How to convert IBM file to hexadecimal using DFSORT? - hex

I'm trying to pass a IBM file to hex values.
With this input:
Would save this output in a file:
I tried by this way:
But it outputs the following:
What am I doing wrong?
Is posible to convert to hexadecimal a file with 500 of LREC with COMP-3 fields too?
Just by the way I could use "HEX" command while I browse a file using file manager.

Your control cards are giving you the output you have asked for. They are showing you the hexadecimal values of those characters in EBCDIC, not in ASCII, the hexadecimal values you are expecting.
If you actually want to see the ASCII equivalent, use TRAN=ETOA, then TRAN=HEX.
You are using OUTREC FIELDS. FIELDS has a new synonym (from exactly 10 years) which is BUILD. FIELDS is supported for backwards compatibility.
INREC and OUTREC are similar, INREC operates before a SORT or MERGE, OUTREC afterwards.
What I recommend, unless you need to be doing it after a SORT/MERGE, is to use INREC.
But, there is no need to use BUILD. BUILD always creates a new version of the record. Many times this is what you want when you are rearranging fields. Here, you are not.
If you replace your OUTREC with that, your output file will be encoded in ASCII.
If you want to see the ASCII as well:
If you want to see the ASCII instead:
Note the 1: in the last example. This says "the results are going to be at position 1", so overwriting your previous converted data. OVERLAY can do that, BUILD cannot in one statement.


Why fn:substring-after Xquery function could not be used inside ML TDE

In my ML db, we have documents with distributor code like 'DIST:5012' (DIST:XXXX) XXXX is a four-digit number.
currently, in my TDE, the below code works well.
However instead of concat all the raw distributor codes, I want to simply concat the number part only. I used the fn:substring-after XQuery function. However, it won't work. It won't show that distributorCode column in the SQL View anymore. (Below code does not work.)
What is wrong? How to fix that?
Both fn:substring-after and fn:string-join is in TDE Dialect page.
substring-after() expects a single string as input, not a sequence of strings.
To demonstrate, this will not work:
let $dist := ("DIST:5012", "DIST:5013")
return substring-after($dist, "DIST:")
This will:
for $dist in ("DIST:5012", "DIST:5013")
return substring-after($dist, "DIST:")
I need to double check what XPath expressions will work in a DTE, you might be able to change it to apply the substring-after() function in the last step:
fn:string-join( distributors/distributor/urn/substring-after(., 'DIST:'), ';')

How concat multiple fields for a GS1 Data-matrix (BXN) in Zebra Programming Lang (ZPL)

I'm trying to show some data in a GS1 Datamatrix which has field separators (FNC1,GS) pass within the variable to a zpl template.
Originally, in ZebraDesigner I couldn't get zpl to allow me to pass the separators within the parameter/variable. The separators would only show as text within the data, not as control characters for the scanner. (I was able to pass the separators as Fix Data, however it needs to work with a parameter).
Alternatively, I was hoping to edit the zpl and concatenate the control characters and QR values into one printed data for the Datamatrix.
This is zpl using one variable QRCode: (This works but not with passed separators)
This is using fixed data where FNC1 is \7E and GS is \1D: (This works but doesn't use variables/parameters)
This is my attempt to concat the separators and variables QRData1...:
Unfortunately, the QR code only shows the value for the last var QRData3
Escape your field seperator hex codes with an _ (underscore), not with a backslash.
And use only one ^FD command like in your second example.
For reference see the pages of the commands ^FD, ^FH and ^BX in the Zebra ZPL II Programming Giude
As the OP found out, the field seperator _d029 worked for him! This is the hex value (0xD029) for the control character.
More information can be found here:
Encode GS,RS, and EOT for Code 128 and PDF417
GS is ~029
RS is ~030
EOT is ~004
Enter the data as:
Encode GS,RS, and EOT for Data Matrix, Aztec, and QR Code
GS is ~d029
RS is ~d030
EOT is ~d004
Enter the data as:

readcsv fails to read # character in Julia

I've been using asd=readcsv(filename) to read a csv file in Julia.
The first row of the csv file contains strings which describe the column contents; the rest of the data is a mix of integers and floats. readcsv reads the numbers just fine, but only reads the first 4+1/2 string entries.
After that, it renders "". If I ask the REPL to display asd[1,:], it tells me it is 1x65 Array{Any,2}.
The fifth column in the first row of the csv file (this seems to be the entry it chokes on) is APP #1 bias voltage [V]; but asd[1,5] is just APP . So it looks to me as though readcsv has choked on the "#" character.
I tried using "quotes=false" keyword in readcsv, but it didn't help.
I used to use xlsread in Matlab and it worked fine.
Has anybody out there seen this sort of thing before?
The comment character in Julia is #, and this applies when reading files from delimited text files.
But luckily, the readcsv() and readdlm() functions have an optional argument to help in these situations.
You should try readcsv(filename; comment_char = '/').
Of course, the example above assumes that you don't have any / characters in your first line. If you do, then you'll have to change that / above to something else.

R: Extract value and lines after key word (text file mining)

I have (simple) .csv and .dat files created from laboratory devices and other programs storing information on measurements or calculations. I have found this for other languages but nor for R
Using R, I am trying to extract values to quickly display results w/o opening the created files. Hereby I have two typical settings:
a) I need to read a priori unknown values after known key words
b) I need to read lines after known key words or lines
I can't make functions such as scan() and grep() work.
c) Finally I would like to loop over dozens of files in a folder and give me a summary (to make the picture complete: I will manage this part)
I woul appreciate any form of help.
ok, it works for the key value (although perhaps not very nice)
variable<-scan("file.csv", what=character(),sep="")
returns a charactor vector of everything
variable[grep("keyword", ks)+2] # + 2 as the actual value is stored two places ahead
returns characters of seaked values.
as.numeric(lapply(variable, gsub, patt=",", replace="."))
for completion: data had to be altered to number and "," and "." problem needed to be solved.
in a line:
data=as.numeric(lapply(ks[grep("Ks_Boden", ks)+2], gsub, patt=",", replace="."))
Perseverence is not to bad of an asset ;-)
The rest isn't finished, yet, I will post once finished.

How can I insert a column in numeric comma separated input?

Hi i have as text file below
i want to convert it like below
condition :
1)input file column 3 and column 1 should be be same for 326784 and 0326784 and like that so on
2)if it different like the above input file last case then it should be printed in last line
output should be
i am using solaris platform
please help me
I don't understand the logic of your computation, but some general advice: the unix tool awk can do such computations. It understands comma-separated files and you can get it to output other comma-separated files, manipulated by your logic (which you'll have to express in awk syntax).
This is, as I understand it, the unix way to do it.
The way I'd do it (being a non-expert on awk and just mentioning it for completeness ;) would be to write a little python script.
you want to
open an input and an output file
get each line from the input file
parse the integers
perform your logic
write integers to your output file
unchecked python-like code:
f_in = open("input", "r")
f_out = open("output", "w")
for line in f_in.readlines():
ints = [int(x) for x in line.split(",")]
f_out.write("%d, %d, %d\n" % (ints[0], ints[1], ints[0]+ints[1]))
Here, the logic is in the f_out.write(...) line (this example would output the first, the second and the sum of both input integers)
You can check if you have a Python interpreter at hand by simply typing python and seeing what happens. If you have, save your code into and start it with "python"
