ADA File Names vs. Package Names - ada

I inherited an ADA program where the source file names and package file names don't follow the default naming convention. ADA is new to me, so I may be missing something simple, but I can't see it in the GNAT Pro User's Guide. (This similar question didn't help me.)
Here are a couple of examples:
File Name: C_Comm_Config_S.Ada
Package Name: Comm_Configuration
File Name: D_Bus_Buffers_S.Ada
Package Name: Bus_Buffers
I think I have the _S.Ada and _B.Ada sorted out, but I can't find anything in the program source or build files that show the binding between the Package Name and the rest of the File Name.
When I compile a file that doesn't use any other packages, I get a warning: file name does not match unit name... This appears to be from the prefix of C_ or D_, in this particular case.
Also, I'm not clear if the prefixes C_ and D_ have any special meaning in the context of ADA, but if it does, I'd like to know about it.
So I appear to have two issues, the Prefix of C_ or D_ and in some cases the rest of the file name doesn't match the package.

You could use gnatname: see the User’s Guide.
I copied subdirectories a/ and d/ from the ACATS test suite to a working directory and created a project file p.gpr:
project p is
for source_dirs use ("a", "d");
end p;
and ran gnatname with
gnatname -P p -d a -d d \*.ada
which resulted in an edited p.gpr and two new files, p_naming.gpr and p_source_list.txt. These are rather long, but look like
with "p_naming.gpr";
project P is
for Source_List_File use "p_source_list.txt";
for Source_Dirs use ("a", "d");
package Naming renames P_Naming.Naming;
end P;
project P_Naming is
for Source_Files use ();
package Naming is
for Body ("d4a004b") use "d4a004b.ada";
for Body ("d4a004a") use "d4a004a.ada";
for Body ("d4a002b") use "d4a002b.ada";
for Body ("aa2010a_parent.boolean") use "aa2010a.ada" at 4;
for Body ("aa2010a_parent") use "aa2010a.ada" at 3;
for Spec ("aa2010a_parent") use "aa2010a.ada" at 2;
for Spec ("aa2010a_typedef") use "aa2010a.ada" at 1;
for Body ("a22006d") use "a22006d.ada";
for Body ("a22006c") use "a22006c.ada";
for Body ("a22006b") use "a22006b.ada”;
end Naming;
end P_Naming;
The for Body ("aa2010a_parent") use "aa2010a.ada" at 3; is used when there’s more than one unit in the source file.
When building, for example, test d4a004b, you have to use the file name and suffix:
gnatmake -P p d4a004b.ada

The Ada standard does not say anything about source file naming conventions. As it appears that you use GNAT, I assume that you mean the "GNAT default naming convention".
You can tell GNAT about alternatively named files in a Naming package inside your project files.
A simple example:
project OpenID is
package Naming is
for Implementation ("Util.Log.Loggers.Traceback")
use "util-log-loggers-traceback-gnat.adb";
for Implementation ("Util.Serialize.IO.XML.Get_Location")
use "util-serialize-io-xml-get_location-xmlada-4.adb";
end Naming;
end OpenID;


Add an extension in a .pro variable

I'm trying to print a message with QMake but I have problems with extensions:
lib_name = $$1
message("test1: $$MYPATH/$$lib_name/src/$$lib_name.pri");
message("test2: $$MYPATH/$$lib_name/src/$$lib_name");
For some reason, test1 doesn't print the correct path. It just prints the path until src/. But, test2 is ok. It prints everything until the value in $$1.
Any workaround?
QMake supports variables (objects) with members that can be used using the dot . operator e.g. target.path for INSTALLS. So, in your case, $$lib_name.pri means that you're accessing the member pri of lib_name which doesn't exist so there's no output.
You need to enclose variables in curly braces for QMake to distinguish them from the surrounding text i.e. $${lib_name}.pri.
message("test1: $$MYPATH/$$lib_name/src/$${lib_name}.pri");
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~
For more examples of objects, see Adding Custom Target and Adding Compilers sections of QMake's Advanced Usage page.
Here's another relevant SO thread: QMake - How to add and use a variable into the .pro file

How customize machine dependency in Frama-C?

I have got a 16-bit MPU which is different from x86_16 in size of size_t, ptrdiff_t etc. Can anybody give me details and clear instructions about how to customize machine dependency in Frama-C for my MPU?
There is currently no way to do that directly from the command line: you have to write a small OCaml script that will essentially define a new Cil_types.mach (a record containing the necessary information about your architecture) and register it through File.new_machdep. Assuming you have a file looking like that:
let my_machdep = {
Cil_types.sizeof_short = 2;
sizeof_int = 2;
sizeof_long = 4;
(* ... See `cil_types.mli` for the complete list of fields to define *)
let () = File.new_machdep "my_machdep" my_machdep
You will then be able to launch Frama-C that way to use the new machdep:
frama-c -load-script -machdep my_machdep [normal options]
If you want to have the new machdep permanently available, you can make it a Frama-C plugin. For that, you need a Makefile of the following form:
FRAMAC_SHARE:=$(shell frama-c -print-share-path)
include $(FRAMAC_SHARE)/Makefile.dynamic
my_machdep must be the name of your .ml file. Be sure to choose a different name for PLUGIN_NAME. Then, create an empty Custom_machdep.mli file (touch Custom_machdep.mli should do the trick). Afterwards, make && make install should compile and install the plug-in so that it will be automatically loaded by Frama-C. You can verify this by launching frama-c -machdep help that should output my_machdep among the list of known machdeps.
If you are using some headers from Frama-C's standard library, you will also have to update $(frama-c -print-share-path)/libc/__fc_machdep.h in order to define appropriate macros (related to limits.h and stdint.h mostly).

Call Rmath via Ctypes from Ocaml on OS X

I want to use R's mathematical functions as provided in libRmath from Ocaml. I successfully installed the library via brew tap homebrew science && brew install --with-librmath-only r. I end up with a .dylib in /usr/local/lib and a .h in /usr/local/include. Following the Ocaml ctypes tutorial, i do this in utop
#require "ctypes.foreign";;
open Ctypes;;
open Foreign;;
let test_pow = foreign "pow_di" (float #-> int #-> returning float);;
this complains that it can't find the symbol. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to open the dynamic library first? Set some environment variables? After googling, I also did this:
nm -gU /usr/local/lib/libRmath.dylib
which gives a bunch of symbols all with a leading underscore including 00000000000013ff T _R_pow_di. In the header file, pow_di is defined via some #define directive from _R_pow_di. I did try variations of the name like "R_pow_di" etc.
Edit: I tried compiling a simple C program using Rmath using Xcode. After setting the include path manually to include /usr/local/include, Xcode can find the header file Rmath.h. However, inside the header file, there is an include of R_ext/Boolean.h which does not seem to exist. This error is flagged by Xcode and compilation stops.
Noob alert: this may be totally obvious to a C programmer...
In order to use external library you still need to link. There're at least two different ways, either link using compiler, or link even more dynamically using dlopen.
For the first method use the following command (as an initial approximation):
ocamlbuild -pkg ctypes.foreign -lflags -cclib,-lRmath yourapp.native
under premise that your code is put into file.
The second method is to use ctypes interface to dlopen to open the library. Using the correct types and name for the C function call, this goes like this:
let library = Dl.dlopen ~filename:"libRmath.dylib" ~flags:[]
let test_pow = foreign ~from:library "R_pow_di" (double #-> int #-> returning double)

Does sbt have something like gradle's processResources task with ReplaceTokens support?

We are moving into Scala/SBT from a Java/Gradle stack. Our gradle builds were leveraging a task called processResources and some Ant filter thing named ReplaceTokens to dynamically replace tokens in a checked-in .properties file without actually changing the .properties file (just changing the output). The gradle task looks like:
processResources {
def whoami = System.getProperty( '' );
def hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()
def buildTimestamp = new Date().format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z')
filter ReplaceTokens, tokens: [
"buildsig.version" : project.version,
"buildsig.classifier" : project.classifier,
"buildsig.timestamp" : buildTimestamp,
"buildsig.user" : whoami,
"buildsig.system" : hostname,
"buildsig.tag" : buildTag
This task locates all the template files in the src/main/resources directory, performs the requisite substitutions and outputs the results at build/resources/main. In other words it transforms src/main/resources/ from...
buildsig.tag=#buildsig.tag# build/resources/main/
buildsig.timestamp=2013-05-06 09:46:52 PDT
Which, ultimately, finds its way into the WAR file at WEB-INF/classes/ This works like a champ to record build specific information in a Properties file which gets loaded from the classpath at runtime.
What do I do in SBT to get something like this done? I'm new to Scala / SBT so please forgive me if this seems a stupid question. At the end of the day what I need is a means of pulling some information from the environment on which I build and placing that information into a properties file that is classpath loadable at runtime. Any insights you can give to help me get this done are greatly appreciated.
The sbt-buildinfo is a good option. The README shows an example of how to define custom mappings and mappings that should run on each compile. In addition to the straightforward addition of normal settings like version shown there, you want a section like this:
buildInfoKeys ++= Seq[BuildInfoKey](
"hostname" ->,
"whoami" -> System.getProperty(""),
BuildInfoKey.action("buildTimestamp") {
java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance.format(new java.util.Date())
Would the following be what you're looking for:
sbt-editsource: An SBT plugin for editing files
sbt-editsource is a text substitution plugin for SBT 0.11.x and
greater. In a way, it’s a poor man’s sed(1), for SBT. It provides the
ability to apply line-by-line substitutions to a source text file,
producing an edited output file. It supports two kinds of edits:
Variable substitution, where ${var} is replaced by a value. sed-like
regular expression substitution.
This is from Community Plugins.

GNAT Programming Suite - source file not found

Ada is still new to me, so I am trying to find my way around the GPS IDE. I asked another question earlier, but I think this problem has precedence over that one, and may be at the root of my trouble.
When I compile, I am getting a long list of *warning: source file ... not found"
In my .gpr file, I have listed all of the spec and body source files and use the following naming scheme:
package Naming is
for Casing use "mixedcase";
for Dot_Replacement use ".";
for Spec_Suffix ("ada") use "_s.ada";
for Body_Suffix ("ada") use "_b.ada";
end Naming;
What is odd it the error messages all look either like this:
warning: source file "xxx_b.adb" not found
or this
warning: source file "xxx.adb" not found
Note that neither of these (xxxb.adb or xxx.adb) conform to the file specs, which should end with .ada.
Can someone explain what is going on here?
I'm 99% sure that the problem is one of the ones I mentioned in answer to your other question: GNAT does not normally support more than one compilation unit in a file. I got exactly the behaviour you describe with GPS and these files:
with Jane;
package James is
end James;
package Jim is
end Jim;
package Jane is
end Jane;
The error message on compiling james_s.ada says it can't find Jane_s.ada, but when I ask GPS to go to the declaration of Jane it takes me to the "correct" line in jim_s.ada.
You could use gnatchop to split jim_s.ada, but it doesn't understand project files or naming conventions; you probably want to keep the existing names for the code that works, so you'd rename gnatchop's output as required.
However! to my great surprise, it turns out that GNAT does support having more than one compilation unit in a file, provided package Naming in the project file tells it about each unit in the file:
package Naming is
for Casing use "mixedcase";
for Dot_Replacement use ".";
for Spec_Suffix ("ada") use "_s.ada";
for Body_Suffix ("ada") use "_b.ada";
for Spec ("Jim") use "jim_s.ada" at 1;
for Spec ("Jane") use "jim_s.ada" at 2;
end Naming;
It's up to you whether to do this or to bite the bullet and use gnatchop, either on the multi-unit files or on the whole source tree.
First off, this isn't an Ada problem, its a Gnat problem. Other Ada compilers have no problem with the file names you are using.
However, Gnat is rather unique in that it expects there to be only one program unit (package body, package spec, stand-alone routine, etc) per source file. This is because it is also rather unique in that it expects to be able to find the source code for any program unit just by knowing that unit's Ada intentifier. Most other Ada compilers maintain some kind of library file that maps file names to program units, and you have to register all your files into it. (Whereas your typcial C compiler just leaves the problem of finding files for all your code up to the user entirely).
Generally the easiest thing to do with Gnat, the way that will cause you the least trouble, is to just use its default file naming convention (and of course don't put multiple program units in a single file.
If you already have some existing Ada code (perhaps developed for another compiler), the easiest way to import it into Gnat is typically to run the gnatchop tool on it all. So that's what I'd suggest you try.
From GPRbuild User's Guide:
Strings are used for values of attributes or as indexes for these attributes. They are in general case sensitive, except when noted otherwise [...]
Based on this, I believe you have to use "Ada" instead of "ada" as index for Spec_Suffix and Body_Suffix. I currently do not have access to the tools for testing this, so I suggest to just try it out.
