Site Does Not Reflect Edits Inside Wordpress CMS - wordpress

Anything I do inside our Wordpress CMS for some of our pages does not reflect on the actual website. It's like as if it's disconnected. The other pages are confirmed connected though.
Why is this and where should I look especially that it happens only to selected pages?
Btw, I probably should've indicated a sample of the problematic pages. Here's one:

Look the template of effected pages.
Take that page on admin panel on the right side of that page you can see page attribute section ,Look on the template that set for that page. It may be a static template that do not accept the content.
Just change the template to default template.
Then view that page .If content are reflected then request the developer to do that in the selected template also.
(NOTICE:entire style of the page is lost.You need to reselect to previous template and save it after seeing the change )


Easiest way to implement a temporary page to a Drupal 7 site

I'm a WordPress developer who's been tasked to create a temporary one-pager to a Drupal site. The client would like to have a simple front page with a logo and 4 external links until their new site is ready. Normally I'd just make a simple index.html page with some CSS and call it a day. But in this case they need some of the sub-pages from the Drupal site to continue to work.
Had it been a WordPress site, I would have just created a new template file and a new page inside WordPress, and made that the front page. But as I have zero experience with Drupal, I don't know if you can do the same thing here.
What is the easiest (quickest) way to make a simple splash-page as the front page, while having the rest of the drupal site continue to work? The splash-page should ignore all CSS and JS from the original theme — preferably have a completely independant section fromt the rest of the site.
In Drupal 7 you have few "levels" of templates. First you have "most outer" template html.tpl.php It contains html head and it is usually common for all pages.
Then inside that html.tpl.php you'll include page.tpl.php. That one should again contain some common page elements, as header and footer, but again, if your design requires that, you can have more than one page template.
Page template will include node template. In drupal you have 2 basic content (node) types but you can create many more of them. Basically for every different page layout you can create new content type (but there also are lot of different ways to achieve the same thing).
Basically you should create new content type called i.e. "splash" (machine name!). Add fields to it if they need to be back-end editable.
Then you should create new template file for your content type. Name matters, so you should call it node--splash.tpl.php . You can find and copy to your theme existing node.tpl.php and change it to your needs.
Keep in mind that when ever you add/remove new template file you have to clear the cache so drupal would scan theme directory, notice and start using new templates.
And if you need also different page template for you page you'll have to put some code into you tamplate.php file:
Drupal template engine design an specific file name for override front page.
You can create the file html--front.tpl.php, and this will be used only for the front page without touch any other page. You can page here your custom HTML and reference css/js.
If the page you need share common styles with the rest of the site, I would recommend to instead override page--front.tpl.php which is basically the content of the page without the tags
For more information here is a link

WordPress: Not displaying changes of updated pages

I have update a page in my wordpress site using web admin back end, but what I see is that even if I update a page, it does not get updated online. Moreover, some of the content of the page which I see online /live are not actually texted in the area where we put the content.
On the right side navigator, in the page attribute area Parent has been set to No Parent, template --> Home Page.
Can you please let me know what could be the possible reason why the live content of the page is different from what I can see in the actual text area through web admin panel?
Also updating a page does not reflects on the page as well for that particular page.
First make sure you are editing the right page. Click in the frontend adminbar on edit instead of navigating in the backend through the pages list.
Secondly it can be any caching related issue. Check out if there are any plugins or settings for this.
Areas that are on the page but not editable via the content can be widgets or any kind of theme builder stuff. Check in the backend design->widgets.
The page hierarchy (parent: no parent) can be differ from the actually website navigation. Check out design->menus. It is possible to build other hierarchies in the menus.

How do i add a page to a wordpress site?

I need to add a page to a wordpress site. However, for legal reasons, the page cannot be placed in/managed by wordpress as we are not allowed to make any changes to the page or it's content. How can I add this page to our site, but keep it outside wordpress management.
Odd request, but here's one idea:
Create a page template with no dynamic content from the post, load this content into it. The only way to edit the file would be through raw code. Anything entered into the post/page content area would not appear.

How to create fully reusable layout page template in wordpress?

For all pages, Wordpress give us a default page template : page.php. That's clear and simple, by default all pages use this template. Then, Wordpress give us a page template system, and when we speak about template we think reusable so we think about page layout template.
For example : full-width, page-width, sidebar-left... You specifie the template to use for each page, it's ok.
But when you begin to work on a more complex web site, your content will not be a simple post (page type) inside a page template anymore. For a reason or another you have to use another feature of Wordpress : page-slug.php. Before, of course you can try to do shortcode for everything you develop, include specific plugins only for your complex page etc but ONE DAY, you will have no choice to use this page-slug.php.
Here comes the problem : the content is "more specific and complex" but you still need to use your layout template, and you can't... Of course, you hate duplicated code so you don't want to just "copy" your template inside.
If we really want a specific page, we use the page-slug.php without a page template and it do the job. Then...
Why Wordpress don't consider the page-slug.php as pure content when (and only when) a page template is specified ?
Am I missing something ?

Wordpress Templates aren't showing up on my Page Options

I'm working on my first WordPress project. It won't be a blog but a CMS to quickly edit content and pages on the site.
I've got the header and footer exactly how I want it by editing them in the Appearance -> Editor menu. Under this menu I see quite a few templates that I could use (screen shot, some of which I don't even think I'll need or know where they came from. However when I edit my pages and go to the Page Attributes section there is only an option for 1 template (screenshot If I select Default Template as my template for the page, only the header and footer seem to load.
I am pretty new to WordPress. Am I suppose to 'activate' these templates somewhere? I only plan to use a handful of them (index pages, contact pages with a sidebar). What am I missing?
Thank you!
You should take a look at the information posted in the WordPress Codex on template files and the like. This image is particularly helpful in getting an understanding for when certain files are used by the WordPress engine to render pages WordPress Template Files Diagram.
You'll find the rest of the information relating to that diagram on this page.
I experienced this issue when using a child theme. I added a new template file to the child theme but the "templates" dropdown did not show on the page options section of any of my pages. I checked and double-checked the formatting of the template file and that was not the issue.
It turns out that my styles.css document in the child theme was not formatted properly and was missing the "template" attribute that designates the parent theme being extended with the child theme. I update the child theme css document to reference the parent template and voila! The template dropdown showed as expected.
