Cannot insert new value using angular ui typeahead - angular-ui

Hi have a problem angular ui typeahead: I pratically copied this sample from the angular ui page, updated to the latest version of every library.
<input type="text" ng-model="vm.censimento.quartiere" placeholder="prima selezionare il comune"
typeahead="address for address in vm.quartieri"
typeahead-loading="loadingLocations" class="form-control" />
<i ng-show="loadingLocations" class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></i>
In the angular page this sample is able to select items from the list AND add leave new text in the input when I exit from the textbox, but in my application add something, the first item is automatically selected and when I leave the textbox the value of the selected item override any text i wrote.
How can I avoid this? I need to choose from the list and add new item form the same control.

finally I found the solution: to be able to insert text in the textbox I have to add
the default value is true and select automatically the first item. I suppose that in the version of angular ui bootstrap where I took the sample the default value was the opposite.


Add label-element to managed_file field with Form API

I want to style my managed_file-Field in a Drupal 7 Form-API custom form and therefore, insert a label element that will replace the "Browse for file".
So I want exactly this:
<input type="file" name="files[bild_0]">
<input type="submit" id="edit-bild-0-upload-button" value="Upload">
<label for="files[bild_0]">Choose Picture</label>
However, the Form API makes it very difficult to insert the label directly next to the input. "#prefix" and "#suffix" are not working. "#field_prefix" and "#field_suffix" inserted the html in a wrapper...any ideas?
Thank you very much in advance!
So, i finally figured out an alternative solution. I used the
property on the Form API field to add the label element. Besides of that, I had to overwrite the initial id of the field via
'#id' => 'upload-selector-' . $index_of_picture field
Since the id of the actual input-field is now different from the div that contains the field, I could use the label of the field to trigger the file-dialog. I styled the label element to my needs and hid the initial input.

Meteor form component rendering

Whats "best practice" for rendering components in a form based on user input?
I want a second input field added to the form when a user clicks option 2 on the dropdown button. I also want this if show cleared when a user clicks another option.
<button class='test'>my dropdown button with option 1,2,3</button>
<input type=text> input field 1</input>
<!-- if button clicked options 2, add second input field -->
<input type=text>input field 2</input>
'click .test': function() {
// something to render input field 2
Thank you.
You can show your elements on conditional basis with helpers.On your second button click you can set a session and use it in a helper.Then in your html page use {{#if}} your element {{/if}}
And for clearing it , destroy this session.
Hope this make sense to you.If any query lmk

Pass flexible parameters PL/SQL

I have my webpage, where I have 10 rows, and in every rows is input field (checkbox). I want to create button with title 'Detail'. When I click on this button, my webpage open new page only with checked rows.
Task is, that I need to send every checkbox into detail button, and I don´t know, how much rows will be displayed (depend on database). I need to create function with input flexible parameters (name_array and value_array). But when I create this function, my arrays are empty. What I´m doing bad? Thank you for your response.
I dont have any form, I want to do that without form element.
This is my checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" id="id_netnum_5356963" netnum="5356963" />
And this is my button to detail:
<a href="!cpc2.pkg_fe_netnum_gui.p_detail_numbers">
<span class="btn-green-small btn-w130">Detail</span>
You should use flexible parameter passing

how to add a new row button for the jqgrid inline navigator whitout showing the modal dialog form?

I am using the example in the jqGrid Demos page located in Row Editing > Inline Navigator, but I need to have my add button out of the navigator like in example Live Data Manipulation > Add Row. I have already placed the add button:
<table id="editgrid" ></table> <div id="pagered" ></div> <input type="BUTTON" id="bedata" value="Edit Selected" />
and the event
$("#bedata").click(function(){ jQuery("#editgrid").jqGrid('editGridRow',"new",{height:280,reloadAfterSubmit:false}); });
My question is, what is the name of the event or the configuration of the jqgrid that I have to use, in order to insert the new row directly in the grid like in the inline navigator example whitout the modal form dialog when I click the betadata button?
I have already set the modal property to false, but it doesn't work,
Any help would be really appreciated
The name of the event is addRow, I found it in the inline-editing document.

Webform checkbox value in javascript

I have a checkbox list control on my web form that I am dynamically populating from an arraylist. In javascript I want to be able to iterate through the values in the list and if a particular value has been selected to display other controls on the page.
My issue is that all the values in the checkbox list are showing up as 'on' instead of the actual value set. How do I get the actual values for each checkbox?
var options=checkBoxs.getElementsByTagName('input');
for(var i=0;i<options.length;i++)
var otherPub=document.getElementById('<%=alsOtherPublicity.ClientID%>');'block';
Edit: The line that I'm having problems with is if(options[i].value=="Other") as the values showing up in firebug are given as 'on' rather than the values that I set.
Edit 2: The html that is produces looks like:
<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity" class="ucFieldCBL" onChange="alValidate();" onClick="alPublicity('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity');">
<input id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_0" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMetadata$Allocation1$alfPublicity$0"/>
<label for="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_0">Text1</label>
<input id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_1" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMetadata$Allocation1$alfPublicity$1"/>
<label for="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_1">Text2</label>
<input id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_2" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMetadata$Allocation1$alfPublicity$2"/>
<label for="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_2">Text3</label>
<input id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_3" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMetadata$Allocation1$alfPublicity$3"/>
<label for="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_3">Text4</label>
<input id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_4" type="checkbox" name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMetadata$Allocation1$alfPublicity$4"/>
<label for="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMetadata_Allocation1_alfPublicity_4">Text5</label>
It looks as if the issue stems from the lack of a value attribute available on the checkbox control as described by Dave Parslow. I'm currently trying a workaround by calling a function server side to return the text of the checkbox and using that instead.
options[i].checked will return true or false.
options[i].value will give you the value attribute of the checkbox tag.
I think your problem is not with the javascript but with the code that is populating the checkboxes. Are you binding the ArrayList as the CheckBoxList data source or iterating through the ArrayList and adding new ListItems to the CheckBoxList. If the former, consider switching to the latter and make sure that you use the ListItem constructor that takes both text and value parameters. If you look at the HTML source I suspect that you will see that the generated code has the value parameter set to on for all of your checkboxes which means that the values weren't actually bound in the codebehind.
Not 100% applicable here, but be aware that if you give a checkbox a cssclass, it gets a span wrapped around it, and the class is placed on that. This causes all sorts of cross browser problems when youre navigating the dom, or disabling checkboxes
I realised after much playing about with prerender events that I didn't actually need to know the exact value of the checkbox as the arraylist values would be in the same order as the checkboxes. I searched through the arraylist to get the position of the value that I needed and then used that position on the list of checkboxes.
It sounds a bit fiddly and I don't know if it would work for everyone but I thought I would put it up here anyway incase it helps someone else someday.
Thanks for all your help.
