Obtaining year and month from date column in R - r

I have a date column where dates look like this:
What is the proper command to extract the year and month from them?

If your data is e.g.
(df <- data.frame(date = c("19940818", "19941215")))
# date
#1 19940818
#2 19941215
To add two columns, one for month and one for year, you can do
within(df, {
year <- substr(date, 1, 4)
month <- substr(date, 5, 6)
# date month year
# 1 19940818 08 1994
# 2 19941215 12 1994
I don't see a need to convert to Date class here since all you want is a substring of the date column.

Another option is to use extract from tidyr. Using df from #Richard Scriven's post
extract(df, date, c('year', 'month'), '(.{4})(.{2}).*', remove=FALSE)
# date year month
#1 19940818 1994 08
#2 19941215 1994 12


How to organise a date in 3 different columns in r?

I have a lot of climatic data organise by dates like this.
df = data.frame(date = c("2011-03-24", "2011-02-03", "2011-01-02"), Precipitation = c(20, 22, 23))
And I want to organise it like this one
df = data.frame(year = c("2011", "2011","2011"), month = c("03","02","01"), day = c("24", "03", "02"), pp = c(20, 22, 23))
I have a lot of information and I can not do it manually.
Can anybody help me? Thanks a lot.
Using strsplit you can do like this way:
Logic: strsplit will split the date with dashes to create list of 3 elements each having 3 parts of year, month and day. We bind these elements using rbind but to do it iteratively. We use do.call, So do.call will row bind these list elements into 3 rows. Since the outcome is a matrix, we convert it into a dataframe and then using setNames we give new names to the columns. The last cbind will bind these 3x3 dataframe with original precipitation.
cbind(setNames(data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(df$date, '-'))), c('Year', 'month', 'day')), 'Precipitation' = df$Precipitation)
Year month day Precipitation
1 2011 03 24 20
2 2011 02 03 22
3 2011 01 02 23
This returns integer values for year, month, and day. If you really need them as characters padded with 0 you can use formatC(x, width = 2, flag = "0") on the result.
df <- data.frame(
date = c("2011-03-24", "2011-02-03", "2011-01-02"),
pp = c(20, 22, 23)
df %>%
date = as.Date(date),
year = get_year(date),
month = get_month(date),
day = get_day(date)
#> date pp year month day
#> 1 2011-03-24 20 2011 3 24
#> 2 2011-02-03 22 2011 2 3
#> 3 2011-01-02 23 2011 1 2

extract specific digits from column of numbers in R

Apologies if this is a repeat question, I searched and could not find the specific answer I am looking for.
I have a data frame where one column is a 16-digit code, and there are a number of other columns. Here is a simplified example:
code = c("1109619910224003", "1157919910102001", "1539820070315001", "1563120190907002")
year = c(1991, 1991, 2007, 2019)
month = c(02, 01, 03, 09)
dat = as.data.frame(cbind(code,year,month))
> dat
code year month
1 1109619910224003 1991 2
2 1157919910102001 1991 1
3 1539820070315001 2007 3
4 1563120190907002 2019 9
As you can see, the code contains year, month, and day information. I already have columns for year and month in my dataframe, but I need to also create a day column, which would be 24, 02, 15, and 07 in this example. The date is always in the format yyyymmdd and begins as the 6th digit in the code. So I essentially need to extract the 12th and 13th digits from each code to create my day column.
I then need to create another column for day of year from the date information, so I end up with the following:
day = c(24, 02, 15, 07)
dayofyear = c(55, 2, 74, 250)
dat2 = as.data.frame(cbind(code,year,month,day,dayofyear))
> dat2
code year month day dayofyear
1 1109619910224003 1991 2 24 55
2 1157919910102001 1991 1 2 2
3 1539820070315001 2007 3 15 74
4 1563120190907002 2019 9 7 250
Any suggestions? Thanks!
You can leverage the Date data type in R to accomplish all of these tasks. First we will parse out the date portion of the code (characters 6 to 13), and convert them to Date format using readr::parse_date(). Once the date is converted, we can simply access all of the values you want rather than calculating them ourselves.
out <- dat %>%
date=readr::parse_date(substr(code, 6, 13), format="%Y%m%d"),
day=format(date, "%d"),
month=format(date, "%m"),
year=format(date, "%Y"),
day.of.year=format(date, "%j")
(I'm using tidyverse syntax here because I find it quicker for these types of problems)
Once we create these columns, we can look at the updated data.frame out:
code year month date day day.of.year
1 1109619910224003 1991 02 1991-02-24 24 055
2 1157919910102001 1991 01 1991-01-02 02 002
3 1539820070315001 2007 03 2007-03-15 15 074
4 1563120190907002 2019 09 2019-09-07 07 250
Edit: note that the output for all the new columns is character. We can tell this without using str() because of the leading zeros in the new columns. To get rid of this, we can do something like out <- out %>% mutate_all(as.integer), or just append the mutate_all call to the end of our existing pipeline.

R Calculate change in Weekly values Year on Year (with additional complication)

I have a data set of daily value. It spans from Dec-1 2018 to April-1 2020.
The columns are "date" and "value". As shown here:
date <- c("2018-12-01","2000-12-02", "2000-12-03",
value <- c(1592,1825,1769,1909,2022, .... 2287,2169,2366,2001,2087,2099,2258)
df <- data.frame(date,value)
What I would like to do is the sum the values by week and then calculate week over week change from the current to previous year.
I know that I can sum by week using the following function:
Data_week <- df%>% group_by(category ,week = cut(date, "week")) %>% mutate(summed= sum(value))
My questions are twofold:
1) How do I sum by week and then manipulate the dataframe so that I can calculate week over week change (e.g. week dec.1 2019/ week dec.1 2018).
2) How can I do that above, but using a "customized" week. Let's say I want to define a week as moving 7 days back from the latest date I have data for. Eg. the latest week I would have would be week starting on March 26th (April 1st -7 days).
We can use lag from dplyr to help and also some convenience functions from lubridate.
df %>%
mutate(year = year(date)) %>%
group_by(week = week(date),year) %>%
summarize(summed = sum(value)) %>%
arrange(year, week) %>%
ungroup %>%
mutate(change = summed - lag(summed))
# week year summed change
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 48 2018 3638. NA
# 2 49 2018 15316. 11678.
# 3 50 2018 13283. -2033.
# 4 51 2018 15166. 1883.
# 5 52 2018 12885. -2281.
# 6 53 2018 1982. -10903.
# 7 1 2019 14177. 12195.
# 8 2 2019 14969. 791.
# 9 3 2019 14554. -415.
#10 4 2019 12850. -1704.
#11 5 2019 1907. -10943.
If you would like to define "weeks" in different ways, there is also isoweek and epiweek. See this answer for a great explaination of your options.
df <- data.frame(date = seq.Date(from = as.Date("2018-12-01"), to = as.Date("2019-01-29"), "days"), value = runif(60,1500,2500))

parse dates from multiple columns with NAs and dates hidden in text

I have a data.frame with dates distributed across columns and in a messy format: the year column contains years and NAs, the column date_old contains the format Month DD or DD (or a date duration) or NAs, and the column hidden_date contains text and dates either in thee format .... YYYY .... or in the format .... DD Month YYYY .... (with .... representing general text of variable length).
An example data.frame looks like this:
df <- data.frame(year = c("1992", "1993", "1995", NA),
date_old = c("February 15", "October 02-24", "15", NA),
hidden_date = c(NA, NA, "The hidden date is 15 July 1995", "The hidden date is 2005"))
I want to get the dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD (take the first day of date durations) and fill unknown values with zeroes.
Using parse_date_time didn't help me so far, and the expected output would be:
year date_old hidden_date date
1 1992 February 15 <NA> 1992-02-15
2 1993 October 02-24 <NA> 1993-10-02
3 1995 15 The hidden date is 15 July 1995 1995-07-15
4 <NA> <NA> The hidden date is 2005 2005-00-00
How do I best go about this?
It's a little complicated because you have a jumble of date information in different columns which you need to extract and combine. I don't quite understand if you only have three columns, or if there could be more, so I've tried to solve the general case of an arbitray number of columns. If you only have three columns, each of which always have the same format, then things could be a little simpler, but not much.
I would start by creating a regex pattern for month names:
# We'll use dplyr, stringr, tidyr, readr, and purrr
# We'll use month names and abbreviations just in case.
ms <- paste(c(month.name, month.abb), collapse = "|")
# [1] "January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December|Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec"
We can then iterate over each column, extracting the year, month, and day from each row as a data frame, which we then combine into a single data frame. The digit suffixes correspond to the original columns:
df_split_ymd <- map_dfc(df,
~ map_dfr(
~ tibble(
year = str_extract(., "\\b\\d{4}\\b"),
month = str_extract(., str_glue("\\b({ms})\\b")),
day = str_extract(., "\\b\\d{2}\\b")
#### OUTPUT ####
# A tibble: 4 x 9
year month day year1 month1 day1 year2 month2 day2
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1992 NA NA NA February 15 NA NA NA
2 1993 NA NA NA October 02 NA NA NA
3 1995 NA NA NA NA 15 1995 July 15
Finally, the year*, month*, and day* columns should be coalesced and then united to make parsing easier. Note that I've replaced NA values in day
with "01" and those in month with "January" because dates can't contain "00":
df_ymd <- df_split_ymd %>%
mutate(year = coalesce(!!!as.list(select(., starts_with("year")))),
month = coalesce(!!!as.list(select(., starts_with("month")))) %>%
day = coalesce(!!!as.list(select(., starts_with("day")))) %>%
) %>%
unite(ymd, year, month, day, sep = " ") %>%
select(ymd) %>%
mutate(ymd = parse_date(ymd, "%Y %B %d"))
#### OUTPUT ####
# A tibble: 4 x 1
1 1992-02-15
2 1993-10-02
3 1995-07-15
4 2005-01-01

Splitting Columns by Number of Characters [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Split character string multiple times every two characters
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a column of dates in a data table entered in 6-digit numbers as such: 201401, 201402, 201403, 201412, etc. where the first 4 digits are the year and second two digits are month.
I'm trying to split that column into two columns, one called "year" and one called "month". Been messing around with strsplit() but can't figure out how to get it to do number of characters instead of a string pattern, i.e. split in the middle of the 4th and 5th digit.
Without using any external package, we can do this with substr
transform(df1, Year = substr(dates, 1, 4), Month = substr(dates, 5, 6))
# dates Year Month
#1 201401 2014 01
#2 201402 2014 02
#3 201403 2014 03
#4 201412 2014 12
We have the option to remove or keep the column.
Or with sub
cbind(df1, read.csv(text=sub('(.{4})(.{2})', "\\1,\\2", df1$dates), header=FALSE))
Or using some package solutions
extract(df1, dates, into = c("Year", "Month"), "(.{4})(.{2})", remove=FALSE)
Or with data.table
setDT(df1)[, tstrsplit(dates, "(?<=.{4})", perl = TRUE)]
tidyr::separate can take an integer for its sep parameter, which will split at a particular location:
df <- data.frame(date = c(201401, 201402, 201403, 201412))
df %>% separate(date, into = c('year', 'month'), sep = 4)
#> year month
#> 1 2014 01
#> 2 2014 02
#> 3 2014 03
#> 4 2014 12
Note the new columns are character; add convert = TRUE to coerce back to numbers.
