can't install deis with 1 coreos node - deis

I've tried to follow the setup, I successfully started a bare-metal (though really a VM) by installing coreos and then installing deis, however I think I have a problem of having only 1 coreos instance.
The procedure stalls at:
deisctl install platform
● ▴ ■
■ ● ▴ Installing Deis...
▴ ■ ●
Storage subsystem...
deis-store-daemon.service: loaded
deis-store-monitor.service: loaded
deis-store-metadata.service: loaded
deis-store-volume.service: loaded
deis-store-gateway.service: loaded
Logging subsystem...
deis-logger.service: loaded
deis-logspout.service: loaded
Control plane...
deis-cache.service: loaded
deis-database.service: loaded
deis-registry.service: loaded
deis-controller.service: loaded
deis-builder.service: loaded
Data plane...
deis-publisher.service: loaded
Routing mesh...
deis-router#1.service: loaded
.... .. ..
I can find old documentation about 1 node setups, but they seem out of date, is the 1 node (dev) setup still supported?

As of late, Deis requires a minimum of 3 nodes for both dev and production setups. This is due to ceph requiring a minimum of 3 nodes to achieve quorum.


Set up rstudio-server on macOS

I want to set up rstudio-server on an iMac with support for multiple users and remote login. I followed the steps in the INSTALL tutorial: I built the source, set up the configuration files and the launchd daemon. At first, it works fine, but after some time, I get these warnings/errors when I plot:
2022-06-09 08:02:29.438 rsession[3050:139329] XType: failed to connect - Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service named was invalidated: failed at lookup with error 3 - No such process.}
2022-06-09 08:02:29.438 rsession[3050:139329] Font server protocol version mismatch (expected:5 got:0), falling back to local fonts
2022-06-09 08:02:29.438 rsession[3050:139329] XType: unable to make a connection to the font daemon!
2022-06-09 08:02:29.438 rsession[3050:139329] XType: XTFontStaticRegistry is enabled as fontd is not available.
Then I can't plot any more unless I restart R and re-run my code. Do you know what could be the issue? I could not get any help when opening an issue on the rstudio-server github since MacOS is not officially supported.
I was also looking at running rstudio-server via docker, but I couldn't find a good way to map the user namespace from macOS to the container.
Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT: It seems I was able to solve the issue by launching the fontd daemon with:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
This seems like an issue with the MacOS font daemon, not with RStudio itself.
Someone reported a similar issue on PhantomJS. Rebooting resolved it for them.
This answer reported the same error for a different build, and they were able to resolve it by installing the correct "Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority" in Keychain:
The one I had had an expiration date of February 2023. I deleted that one and went here, downloaded the one called "Worldwide Developer Relations - G3 (Expiring 02/20/2030 00:00:00 UTC)", then retried the build and it worked.

Error installing miniconda on GitHub Actions in an R project

I am trying to build and deploy this bookdown project with GitHub Actions. One of the chapters uses the keras R package, which means I need to install Conda (or set up a virtual environment). At the end of the Miniconda installation command, there is an error when trying to collect metadata.
2020-06-24T04:47:59.7495480Z * Miniconda has been successfully installed at '/Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda'.
2020-06-24T04:47:59.7496060Z [1] "/Users/runner/Library/r-miniconda"
2020-06-24T04:48:00.3909040Z * Project '~/runners/2.263.0/work/drake/drake' loaded. [renv 0.10.0]
2020-06-24T04:48:00.7964920Z * The project and lockfile are out of sync -- use `renv::status()` for more details.
2020-06-24T04:48:00.7968340Z Warning message:
2020-06-24T04:48:00.7969190Z Project requested R version '3.6.0' but '4.0.1' is currently being used
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2408080Z Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... failed
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2410820Z NotWritableError: The current user does not have write permissions to a required path.
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411080Z path: /usr/local/miniconda/pkgs/cache/b89cf7bf.json
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411230Z uid: 501
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411350Z gid: 20
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411690Z If you feel that permissions on this path are set incorrectly, you can manually
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2411940Z change them by executing
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2412260Z $ sudo chown 501:20 /usr/local/miniconda/pkgs/cache/b89cf7bf.json
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2413470Z In general, it's not advisable to use 'sudo conda'.
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2886400Z ##[error]Error: Error 1 occurred creating conda environment r-reticulate
2020-06-24T04:48:05.2890770Z Execution halted
2020-06-24T04:48:05.3050700Z ##[error]Process completed with exit code 1.
The full job log is here.
Depending on how R is set up, this post might be helpful for you. You might need to configure the .Renviron file.
Unable to change python path in reticulate (R)

No Package chrony availiable when I install chrony

In my Centos 6.5 I want to install chrony
# yum install chrony
I get the following error
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached
hostfile Setting up Install Process No package chrony available.
Error: Nothing to do
How can I install Chrony on Centos 6.5 ?
I would greatly appreciate any help you can give me in working this problem.
It sounds like your missing the base.repo from your install.
Available Packages
Name : chrony
Arch : x86_64
Version : 2.1.1
Release : 2.el6_8
Size : 266 k
Repo : base
Summary : An NTP client/server
License : GPLv2
Description : A client/server for the Network Time Protocol, this program keeps your
: computer's clock accurate. It was specially designed to support
: systems with intermittent internet connections, but it also works well
: in permanently connected environments. It can use also hardware reference
: clocks, system real-time clock or manual input as time references.
It sounds like you may be missing the 'CentOS-Base' repo from your config. Check in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo If it doesn't exist then create it and add the following config block;
name=CentOS-$releasever - Base
#released updates
name=CentOS-$releasever - Updates
You can also find the package via

install.keras() in RStudio fails with http connection error

I've been trying to install and run keras in RStudio (Windows) in vain.
i installed keras package using normal package "keras"
(didn't use github)
I've installed latest python (3.6) and Anaconda.
then i use
> library(keras)
> install.keras()
and i get this error:
Creating r-tensorflow conda environment for TensorFlow installation...
Fetching package metadata ... CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION
FAILED for url
Elapsed: -
An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL. HTTP errors
are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.
port=443): Max retries exceeded with url:
/pkgs/main/win-64/repodata.json.bz2 (Caused by
ConnectTimeoutError(, 'Connection to timed out.
(connect timeout=9.15)'))",),)
Error: Error 1 occurred creating conda environment r-tensorflow In
addition: Warning message: running command
'"C:\PROGRA~3\ANACON~1\Scripts\conda.exe" "create" "--yes" "--name"
"r-tensorflow" "python=3.6"' had status 1
I've looked up everywhere on the web and can't figure out how to install keras and tensorflow properly. Using latest version of R (3.4.2)
Every method fails somewhere.
just to add to misery, i've also tried:
> devtools::install_github("rstudio/keras")
and i get this error:
Installation failed: Timeout was reached: Connection timed out after
10015 milliseconds
I am not behind any authenticated proxies. So, after multiple failure, i just downloaded the zip file from github and manually installed it using the zip file.
i also tried install.packages("keras") and that didn't give me any error either.
when i call the library i don't get any errors (as shown above)
UPDATE: I was able to install and use the package very easily on another computer that doesn't have python/anaconda installed on it already.
UPDATE 2: my proxy does not need authentication and there is no https_proxy either.
OK,, FINALLY found a solution.
Turns out RStudio uses a lot of default proxy settings, so i needed to change all that and set up my own proxy settings.
First step:
Rstudio --> Tools --> Global Options --> packages --> uncheck both "Use secure download method for HTTP" and "Use Internet Explorer librayr/proxy for HTTP"
Second step, in RStudio type:
> file.edit('./.Renviron')
Either an empty file or some file with already existing proxy settings will open. (Mine was empty). Then I included the following two:
(a few notes: I didn't have a https_proxy setting but I still needed to use the http_proxy details for my https_proxy setting. This was one of the culprits for my issue. Also, I needed to include the username:password even though my proxy doesn't need secure authentication. Same thing goes with the port. Port number had to be included, otherwise it wouldn't work.
Step 3:
Saved the new changes in .Renviron file and restarted RStudio.
I checked my proxy settings in RStudio after restart by typing:
> Sys.getenv("http_proxy")
> Sys.getenv("https_proxy")
The first few times i did this i realised that the proxy settings were not being changed in RStudio because i was editing the wrong .Renviron file. So, it's best to use file.edit('~/.Renviron') in step 2 to make sure it's the right file.
After all this, when i ran install.keras(), it installed successfully, including installing Tensorflow. Again, initially i had skipped step 1 so keras started being installed but it failed at installing tensorflow.
It was only going through all the steps that i was able to install both keras and tensorflow successfully over a proxy. Hope this helps.
Uninstalling Anaconda3 and installing Anaconda2 (i.e. Python 2.7) did the trick for me:

how to use Sense (or any other suggested tool) to help beginners with ELK

I have tried few approaches:
-I downloaded Sense from, unzipped and pasted it in kibana-5.3.0-amd64/usr/share/kibana/plugins
-I started kibana and then I got "[warning] Plugin "Sense" was disabled because it expected Kibana version "2.0.0-snapshot", and found "5.3.0"
demetrio#nodejs ~/Servers/DBs/elasticsearch-5.3.0/bin $ cd /home/demetrio/Servers/DBs/kibana-5.3.0-amd64/usr/share/kibana/bin
demetrio#nodejs ~/Servers/DBs/kibana-5.3.0-amd64/usr/share/kibana/bin $ ./kibana
undefined accessed the autoload lists which are no longer available via the Plugin API.Use the `ui/autoload/*` modules instead.
undefined accessed the autoload lists which are no longer available via the Plugin API.Use the `ui/autoload/*` modules instead.
log [20:25:48.403] [warning] Plugin "Sense" was disabled because it expected Kibana version "2.0.0-snapshot", and found "5.3.0".
log [20:25:49.123] [info][status][plugin:kibana#5.3.0] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
log [20:25:49.279] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch#5.3.0] Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Waiting for Elasticsearch
log [20:25:49.326] [info][status][plugin:console#5.3.0] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
log [20:25:49.842] [info][status][plugin:timelion#5.3.0] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
log [20:25:49.873] [info][listening] Server running at http://localhost:5601
log [20:25:49.875] [info][status][ui settings] Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Elasticsearch plugin is yellow
log [20:25:50.041] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch#5.3.0] Status changed from yellow to green - Kibana index ready
log [20:25:50.043] [info][status][ui settings] Status changed from yellow to green - Ready
I tried installed, as suggested in by following
demetrio#nodejs ~/Servers/DBs/kibana-5.3.0-amd64/usr/share/kibana/bin $ ./kibana plugin --install elastic/sense
ERROR unknown command plugin
I tried to install
demetrio#nodejs ~/Servers/DBs/kibana-5.3.0-amd64/usr/share/kibana/bin $ ./kibana-plugin install elastic/sense
Attempting to transfer from elastic/sense
Attempting to transfer from
Error: Client request error: connect ETIMEDOUT
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Client request error: connect ETIMEDOUT"
P.S. I checked my Debian proxy configuration and it is correct. Should I add my proxy configs in some specific Kibana file?
I tried installed it from Google Chrome Store but it seems that such plugin is no mode maintained after version 2 and ELK is currently in 5.3
I installed X-Pack ( but, as far as I noted until now, the only significant different was an user creation for each of ELK. I was locking for some thing like described here
Handy API suggestions
Format validation
Scope collapsing
Auto formatting
Submit multiple requests at once
Copy and Paste cURL commands
To sum up, I am locking for some tool that could make a bit easier for a dummy like to make queries and interact with ELK. I saw few pictures that drove to conclusion that Sense is a good tool for that but I couldn't make it work.
Sense is now included in Kibana. Start Kibana (default port 5601) and look at DevTools. X-Pack is actually an expansion for monitoring, alerting and security purposes. kibana console doc
So for you it would be best to start exploring elasticsearch by using kibana devtools.
