I am working on a project where a user would purchase a subscription and when they do we send data to another server using API calls. Once the server receives the necessary information it creates a serial number and sends it back to the woocommerce site.
This all works just fine, I am successful in sending data and retrieving serial numbers and synchronizing most things on the server.
I am stuck at when Woo Subscriptions renews their order I need to update information on the other server regarding the serial number. I think I would be fine if I could get access to the original order number.
The other issue I am running into is determining if the order is in fact a renewal order, I have a trivial flag set up that checks if "subscription_interval" is inside of the order->get_items, if not then its a renewal order. Something is just fishy about this whole thing.
Basically I need a way to find out if it is a renewal order and if it is give me the initial order number.
Looking at the order screen on the very bottom of the metaboxes (advanced) there is a metabox that shows "Related Subscription Orders" and even shows the initial order. How can I access this data?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so I found WC_Subscriptions_Renewal_Order and ran a get_class_methods on it. I found is_renewal and get_parent_order_id, life is good again :)
Maybe this can help someone else looking for a way to find out the original order ID by the subscription ID.
function my_get_original_order_id_by_subscription_id( $sub_id ){
$sub_post = get_post( $sub_id );
if( $sub_post && is_object( $sub_post ) && isset( $sub_post->post_parent ) && absint( $sub_post->post_parent ) > 0 ){
return $sub_post->post_parent;
return false;
The solution is very simple. You need just to get the object post related to the subscription ID ($sub_id), and then the post_parent is the ID of the original order that you were looking for.
I'm having troubles with applying coupons. The code below work except when the user visits the site for the first time and nothing has been added to the cart yet. I need to clear my cache in order to reproduce this error.
function process_url()
if( empty($_GET['coupon']) )
// Add the discount.
global $woocommerce;
$result = $woocommerce->cart->add_discount($_GET['coupon']);
add_action('init', 'process_url');
Am I doing something wrong?
Apparently the user session is not stored if you apply a coupon. You need to have first added a product or do something else which stores your session. We can do it manually though, namely by creating the session cookie ourselves.
if( !WC()->session->has_session() )
Took me all day. Hopefully someone will be able use it.
I have written an action that attaches to woocommerce_order_status_completed, and it works fine, adding a bit of meta data to the order. But the email that goes out after order completed seems to go BEFORE this runs, and therefore does not send the meta data in question (it will send it if I rerun the completed order again, but that is because this data is now already in the DB). So what I am looking for is either:
a hook that runs JUST before the completed email sends, OR
a way to have the completed email send AFTER woocommerce_order_status_completed hook
Any ideas or pointers? I looked through the Woocommerce API reference but can't find anything that seems to suit.
UPDATE: found an earlier hook and tried hooking it into
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed_notification','mysite_woocommerce_order_status_completed',5,1 );
which should run sooner, but STILL the email goes out first (before the meta data is in the DB and can be read. If I "recomplete" the order (putting it back into processing status and then completed again), it will send the meta data (again, this is because it is now in the db)
After much hair pulling, I have come up with a workaround which seems kind of ugly, but hopefully it will help someone else out.
I verified that my hook WAS correctly running before the main email one. (using add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed_notification','mysite_woocommerce_order_status_completed',5,1 );
I verified that my meta data WAS correctly inserted into the db BEFORE the email went out
Unfortunately, it still refused to grab my meta data on first send. So I did the following:
I copied the woocommerce/templates/emails/email-order-items.php template into my theme and made the following change:
// Variation
if ( ! empty( $item_meta->meta ) ) {
echo '<br/><small>' . nl2br( $item_meta->display( true, true, '_', "\n" ) ) . '</small>';
// following 5 lines are MY extra code (checking for my meta field 'signup_code')
if (!array_key_exists('signup_code',$item_meta->meta)) {
$suc = wc_get_order_item_meta( $item_id, 'signup_code' );
if ($suc) {
echo '<br/><small>signup_code: ' . $suc . '</small>';
It will check for a dupe in the meta array and not output if it already exists. It needs to do this to prevent it showing twice (which it would otherwise do on second send). I can't believe this is all necessary, but I can't find any other pointers anywhere that can address this.
This was apparently caused by a woo internal caching problem. I had a lengthy discussion with one of the woo devs here:
And the upshot is, it will be fixed in a future version, but you can see the changes here:
I'm developing a plugin with Woocommerce and Woosensei
I can't seem to get the process working of creating an order programmatically, mark the order completed and activate the woosensei course for that particular person.
// create a new checkout instance and order id
$checkout = new WC_Checkout();
$this_order_id = $checkout->create_order();
// add some data to the order here //
[ ......... ]
// execute order
$order = new WC_Order($this_order_id);
$learning = new WooThemes_Sensei();
$cart = new WC_Cart();
The order is marked as complete indeed, but the user doesn't have access to the course.
If I manually change the order back to in processing and after that to completed (in the WP admin), then the course is assigned to the user.
This is really annoying, hope somebody has some cues (Woo is poorly documented ....)
Thx in advance!
Hmm, it seems like the sensei_woocommerce_complete_order function checks whether a user is logged in or not.
So I duplicated that function and removed the 'logged in' check, and called that specific function when the user is not logged in.
End to the grey hairs ... ;-)
I have something a client wants me to build, and I can with wp_mail, but I am wondering if how it should be built is fessable - no they dont want to use third party websites or software.
Essentially a widget will take in the clients email address, with this we can:
Have some kind of interface so we can say that send out 5, 10, 15 posts of category x, y, x on a daily, weekly or monthly basis
Thats not hard, but the question is: how would I store the emails that come in? a new column?
Use these emails and a custom post type to create email templates, newsletters and so on that could be sent to a set of emails (in this case all emails stored for now) at a specified time.
This one isn't hard either, its the custom post type part, how would I create a custom post type that when a post is published the post is not published the same way a post is, or a page. but instead its stored like one, but I can use its content in an email body instead of displaying it like a post or page.
essentially I shouldn't be able to go to:
So the second one is a bit more complicated but I am wondering how you guys might approach this situation or idea.
Here are some thoughts when it comes to the e-mail subscription part. As for the custom post types - I don't have much experience with those, sorry :)
If you want a quick and easy solution for the e-mail subscriptions, create a wp option (see http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_option) that is essentially a hash table that maps categories to keys in the table.
For each category in the hash table, store an array of userIDs and/or e-mails of the users that are subscribed to that category.
Once you have this data structure in place, it's fairly easy to manipulate and use in with wp_mail. Here is some example code that I've written for one of my plugins:
$subscribers = get_option('subscribers');
$categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
if( !empty($categories) && !empty($subscribers)){
$emails = array();
//Go through each category and accumulate the necessary e-mail addresses
foreach($categories as $category){
$catID = $category->term_id;
if( !empty($subscribers[$catID]) ){
foreach($subscribers[$catID] as $userID => $trash){
$user = get_userdata($userID);
$userEmail = array( $userID => $user->user_email );
if( !in_array($userEmail, $emails) ){
$emails = $emails + $userEmail;
//you can use something like implode(", ", $emails)
//in the Bcc: part when you send out the e-mail.
Some things to note:
This is a quick and dirty solution. If the number of categories and number of subscribers grows big, you're better of creating a table in the database and maintaining it that way
Make sure to think of situations when categories are deleted (i.e. hook into actions when categories are deleted) and how that will affect your datastructure
The hash table approach works well assuming categories are NOT deleted/added frequently
Good luck!
We've been having a new type of spam-bot this week at PortableApps.com which posts at a rate of about 10 comments a minute and doesn't seem to stop - at least the first hour or so (we've always stopped it within that time so far). We've had them about a dozen times in the last week - sometimes stopping it at 50 or 60, sometimes up to 250 or 300. We're working to stop it and other spam bots as much as possible, but at the moment it's still a real pest.
I was wondering whether in the mean time whether there's any sort of module to control the frequency a user can post at to e.g. 50 an hour or something like 10 in an hour for new users. That at least would mean that instead of having to clear up 300 comments 50 at a time in admin/content/comment we'd have a smaller number to clear. (A module to add a page to delete all content by a user and block them would also be helpful!)
I believe that there's a plugin to do this available for WordPress, but can't find any such thing for Drupal.
For your second question, i would have a look at the code of the User Delete module (click).
The module also disables the user account and unpublished all nodes/comments from a certain user. By extending the code, you could easily create another possibility to unpublish + delete all nodes/comments from a certain user and blocking the account.
After the unpublish code in the module, you should just put delete code (in sql if the module is selecting by a sql-query or by using the drupal delete functions).
Another option would be so make a view (using the view module) only to be viewed by administrators, where you choose a certain user using the filters and then lists his/her posts. Then in the node-contenttype.tpl.php you place a button that calls a function which deletes all nodes/comments and the user.
First problem (post frequency)
I've been thinking about the comment post limit. If I remember correctly Drupal stores comments in a seperate table and has comment specific functions.
I'd create a new module and using the comment_nodeapi function i would check in the operation 'insert' how much comments the current user has already made within a certain timeframe.
To check this I would write a custom sql query on the database which takes the count of alle comments made by uid where the post_date is larger then NOW-1hour. If that count is larger then 10 or 15 or whatever post frequency you want then you give a message back to the user. You can retrieve the user id and name by using the global $user variable.
(example: print $user->name;)
You have to check on your own for the sql query but here's some code when you have the amount:
function comment_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $arg = 0) {
switch ($op) {
case 'insert':
if($count > 15){
$repeat = FALSE;
$type = 'status'
drupal_set_message("You have reached the comment limit for this time.", $type, $repeat);
db_query('INSERT INTO {node_comment_statistics} (nid, last_comment_timestamp, last_comment_name, last_comment_uid, comment_count) VALUES (%d, %d, NULL, %d, 0)', $node->nid, $node->changed, $node->uid);
(this code has not been tested so no guarantees, but this should put you on the right track)
I would suggest something like Mollom (from the creator of Drupal). It scans the message for known spam pattern/keywords/... and if this scan fails, it displays a CAPTCHA to the user to make sure that it's a real human that wants to enter content that has the same properties like spam.
They offer a free service and some paid solutions. We are using it for some customers and it's worth the money. It also integrates very well in Drupal.
Comment Limit is probably what you need.
http://drupal.org/project/antispam - with akismet support