I have a SQLite3 DB where I Insert each second one row of data (500 bytes per row)for each table (around 100 tables). After several minutes, In order to keep the DB size small, I also remove the last line in each table. Ao totally I insert 50K of data, and on the steady state I remove 50K of data. I wrap the inserts and deletions in a transaction, where each second I commit those transaction.
WAL mode is enabled, with sync mode = NORMAL. There is another process that occasionally performs read operation on the DB, but those are very fast.
I'm seeing a strange behaviour. Every several minutes, the commit command itself takes several seconds, while in other times it takes few milliseconds. I tried to play with the wal_autocheckpoint with no success.
It is worth mentioning that the filesystem is working on Linux software raid on Linux VM. Without the raid, the performance are better, but those "hiccups" still occur.
I'll definitely need to update this based on feedback so I apologize in advance.
The problem I'm trying to solve is roughly this.
The graph shows Disk utilization in the Windows task manager. My sqlite application is a webserver that takes in json requests with timestamps, looks up the existing entry in a 2 column key/value table, merges the request into the existing item (they don't grow over time), and then writes it back to the database.
The db is created as follows. I've experimented with and without WAL without difference.
createStatement().use { it.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items ( key TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, value BLOB );") }
The write/set is done as follows
try {
val insertStatement = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO items (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)"
prepareStatement(insertStatement).use {
it.setBytes(1, keySerializer.serialize(key))
it.setBytes(2, valueSerializer.serialize(value))
} catch (t: Throwable) {
throw t
I use a single database connection the entire time which seems to be ok for my use case and greatly improves performance relative to getting a new one for each operation.
val databaseUrl = "jdbc:sqlite:${System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")}/$name-map-v2.sqlite"
if (connection?.isClosed == true || connection == null) {
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseUrl)
I'm effectively serializing access to the db. I'm pretty sure the default threading mode for the sqlite driver is to serialize and I'm also doing some serializing in kotlin coroutines (via actors).
I'm load testing the application locally and I notice that disk utilization spikes around the one minute mark but I can't determine why. I know that throughput plummets when that happens though. I expect the server to chug along at a more or less constant rate. The db in these tests is pretty small too, hardly reaches 1mb.
Hoping people can recommend some next steps or set me straight as far as performance expectations. I'm assuming there is some sqlite specific thing that happens when throughput is very high for too long, but I would have thought it would be related to WAL or something (which I'm not using).
I have a theory but it's a bit farfetched.
The fact that you hit a performance wall after some time makes me think that either a buffer somewhere is filling up, or some other kind of data accumulation threshold is being reached.
Where exactly the culprit is, I'm not sure.
So, I'd run the following tests.
// At the beginning
If the problem is in the driver side of the rollback transaction buffer, then this will slightly (hopefully) slow down operations, "spreading" the impact away from the one-minute mark. Instead of getting fast operations for 59 seconds and then some seconds of full stop, you get not so fast operations the whole time.
In case the problem is further down the line, try
PRAGMA SYNCHRONOUS=OFF disables the rollback journal synchronization
(The data will be more at risk in case of a catastrophic powerdown).
Finally, another possibility is that the page translation buffer gets filled after a sufficient number of different keys has been entered. You can test this directly by doing these two tests:
1) pre-fill the database with all the keys in ascending order and a large request, then start updating the same many keys.
2) run the test with only very few keys.
If the slowdown does not occur in the above cases, then it's either TLB buffer management that's not up to the challenge, or database fragmentation is a problem.
It might be the case that issuing
upon database creation might solve or mitigate the problem. Conversely, PRAGMA PAGE_SIZE=1024 could "spread" the problem avoiding performance bottlenecks.
Another thing to try is closing the database connection and reopening it when it gets older than, say, 30 seconds. If this works, we'll still need to understand why it works (in this case I expect the JDBC driver to be at fault).
First of all, I want to say that I do not use exactly your driver for sqlite, and I use different devices in my work. (but how different are they really?)
From what I see, correct me if im wrong, you use one transaction, for one insert statement. You get request, you use the disc, you use the memory, open, close etc... every time. This can't work fast.
The first thing I do when I have to do inserts in sqlite is to group them, and use a single transaction to do it. That way, you are using your resources in batches.
One transaction, many insert statements, single commit. If there is a problem with a batch, handle the valid separately, log the faulty, move the next batch of requests.
I have a SQLite database my application uses to store some data. It can get very large (a few GBs in size), it has only 3 columns: an auto incrementing counter, a UUID, and a binary BLOB. My application keeps track of how many rows are in the database and removes the oldest ones (based on the increment) when it has exceeded the row limit.
On startup I also run VACUUM to compress the database in case the row limit has changed and the space in the database is mostly free allocated space.
My understanding is that a DELETE command will simply mark the deleted pages as "free pages" which can be written over again. Despite this, I see that the file size is continuing to grow (albeit slower) when inserting new rows after the row limit has been reached. Is this due to fragmentation of the free pages? Can I expect this fragmentation accretion to stop after a long enough time has passed? My application is intended to run uninterrupted for a very long time and if the file size increases on every INSERT the hard drive of the machine will fill up.
Persistence.mv.db size increases even on wiping out old data. And after size increases more than 71 Mb it gives handshake timeout(netty connection). Nodes stop responding to REST services.
We have cleared data from tables like NODE_MESSAGE_IDS, NODE_OUR_KEY_PAIRS, due to large number of hoping between six nodes. And generation of temporary key pairs for a session. And similarly many other tables, e.g. node_transactions, even after clearing them, size increases.
And also when we declare:
val session = serviceHub.jdbcSession()
"session.autoCommit is false" everytime. Also I tries to set its value to true, and execute sql queries.But it did not decrease database size.
This is in reference to the same project. We solved pagination issue by removing the data from tables but DB size still increases. So it is not completely solved:-
Buffer overflow issue when rows in vault is more than 200
There might be issue with your flows, as the node is doing a lot of checkpointing.
Besides that I cannot think of any other scenarios to cause the database to constantly growing.
I am writing continuously into a db file which has PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL, PRAGMA journal_size_limit=0. My C++ program has two threads, one reader(queries at 15 sec intervals) and one writer(inserts at 5 sec intervals).
Every 3 min I am pausing insertion to run a sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2() from the writer thread with the mode parameter as SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART. To ensure that no active read operations are going on at this point, I set a flag that checkpointing is about to take place and wait for reader to complete (the connection is still open) before running checkpoint. After checkpoint completion I again indicate to readers it is okay to resume querying.
sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2() returns SQLITE_OK, and pnLog and Ckpt as equal(around 4000), indicating complete wal file has been synced with main db file. So next write should start from beginning according to documentation. However, this does not seem to be happening as the subsequent writes cause the WAL file to grow indefinitely, eventually up to some GBs.
I did some searching and found that that readers can cause checkpoint failure due to open transactions. However, the only reader I'm using is ending its transaction before the checkpoint starts. What else could be preventing the WAL file from not growing?
This is far too late as an answer, but may be useful to other people.
According to the SQLite documentation, your expectations should be correct, but if you read this SO post, problems arise also in case of non-finalized statements. Therefore, if you just sqlite3_reset() your statement, there are chances anyway that the db may look busy or locked for a checkpoint. Note that this may happen also with higher levels of SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_values.
Also, the SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_TRUNCATE value, if checkout is successfully operated, will truncate the -wal file to zero length. That may help you check that all pages have been inserted in the db.
Another discussion in which -wal files grow larger and larger due to unfinalized statements is this.
Good day, I receive data from a communication channel and display it. Parallel, I serialize it into a SQLite database (using normal SQL INSERT statements). After my application exit I do a .commit on the sqlite object.
What happens if my application is terminated brutally in the middle? Will the latest (reasonably - not say 100 microsec ago, but at least a sec ago) data be safely in the database even without a .commit is made? Or should I have periodic commit? What are best patterns for doing these things?
I tried autocommit on (sqlite's option) and this slows code a lot by a factor ~55 (autocommit vs. just one commit at end). Doing commit every 100 inserts brings performance within 20% of the optimal mode. So autocommit is very slow for me.
My application pumps lots data into DB - what can I do to make it work well?
You should be performing this within a transaction, and consequently performing a commit at appropriate points in the process. A transaction will guarantee that this operation is atomic - that is, it either works or doesn't work.
Atomicity states that database
modifications must follow an “all or
nothing” rule. Each transaction is
said to be “atomic” if when one part
of the transaction fails, the entire
transaction fails. It is critical that
the database management system
maintain the atomic nature of
transactions in spite of any DBMS,
operating system or hardware failure.
If you've not committed, then the inserts won't be visible (and be rolled back) when your process is terminated.
When do you perform these commits ? When your inserts represent something consistent and complete. e.g.. if you have to insert 2 pieces of information for each message, then commit after you've inserted both pieces of info. Don't commit after each one, since your info won't be consistent or complete.
The data is not permanent in the database without a commit. Use an occasional commit to balance the speed of performing many inserts in a transaction (the more frequent the commit, the slower) with the safety of having more frequent commits.
You should do a COMMIT every time you complete a logical change.
One reason for transaction is to prevent uncommitted data from a transaction to be visible from outside. That is important because sometimes a single logical change can translate into multiple INSERT or UPDATE statements. If one of the latter queries of the transaction fails, the transaction can be cancelled with ROLLBACK and no change at all is recorded.
Generally speaking, no change performed in a transaction is recorded in the database until COMMIT succeeds.
does not this slow down considerably my code? – zaharpopov
Frequent commits, might slow down your code, and as an optimization you could try grouping several logical changes in a single transaction. But this is a departure from the correct use of transactions and you should only do this after measuring that this significantly improves performance.