HTTPTargetConnection - why proxy.pathsuffix gets appended to URL - apigee

I have created multiple target-end points based on my back-end servers. Each target end point has a fixed URL.
URL is configured as -
I noticed that "proxy.pathsuffix" is automatically getting added to url ( How can I avoid this?

A bit outdated in reply - but, Assign Message works for this (to avoid JavaScript):

You'll need to create a new JavaScript callout policy in your proxy request flow. In this JavaScript callout, simply add a single line:
context.setVariable("target.copy.pathsuffix", false);


Using Datazen in an iframe with external authentication

I was able to successfully use external authentication with datazen via HTTPWEBREQUEST from code-behind with VB.NET, but I am unclear how to use this with an iframe or even a div. I'm thinking maybe the authorization cookies/token isn't following the iframe around? The datazen starts to load correctly, but then it redirects back to the login page as if it's not being authenticated. Not sure how to do that part, this stuff is pretty new to me and any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Web page errors include:
-OPTIONS url send # jquery.min.js:19b.extend.ajax # jquery.min.js:19Viewer.Controls.List.ajax # Scripts?page=list:35Viewer.Controls.List.load # Scripts?page=list:35h.callback # Scripts?page=list:35
VM11664 about:srcdoc:1
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 405Scripts?page=list:35
load(): Failed to load JSON data. V…r.C…s.List {version: "2.0", description: "KPI & dashboard list loader & controller", url: "/viewer/jsondata", index: "/viewer/", json: null…}(anonymous function) # Scripts?page=list:35c # jquery.min.js:4p.fireWith # jquery.min.js:4k # jquery.min.js:19r # jquery.min.js:19
GET 403 (Forbidden)(anonymous function) # Scripts?page=list:35c # jquery.min.js:4p.fireWith # jquery.min.js:4k # jquery.min.js:19r # jquery.min.js:19
' ''//////////////////////////////////
Dim myHttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(""), HttpWebRequest)
myHttpWebRequest.CookieContainer = New System.Net.CookieContainer()
Dim authInfo As String = Session("Email")
myHttpWebRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = False
myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("headerkey", authInfo)
myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Accept, Content-Type, Origin")
myHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS")
Dim myHttpWebResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(myHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
' Create a new 'HttpWebRequest' Object to the mentioned URL.
' Assign the response object of 'HttpWebRequest' to a 'HttpWebResponse' variable.
Dim streamResponse As Stream = myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()
Dim streamRead As New StreamReader(streamResponse)
frame1.Page.Response.AppendHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
frame1.Page.Response.AppendHeader("headerkey", authInfo)
frame1.Attributes("srcdoc") = "<head><base href='' target='_blank'/></head>" & streamRead.ReadToEnd()
You might have to do more of this client-side, and I don't know whether you'll be able to because of security concerns.
External authentication in Datazen looks something like this:
User-Agent | Proxy | Server
1. /viewer/home --> 2. Append header --> 3. Check cookie (not present)
<-- 5. Forward <-- 4. Redirect to /viewer/login
6. /viewer/login --> 7. Append header --> 8. Append cookie
<-- 10. Forward <-- 9. Redirect to /viewer/home
11. /viewer/home --> 12. Append header --> 13. Check cookie (valid)
<-- 15. Forward <-- 14. Give content
16. .................. Whatever the user wanted ..........................
So even though you're working off a proxy with a header, you're still getting a cookie back that it uses.
Now, that's just context.
My guess, from your description of the symptoms, is that myHttpWebResponse should have a cookie set (DATAZEN_AUTH_TOKEN, I believe), but it's essentially getting thrown out--you aren't using it anywhere.
You would need to tell your browser client to append that cookie to any subsequent (iframe-based) requests to the domain of your Datazen server, but I don't believe that's possible due to security restrictions. I don't know a whole lot about CORS, though, so there might be a way to permit it.
I don't know whether there's any good way to do what you're looking to do here. At best, I can maybe think of a start to a hack that would work, but I can't even find a good way to make that work, and you really wouldn't want to go there.
Essentially, if you're looking to embed Datazen in an iframe, I would shy away from external authentication. I'd shy away from it regardless, but especially there.
But, if you're absolutely sure you need it over something like ADFS, you'll need some way to get that cookie into your iframe requests.
The only way I can think to make this work would be to put everything on the same domain: (which is probably your proxy)
You could then set a cookie from your response that stores some encrypted (and likely expiring) form of Session("Email"), and passes it back down in your html.
That makes your iframe relatively simple, because you can just tell it to load the viewer home. Something to the effect of:
<iframe src="//"></iframe>
In your proxy, you'll detect the cookie set by your web server, decrypt the email token, ensure it isn't expired, then set a header on the subsequent request onto the Datazen server.
This could be simplified at a couple places, but this should hold as true as possible to your original implementation, as long as you can mess with DNS settings.
I suppose another version of this could involve passing a parameter to your proxy, and sharing some common encryption key. That would get you past having to be on the same domain.
So if you had something like:
var emailEncrypted = encrypt(Session("Email") + ":somesalt:" + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O"));
Then used whatever templating language you want to set your iframe up with:
<iframe src="//{{ customDomain }}/viewer/home?emailkey={{ emailEncrypted }}"></iframe>
Then your proxy detected that emailkey parameter, decrypted it, and checked for expiration, that could work.
Now you'd have a choice to make on how to handle this, because Datazen will give you a 302 to /viewer/login to get a cookie, and you need to make sure to pass the correct emailkey on through that.
What I would do, you could accept that emailkey parameter in your proxy, set a completely new cookie yourself, then watch for that cookie on subsequent requests.
Although at that point, it would probably be reasonable to switch your external authentication mode to just use cookies. That's probably a better version of this anyway, assuming this is the only place you use Datazen, and you'd be safe to change something so fundamental. That would substantially reduce your business logic.
But, you wouldn't have to. If you didn't want to change that, you could just check for the cookie, and turn it into a header.
You should do (1), but just for good measure, one thing I'm not sure on, is whether you can pass users directly to /viewer/login to get a cookie from Datazen. Normally you wouldn't, but it seems like you should be able to.
Assuming it works as expected, you could just swap that URL out for that. As far as I know (although I'd have to double-check this), the header is actually only necessary once, to set up the cookie. So if you did that, you should get the cookie, then not need the URL parameter anymore, so the forced navigation would be no concern.
You'll, of course, want to make sure you've got a good form of encryption there, and the expiration pattern is important. But you should be able to secure that if you do it right.
I ended up just grabbing the username and password fields and entering them in with javascript. But this piece helped me a ton. You have to make sure you set the
document.domain ='';
in javascript on both sites in order to access the iframe contents else you'll run into the cross-domain issues.

How can I add common header to every request in Paw?

I need to add a header (or set of headers) for many existing requests (all in workspace except two) and I would like this header to be added as default to new request or be able to add them without rewriting or copying it all.
All I can think of is to use environment variables for the header name and value but if I have multiple headers I would need to add them to every request but it is difficult to maintain.
Is there better way to do this? Is there anything like inheritance for the requests?
you could try adding it as environment variable and use it for every request.

I have a requirement to make calls to two different end points in a sequence on a given call

I am trying to achieve the functionality where i have to call two different backends / target endpoints that have completely different interface in a sequence. Output of one call becomes input to the second one upon an error condition from the first call.
I would like to know how to implement this. I am new to Apigee so details will help me.
It sounds like you need to do a ServiceCallout in the request flow.
Set up your Target as whatever the second server is that you need to talk to in the normal flow. Then create a policy to callout to your first target:
<ServiceCallout name="myPolicy">
<Request clearPayload="false" variable="myRequest"/>
Note the Response block puts the headers and payload from the response into an object that you can then extract variables from using "myResponse" as the <Source> in the ExtractVariables policy.
Then you can build a new request for your target with the variables you set in the ExtractVariables by using an AssignMessage policy
Service Callout

Using Fiddler: Inject cookie into all subsequent requests from initial request

I have a batch of requests in Fiddler, the first is a login request and returns a valid cookie. The rest need to use this cookie, I know I can break and edit headers but is it possible to automatically script this behaviour? I'm pretty new to Fiddler but it looks powerful so I'm hoping this is possible, anyone know how or where to start?
To manually add a header, use the Filters tab and use the Request Headers section.
To automatically add a header, click Rules > Customize Rules. Scroll to OnBeforeResponse and write code that stores the target cookie in a global variable declared just inside the Handlers function, e.g.
static var m_MyCookie: String;
Then, inside the OnBeforeRequest function, use that variable, e.g.
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_MyCookie)) oSession.oRequest["Cookie"] = (m_MyCookie + ";" + oSession.oRequest["Cookie"] )
If you're only trying to add this header to specific requests, use, for instance, the oSession.uriContains function to determine whether the target URL is one that you want to have the cookie.

ajax request that returns json array, IE6/7 is caching it and data is not fresh

for some reason, IE6/7 is caching the ajax call that returns a json result set back.
My page makes the call, and returns a json result which I then inject into the page.
How can I force IE6/7 to make this call and not use a cached return value?
You might want to add
Cache-Control: no-cache
to your HTML response headers when you're serving the JSON to tell the browser to not to cache the response.
In ASP.NET (or ASP.NET MVC) you can do it like this:
Response.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
you can change your settings in ie, but the problem most likely lies on your server. You can't go out and change all your users' browser settings. But if you want to at least check it on your browser, go to Internet Options->General (Tab)->Browsing History(section)->Settings (button)->"Every time I visit the webpage"
Make sure you set it back, though, at some point.
To fix it on the server, have a look at
Using curl (w/ cygwin) for debugging is your great way to figure out what's actually being sent across the wire.
If cache-control doesn't work for you (see DrJokepu's answer), according to the spec the content from any URL with a query string should be non-cacheable, so you might append a pointless query parameter to your request URL. The value doesn't matter, but if you really want to be thorough you can append the epoch value, e.g.:
var url = "myrealurl?x=" + (new Date()).getTime();
But this is a hack; really this should be solved with proper caching headers at the server end.
In the controller action that returns a JsonResult, you need to specify in your headers to avoid caching:
ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
