Trouble reading/writing internal EEPROM PIC24F16KA101 - internal

I am trying to get interact with the internal memory of the PIC24F16KA101 MCU. After reading the data-sheet and the discussion on this site (which offer a pretty helpful sample code)used in the project
Now if I put the code below the program work just fine, since I am able to read successfully the same value that I wrote previously. However if after writing I unplug the MCU and perform only a read of the EEPROOM it is not going to return the value written. What could be the problem here?. Why can I write and then read successfully but can not read after a power off?.
Thanks in advance to all for the help
int __attribute__ ((space(eedata))) ee_addr;
void EepSetup();
void EepErase(void);
int EepWrite(int index, int data);
int EepRead(int index);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
unsigned int data = 123;
unsigned int data_read = 0;
//if the code works, just comment the upper section and read eeprom after
//disconecting the power source
data_read = EepRead(1);
UART1WriteString("Value Read: ");
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
void EepSetup(){
//Disable Interrupts For 5 instructions
asm volatile("disi #5");
//Issue Unlock Sequence
asm volatile("mov #0x55, W0 \n"
"mov W0, NVMKEY \n"
"mov #0xAA, W1 \n"
"mov W1, NVMKEY \n");
void EepErase(void) {
NVMCON = 0x4050; // Set up NVMCON to bulk erase the data EEPROM
asm volatile ("disi #5"); // Disable Interrupts For 5 Instructions
__builtin_write_NVM(); // Issue Unlock Sequence and Start Erase Cycle
int EepRead(int index){
unsigned int offset;
TBLPAG = __builtin_tblpage(&ee_addr); // Initialize EE Data page pointer
offset = __builtin_tbloffset(&ee_addr); // Initizlize lower word of address
offset += index * sizeof(int);
return __builtin_tblrdl(offset); // read EEPROM data
int EepWrite(int index, int data){
unsigned int offset;
NVMCON = 0x4004; // Set up NVMCON to erase one word of data EEPROM
TBLPAG = __builtin_tblpage(&ee_addr); // Initialize EE Data page pointer
offset = __builtin_tbloffset(&ee_addr); // Initizlize lower word of address
offset += index * sizeof(int);
__builtin_tblwtl(offset, data);
asm volatile ("disi #5"); // Disable Interrupts For 5 Instructions
__builtin_write_NVM(); // Issue Unlock Sequence and Start Erase Cycle
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

I just figured out what the problem was, it happens that if you use the PICkit 3 with MPLABX you have to check an option in the programmer to preserve the EEPROM memory,so the code was functional, you just need to check the option of "Preserve EEPROM Memory" in the programmer settings. I hope this help others.
Cheers, Damian


How to use read() to get the adress of a pointer?

I have 2 programs communicating with each other through a fifo, one's the writer the other's the reader.
The writer sends a pointer to a struct containing information.
The reader should receive the pointer and be able to see the information inside the struct.
Header file:
typedef struct req{
int _code;
char _client_pipe[PIPENAME];
char _box_name[BOXNAME];
} request;
/*writes to pipe tx a pointer with information*/
void send_request(int tx, request *r1) {
ssize_t ret = write(tx, &r1, sizeof(r1));
if (ret < 0) {
fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: %s\n", ERROR_WRITING_PIPE);
/*Returns a pointer to a struct containing the request*/
request *serialize(int code, char* client_pipe, char* box_name){
request *r1 = (request*) malloc(sizeof(request));
r1->_code = code;
strcpy(r1->_client_pipe, client_pipe);
strcpy(r1->_box_name, box_name);
return r1;
Program writer:
int main(int argc, char **argv){
(void *) argc; // in my program i used argc, but for this problem it's not important hence why the //typecast to void
char register_pipe[PIPENAME];
char personal_pipe[PIPENAME];
char box_name[BOXNAME];
strcpy(register_pipe, argv[1]);
strcpy(personal_pipe, argv[2]);
strcpy(box_name, argv[3]);
int reg_pipe = open(register_pipe, O_WRONLY);
if (reg_pipe == -1) {
fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: %s\n", UNEXISTENT_PIPE);
return -1;
send_request(reg_pipe, serialize(1, personal_pipe, box_name));
Program reader:
char register_pipe[PIPENAME];
strcpy(register_pipe, argv[1]);
if(mkfifo(register_pipe, 0644) < 0)
if ((reg_pipe = open(register_pipe, O_RDONLY)) < 0){
if ((reg_pipe = open(register_pipe, O_RDONLY)) < 0){
request* buffer = (request*) malloc(sizeof(request)); //this might be the issue but not sure
ssize_t broker_read= read(reg_pipe, buffer, 256); //is not reading correctly
printf("%d, %s, %s\n", buffer->_code, buffer->_client_pipe, buffer->_box_name);
So if i start program reader and set register pipe as "reg", this will create the register pipe and wait for someone to join it.
Then if i start the program writer like ./writer reg personal box
this will open the reg pipe correctly, create a struct of type request and then sent it to the reader.
The reader should receive a pointer to a struct req set like:
_code = 1;
_client_pipe[PIPENAME] = "personal";
_box_name[BOXNAME] = "box";
The reader is in fact receiving but for some reason it's not receiving correctly.
If i try to print like in the last line, it will output some random numbers and letters.
How can i fix this?
You would need to have that structure exist inside a shared memory region that you have arranged to be mapped into both processes at the same address.
Without some such arrangement, each process has a private address space, so an address known to process A is meaningless to process B.
How to make such an arrangement is very much dependent upon you operating system, and perhaps even variant of said operating system.
You will likely find it easier to just copy the structure, as opposed to its address, via the fifo.

QAudioOutput underrun issue on Realtime Play from Microphone with QAudioInput

Sometimes I am getting "underrun occured" from ALSA lib and that means the audioouput is not getting the values on time to play. Alsa then repeats the old buffer values on the speaker.
How can I avoid underruns on QAudioOuput?
I am using Qt5.9.1 and ARM Based CPU running on Debian 8.
I tried to change the buffersize:
qDebug()<<"buffersize "<<audioOutput->bufferSize()<<" period size" .
I get: buffersize 144000 period size 0
and after audiOutput->start() I get: buffersize 19200 period size 3840
Here is what I am doing:
qDebug()<<"buffersize "<<audioOutput->bufferSize()<<" period size" .
m_audioInput = audioInput->start();
m_audioOutput = audioOutput->start();
qDebug()<<"buffersize "<<audioOutput->bufferSize()<<" period size"<
connect(m_audioInput, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readBufferSlot()));
Once audio data gets recorded I write to the QIODevice m_audioOutput the values from QIODevice m_audioInput.
So I think I have a timing issue sometimes and the audio interval for both is 1000ms before and after start().
Why cant I increase the buffer size? And how can I avoid underrun?
Based on my experience with QAudioOutput, it's buffer is intended just to keep real-time playing, you can't for example drop 1 minute of sound directly to the QIODevice expecting it gets buffered and played sequentially, but it do not means that you can't buffer sound, just means that you need to do it by yourself.
I made the following example in "C-Style" to make an all-in-one solution, it buffers 1000 milliseconds (1 second) of the input before play it.
The event loop needs to be available to process the Qt SIGNALs.
In my tests, 1 second buffering is fairly enough to avoid under runs.
#include <QtCore>
#include <QtMultimedia>
#define MAX_BUFFERED_TIME 1000
static inline int timeToSize(int ms, const QAudioFormat &format)
return ((format.channelCount() * (format.sampleSize() / 8) * format.sampleRate()) * ms / 1000);
struct AudioContext
QAudioInput *m_audio_input;
QIODevice *m_input_device;
QAudioOutput *m_audio_output;
QIODevice *m_output_device;
QByteArray m_buffer;
QAudioDeviceInfo m_input_device_info;
QAudioDeviceInfo m_output_device_info;
QAudioFormat m_format;
int m_time_to_buffer;
int m_max_size_to_buffer;
int m_size_to_buffer;
bool m_buffer_requested = true; //Needed
bool m_play_called = false;
void play(AudioContext *ctx)
//Set that last async call was triggered
ctx->m_play_called = false;
if (ctx->m_buffer.isEmpty())
//If data is empty set that nothing should be played
//until the buffer has at least the minimum buffered size already set
ctx->m_buffer_requested = true;
else if (ctx->m_buffer.size() < ctx->m_size_to_buffer)
//If buffer doesn't contains enough data,
//check if exists a already flag telling that the buffer comes
//from a empty state and should not play anything until have the minimum data size
if (ctx->m_buffer_requested)
//Buffer is ready and data can be played
ctx->m_buffer_requested = false;
int readlen = ctx->m_audio_output->periodSize();
int chunks = ctx->m_audio_output->bytesFree() / readlen;
//Play data while it's available in the output device
while (chunks)
//Get chunk from the buffer
QByteArray samples = ctx->m_buffer.mid(0, readlen);
int len = samples.size();
ctx->m_buffer.remove(0, len);
//Write data to the output device after the volume was applied
if (len)
//If chunk is smaller than the output chunk size, exit loop
if (len != readlen)
//Decrease the available number of chunks
void preplay(AudioContext *ctx)
//Verify if exists a pending call to play function
//If not, call the play function async
if (!ctx->m_play_called)
ctx->m_play_called = true;
QTimer::singleShot(0, [=]{play(ctx);});
void init(AudioContext *ctx)
/***** INITIALIZE INPUT *****/
//Check if format is supported by the choosen input device
if (!ctx->m_input_device_info.isFormatSupported(ctx->m_format))
qDebug() << "Format not supported by the input device";
//Initialize the audio input device
ctx->m_audio_input = new QAudioInput(ctx->m_input_device_info, ctx->m_format, qApp);
ctx->m_input_device = ctx->m_audio_input->start();
if (!ctx->m_input_device)
qDebug() << "Failed to open input audio device";
//Call the readyReadPrivate function when data are available in the input device
QObject::connect(ctx->m_input_device, &QIODevice::readyRead, [=]{
//Read sound samples from input device to buffer
/***** INITIALIZE INPUT *****/
//Check if format is supported by the choosen output device
if (!ctx->m_output_device_info.isFormatSupported(ctx->m_format))
qDebug() << "Format not supported by the output device";
int internal_buffer_size;
//Adjust internal buffer size
if (ctx->m_format.sampleRate() >= 44100)
internal_buffer_size = (1024 * 10) * ctx->m_format.channelCount();
else if (ctx->m_format.sampleRate() >= 24000)
internal_buffer_size = (1024 * 6) * ctx->m_format.channelCount();
internal_buffer_size = (1024 * 4) * ctx->m_format.channelCount();
//Initialize the audio output device
ctx->m_audio_output = new QAudioOutput(ctx->m_output_device_info, ctx->m_format, qApp);
//Increase the buffer size to enable higher sample rates
//Compute the size in bytes to be buffered based on the current format
ctx->m_size_to_buffer = int(timeToSize(ctx->m_time_to_buffer, ctx->m_format));
//Define a highest size that the buffer are allowed to have in the given time
//This value is used to discard too old buffered data
ctx->m_max_size_to_buffer = ctx->m_size_to_buffer + int(timeToSize(MAX_BUFFERED_TIME, ctx->m_format));
ctx->m_output_device = ctx->m_audio_output->start();
if (!ctx->m_output_device)
qDebug() << "Failed to open output audio device";
//Timer that helps to keep playing data while it's available on the internal buffer
QTimer *timer_play = new QTimer(qApp);
QObject::connect(timer_play, &QTimer::timeout, [=]{
//Timer that checks for too old data in the buffer
QTimer *timer_verifier = new QTimer(qApp);
QObject::connect(timer_verifier, &QTimer::timeout, [=]{
if (ctx->m_buffer.size() >= ctx->m_max_size_to_buffer)
timer_verifier->start(qMax(ctx->m_time_to_buffer, 10));
qDebug() << "Playing...";
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
AudioContext ctx;
QAudioFormat format;
ctx.m_format = format;
ctx.m_input_device_info = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultInputDevice();
ctx.m_output_device_info = QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice();
ctx.m_time_to_buffer = 1000;
return a.exec();

seg fault / pointer assistance

so i know the bases of programming, i have a decent amount of experience with java, but im learning C for school right now. I still dont completely understand the whole pointer aspect, which is what im sure caused the fault. This program works fine when run on my computer, but when i try and run it on my schools unix shell it gives me a seg fault. if someone could please explain to me why or how ive misused hte pointers, that would help me greatly.
//Matthew Gerton
//CS 222 - 002
//HW Six
#define max_Length 256
void decode(char *a, char *b);
void trimWhite(char *a);
void encode(char *a, char *b);
int main(void)
//character arrays
char coded[max_Length], decoded[max_Length];
//decode the sample phrase
char sample[] = {'P','H','H','W','D','W','C','R','R','F','D','Q','F','H','O','H','G','J',
decode(sample, decoded);
//scans a user input string to decode, and decodes it
printf("\nPlease enter a phrase to decode: ");
decode(coded, decoded);
//scans a user input phrase to encode
printf("\nPlease enter a phrase to encode: ");
encode(coded, decoded);
//removes any spaces from the input
void trimWhite(char *a)
char temp[max_Length];
int z=0, y=0;
if(a[z]!=' ')
temp[y] = '\0';
//decodes any phrase
void decode(char *a, char *b)
int i=0,n;
memset(b, '\0', sizeof(b));
n = n-3;
b[i]= (char) n;
printf("Coded message: %s\n", a);
printf("Decoded message: %s\n", b);
//codes an input phrase
void encode(char *a, char *b)
int i=0,n;
memset(b, '\0', sizeof(b));
a[i] = (char)(n+32);
a[i] = (char)(n-23);
a[i] = (char)((n+3);
printf("Coded message: %s\n", a);
Your main problem is here:
char sample[] = {'P','H','H', /* snip */ ,'R','X','U'};
The sample[] array is not zero-terminated which may cause the decode() function to copy many more characters than intended, thus overwriting other variables. You need to explicitly add a terminating zero when using an initializer-list:
char sample[] = {'P','H','H', /* ... */ ,'R','X','U',0};
Or you can initialize the array using a string literal, which does include a terminating zero:
You should probably read "Why is the gets function dangerous".
void decode(char *a, char *b)
int i=0,n;
memset(b, '\0', sizeof(b));
Also note that the size of the array is lost when it is passed to a function. The function only receives a pointer to its first element. The memset() call above will only zero sizeof(char*) bytes (usually 4 or 8). This doesn't matter though because, as far as I can tell, you only need to zero the first byte. You could simply write:
b[0] = 0;

Management of Unix Shared Memory

We know that, shared memory in Windows is implemented via memory mapped files backed by system pagefile, and it is always managed in a reference counted way (
I wonder whether Unix does it in a similar way. Someone ( says that Unix also manages shm in a reference counted way. I tried the an experiment on Mac OS X, and found that it was not the case.
Using the code supplied in the end, compile two programs: host and client. Type
which creates a shm, writes (int) 10 at its first address, and quits. Then type
./client <shmid>
to examine the shm segment, which attaches to the shm created, prints the first int, and quits.
Note that we used shmat and shmdt to connect to / disconnect from the shm, and shmget to create the shm.
To destroy the shm, we have to do it manually using shmctl.
shm is not managed as reference counting in Unix, at least for Mac OS X
/************************** host.c ****************************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
#include <assert.h>
main(int argc, char** argv)
int value = 10;
int id;
void* ptr;
/* create a new shm */
id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, PAGE_SIZE, IPC_CREAT | 0666);
assert(id != -1);
/* attach to the new shm */
ptr = shmat(id, (const void*) NULL, 0);
assert((int*) ptr != -1);
/* print the id so that client can use */
printf("shm id = %ld\n", id);
printf("address of id = %ld, length = %ld\n", ptr, PAGE_SIZE);
((int*) ptr)[0] = value;
printf("value at address %ld = %ld\n", ptr, *(int*) ptr);
/* detach from the shm and exit */
shmdt((const void*) ptr);
return 0;
/************************** host.c ****************************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include "assert.h"
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
main(int argc, char** argv)
void* ptr;
int id = atoi(argv[1]);
assert(id != -1);
/* attach to the shm */
ptr = shmat(id, NULL, 0);
assert(ptr != -1);
printf("value at ptr = %ld = %ld\n", ptr, *(int*) ptr);
shmdt((const void*) ptr);
return 0;
It not pure reference counting. According to shmctl(2):
IPC_RMID: Mark the segment to be destroyed. The segment will only
actually be destroyed after the last process detaches it
(i.e., when the shm_nattch member of the associated structure
shmid_ds is zero). The caller must be the owner or creator,
This means: IPC_RMID will not delete immediately but only after the reference count drops to zero the next time.
This allows you to achieve several goals with the same tool:
Either a server/client approach where the server creates, attaches and immediately sets RMID. Then clients can connect as long as the server is here. If the server goes down, the clients should disconect and the resource is cleaned up by the OS.
Or the "message" approach: Someone writes a message, pins it to a known location. After that someone else can come, look for a message and act accordingly. This is what you have done. This approach is more open to resource garbage of course. But there are usecases for this.

How can I use memfrob() to encrypt an entire file?

#include <Windows.h>
void memfrob(void * s, size_t n)
char *p = (char *) s;
while (n-- > 0)
*p++ ^= 42;
int main()
memfrob("C:\\Program Files\\***\***\\***\***\\***", 30344);
There's my code. If you can't tell, I'm not sure what I'm doing. I've Googled for about an hour and I haven't seen an example of how to use memfrob(), which is probably why I'm so lost. I'm trying to pass it the name of the file and then the size of the file in bytes, but my program just crashes.
Alright, this is what I have right now:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int count = 0;
FILE* pFile = 0;
long Size = 0;
void *memfrob(void * s, size_t n)
char *p = (char *) s;
while (n-- > 0)
*p++ ^= 42;
return s;
int main()
fopen_s(&pFile, "C:\\Program Files\\CCP\\EVE\\lib\\corelib\\nasty.pyj", "r+");
fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END);
Size = ftell(pFile);
char *buffer = (char*)malloc(Size);
memset(buffer, 0, Size);
fread(buffer, Size, 1, pFile);
memfrob(buffer, Size);
fopen_s(&pFile, "C:\\Program Files\\CCP\\EVE\\lib\\corelib\\nasty.pyj", "w+");
fwrite(buffer, Size, 1, pFile);
In my debugger, it seems that fread is not writing anything to buffer, and my ending file is just 2A over and over, which is 00 xor'd with 42. So can I get another hint?
You need to pass memfrob a piece of memory containing the contents of the file, rather than the name of the file. It's crashing because you're passing in a buffer of read-only memory, and then trying to modify it.
Investigate the open and read I/O functions, or alternatively fopen and fread. Your mainline should look something like:
int main() {
// open file
// find size of file
// allocate buffer of that size
// read contents of file into the buffer
// close the file
// call memfrob on the buffer
// do what you want with the file
// free the buffer
Well, several things are wrong here.
The minor problem is that you're passing it the location of the file and not the file itself. Read up on how to do file I/O in C (this being a pretty good link).
The real problem is that you seem to think this is encryption. This doesn't really encrypt your file from anything but the most trivial security issues (such as someone randomly opening your file).
