How change my editer's linter configuration ATOM .jshintrc setting where do i put in - jshint

I want set my JSHint on Atom editor. Where do I put .jshintrc file in Atom?
here is my .jshintrc file
"globals": {
"$": false,
"jQuery": false
I'm using the linter-jshint package.
I try to put the code to Atom's config.cson but it doesn't seem to work.
'showIndentGuide': true
'tabLength': 4
'fontSize': 14
'invisibles': {}
'userId': '807682f7-4468-e7ec-677e-6968e54390c6'
'showOnStartup': false
'themes': [
'showAllErrorsInStatusBar': true
'jshintExecutablePath': 'Yosemite/Users/hyunahn/.atom/packages'

As the documentation states, you can have a .jshintrc file in the root or any subfolder:
"Supports custom .jshintrc file in project root and all parent directories"

Like the previously responder noted, you can put the .jshintrc file at the root of your project directory.
For reader's who may not know completely what a .jshintrc file is:
It's a configuration file with rules that tells JSHint which rules to enforce. JSHint will start looking for this file in the same directory as the file that's being linted. If not found, it will move one level up the directory tree all the way up to the filesystem root.
Here is a standard .jshintrc file you can copy-paste and modify to your needs.


Symfony 5 and webpack encore in prod env : avoid hash string in build filename

When I run the command yarn build, some files are created in the public/build directory, generated files get a new filename containing a random hash string :
For only files themes/light and theme/dark I need to remove automatically the random hash string when I run the yarn build, I want to keep the original filename. I mean, currently the command generate theses files :
And instead, I want to have :
Is it possible to do that automatically ?
If you don't mind having the files twice, one with the hash, one without, then the copyFiles plugin is probably the way to go:
This work adding, in your Encore configuration in webpack.config.js something like:
// Your usual config comes here
from: './assets/themes/light.css',
// or wherever the file lives in the assets folder
to: 'public/build/themes/light.css'
from: './assets/themes/dark.css',
// or wherever the file lives in the assets folder
to: 'public/build/themes/dark.css'
Notice: untested – find more explanation here:
There is also a configureFilenames function, but I am not sure you'll be able to fit conditionals in it.

Less Middleware with Express

I am trying to setup less on my nodejs project and when i request my page from browser less-middleware debug show me wrong path and dest path. When i ask for example '/public/css/index.css' from my webpage i adds '/public/css/' to the source path. Below are mine configures:
debug: true,
dest: __dirname+'/public/css',
once: true
And debug screen shows:
pathname : /public/css/index.css
source : D\Work\project\server\less\public\css\index.less
destination : D\Work\project\public\css\public\css\index.css
Even if i fix the destination path, i am having problem with source and i dont want to put my less files into public folder. Is there a way of remove that /public/css from compiled less.
I have tried to add:
'preprocess.path': function(pathname, req){
but console.log never shows. Also perhaps there is a way to not compile every css file users ask and just compile those less files which i have in less folder.
P.S. every module i am using is under "*" version.
You might try this (accessing "/css/style.css" within your browser):
src: __dirname+"/server/less",
dest: __dirname+"/public/css",
prefix: "/css",
// force true recompiles on every request... not the
// best for production, but fine in debug while working
// through changes
force: true,
debug: true
Actually it was simple enough.
debug: true,
dest: __dirname,
force: true
So now in the folder /server/less we create folder public/css and everything is pulling in right way. Also if we have folder admin/css it works too. Trick was to create folders in folder /server/less

Prevent grunt-ts from generating multiple .map and .js files

We are using Grunt to compile and concatenate our typescript files into a single javascript file located in our distribution folder. That functionality is working properly, but Grunt also creates .map and .js files for every ts file it finds; auto-generating them in the same location as the TS files.
Is there a way to prevent grunt from making these extra files and just generate the output.js and
This is a snip of our grunt.js file.
ts: {
task : {
src: ["**/*.ts", "!node_modules/**/*.ts"],
out: 'app/dist/app.js'
options: {
fast: 'never'
watch: {
typescript: {
files: '**/**/*.ts',
tasks: ['ts']
sass: {
files: '**/**/*.scss',
tasks: ['sass']
In tsconfig.json turn off the compileOnSave option to signal to IDEs not to generate all files for a given configuration upon saving:
"compileOnSave": false
Not all IDEs currently obey the option. See for more detail.
It seams that your IDE is compiling your TS files.
It happens with me once with webstorm,
Witch IDE are you using?
Try to disable typescript compiler.
In case you are using webstorm:
Search for typescript under Languages & Frameworks
uncheck "Enable TypeScript Compiler" checkbox

Why is my jar not loading?

I am using the Jsoup jar file in my Coldfusion application. I was originally storing it in a local lib folder, but for security purposes we decided to store it in the cfroot lib folder. I uploaded the jar to the /lib folder in root, and added this code to Application.cfc:
this.javaSettings = {
loadPaths: [
loadColdFusionClassPath: true
However, my code (that was working before) now generates the following error:
Object Instantiation Exception.
Class not found: org.jsoup.JsoupObject Instantiation Exception.
It seems the code is not finding/loading the jar file. How can I point the code towards the Jsoup jar file stored in root?
Try backslash instead of forward-slash,
this.javaSettings = {
loadPaths: [
loadColdFusionClassPath: true

grunt-contrib-clean task doesn't delete files with network src path

I faced a trouble attempting to clean distributive directory on remote file server.
I have a folder and access it via double slash notation like
I've configured my Gruntfile.js for grunt-contrib-clean task like this:
clean: {
files: [
src: ['//foldername/projectname/subfolder/']
In my tasks list I also have a grunt-contrib-copy task which launches after grunt-contrib-clean to load distributive and this task uses the same src path to folder on network.
So when i launch the grunt - "clean" task actually doesn't clean the subfolder but the "copy" succesfully copies files.
When I try to launch grunt with --verbose command i have a next log:
Running "clean" (clean) task
Verifying property clean exists in config...OK
Files: [no src]
Options: force=false, no-write=false
Options: force=false, no-write=false
So it seems that task can't find the files but the reason is undefined.
Access to server is authorized and i'm enter credentials via default Windows prompt. And I have credentials for changing/deleting folder.
Can anybody help me and answer why the clean task doesn't find my directory.
It does. Here is an example:
dev: {
options: {
'force': true
expand: true,
cwd: '//someserver/someshare/somepath',
src: '{,*/}*'
Use force=true to go clean the subfolder:
Type: Boolean
Default: false
This overrides this task from blocking deletion of folders outside current working dir (CWD). Use with caution.
and no-write=true to get verbose output.
Also, check the version to see if the Windows bug has been fixed:
2013-07-15   v0.5.0   Use rimraf directly, version 2.2.1 to fix issue on Windows. Add no-write option to mimic grunt.file.delete behavior.
npmjs: grunt-contrib-clean
grunt-contrib-clean: Failing on Windows 8
