Flex Localization: Could not find compiled resource bundle - apache-flex

I tried every solution i found in the internet.
Im using flex 4.5, This is what im doing:
created directory locale/en_US in my src directory
add resources.properties file to that directory with some mappings.
add -locale en_US -source-path=./locale/{locale} -allow-source-path-overlap=true to the compile args.
checked in the framework that the en_US locale directory appear.
add metadata:
starting the app gives me the exception:
Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'resources' for locale 'en_US'.
This is some of the main solutions i tried:
uncheck "Remove unused RSLs" from the build path.
add the directory as a source path.
using the argument -include-resource-bundles and give my directory here (with using the argument -resource-bundle-list to get all bundles).
Any idea what else can i do?

Here is my structure for a mobile app (Android and iOS):
In src/locale I have 3 subdirs: de_DE, en_US, ru_RU
And in compiler options: -locale=ru_RU,en_US,de_DE -source-path=locale/{locale}
For another mobile app I have:
In src/locale 4 subdirs: en_US, hr_HR, sr_RS, sl_SI.
I had to add the latter 3 dirs with copylocale command.
And in compiler options: -locale hr_HR sr_RS sl_SI en_US -allow-source-path-overlap=true
Both apps work well for me with the latest Apache Flex SDK.
Here is the contents of a src/locale/hr_HR/recources.properties file:
# resources.properties file for locale hr_HR
navbar.tables=Stolovi za igranje:
navbar.full_long=Su puni
navbar.full_short=Su puni

OK i found a solution here:
im really not sure why it should be that difficult.
anyway, if someone ever need a help with that. after you successfully compile the file using ant (like described in the link), if you want to load it dynamcally like i needed just use (for example):
resourceManager.localeChain = ["en_US", "es_ES"];
worked well for me, no need to add anything to the compiler args for that solution.

Try using the fully qualified directory path name. If you're using ant you can use ${basedir}/src/locale/{locale}


Setting Jetty resourcebase to static file embedded in the same jar file

I am trying to access static resource (eg. first.html) packed inside the same .jar file (testJetty.jar), which also has a class which starts the jetty (v.8) server (MainTest.java). I am unable to set the resource base correctly.
The structure of my jar file (testJetty.jar):
Works fine on local machine, but when I wrap it in jar file and then run it, it doesn't work, giving "404: File not found" error.
I tried to set the resourcebase with the following values, all of which failed:
a) Tried setting it to .
resource_handler.setResourceBase("."); // Results in directory containing the jar file, D:\Work\eclipseworkspace\testJettyResult
b) Tried getting it from getResource
ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
File indexLoc = new File(loader.getResource("first.html").getFile());
String htmlLoc = indexLoc.getAbsolutePath();
resource_handler.setResourceBase(htmloc); // Results in D:\Work\eclipseworkspace\testJettyResult\file:\D:\Work\eclipseworkspace\testJettyResult\testJetty1.jar!\first.html
c) Tried getting the webdir
String webDir = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain()
resource_handler.setResourceBase(webdir); // Results in D:/Work/eclipseworkspace/testJettyResult/testJetty1.jar
None of these 3 approaches worked.
Any help or alternative would be appreciated
The solutions provided in this thread work but I think some clarity to the solution could be useful.
If you are building a fat jar and use the ProtectionDomain way you may hit some issues because you are loading the whole jar!
So the better solution is the other provided solution
The problem here is if you are building a fat jar you are not really dumping your webapp resources into WEB-INF but are probably going into the root of the jar, so a simple workaround is to create a folder XXX and use the second approach as follows:
Or change your build tool to export the webapp files into that given directory. Maybe Maven does this on a Jar for you but gradle does not.
Not unusually, I found a solution to my problem. The 3rd approach mentioned by Stephen in Embedded Jetty : how to use a .war that is included in the .jar from which Jetty starts? worked!
So, I changed from Resource_handler to WebAppContext, where WebAppContext is pointing to the same jar (testJetty.jar) and it worked!
String webDir = MainTest.class.getProtectionDomain()
.getCodeSource().getLocation().toExternalForm(); ; // Results in D:/Work/eclipseworkspace/testJettyResult/testJetty.jar
WebAppContext webappContext = new WebAppContext(webDir, "/");
It looks like ClassLoader.getResource does not understand an empty string or . or / as an argument. In my jar file I had to move all stuf to WEB-INF(any other wrapping dir will do). So the code looks like
so the context looks like this then:
ContextHandler:744 - Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext#48b3806{/,jar:file:/Users/xxx/projects/dropbox/ui/target/ui-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/WEB-INF,AVAILABLE}

how to ant build liferay-yuicompressor.jar?

I am using liferay 5.2 sp 2 on weblogic 10.
I need liferay-yuicompressor.jar file in the lib folder of domain.
I am tryign to create .jar file as per described on this link:
When i ant build-yui i am facing below exception.
[mkdir] Created dir: D:\Liferay Material\GOSI\liferay-portal-src-5.2.2\liferay-portal-src-5.2.2\portal-impl\20130301133406114\rhino1_6R7\toolsrc\com\liferay\mozilla\javasc
[get] Getting: http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/treetable2/downloads/src.zip
[get] To: D:\Liferay Material\GOSI\liferay-portal-src-5.2.2\liferay-portal-src-5.2.2\portal-impl\20130301133406114\rhino1_6R7\toolsrc\com\liferay\mozilla\javascript\tool
[get] http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/treetable2/downloads/src.zip permanently moved to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html
[unzip] Expanding: D:\Liferay Material\GOSI\liferay-portal-src-5.2.2\liferay-portal-src-5.2.2\portal-impl\20130301133406114\rhino1_6R7\toolsrc\com\liferay\mozilla\javascri
pt\tools\debugger\downloaded\swingExSrc.zip into D:\Liferay Material\GOSI\liferay-portal-src-5.2.2\liferay-portal-src-5.2.2\portal-impl\20130301133406114\rhino1_6R7\toolsrc\co
As per my understanding it is trying to get the .zip file from http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/tsc/articles/treetable2/downloads/src.zip
but it is no longer available and moved to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html
I need your help in getting liferay-yuicompressor.jar file.
Please help me out...
Nakul, I was responding your other post facing exception while deploying liferay on weblogic. Sorry I misunderstood your last comment on that post, as I used LifeRay 6.x, not 5.x.
How about we disable the minification for the runtime so that you do not need to use the liferay-yuicompressor.jar.
You can add the below to portal-ext.properties
If you still prefer to do minification for performance reason, you can do it during the build time as described here: http://yui.github.com/yuicompressor/. Between runtime and build time minification, I always prefer build time.
try to comment
<ant antfile="toolsrc/build.xml" target="compile"/>
into the root build.xml
more than that if you will have similiar problems with xbean.jar just set
without-xmlimpl: no
into build.properties file

Automation_agent and qtp_air resource bundles not found when adding automation libs to AIR project

I'm trying to add the automation libraries to my project in Flash Builder so we can automate our testing.
I've added this to the additional compiler settings:
-include-libraries+="${flexlib}/libs/automation/automation.swc","${flexlib}/libs/automation/automation_agent.swc","${flexlib}/libs/automatio n/automation_dmv.swc","${flexlib}/libs/automation/automation_spark.swc ","${flexlib}/libs/automation/automation_air.swc","${flexlib}/libs/aut omation/automation_airspark.swc","${flexlib}/libs/automation/qtp_air.swc"
and -locale nl_BE fr_BE
After compiling this I get 2 errors:
Unable to resolve resource bundle "automation_agent"
Unable to resolve resource bundle "qtp_air"
However, in my nl_BE and fr_BE folders under flex_sdk\frameworks\locale\ the automation_agent_rb.swc and qtp_air_rb.swc are present.
If I switch to en_US, it works fine.
Can somebody explain to me why Flash Builder can't find these resource bundles?
Try explicitly adding automation_agent_rb.swc and qtp_air_rb.swc to your library-path as well.

convert .WAR for auto deploy in karaf/servicemix

I've got very simple .WAR containing example servlet. I'm able to deploy it in servicemix using the following command:
osgi:install file:///home/seiho/apache-servicemix-4.4.2/deploy/TestServlet.war?Bundle-SymbolicName=TestServlet&Webapp-Context=/TestServlet
And then see it in my browser. But only with full path to a file, e.g.: localhost:8080/TestServlet/index.html or localhost:8080/TestServlet/TestServlet (my servlet is TestServlet class).
I'd like to launch the index.html page automatically after entering: localhost:8080/TestServlet
how to do it?
I need a way to convert the .WAR file or servlet project (I've got the sources) so that new .WAR file can be auto-deployed by copying it to $SERVICEMIX_HOME/deploy directory.
I've tried editing the MANIFEST.MF file, but with no success. Probably I'm doing something wrong.
Thanks for any advice/help.
To be recognised as a wab, you need to add a context path header to your manifest:
Web-ContextPath: TestServlet
It's working now! I was doing my MANIFEST.MF according to this page: http://team.ops4j.org/wiki/display/ops4j/Pax+Web+Extender+-+War+-+OSGi-fy
The problem was that for some reason "Bundle-Version: 1.0" line was required as opposed to optional as stated on that page.
Honestly, just adding the Bundle-Version fix-it.
I knew it was something wrong with the MANIFEST.MF and after Holly Cummins' question I played with it a bit more. Thanks Holly.
I still can't do anything with the manual site launching (have to manually enter the index.html).
http://localhost:8080/TestServlet/ gives me this:
Problem accessing /TestServlet/. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://
http://localhost:8080/TestServlet/index.html gives me proper site.

Compile error in empty cocos2d 2.0 (iPhone)

When I try to compile new cocos2d+box2d project in xcode4.
I got error message like:
/Users/bla-bla/Cocos2d testing/Cocos2d testing/libs/cocos2d/CCDirector.h:32:9: fatal error: 'kazmath/mat4.h' file not found [2]
/Users/bla-bla/Cocos2d testing/Cocos2d testing/libs/cocos2d/CCNode.h:37:9: fatal error: 'kazmath/kazmath.h' file not found [2]
File I checked, what is wrong?
This is caused by having a space in the path name to your project. To work around this, you'll need to add the following under your project's configuration... in Build Settings, in the group of Search Paths, set the Header Search Paths to the following value:
"${SRCROOT}/Cocos2d testing/libs/kazmath/include"
Be sure to include the double-quotes.
did you check in Finder to see if there is a real folder named kazmath in the same path as where CCNode is ? if not, there is probably a flaw in the templates install script for that version of coco. But dont rely on the 'tree view' of the Xcode project navigator to really know whether a file is present or not. If the path is wrong in the include, suggest you report it to the coco team. You could temporarily fix the import statements to get going, but that would be throw-away code :) when coco issues another release candidate, presumably fixed.
Ensure you are editing the right header search paths for the right target. 1 hour of my life wasted editing the main project or the app rather than the test!
