Is it possible to specify which source IP address nginx will use when connecting to upstream?
Basically something like tcp_outgoing_address in squid.
Goal is to have something like tcp_outgoing_address $server_addr; under location or server block in nginx configuration, so same ip would be used connecting to upstream as $server_addr variable.
There's proxy_bind directive for that.
i tried to forward traffic from server to domain that show in command "oc get routes" / "kubectl get ingress", but its not as simple as that. The fact is my Nginx Reverse Proxy in server 192.168.243.x will forward the request to the IP Address of loadbalancer instead of the real domain that i wrote in nginx.conf
the result
I was expecting it will show the same result when I access the domain via web browser that show in "oc get routes" or "kubectl get ingress"
Solved by adding set $backend in server block and add dns resolver resolver; proxy_pass http://$backend; server in location block.
You can actually add the set $backend on the server block, and also you need to add dns resolver resolver; proxy_pass http://$backend; server in the location of block
I'm trying to configure my servers with private proxy access. Schema is: -> nginx -> https proxy -> proxy_pass to server with app
server app receiving connection only from proxy ip.
i'm tryed to find answer, but all what i found is not working for me, because its like: -> nginx with dns or smth -> proxy_pass to server with app
or like this nginx proxy_pass with a socks5 proxy?
but its not correct for me
i think its can work by socat for nginx.service, but idk how to set it :[
So, how i can set proxy for proxy_pass?
On my aws ubuntu (18.04) machine, I have 2 applications running on 2 ports
(1) I have a .net core 3.1 angular spa with identity server 4 running on 5000 and I set it up using the steps below
The nginx is a reverse proxy only
(2) I have an angular ssr application running on port 4000.
What I want to achieve is for the reverse proxy to proxy social media bots to port 4000 while all other requests are proxied to the 5000.
Currently nginx is only proxying to the .net core app on port 5000
You can use "location and proxy_pass" to access your desire applications which are working on different ports.
If you have all stuffs on a same vm just use localhost insted of ip address i wrote it down.
But if application are running on another vm use its IP address which in my configuration the destination server is :
You can edit the hosts file and use "" or whatever to point your site and use in your nginx configuration file instead of IP or localhost.
sudo vi /etc/hosts
and add your desire FQDN to the destination host or if you have a dns, add an AAAA record which would be available in whole local network.
I write this configuration in my nginx server and it works like a charm.
Anyway you can write and edit this configuration base on your environment.
server {
listen 80;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
location /angular {
location /ssr {
I've written a NGINX whitelister service inside my K8 cluster. Because everything entering the cluster goes through the load balancer, I had to whitelist the forwarded IP address instead of the source IP directly.
In testing, I hardcoded it like this in the NGINX config:
set_real_ip_from x.x.x.x;
real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
Where x.x.x.x was the IP of the load balancer.
This worked.
I can't hardcode the IP in the actual deployment, so I was hoping to use the kube-dns service, like I used for the proxy_pass:
resolver kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local;
proxy_pass http://{service}.{namespace}.svc.cluster.local:$server_port;
Which also works.
However, this DNS lookup doesn't seem to work for set_real_ip_from:
resolver kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local;
set_real_ip_from {load balancer service}.kube-system.svc.cluster.local;
real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
When I run this, I just get access forbidden by rule, client: x.x.x.x(it's not in the whitelist), where x.x.x.x is the load balancer's IP. That kinda makes sense, since set_real_ip_from probably doesn't know to lookup the IP.
Is it possible to have NGINX do a DNS lookup for the forwarder address?
If not, maybe someone has a better way to do this.
I guess I just needed to sleep on this. Much simpler than I was making it.
I know the range that the load balancer should fall into, so I can just do a CIDR block for set_real_ip_from.
For example:
real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
And there is no need for a DNS lookup.
In the long run what I'm trying to do is to be able to connect to any domain through any port, for example, and then through Nginx have it get routed to an internal ip through the same port. So for example to
I looked into iptables although I'm planning on having multiple domains so that really doesn't work for me in this case (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). I made sure that the internal ip and port that I'm trying to access is connectable and running and also that the ports I'm testing with are accessible from outside my network.
Here's my Nginx config that I'm currently using:
server {
set $server "";
set $port $server_port;
listen 80;
listen 443;
listen 9000;
location / {
proxy_pass http://$server:$port;
proxy_set_header Host $host:$server_port;
Currently what happens is that when I send a request it just times out. I've been testing using port 80 and also port 9000. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks!
I changed my config file to look like the following
server {
listen 9000;
server_name _;
location / {
add_header Content-Type text/html;
return 200 'test';
I keep getting the same exact error. The firewall is turned off so it just seems like Nginx isn't listening on port 9000. Any ideas on why that might be the case?
The most effective way would be to have three separate server directives, one for each port. That way, the upstream server isn't dynamic, so Nginx knows it can keep long-lived connections open to each one.
If you really don't want to do this, you might be able to get around it by doing something like this:
proxy_pass http://upstream_server.example:$server_port;
$port doesn't exist, but $server_port does, so that should work. (It's not $port because there are two ports for each connection: the server port and the client port, which are $server_port and $remote_port, respectively.)