll I access them (http://domain/asppage/dist/filecontroller.aspx?plistId=2).
So on computer it works perfect.
If I try to download over iPad it doesn't work, also if I add the "itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=" thing.
But I can download over ipad if I directly point an uploaded *.plist file.
So isn't it possible to download a database stored plist file over the link itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=http://foo/dist/FileController.aspx?plistName=Approvaltest" from the iPad?
I solved my problem.
If you want to use parameters in your link together with itms-services, please encode your chars. So for the "?" (questionmark) use %3F and for the "=" (equal) use %3D.

How to change an incorrect Mac file's Kind

I have several SQLITE files all of which have Kind set correctly to Document except for one which is Kind = Unix Executable file. It still loads and runs fine. I'd like to clean this up but can't find a way to change Kind for this file to Document.
Anybody know why Kind would have been set incorrectly in the first place and how to change it to the correct value? I've searched here and on Google.
Is there an extension (possibly hidden) set on the file? I think that 'Documents' are merely files without extensions. I'd try File>Get Info on it (via Finder) and checking to make sure there isn't a hidden extension in the 'Name & Extension'
I had the same issue with my php_error.log file. It was "document" and then I foolishly changed the "kind". That mean that the php log wouldn't work and my MAMP server didn't recognise it.
It's still "text document", but to fix the issue I opened up the file in TextEdit, selected "make rich text" under format, saved the file, closed it down, reopened it in TextEdit, selected "make plain text" under format, saved the file and it worked...

Why won't Google Calendar load my dynamically generated ICS file?

I've been given the task of creating an ICAL feed of conference calls for members of our organization. I created a handler in ASP.NET that loops through our database, gets the call data from the database, and creates output that appears valid to me based on what I've read of the ICAL format, and the examples I've seen/disassembled.
Outlook 2007 reads the resulting output and displays the calendar, no problem (screenshot here shows how it renders).
30 Boxes also has no problem with it. (see test here).
But when I try to load the same output into Google Calendar, I get the message "We could not parse the calendar at the url requested":
What's wrong with my output that's causing Google to reject it? You can see the temporary data I'm testing with at this URL: http://www.joshuacarmody.com/temp/icaltest.ics. This is a snapshot of the output from my .ASHX file, unaltered except the phone numbers and passcodes have been sanitized.
Edit with additional Info:
I just tried the following
Created a copy of my test file called "icaltest-1googevent.ics"
Deleted all the VEVENT data from the file
Exported one of my Google calendars to ICS
Copied one VEVENT from Google's exported data into my test file
Attempted to subcribe to icaltest-1googevent.ics in Google Calendar.
I still got an error message. So I'm guessing the issue isn't with my VEVENT data, but with something else about the file. Maybe there's something wrong with my VCALENDAR definition?
the severinghaus ics validator seems to think there is something funny ( a ? ) before the BEGIN CALENDAR
In my testing google was a lot fussier/rigourous/pedantic - once you get it working with the validator and google it should work in most places.
After lots of trial-and-error, and comparing my output with Google's, I got it working. There were a few problems with my ICS file:
Unescaped characters (I didn't know I had to escape commas!)
Inconsistent line return characters. They didn't show up in my text editor, but I had to use .NET's String.remove() to remove "\r" from my output to get Google to recognize it
The file was missing VCALENDAR:END. Apparently Outlook doesn't much care. Google does.
I had not one, but three funny characters before the BEGIN:VCALENDAR, decimal codes 239, 187, 191.
I found them thanks to the severinghaus.org link above, thanks!
It turns out they're a prefix called BOM in UTF-8, you can read up on it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Byte_order_mark
Google doesn't handle this, but after stripping these three characters from the file and uploading to the server, I was able to susbribe to that calendar in Google Calendar (from URL).
I hope this helps someone passing by this page in the future...
I had similar problem until I realised that opening the generated .ics file in Notepad++ wasn't in UTF-8. I was using a method to convert my string to a byte array, but wasn't using an encoder for this, so no matter what content headers I used, the file would never be generated using UTF-8. This simple fix resolved the UTF-8 generation and Google is now happy with my feed:
var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
byte[] utfBytes = utf8.GetBytes(myString);
myString= utf8.GetString(utfBytes, 0, utfBytes.Length);

Working with big files in classic ASP

I was wondering what's the best practise for serving a generated big file in classic asp.
We have an application with "export to excel" function that produces 10MB files. The excels are created by just calling a .asp page that has the Response.ContentType set to excel and has an HTML table for the data.
This gives as problem that it takes 4 minutes before the user sees the "Save as..." dialog.
My current solution is to call an .asp page that creates the excel on the server with AJAX and lets the page return the URL of the generated document. Then I can use javascript to display the on the original page.
Is this easy to do with classic asp (creating files on server with some kind of stream) while keeping security in mind? (URL should make people be able to guess the location of other files)
How would I go about handling deleted the generated files overtime? They have to be deleted periodicly as the data changes in realtime.
edit: I realized now that creating the file on the server will probably also take 4 minutes...
I think you are selecting a complex route, when the solution is simple enough (Though I may be missing some requirements)
If you to generate an excel, just call an asp page that do the following:
Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=myexcel.xls"
Response.ContentType = "application/excel"
'//write the content of the file
Response.write "...."
This will a start a download process in the browser without needing to generate a extra call, javascript or anything
See this question for more info on the format you will choose to generate the excel.
Since Thomas update the question and the real problem is that the file take 4 minutes to generate, the solution could be:
Offer the user the send the file by email (if this is a workable solution in you server or hosting).
Generate the file async, and let the user know when the file generation is done (with an ajax call, like SO does when other user have added an answer)
To generate the file on the server
'//You should change for a random name or something that makes sense
FileName = "C:\temp\myexcel.xls"
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open FileName For Append As #FileNumber
'//generate the content
TheRow = "...."
Print #FileNumber, TheRow
Close #FileNumber
To delete the temp files generated
I use Empty Temp Folders a freeware app that I run daily on the server to take care of temp files generated. (Again, it depends on you server or hosting)
About security
Generate the files using random numbers or GUIds for a light protection. If the data is sensitive, you will need to download the file from a ASP page, but I think that you will be in the same problem again...(waiting 4 minutes to download)
Read file using FSO.
Set headers for Excel file-type, name according to file read and for download (attachment)
Flush response after headers are set. The client should display "save as" dialogue.
Output FSO to response. Client will download file and see progress bar.
How do you plan to generate the Excel? I hope you don't plan to call Excel to do that, as it is unsupported, and generally won't work well.
You should check to see if there are COM components to generate Excel that you can call from Classic ASP. Alternatively, add one ASP.NET page for the purpose. I know for a fact that there are compoonents that can be called from ASP.NET pages to do this. Worse come to worst, there's an Excel exporter component from Infragistics that works with their UltraWebGrid control to export. The grid need not be visible in order to accomplish this, but styles in the grid translate to styles in the spreadsheet. They also allow you to manipulate the spreadsheet programmatically.
