find largest smaller element - r

I have two lists of indices:
> k.start
[1] 3 19 45 120 400 809 1001
> k.event
[1] 3 4 66 300
I need a list that contains, for each element of k.event, the largest value in k.start which is less than or equal to it. The desired result is
k.desired = c(3,3,45,120)
So, I'm trying to replicate this code, except without a for loop:
for (i in 1:length(k.start){
k.start[max(which(k.event[i] > k.start))]

You could use
vapply(k.event, function(x) max(k.start[k.start <= x]), 1)
# [1] 3 3 45 120


R ranges: 1:0 - illogical behavior

I have an array X of length N, and I'd like to compute sum(X[(i+1):N]) - sum(X[1:(i-1)]. This works fine if my index, i, is within 2..(N-1). If it's equal to 1, the second term will return the first element of the array rather than exclude it. If it's equal to N, the first term will return the last element of the array rather than exclude it. seq_len is the only function I'm aware of that does the job, but only for the 2nd term (it indexes 1:n). What I need is a range function that will return NULL (rather than throw an exception like seq) when its 2nd argument is below its first. The sum function will do the rest. Is anyone aware of one, or do I have to write one myself?
I suggest an alternate path for generating indexing sequences: seq_len, which reacts intuitively in the extremes.
Bottom Line Up Front: use sum(X[-seq_len(i)]) - sum(X[seq_len(i-1)]) instead.
First, some sample data:
X <- 1:10
N <- length(X)
Your approach, at the two extremes:
i <- 1
# [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
X[1:(i-1)] # oops
# [1] 1
That should return "nothing", I believe. (More the point, sum(...) should return 0. For the record, sum(integer(0)) is 0.)
i <- 10
X[(i+1):N] # oops
# [1] NA 10
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
There's your other error, where you'd expect "nothing" in the first subset.
Instead, I suggest you use seq_len:
i <- 1
# [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# integer(0)
i <- 10
# integer(0)
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Both seem fine, and something in the middle makes sense.
i <- 5
# [1] 6 7 8 9 10
# [1] 1 2 3 4
In this contrived example, what we're looking for at any value of i:
1: sum(2:10) - 0 = 54 - 0 = 54
2: sum(3:10) - sum(1:1) = 52 - 1 = 51
3: sum(4:10) - sum(1:2) = 49 - 3 = 46
10: 0 - sum(1:9) = 0 - 45 = -45
And we now get that:
func <- function(i, x) sum(x[-seq_len(i)]) - sum(x[seq_len(i-1)])
sapply(c(1,2,3,10), func, X)
# [1] 54 51 46 -45
李哲源's answer got me to thinking that you don't need to re-sum the numbers before and after all the time. Just do it once and re-use it. This method could be easily a bit faster if your vector is large.
Xb <- c(0, cumsum(X)[-N])
# [1] 0 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45
Xa <- c(rev(cumsum(rev(X)))[-1], 0)
# [1] 54 52 49 45 40 34 27 19 10 0
sapply(c(1,2,3,10), function(i) Xa[i] - Xb[i])
# [1] 54 51 46 -45
So this suggests that your summed value at any value of i is
Xs <- Xa - Xb
# [1] 54 51 46 39 30 19 6 -9 -26 -45
where you can find the specific value with Xs[i]. No repeated summing required.

r - lapply divides a column by an integer value from different dataset, unexpected result

I have two data.frames, one with genotype counts and one with a number that I need to normalize my counts from the first dataset.
coldata = data.frame(Group =c('genotype1', 'genotype2', 'genotype3', 'genotype4'),
Treatment = rep(c("control","treated"),each = 2),
I made sure my variables don't have factors
factorsCharacter <- function(d) modifyList(d, lapply(d[, sapply(d, is.factor)],
Then I see that lapply loops through my counts, one column at the time and through my coldata that contains the normalization value (Norm). All is looking good, until I combined the two action in the same step
> lapply(coldata['Group'],function(group_i){group_i})
[1] "genotype1" "genotype2" "genotype3" "genotype4"
> lapply(coldata['Group'],function(group_i){countsdata[,group_i]})
genotype1 genotype2 genotype3 genotype4
1 10 100 40 40
2 20 200 50 50
3 30 300 60 60
4 40 400 70 70
> lapply(coldata['Group'],function(group_i){as.integer(coldata[coldata$Group==group_i,'Norm'])})
[1] 1 2 5 5
> lapply(coldata['Group'],function(group_i){
+ countsdata[,group_i]/as.integer(coldata[coldata$Group==group_i,'Norm'])
+ })
genotype1 genotype2 genotype3 genotype4
1 10 100 40 40
2 10 100 25 25
3 6 60 12 12
4 8 80 14 14
Here the result is not what I was expecting (dividing each column by its normalization number). After further inspection I noticed it's normalizing by rows, in other words it's normalizing across different columns, which shouldn't be the case as I am looping through one column at the time. I am probably missing a basic concept but looking through other SO posts didn't find anything I could use. My goal is to fix the code to make the right calculation but I also would like to understand why this code above is not working. Thanks so much.
The problem is in using [ and not [[. So, instead of looping through each of the elements in 'Group' column, we have a list of length 1 with all the elements. So, either use coldata[, 'Group'] or coldata[['Group']] or coldata$Group for looping.
countsdataNew <- countsdata
countsdataNew[] <- lapply(coldata[['Group']],function(group_i)
# genotype1 genotype2 genotype3 genotype4
#1 10 50 8 8
#2 20 100 10 10
#3 30 150 12 12
#4 40 200 14 14
If the column name in 'countsdata' and 'Group' column from 'countsdata' are in the same order, we can do this easily with Map
Map(`/`, countsdata, coldata$Norm)
Or just replicate the 'Norm' and do a simple division
Or with sweep
sweep(countsdata, 2, coldata$Norm, "/")

mysterious values as output in vector R using if and else

I have a vector of values (numbers only). I want to split up this vector into two vectors. One vector will contain values less than the average of the original vector, the other will contain values more than the average of the original vector. I have the following as a test R script:
v <- c(1,1,4,6,3,67,10,194,847)
#Initialize<- c(rep(0),length(v))
v.out<- c(rep(0),length(v))
for (i in 1:length(v))
if (v < 0.68 * mean(v))
{[i] <- v[i]
v.out[i] <- v[i]
## <>
I get the following result:
9: In if (v < 0.68 * mean(v)) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
[1] 1 1 4 6 3 67 10 194 847
> v.out
[1] 0 9
> v
[1] 1 1 4 6 3 67 10 194 847
Clearly, 0 and 9 are not values of any of the elements in v.
Any suggestions what is going on and how to fix this?
#BenBolker pointed out in the comment why you code doesn't work: you need to select a single element from v when using if. However, you might find split a better function for a task like this:
[1] 194 847
[1] 1 1 4 6 3 67 10
The answer to the mystery of v.out is that its branch doesn't get selected so it doesn't get changed. It therefore retains its inital value, which is (presumably) erroneously given the value of a single 0 and the length of the vector (9) rather than nine copies of zero as I suspect you intended.

returning a list in R and functional programming behavior

I have a basic questions regarding functional programming in R.
Given a function that returns a list, such as:
myF <- function(x){
return (list(a=11,b=x))
why is it that the list returned when calling the function with a range or vector is always the same lenght for 'a'
[1] 11
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
How can one change the behavior so that the 'a' list has the sample length as b's.
I am actually working with a bunch of S4 objects that do I cannot easily convert to list (using as.list) so _apply is not my first choice.
Thanks for any insight or help!
EDIT (Added further explanations)
I am not necessarily looking to just pad 'a' to makes its length equal to b's. However using the solution
as.list(data.frame(a=myA,b=x)) pads the 'a' with the same value computed first.
myF <- function(x){
myA = ceiling(runif(1, max=100))
return (as.list(data.frame(a=myA
[1] 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I still am not sure why that happens!
are you just looking to have 11 repeated so that a is the same length as b? if so:
> myF <- function(x){
+ return (list(a=rep(11,length(x)),b=x))
+ }
> myF(1:10)
[1] 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
EDIT based on OP's clarification/comments. If you want 'a' to instead be a random vector with length equal to 'b':
> myF <- function(x){
+ return (list(a=ceiling(runif(length(x),max=100)),b=x))
+ }
> myF(1:10)
[1] 4 31 8 45 25 74 36 95 64 32
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I don't quite understand what you mean by not being able to use as.list. You should be able to get a version of your function satisfying the requirement that all components of the list be equally long by doing:
myF <- function(x){
return as.list(data.frame(a=11,b=x))
The reason list does not work the way you expect is that list applied to a number of lists/vectors/e.t.c. is just that, a list of those lists/vectors/e.t.c.; it does not "inspect" their structure.
What I think you want is the additional semantics that the vectors contained in the list should match up and produce a set of "rows", each with one corresponding element from each one of your vectors. This is exactly what a data frame is suppose to be (indeed how, I think, a data frame is represented in R). The final as.list call does little but change what type its tagged as.
Note that if I'm wrong above (and that's not the general behaviour you want) then Mac's solution is more appropriate, as it gives you exactly the behaviour that both the vectors should have the same length, without implying that they should "line up".
This would both be confusing to anyone reading the code (as using a data.frame implies you think of your vectors as matching up) as well as forcing any additional elements you add to the list to be converted into vectors of the appropriate length (which may or may not be what you want)
In case I did not understand you correctly last time, here is another possibility:
If you want to generate a second vector, given some function/expression, of the same length as your argument you could do something like:
myF <- function(x){
return (list(a=replicate(length(x),f),b=x))
in your example f could be runif(1, max=100), though in the specific case of runif you could explicitly tell it to generate a vector of appropriate length by calling runif(length(x), max=100) inside the function.
replicate simply re-evaluates f the number of times you request, and gives you the vector of all the results.
It appears that your function is "hard coding" a. So no matter what you specify it will always give 11.
If for example you changed the function to:
myF <- function(x){ return (list(a=x,b=x)) }
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a is allowed to change like b.
myF <- function(x,y){ return (list(a=y,b=x)) }
[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[1] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Now a is allowed to change independent of b.

R counting the occurrences of similar rows of data frame

I have data in the following format called DF (this is just a made up simplified sample):
eval.num, eval.count, fitness, fitness.mean, green.h.0, green.v.0, offset.0 random
1 1 1500 1500 100 120 40 232342
2 2 1000 1250 100 120 40 11843
3 3 1250 1250 100 120 40 981340234
4 4 1000 1187.5 100 120 40 4363453
5 1 2000 2000 200 100 40 345902
6 1 3000 3000 150 90 10 943
7 1 2000 2000 90 90 100 9304358
8 2 1800 1900 90 90 100 284333
However, the eval.count column is incorrect and I need to fix it. It should report the number of rows with the same values for (green.h.0, green.v.0, and offset.0) by only looking at the previous rows.
The example above uses the expected values, but assume they are incorrect.
How can I add a new column (say "count") which will count all previous rows which have the same values of the specified variables?
I have gotten help on a similar problem of just selecting all rows with the same values for specified columns, so I supposed I could just write a loop around that, but it seems inefficient to me.
Ok, let's first do it in the easy case where you just have one column.
> data <- rep(sample(1000, 5),
sample(5, 5))
> head(data)
[1] 435 435 435 278 278 278
Then you can just use rle to figure out the contiguous sequences:
> sequence(rle(data)$lengths)
[1] 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 1
Or altogether:
> head(cbind(data, sequence(rle(data)$lengths)))
[1,] 435 1
[2,] 435 2
[3,] 435 3
[4,] 278 1
[5,] 278 2
[6,] 278 3
For your case with multiple columns, there are probably a bunch of ways of applying this solution. Easiest might be to just paste the columns you care about together to form a single vector.
Okay I used the answer I had on another question and worked out a loop that I think will work. This is what I'm going to use:
cmpfun2 <- function(r) {
count <- 0
if (r[1] > 1)
for (row in 1:(r[1]-1))
if(all(r[27:51] == DF[row,27:51,drop=FALSE])) # compare to row bind
count <- count + 1
return (count)
brows <- apply(DF[], 1, cmpfun2)
Please comment if I made a mistake and this won't work, but I think I've figured it out. Thanks!
I have a solution I figured out over time (sorry I haven't checked this in a while)
checkIt <- function(bind) {
cmpfun <- function(r) {all(r ==[bind,23:47,drop=FALSE])}
brows <- apply([,23:47], 1, cmpfun)
Note that is my actual data frame and I just printed a few columns originally to make sure that it was working (now commented out). Also, 23:47 is the part that needs to be checked for duplicates
Also, I really haven't learned as much R as I should so I'm open to suggestions.
Hope this helps!
