I made a tilemap. and used it on cocos2d-js.
Just added
this._map = new cc.TMXTiledMap(res.tilemap);
this.addChild(this._map, 0, 1);
in Layer.
But When I use this image,
this error occured.
[.WebGLRenderingContext]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture
unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible
texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
But When I used other image, it works.
I changed tilemap many times with that images, but same result.
I don't know what is diffrent that images.
Please help me.
Have you tried I believe I encountered this error once:
Have you tried adding all the image files in your resources.js file?
I have a very trouble with Gamemaker 8.1.
So recently, I've followed this video tutorial which shows creating a game 3D on its game engine.
I tried to test my game, but an error message shows
What caused that error? Here is the code so I hope you can fix it as well.
direction -= (display_mouse_get_x() -(display_get_width()/2))/5
zto -= (display_mouse_get_y() -(display_get_height()/2))/2
xto = lengthdir_x(100,direction)+x
yto = lengthdir_y(100,direction)+y
Also, the version of Gamemaker is 8.1.141 (r11549)
-Sajad Sadiq Abd Amhamad
In the video, the author creates two Background resources around 0:25, called floor_tex and roof_tex (mistyped as root_tex in your code). You'd want to either name your resources accordingly or adjust your code to match the names in your project.
I am working on Qt/openGL and I have some issue to activate my depth buffer.
At every frame, I activate the following states:
Plus I checked that the size of my depth buffer is not null (glGetIntegerv(GL_DEPTH_BITS) gives me 24, which is the expected value)
however the depth test is not working and some fragments that should be discarded by depth test are not.
Any idea?
OK, so problem fixed!
Here is the method I used if anyone gets the same issue.
I installed GDebugger, and checked that depth buffer was indeed not written.
I exported the openGL current state and here are the states relative to depth test:
Everything seems okay except GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK which is false.
I activated it using:
and everything is working!
EDIT: Actually, the activation of the state must be done at every frame for correct rendering
I was facing the same problem, and setting the GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT in the glClear function solved my problem.
I've got a really simple application for adding watermarks to pictures. So you can drop your pictures in a QListWidget which shows you a thumbnail and the path, adjust some things like the text, the transparency, the output format and so on.. and after pressing start it saves the copyrighted picture in a destination of your choice. This works with a QPainter which paints the logo and text on the picture.
Everything is able to work fine. But here's the misterious bug:
The application kills random letters. It's really strange, because I can't reproduce it. With every execution and combination of options it's different. For example:
Sometimes I can't write some letters in the QLineEdit of my interface (like E, 4 and 0 doesnt exist, or he changes the letters so some special signs).
The text of the items in the QListWidget aren't completly displayed, sometimes completley missing. But I can extract the text normally and use the path.
While execution I have a QTextBrowser as a log to display some interesting things like the font size. Although, the font is shown normaly on the resulting picture, it says " 4" or "6" instead of much higher and correct sizes. Betimes strange white blocks appear between some letters
When drawing text on the picture with a QPainter, there also letters missing. Sometimes, all the letters are printed over each other. It seems like this bug appears more often when using small pixelsizes (like 12):
int fontSize = (watermarkHeight-(4*frame));
int fontX = 2*frame;
int fontY = (result.height()-(watermarkHeight-2*frame));
int fontWidth = watermarkWidth;
QRect place(fontX,fontY,fontWidth,fontSize);
QFont font("Helvetica Neue", QFont::Light);
emit log(QString::number(fontSize));
Not all of these bugs appear at once! Sometimes I haven't got any bugs...
Perhaps someone had a similar bug before. Unfortunately I didn't found something like this in the internet. I didn't post a lot of code snippets because I think (and hope) that this is a gerneral problem. If you need something specific to help me, please let me know =)
I've added a example picture:
In the lineEdit I simply wrote ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890 (look what he has done with the 7 and 9)
This small square in the lower corner of the picture should be the "ABC..." thing
The "62" looks very strange in the textBrowser
I'm using Qt 5.0.1 on a Windows 7 64Bit computer.
EDIT: Everytime after adding the first picture to the list, he's finding these warnings:
QFontEngine::loadEngine: GetTextMetrics failed ()
QWindowsFontEngine: GetTextMetrics failed ()
But when I change the height (and with it the pointSize of the font) its not emitted anymore, even with the start-parameters.
EDIT 2: Thank you for your help! I corrected my code so that he only uses correct fonts and correct sizes, but it still doesn't work. When I remove the QPainter::drawText() function it works fine (without the text). But as soon as I am adding text everything is bugged. I have something like this now:
QList<int> smoothSizes = fontDatabase->smoothSizes("Verdana","Standard");
int fontSize = (watermarkHeight-(4*frame))*0.75;
emit log("Requested: "+QString::number(fontSize));
for(int i = 0; i<smoothSizes.length(); i++){
if(smoothSizes.at(i) > fontSize && i>0){
fontSize = smoothSizes.at(i-1);
int fontX = 2*frame;
int fontY = (result.height()-(watermarkHeight/2)+frame);
QFont font = fontDatabase->font("Verdana","Standard",fontSize);
QFontInfo info(font);
emit log("Corrected: "+QString::number(fontSize));
emit log("Okay?: "+QString::number(info.exactMatch()));
const QFontMetrics fontMetrics = pixPaint.fontMetrics();
It almost sounds like you are corrupting random memory in your process, or you have a badly broken Windows install. Possibly your font request is matched by a very poorly chosen system font.
Whatever is set on a QFont is merely a request. To obtain the parameters of the actual font that was selected, you must create a QFontInfo, and get your information from there.
Imagine that you request a QFont that doesn't exist on a system, or that can't be scaled to a particular size. At some point the font object would need to morph to reflect what really happened - this would be very confusing. Thus, the QFontInfo provides the information about the font that was actually used. Think of QFontInfo as a response, and QFont as a request.
I finally found a solution: I simply updated Qt from 5.0.1 to 5.2.1, now it works. Perhaps someone has a similar bug and this post helps him. Thank you for your help!
I'm trying to create a VolumeSlider widget that changes the volume of my audio output.
log.debug("Starting audio player (%s)..." % url)
mediaSource = Phonon.MediaSource(url)
self.player = Phonon.createPlayer(Phonon.VideoCategory, mediaSource)
audioOutput = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.MusicCategory)
Phonon.createPath(self.player, audioOutput)
However even though I can move the volume slider, the actual volume doesn't change. What did I miss?
I have never used Phonon.createPlayer, because the API seems totally baffling. Apparently, it is supposed to be a "convenience" function that creates a path between an media object and an audio output. But it only gives a reference to the media object. There appears to be no access to the audio output object, which would seem to make it completely useless (but I may well be missing something).
Anyway, I think it is much more convenient to create the paths explicitly, so that it is clear how all the parts are connected together.
The following code works for me on Linux and WinXP:
self.media = Phonon.MediaObject(self)
self.video = Phonon.VideoWidget(self)
self.audio = Phonon.AudioOutput(Phonon.VideoCategory, self)
Phonon.createPath(self.media, self.audio)
Phonon.createPath(self.media, self.video)
self.slider = Phonon.VolumeSlider(self)
Can I initialize the cropping area (In order to suggest a default one), with the Imagecrop module ?
I want my users to crop images in the same way...
Update: code lines in imagefield_crom.js
setSelect: [
parseInt($(".edit-image-crop-x", widget).val()),
parseInt($(".edit-image-crop-y", widget).val()),
parseInt($(".edit-image-crop-width", widget).val()) + parseInt($(".edit-image-crop-x", widget).val()),
300 + parseInt($(".edit-image-crop-y", widget).val())
Imagefield Crop uses the following jQuery plugin http://deepliquid.com/content/Jcrop_Manual.html
The function that you should be interested in is setSelect which sets the initial cropping area.
You can have a look in the file imagefield_crop.js (in the imagefield_crop module folder) where the function setSelect is being called. The default there is to set the selection area to the whole image -- you might want to recommend some other size and starting coordinates.
Alternative Answer
Check out http://drupal.org/project/imagecrop