Create Georeference in R - r

I work with R to analyse satellite data from MODIS (file attached). I want to georeference my .image/.tif file using R. This is my script that I used:
x <- raster('bali_test.tif')
extent(x) <- c(114,115,-8,-7)
projection(x) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS![enter image description here][1]84")
Unfortunately, when I plot it using levelplot and world map, it appears in the wrong position. The white area is land/island, and the black line is the Indonesian coastline

You must use the levelplot() function from the rasterVis package. The levelplot function you are using is not for raster matrix.


cutting of raster image to selected extent?

I have taken raster images from worldclim and I want to cut this raster image to Canada latitude and longitude (42,83, 53,141). I am new user in R so can anyone tell me how I cut this on R.
You can use crop() function from the package raster:
canada_cropped = crop(x = full_raster_image, y = your_extension)
Here x can be your raster image that you want to crop from, and y is the extent object (or an object you can extract from).
I would recommend using ?raster::crop where you can learn a lot more about this.

How to properly project and plot raster in R

I have a raster in an equal area Behrmann projection and I would like to project it to the Mollweide projection and plot.
When I do this with the following code, however, the plotting doesn't seem right, as the map extends to the sides, and there are outlines of various landmasses where I wouldn't expect them.Also, the map extends beyond the plot window.
Can anyone please help me get this to plot nicely?
The data file used can be downloaded from this link.
Here is the code I have so far:
mollCRS <- CRS('+proj=moll')
behrmannCRS <- CRS('+proj=cea +lat_ts=30')
sst <- raster("~/Dropbox/Public/sst.tif", crs=behrmannCRS)
sst_moll <- projectRaster(sst, crs=mollCRS)
wrld <- spTransform(wrld_simpl, mollCRS)
plot(wrld, add=TRUE)
Alright, since the example at this page seems to work, I tried to mimic it as much as possible. I think problems arise because the far left and far right side of the raster image overlap. Cropping and an intermediate reprojection to Lat-Lon as in the example seem to solve your problem.
Perhaps this workaround can be a basis for a more elegant solution that directly addresses the problem, as it is not benificial to reproject a raster twice.
# packages
# define projections
mollCRS <- CRS('+proj=moll')
behrmannCRS <- CRS('+proj=cea +lat_ts=30')
# read data
sst <- raster("~/Downloads/sst.tif", crs=behrmannCRS)
# crop sst to extent of world to avoid overlap on the seam
world_ext = projectExtent(wrld_simpl, crs = behrmannCRS)
sst_crop = crop(x = sst, y=world_ext, snap='in')
# convert sst to longlat (similar to test file)
# somehow this gets rid of the unwanted pixels outside the ellipse
sst_longlat = projectRaster(sst_crop, crs = ('+proj=longlat'))
# then convert to mollweide
sst_moll <- projectRaster(sst_longlat, crs=mollCRS, over=T)
wrld <- spTransform(wrld_simpl, mollCRS)
# plot results
plot(wrld, add=TRUE)

Merging 2 raster images into one plot using the `raster` package

I would like to add an enlarged portion of my map to the original map and have as the final product, one map that shows both the original map, and also the enlarged/zoomed portion. Using the meuse dataset as an example:
for (i in 1:12){
rasDF <- raster(meuse, layer=i)
plot(stack.sp) # gives a gridded view of the stacked rasters. But now I would like to zoom in..
zoom.ent<-zoom(stack.sp,1) # The zoomed in portion appears as a new window, with the boundaries of the zoomed area highlighted in red on the original map.
I am not sure if there is a command in the raster or rasterVIS packages that would allow one to add the zoomed in part of the raster onto the original map. I have tried the par function but that doesn't work. Any suggestions would be welcomed.
This is more or less the same question you asked here. For Raster* objects you have to use the shift function. The result can be combined with the +.trellis function of the latticeExtra package:
f <- system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster")
r <- raster(f)
rZoom <- crop(r, extent(180000, 181000, 330000, 331500))
displaced <- shift(rZoom, x = -1200, y = 2000)
levelplot(r) + levelplot(displaced)

Is it possible to overlay SpatialLinesDataFrame and SpatialPolygonDataFrame

I am wondering if this is possible to do this R .
I have one data as SpatialLinesDataFrame and another as spatialPolygonDataFrame. Is it possible to overlay these two data ?
When I try to overlay these I get the following error:
jd <- overlay(res,hello)
Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function
‘overlay’ for signature ‘"SpatialLinesDataFrame", "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"’
In the above code res is the SpatialLinesDataFrame and hello is SpatialPolygonDataFrame.
I have an shapefile and then I have data points with x,yand z
coordinates. I want to show the contour lines on the shapefile.
The procedure I used is using akima package to do the interpolation. The
code I used to interpolate is
fld <- interp(x,y,z)
Then I changed this to spatial object by using following code:
res <-ContourLines2SLDF(contourLines(fld))
The above command would store the contourlines as spatial data.
Then I read the shapefile and I plot both shapefile and res as follows:
p1 <-
"hello" is my shapefile and "res" is the object I created as shown above.
The problem is contour stored in "res" extends beyond the shapefile. So I
want to clip that contour with the shapefile and only display the contour
within the shapefile area.
So I am looking for a way to clip the contour layer with the polygon layer.
I have attached the image I got with my code.
In the image you can see the lines out of the shapefile. I also want to know
how can I display the contour levels on the map.
Thank you so much.
I also want to know what does overlay does exactly. Does it intersect the area of both the data ?
Thank you.
It sounds like you're trying to clip your lines to the polygon extent. Use gIntersection from the rgeos package. Here's a reproducible example:
xx <- SpatialPoints(coords=matrix(data=c(0,0), nrow=1))
xx <- gBuffer(spgeom=xx, width=1)
yy <- SpatialLines(list(Lines(Line(matrix(c(-1,1,-1,1), nrow=2)), ID=1)))
zz <- gIntersection(yy, xx)
You can overlay the plot like so:
plot(zz, add = TRUE, col = "blue")
Noah's answer has worked quite well for me. However, the output of his answer is a SpatialLines object, which cannot be saved as a shape file.
My two cents here is about how you can convert your SpatialLines object into a SpatialLinesDataFrame and save it as a shape file.
res.df <- fortify(res) # create data frame of res, your original SpatialLinesDataFrame
data <- data.frame(id = unique(res.df$id)) # get ids of road segments
rownames(data) <- data$id
# transform SpatialLines object into SpatialLinesDataFrame
zzSpatialLineDF <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(zz, data) # convert zz object keeping road ids
# 5 Save Shape File to your working directory
writeOGR(zzSpatialLineDF, dsn = '.', layer ='zzSpatialLineDF', driver = 'ESRI Shapefile')

plot3d for readGDAL?

I would like to prepare 3D graph in R! using raster data.
I heard about command plot3d in raster package.
Unfortunately I have data in GeoTiff format, so it is impossible to read it directly through raster package (instead of it, to load this file, I am using readGDAL command).
Is there any opportunity to prepare 3D graph using such data?
How I can retrieve coordinates? I know how to get values of raster using as.matrix command, but because it is in GeoTiff format, I am unable to use xmin or xmax.
I do not see why you cannot read a geotiff with raster, but at any rate the SpatialGridDataFrame (package sp) provided by readGDAL (package rgdal) can be passed directly to raster().
Here's an example with a GeoTIFF from the rgdal package. Note that the rasterVis function is in a separate package and is called plot3D (not plot3d which is in the rgl package):
r <- raster(system.file("pictures/cea.tif", package = "rgdal")[1])
The rasterVis package handles all the scaling and colours and provides a nice default.
If you want to delve further into the supporting packages, here's a simple example.
## read the file with raster
r <- raster(system.file("external/", package="sp")[1])
## just use simple persp plot
## convert to sp's SpatialGridDataFrame (or use readGDAL directly)
## (for very large rasters this could be prohibitive in terms of memory)
sgdf <- as(r, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
## convert to R's image() format, a list with x,y vector and z matrix
x <- as.image.SpatialGridDataFrame(sgdf)
## plot with rgl, ugly but see ?surface3d for colour options etc.
surface3d(x$x, x$y, x$z)
