Edited Chrome Extension - chrome thinks it is malware - css

I recently edited one of my extensions' css and HTML files to provide myself with a better experience.
However, When I went to enable the extension, a line right below the extension said "This extension may have been corrupted by malware.", and will not allow me to enable the extension itself.
How can I enable this extension?
Google's help page: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/187443?hl=en.
It says to visit the extension page and click "repair" by the extension, but no such option appears for me.

Turns out that I had to make a copy of the extension to an external directory, then delete the existing one.
From there, I followed the instructions here: https://superuser.com/questions/247651/how-does-one-install-an-extension-for-chrome-browser-from-the-local-file-system.
Text for the lazy:
Navigate to chrome://extensions.
Expand the developer dropdown menu and
click "Load Unpacked Extension".
Navigate to local folder. Assuming
there are no errors, the extension should load into your browser.


Realtime css/less/scss edition using chrome DevTools in meteor

I want to raise this question again.
What was suggested in the answer to this question is to use old fashioned approach:
Store css in public folder, and incude it via <link href=
Add public folder to google chrome devtools workspace
Not a rocket science at all. Works, but two things I don't like with this approach:
It's still not native and for production I will have to move files from public folder
Each time you edit css, meteor notices changes and reloads application. Author of that answer ignored it.
Basically this result I want:
I start meteor project, open chrome developer tools
Each time I edit css in chrome developer tools it automatically changes in project.
Meteor performs concatenation of all css files even with --debug flag on. But provides source maps.
Meteor will still reload after file changes, but fortunately for styles meteor performs soft injection, I would call it, so page will not really be reloaded. It's okay and not really a problem.
Because of 1st problem and this bug I can not get it work.
This feature is very important for me in terms of productivity.
I would offer a good bounty for some guru, who could give me a direction to solve this. Maybe you point me to some starting points to make a plugin for chrome, this also would be acceptable
The way I do it is pretty simple.
Open your website
Right click -> inspect element
Click on Settings - (the wheel in the top right corner).
3.1. Select General tab and look for Sources label (around the bottom). There search for Enable CSS source maps and Auto-reload generated CSS. Check both. You can check all the features if you want.
Select Workspace tab and add the project folder.
Refresh devtools/browser and repeat everything to step 2.
Now, open the Source panel (Elements - Network - Source). Navigate through your folder and find the css file.
Right click on it and select Map to file system resouce. A window with few css files should appear (depends on your projects config).
7.1 Select the css file for your project. A popup asking you to restart devtools will appear. Click ok. Enjoy.
I haven't tested this with Meteor, but for Harpjs & static HTML files the Chrome LiveReload extension will inject changes in Chrome Dev to the actual file.

Finding the file path (server directory) from using Firebug

I am a super beginner and am learning as I go, so please be patient with me!
So here goes:
I am trying to make some edits on a Magento theme (removing buttons - Twitter, to be exact) and am using FireBug (Firefox Add-On) to locate the directory to remove the button.
Firebug will allow me to find the CSS directory in order to change certain things but does not show the file to make edits in to remove the button. From other similar questions, I have gathered that it is not possible to find server directory paths from apps like Firebug (or is it?); however, is there any advice or easier method to go about finding the location of the button?
Any information helps, thanks in advance.
Indeed, you cannot use firebug to find in which file that button is inserted. You have to go to magento admin, system- > configuration -> developer. Select your website in view top left. then in template path hints select yes. Now go into frontend and refresh. You will see a lot of red lines with the path to the folders where everything is. Do not do this in production as it is a negative experience for customers.
try saving the file locally by doing ctrl + s. That may give you the css file to make changes.
Check this step by step instruction:
Step 1: System >> Configuration >> Developer
your current configuration scope is set to “Default Config.” You cannot setup Magento Template Path Hints globally. You’ll need to set the Configuration Scope to a website or store configuration. When you do, you’ll see a screen like this:
Change Template Path Hints no to yes and save the configuration. Reload your front page.
For more info

Plone error: This page does not seem to exist…

I am new to Plone and I just installed version 4.3.5. Everything works fine except for viewing uploaded files (PDF, PNG, Word, Excel, etc). When I click on the file link to view it, I get the following error: This page does not seem to exist…
Does anyone know how to fix this error?
This is a known issue affecting file downloads in Plone 4.3.5. You can downgrade to Plone 4.3.4, or wait for Plone 4.3.6 to be released.
First check basic things...
Checkout the link which is hitting your file is correct or not.
If Link is correct then see your configuration that actually hitting your file class.
If Link is hitting your file then to check its correctly hitting your class debbug it.
just print anything under __call__() method of class.
Another option is to, in your buildout, pin the latest plone.app.blob:
plone.app.blob = 1.5.15

401 unauthorized error access CSS files MVC

First things first, yes I am fully aware this has been addressed here before, however none of the solutions seem to resolve my issue. My problem is simply that I have created a new web project and everything works fine with the default code template that VS2013 has provided, the problem I am currently runing into is adding my own CSS files. This is the process I went through to add them:
added CSS folder under the already existing Content directory
Linked to CSS files in the header CSHTML (I can be sure it is linked properly as it is not a 404 error
but when i run the project i get: Status Code:401 Unauthorized (pulled form the network explorer in chrome dev tools), nothing more. I have tried everything from modifying my config file to setting WindowsAuthentication to true and even moving NTLM to the top, to going into IIS and giving everyone access to every possible function to the CSS directory, been at this for an hour and I'm simply lost, any ideas?
Edit: if it helps at all this is the erro i get when i navigate to one of the CSS files:
I found the issue and I feel incredibly stupid about it, as it turns out all of my css files had encryption set on, i simply had to turn it off: right-click
*.css file > Properties (General tab) > Advanced button > Encrypt contents to secure data checkbox.
Works like a dream. If anyone ever purchases a template form ThemeForest, be wary of that.

Chrome Dev Tools (CSS) editing and saving

I need to change the color of some words in one category of the widget, I have seen the youtube video about Development Tools.
When I locate the part where I want to change, and I do the change in "Elements" (of Development tools) on the top right corner in the element.style {color:red;
but as following the video when I go to resources the changes I made is not there.
I can only edit in Elements, I cant save it
I can only save in Resources, I cant edit/add anything
can someone please help me how this dev tool suppose to work?
I can however edit/add AND save in the Sources, maybe I need to save the style sheet from Resources to Sources? is that what I am suppose to do?
As you said Chrome Dev Tools don't have the builtin function to save the code you edit, anyway there are a couple of Chrome extensions. The best in my opinion is Tincr.
You can find it here Tincr
Then you can also find a tutorial here: http://addyosmani.com/blog/lets-tincr-bi-directional-editing-and-saving-with-the-chrome-devtools/.
Basically you
install the extension,
then you select the application type between: Ruby on Rails, Chrome Extension, Atlassian Plugin and Configuration file,
then you can add the root directory of your project.
When you are done, if you edit something using Google Chrome Dev Tools, the changes will be saved automatically to the source files and there is also a live reload function, so you don't have to press the refresh button or F5 to reload the page after changes.
You cannot edit files on the server through the developer tools and changes will not stay after a refresh.
An updated answer as of March 2013, you can now save changes (JS and CSS, not DOM) from within Dev Tools.
