Interactive page in tableau - r

I am building a BI application
Data Source: Excel file and Microsoft Database
Data Analysis: R
Data Reporting: Tableau Public
My use case is to take 5-6 inputs from the user. Inputs will in like a drop down and multiple selection box. Based on the inputs I need to do the analysis and display it on Tableau.
How to take user inputs in tableau? like a form? Or what is a alternative for taking user inputs and pass it to Tableau/R?
If I think of making an Web page then how to pass value from page to R and Tableau and return the analysis back to web page?
Please provide you valuable inputs or some alternative to achieve my requirements.
Thank you.

For my use case I am avoiding Tableau due to time constraint, and will be using RStudio for integrating the data and doing the analysis. For the user input and visualization part I will be using Shiny by RStudio ( ). Do check their website.
In future if I find some solution with Tableau then will surely post in here.
Thanks for all the suport.

You can create parameters, and set them on the sheet, so the user can input values there.
Depending on what you're doing, you can use Tableau connection with R. Pretty simple to use, but does not cover everything R can do


How do I load data from a record into multiple edittexts in android studio?

I'm currently working through my A Level computer science controlled assessment, and am making an application designed to help Scout Leaders manage their group. This is my first time working in Java, SQLite, Android Studio and XML so I've run into a few problems along the way. At this point in time, I'm in the process of creating a login system, part of which involves editing login details. I was wondering if there's a way of loading multiple values from one record into different EditTexts at once, so the user only needs to edit the already-existing username and password, rather than type it in again with a slight edit? Thanks in advance. I didn't think it necessary to include any code in this question, as I'm only looking for an example, however if it would help please don't hesitate to ask - I just couldn't find a guide on this anywhere else.
You retrieve the data into a Cursor via a query that selects the required columns.
You then move to the appropriate row (record) in the Cursor (probably the first and only row).
For each EditText you set the text, using the setText method with the data from the respective column using an appropriate get???? method passing the column offset to the method (e.g. your_cursor.getString(<the_column_offset>)).
Rather than calculating and hard coding an offset, it is more reliable and flexible to use the getColumnIndex(<the_column_name_as_string>) method.
After all have been set you then close the Cursor
Note and would be replaced with respective values specific to the App.

Live Data Visualization using R and mongoDB

My aim is to create a visual data representation of Temperature data coming from a street light via sensors. I am picking that data from the mongoDB database. Basically in my knowledge and experience, I used Shiny And R to show static data graphs from the database, but I am unable to find any way of showing continuously updating data in a moving line chart. I hope you get the picture.
Please refer to this example using node.js(I want to achieve results similar to this but using R)
My questions is, is there a way to show real time data visualization in R or I have to necessarily use node.js with plotly?
I'm not sure how "live" you can get the stream, but you might want to look into this:

Meteor make user defined HTML or SVG reactive

In my multi-user meteor application design I want to enable users to be able to create and store their own reactive dashboards to visualize data that they own within the applications database. For example, a user may have an object in the database representing the real-time disk usage of a processor. I want them to be able to submit/store html say to represent a dynamic dial as their dashboard. Another user may have their own weather station and want a dashboard with a last 24 hours thermometer and pressure trend. When they call up one of their stored dashboards it is rendered and would update as their data changes.
Can anyone point to example code or explain how to accomplish this? Or, authoritatively explain why it cannot be done in the framework. I have come across various dynamic API's but nothing that fits the bill. I.e. UI.renderWithData and Meteor._def_template.
The following topic was very similar to my questions and it got me a good start and I figured it out and posted and answer there.
How to make meteor evaluate user defined template text

Triggering transformations from report results in BI server

is there a capability or function in BI server to manually run a transformation that would act on the results of the report?
like for example you would retrieve records that are tagged as 'NEW' using a pentaho report designer file deployed on the server. After being provided of results, I would like to act on those 'NEW' records and do some processing with them then tag them as 'OLD' using a transformation through a button.
is this possible? someone told me of xactions but i have the faintest idea about it.
Just wondering, why would you want the BI tool to perform the action. Why not do it in the database itself?
Rather than creating a set of instructions using xactions that would call some transformation and work on the user input, I just created the procedure in the database and called it from a prpt file.

Microsoft BI Report with Input

I need to create a Microsoft BI Produced Report, that will display Actual Data, retrieved from database. But I also want users to be able to fill Forecast Data for next month in the column beside the reported actual data, and the inputted data will be loaded to Forecast Cube.
Is it possible to do it ? What is the right strategy ?
Thanks for your input :) !
MS BI products are based on reporting, so they don't have any direct ways to interact with the data like you're asking. There are several options that start with an SSRS report though (or a PowerPivot book etc.).
SharePoint Workflow - allows a lot of other control aspects to the input process. Pickup the list with an ETL package.
You could also do a similar thing with a simple web app. Link either through a report action.
ETL - Make the report exportable to excel and leave blank columns for user input. Re-absorb it through an ETL process that reads the modified Excel file. This can be a manually triggered job, not necessarily part of a DM/DW nightly ETL.
You could also just have a manual script. I would think and hope that the forecast data isn't changed that often, so a simpler solution would probably be best.
