Can I overload the notation for operators that are assigned to bool and list? - isabelle

(NOTE: If I can get rid of the warning I show below, then I say a bunch of extraneous stuff. As part of asking a question, I also do some opinionating. I guess that's sort of asking the question "Why am I wrong here in what I say?")
It seems that 6 of the symbols used for bool operators should have been assigned to syntactic type classes, and bool instantiated for those type classes. In particular, these:
~, &, |, \<not>, \<and>, \<or>.
Because type annotation of terms is a frequent requirement for HOL operators, I don't think it would be a great burden to have to use bool annotations for those 6 operators.
I would like to overload those 6 symbols for other logical operators. Not having the usual symbols for an application can result in there being no good solution for notation.
In the following example source, if I can get rid of the warnings, then the problem is solved (unless I would be setting a trap for myself):
definition natOP :: "nat => nat => nat" where
"natOP x y = x"
definition natlistOP :: "nat list => nat list => nat list" where
"natlistOP x y = x"
natOP (infixr "&" 35)
natlistOP (infixr "&" 35)
term "True & False"
term "2 & (2::nat)"
term "[2] & [(2::nat)]" (*
OUTPUT: Ambiguous input produces 3 parse trees:
Fortunately, only one parse tree is well-formed and type-correct,
but you may still want to disambiguate your grammar or your input.*)
Can I get rid of the warnings? It seems that since there's a type correct term, there shouldn't be a problem.
There are actually other symbols I also want, such as !, used for list:
term "[1,2,3] ! 1"
Here's the application for which I want the symbols:
Verilog HDL Operators.
Based on Brian Huffman's answer, I unnotate &, and switch & to a syntactic type class. It'll work out, or it won't, indeed, binary logic, so diversely applicable. My general rule is "don't mess with default Isabelle/HOL".
(*|Unnotate; switch to a type class; see someday why this is a bad idea.|*)
no_notation conj (infixr "&" 35)
class conj =
fixes syntactic_type_classes_are_awesome :: "'a => 'a => 'a" (infixr "&" 35)
instantiation bool :: conj
definition syntactic_type_classes_are_awesome_bool :: "bool => bool => bool"
where "p & q == conj p q"
instance ..
term "True & False"
value "True & False"
term "p & q" (* "(p::'a::conj) & (q::'a::conj)" :: "'a::conj" *)

You can "undeclare" special syntax using the no_notation command, e.g.
no_notation conj (infixr "\<and>" 35)
This infix operator is then available to be used with your own functions:
notation myconj (infixr "\<and>" 35)
From here on, \<and> refers to the constant myconj instead of the HOL library's standard conjunction operator for type bool. You should have no warnings about ambiguous syntax. The original HOL boolean operator is still accessible by name (conj), or you can give it a different syntax if you want with another notation command.
For the no_notation command to work, the pattern and fixities must be exactly the same as they were declared originally. See src/HOL/HOL.thy for the declarations of the operators you are interested in.
I should warn about a potential pitfall: Subsequent theory merges can bring the original syntax back into scope, causing ambiguous syntax again. For example, say your theory A.thy imports Main and redeclares the \<and> syntax. Then your theory B.thy imports both A and another library theory, say Complex_Main. Then in theory B, \<and> will be ambiguous. To prevent this, make sure to put all your external theory imports in the one theory file where you change the syntax; then have all of your other theories import this one.


Isabelle/ZF infix definition issue

I tried to define a definition like this:
theory intext
imports ZF.Int
definition zmod :: "[i,i] ⇒ i" (infixl "$//" 69)
"a $// b == 0"
However, it shows error in "$//" the "a $// b == 0":
Inner syntax error⌂
Failed to parse prop
I tried to see if there is infix definition in ZF.Int, and I do find it, but the Isabelle shows error in the theory at the beginning:
Cannot update finished theory "ZF.Int"
May I know does anyone has experience in defining definition with infix operator in Isabelle/ZF could give me some advice?
The character / is a special character in mixfix annotations, therefore you need to escape it using ' as follows:
definition zmod :: "[i,i] ⇒ i" (infixl "$'/'/" 69)
"a $// b == 0"
For more information regarding mixfix annotations please refer to The Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual, section 8.2.
Regarding the error message Cannot update finished theory "ZF.Int", this means that Int is part of ZF and cannot be edited.

Isabelle/HOL: access interpretation in another locale

There's an Isabelle/HOL library that I want to build on with new definitions and proofs. The library defines locale2, which I'd like to build upon. Inside locale2, there's an interpretation of locale1.
To extend locale2 in a separate theory, I define locale3 = locale2. Inside locale3, however, I can't figure out how to access locale2's interpretation of locale1. How can I do that? (Am I even going about this in the right way at all?)
Below is an MWE. This is the library theory with the locale I want to extend:
theory ExistingLibrary
imports Main
(* this is the locale with the function I want *)
locale locale1 = assumes True
fun inc :: "nat ⇒ nat"
where "inc n = n + 1"
(* this is the locale that interprets the locale I want *)
locale locale2 = assumes True
interpretation I: locale1
by unfold_locales auto
This is my extension theory. My attempt is at the bottom, causing an error:
theory MyExtension
imports ExistingLibrary
locale locale3 = locale2
definition x :: nat
where "x = 7" (* Undefined constant: "" *)
Interpretations inside a context last only until the end of the context. When the context is entered again, you have to repeat the interpretation to make the definitions and theorems available:
locale 3 = locale2 begin
interpretation I: locale1 <proof>
For this reason, I recommend to split the first interpretation step into two:
A lemma with a name that proves the goal of the interpretation step.
The interpretation command itself which can be proved by(rulelemma)
If you want the interpretation to take place whenever you open the locale and whenever you interpret the locale, then sublocale instead of interpretation might be better.

Using syntax/translations wiith locales

Is there any known hack that allows custom syntax for definitions inside a given locale, using the syntax/translation mechanism? All of my attempts at an "obvious" solution are generating type errors, which I am led to believe is caused by syntax/translation not yet being made "locale-aware".
Raw AST transformations with syntax and translations cannot be used inside locales in Isabelle2016. There is a workaround for constants and types whose declaration does not depend on locale parameters. You merely have to issue the syntax declaration outside of the locale for the appropriate constant from background theory. Below is a proof of concept:
locale test = fixes a :: nat begin
definition foo :: "nat ⇒ nat" where "foo x = x"
syntax "_foo" :: "nat ⇒ bool" ("FOO")
translations "FOO" ↽ "CONST"
context test begin
term foo
This workaround does not work for constants which depend on parameters of the locale, because then constant in the background theory takes these parameters as additional arguments and the locale installs an abbreviation, which is folded before the custom syntax translation fires.

hiding operators to avoid ambiguities in the AST

I'm trying the list example from the official Isabelle tutorial. I replaced the # with : and the # with ++ to have the same syntax as Haskell. Now I get warnings about ambiguities in the AST. I know that I can hide functions with hide_const but this doesn't work for operators in infix notation. How can I hide operators in Isabelle?
The exact warning message is:
Ambiguous input⌂ produces 2 parse trees:
("\<^const>HOL.eq" ("\<^const>Map.map_add" ("/<^const>toylist.list.Nil") ("_position" ys))
("_position" ys)))
("\<^const>HOL.eq" ("\<^fixed>app" ("\<^const>toylist.list.Nil") ("_position" ys)) ("_position" ys)))
Fortunately, only one parse tree is well-formed and type-correct,
but you may still want to disambiguate your grammar or your input.
Hiding an operator does not delete its notation. There is a separate command no_notation to delete existing notations. In Isabelle/HOL, ++ is bound to map_add as can be seen from the ambiguity warning. You can delete it as follows.
no_notation map_add (infixl "++" 100)
Note that you must repeat the exact precedence parameters with which the notation to be deleted has been declared. There is no easy way to find the notation declaration for a constant, but it is good style to declare notation close to the declaration of the constant; Ctrl-clicking on a constant takes you to its declaration.
Regarding :, this is by default bound to Set.member. You can delete it with no_notation Set.member ("(_/ : _)" [51, 51] 50).
Unless for demonstatory or exploratory purposes, I recommend not to change the default syntax of Isabelle too much. Otherwise, other Isabelle users will find it hard to read your code and your theories will not be compatible with others'. The reason is that when importing different theories, notations are merged additively. Thus, if you delete the notation ++ for map_add in theory A and theory B imports the theories A and some other theory derived from Main but not A, then the ambiguity for ++ is back in theory B.
You can use the command no_notation which takes the same arguments that were used during the notation declaration with the command notation (or within the constant definition).
Both symbols : and ++ are already used by Set.member and map_add respectively. So you have to find these notation declarations and use them in no_notation:
no_notation Set.member ("(_/ : _)" [51, 51] 50)
no_notation map_add (infixl "++" 100)
Then you can proceed in the same way you certainly already have, and by removing the now obsolete syntax for list:
no_notation Cons (infixr "#" 65)
notation Cons (infixr ":" 65)
no_notation List.append (infixr "#" 65)
notation List.append (infixr "++" 65)
term "x : (xs ++ ys)"
The notation for Set.member : would not really miss as there already is the xsymbol/utf-8 notation ∈. I think map_add is not that used, but you could then use the free notation # for it.

Using type classes to overload notation for constructors (now a namespace issue)

This is a derivative question of Existing constants (e.g. constructors) in type class instantiations.
The short question is this: How can I prevent the error that occurs due to free_constructors, so that I can combine the two theories that I include below.
I've been sitting on this for months. The other question helped me move forward (it appears). Thanks to the person who deserves thanks.
The real issue here is about overloading notation, though it looks like I now just have a namespace problem.
At this point, it's not a necessity, just an inconvenience that two theories have to be used. If the system allows, all this will disappear, but I ask anyway to make it possible to get a little extra information.
The big explanation here comes in explaining the motivation, which may lead to getting some extra information. I explain some, then include S1.thy, make a few comments, and then include S2.thy.
Motivation: using syntactic type classes for overloading notation of multiple binary datatypes
The basic idea is that I might have 5 different forms of binary words that have been defined with datatype, and I want to define some binary and hexadecimal notation that's overloaded for all 5 types.
I don't know what all is possible, but the past tells me (by others telling me things) that if I want code generation, then I should use type classes, to get the magic that comes with type classes.
The first theory, S1
Next is the theory S1.thy. What I do is instantiate bool for the type classes zero and one, and then use free_constructors to set up the notation 0 and 1 for use as the bool constructors True and False. It seems to work. This in itself is something I specifically wanted, but didn't know how to do.
I then try to do the same thing with an example datatype, BitA. It doesn't work because constant case_BitA is created when BitA is defined with datatype. It causes a conflict.
Further comments of mine are in the THY.
theory S1
imports Complex_Main
(*---EXAMPLE, NAT 0: IT CAN BE USED AS A CONSTRUCTOR.--------------------*)
fun foo_nat :: "nat => nat" where
"foo_nat 0 = 0"
(*---SETTING UP BOOL TRUE & FALSE AS 0 AND 1.----------------------------*)
I guess it works, because 'free_constructors' was used for 'bool' in
Product_Type.thy, instead of in this theory, like I try to do with 'BitA'.
instantiation bool :: "{zero,one}"
definition "zero_bool = False"
definition "one_bool = True"
instance ..
(*Non-constructor pattern error at this point.*)
fun foo1_bool :: "bool => bool" where
"foo1_bool 0 = False"
find_consts name: "case_bool"
free_constructors case_bool for "0::bool" | "1::bool"
by(auto simp add: zero_bool_def one_bool_def)
find_consts name: "case_bool"
(*found 2 constant(s):
Product_Type.bool.case_bool :: "'a∷type => 'a∷type => bool => 'a∷type"
S1.bool.case_bool :: "'a∷type => 'a∷type => bool => 'a∷type" *)
fun foo2_bool :: "bool => bool" where
"foo2_bool 0 = False"
|"foo2_bool 1 = True"
thm foo2_bool.simps
(*---TRYING TO WORK A DATATYPE LIKE I DID WITH BOOL.---------------------*)
There will be 'S1.BitA.case_BitA', so I can't do it here.
datatype BitA = A0 | A1
instantiation BitA :: "{zero,one}"
definition "0 = A0"
definition "1 = A1"
instance ..
find_consts name: "case_BitA"
(*---ERROR NEXT: because there's already S1.BitA.case_BitA.---*)
free_constructors case_BitA for "0::BitA" | "1::BitA"
(*ERROR: Duplicate constant declaration "S1.BitA.case_BitA" vs.
"S1.BitA.case_BitA" *)
The second theory, S2
It seems that case_BitA is necessary for free_constructors to set things up, and it occurred to me that maybe I could get it to work by using datatype in one theory, and use free_constructors in another theory.
It seems to work. Is there a way I can combine these two theories?
theory S2
imports S1
I end up with 'S1.BitA.case_BitA' and 'S2.BitA.case_BitA'.
find_consts name: "BitA"
free_constructors case_BitA for "0::BitA" | "1::BitA"
unfolding zero_BitA_def one_BitA_def
using BitA.exhaust
find_consts name: "BitA"
fun foo_BitA :: "BitA => BitA" where
"foo_BitA 0 = A0"
|"foo_BitA 1 = A1"
thm foo_BitA.simps
The command free_constructors always creates a new constant of the given name for the case expression and names the generated theorems in the same way as datatype does, because datatype internaly calls free_constructors.
Thus, you have to issue the command free_constructors in a context that changes the name space. For example, use a locale:
locale BitA_locale begin
free_constructors case_BitA for "0::BitA" | "1::BitA" ...
interpretation BitA!: BitA_locale .
After that, you can use both A0 and A1 as constructors in pattern matching equations and 0 and 1, but you should not mix them in a single equation. Yet, A0 and 0 are still different constants to Isabelle. This means that you may have to manually convert the one into the other during proofs and code generation works only for one of them. You would have to set up the code generator to replace A0 with 0 and A1 with 1 (or vice versa) in the code equations. To that end, you want to declare the equations A0 = 0 and A1 = 1 as [code_unfold], but you also probably want to write your own preprocessor function in ML that replaces A0 and A1 in left-hand sides of code equations, see the code generator tutorial for details.
Note that if BitA was a polymorphic datatype, packages such as BNF and lifting would continue to use the old set of constructors.
Given these problems, I would really go for the manual definition of the type as described in my answer to another question. This saves you a lot of potential issues later on. Also, if you are really only interested in notation, you might want to consider adhoc_overloading. It works perfectly well with code generation and is more flexible than type classes. However, you cannot talk about the overloaded notation abstractly, i.e., every occurrence of the overloaded constant must be disambiguated to a single use case. In terms of proving, this should not be a restriction, as you assume nothing about the overloaded constant. In terms of definitions over the abstract notation, you would have to repeat the overloading there as well (or abstract over the overloaded definitions in a locale and interpret the locale several times).
