mpirun: token slots not supported - mpi

I try to run a programme with:
~/mpich3/bin/mpirun --hostfile hosts_8_12.txt python
but I get this error:
[mpiexec#pomegranate] HYDU_process_mfile_token (utils/args/args.c:296): token slots not supported at this time
[mpiexec#pomegranate] HYDU_parse_hostfile (utils/args/args.c:343): unable to process token
[mpiexec#pomegranate] mfile_fn (ui/mpich/utils.c:336): error parsing hostfile
[mpiexec#pomegranate] match_arg (utils/args/args.c:152): match handler returned error
[mpiexec#pomegranate] HYDU_parse_array (utils/args/args.c:174): argument matching returned error
[mpiexec#pomegranate] parse_args (ui/mpich/utils.c:1596): error parsing input array
[mpiexec#pomegranate] HYD_uii_mpx_get_parameters (ui/mpich/utils.c:1648): unable to parse user arguments
[mpiexec#pomegranate] main (ui/mpich/mpiexec.c:153): error parsing parameters
Here is my hostfile:
c00 slots=12
c01 slots=12
c02 slots=12
c03 slots=12
c04 slots=12
c05 slots=12
c06 slots=12
c07 slots=12
I am using mpich-3.1.3. When I run the programme without specifying the slots in my hostfile it works well. Do you have an idea where the problem could come from?

I believe the slots keyword is used in Open MPI, not MPICH. The hostfile is a non-standard thing that each implementation specified in its own way. For MPICH, you can see the details here, but the short version is that your file should look like this:


Is there an alternative to save_kable() in R?

I cannot use save_kable() to save tables created with knitr::kable() and knitr::kableExtra as images. It looks like this is due to PhantomJS being blocked by admins. Is there another function that could help me save them? This is the error i get:
Error in process_initialize(self, private, command, args, stdin, stdout, …: ! Native call to processx_exec failed Caused by error in
chain_call(c_processx_exec, command, c(command, args), pty, pty_options, …: ! create process
'C:\Users\user1\AppData\Roaming/PhantomJS/phantomjs.exe' (system error
1260, This program is blocked due to group policy. Contact the systems responsible person for more information. )
#win/processx.c:1040 (processx_exec)
PD: I translated to English the message that comes after "system error 1260...".

Files not being parsed by Gnatchop

Gnatchop - I am trying to run several files through gnatchop and I am getting 3 error messages for every file. I originally thought that the error was simply the permissions were wrong. But I changed the permissions and I still get the errors.
file.a: parse errors detected
file.a: chop may not be successful
file.a: error parsing offset info
Is there something I need to do to the files before I run them through Gnatchop?

PHP CodeSniffer: ERROR: The specified sniff code "Generic.Files.LineEndings.InvalidEOLChar" is invalid

My attempt to exclude the check for the EOL char on my Windows machine always results in this error message:
>vendor\bin\phpcs.bat --standard=PSR2 --exclude=Generic.Files.LineEndings.InvalidEOLChar src\version.php
ERROR: The specified sniff code "Generic.Files.LineEndings.InvalidEOLChar" is invalid
Run "phpcs --help" for usage information
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I have installed PHP CodeSniffer via composer and am running version 3.4.0.
The --exclude CLI argument accepts 3-part sniffs codes, but you've passed in a 4-part error code.
In your case, the sniff code is Generic.Files.LineEndings and that sniff only generates a single error code, so you'll be fine ignoring the entire sniff:
vendor\bin\phpcs.bat --standard=PSR2 --exclude=Generic.Files.LineEndings src\version.php
If you want to exclude individual error codes, or if you just want to lock down a standard for your project, you'll need to use a ruleset.xml file:

Get data from OpenDap server that requires authentication using R

I'm trying to get data from an OPeNDAP server using R and the ncdf4 package. However, the nasa eosdis server requires username / password. How can I pass this info using R?
Here is what I'm trying to do:
f1 <- nc_open('')
And the error message:
Error in Rsx_nc4_get_vara_double: NetCDF: Authorization failure syntax
error, unexpected WORD_WORD, expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or
SCAN_ERROR context: HTTP^ Basic: Access denied. Var: nlat Ndims: 1
Start: 0 Count: 400 Error in ncvar_get_inner(d$dimvarid$group_id,
d$dimvarid$id, default_missval_ncdf4(), : C function
R_nc4_get_vara_double returned error
I tried the url https://username:password#disc2.... but that did not work also.
The service you are accessing is using third-party redirection to authenticate users. Therefore the simple way of providing credentials in the URL doesn't work.
You need to create 2 files.
A .dodsrc file (a RC file for the netcdf-c library) with the following content
A .netrc file, in the location referenced in the .dodsrc, with your credentials:
You can find more details at
unfortunately, even after defining the credentials and their location
still returns
Error in Rsx_nc4_get_vara_double: NetCDF: Authorization failure
The same happens when using ncdump from a terminal:
$ ncdump
syntax error, unexpected WORD_WORD, expecting SCAN_ATTR or SCAN_DATASET or
SCAN_ERROR context: HTTP^ Basic: Access denied. NetCDF: Authorization
failure Location: file
/build/netcdf-KQb2aQ/netcdf-4.6.0/ncdump/vardata.c; line 473

StreamSets HTTP Client

I'm working with StreamSets on a Cloudera Distribution, trying to ingest some data from this website
I've encountered some issues choosing the parameters of both the HTTP Client and the Hadoop FS Destination.
I get this error : HTTP_00 - Cannot parse record: org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveException: No Archiver found for the stream signature
I'll show you my configuration.
HTTP Client :
Name : HTTP Client INSEE
Description : Client HTTP SIRENE
On Record Error : Send to Error
Resource URL :
Headers : sirene_ : sirene_
Mode : Streaming
Per-Status Actions
HTTP Statis Code : 500 | Action for status : Retry with exponential backoff |
Base Backoff Interval (ms) : 1000 | Max Retries : 10
HTTP Method : GET
Body Time Zone : UTC (UTC)
Request Transfert Encoding : BUFFERED
HTTP Compression : None
Connect Timeout : 0
Read Timeout : 0
Authentication Type : None
Use OAuth 2
Use Proxy
Max Batch Size (records) : 1000
Batch Wait Time (ms) : 2000
Pagination Mode : None
Timeout Handling
Action for timeout : Retry immediately
Max Retries : 10
Data Format
Date Format : Delimited
Compression Format : Archive
File Name Pattern within Compressed Directory : *.csv
Delimiter Format Type : Custom
Header Line : With Header Line
Max Record Length (chars) : 1024
Allow Extra Columns
Delimiter Character : Semicolon
Escape Character : Other \
Quote Character : Other "
Root Field Type : List-Map
Lines to Skip : 0
Parse NULLs
Charset : UTF-8
Ignore Control Characters
Hadoop FS Destination :
Name : Hadoop FS 1
Description : Writing into HDFS
Stage Library : CDH 5.7.6
Produce Events
Required Fields
On Record Error : Send to Error
Output Files
File Type : Whole File
Files Prefix
Directory in Header
Directory Template : /user/pap/StreamSets/sirene/
Data Time Zone : UTC (UTC)
Time Basis : ${time:now()}
Use Roll Attribute
Validate HDFS Permissions : ON
Skip file recovery : ON
Late Records
Late Record Time Limit (secs) : ${1 * HOURS}
Late Record Handling : Send to error
Data Format
Data Format : whole File
File Name Expression : ${record:value('/fileInfo/filename')}
Permissions Expression : 777
File Exists : Overwrite
Include Checksum in Events
... so what am I doing wrong ? :(
It looks like is returning a file listing, rather than a compressed archive. This is a tricky one, since there isn't a standard way to iterate through such a listing. You might be able to read as text, then use the Jython evaluator to parse out the zip file URLs, retrieve, decompress and parse them, adding the parsed records to the batch. I think you'd have problems with this method, though, as all the records would end up in the same batch, blowing out memory.
Another idea might be to use two pipelines - the first would use HTTP client origin and a script evaluator to download the zipped files and write them to a local directory. The second pipeline would then read in the zipped CSV via the Directory origin as normal.
If you do decide to have a go, please engage with the StreamSets community via one of our channels - see
I'm writing the Jython evaluator. I'm not familiar with the available constants/objects/records as presented in comments. I tried to adapt this python script into the Jython evaluator :
import re
import itertools
import urllib2
data = [re.findall(r'(sirene\', line) for line in open('/home/user/Desktop/filesdatatest.txt')]
data_list = filter(None, data)
data_brackets = list(itertools.chain(*data_list))
data_clean = ["" + url for url in data_brackets]
for url in data_clean:
records = [re.findall(r'(sirene\', record) for record in records] gave me this error message SCRIPTING_05 - Script error while processing record: javax.script.ScriptException: TypeError: expected string or buffer, but got in at line number 50
filesdatatest.txt contains things like :
Listing of /v1/AUTH_6032cb4c2159474684c8df1da2e2b642/storage/sirene/
Name Size Date
README.txt 2Ki 2017-10-11 03:31:57 1Gi 2017-01-05 00:12:08 444Ki 2017-01-05 00:44:58 6Mi 2017-01-05 00:45:01 2Mi 2017-01-05 03:37:42 2Mi 2017-01-06 03:40:47 2Mi 2017-01-07 05:04:04
so I know how to parse records.
