Synchronise Sharepoint 2010 lists with offline windows store app - sqlite

I'm currently working on a windows store app which should let the user access to some data stored in Sharepoint 2010 (running on a Windows Server 2008). The users should be able to access these data even if the tablet is offline and cannot access this sharepoint server. To accomplish this, we were considering setting a sqlite database and synchronise it whenever the tablet got access to the sharepoint server.
I was considering building a sync engine within the application but apparently it wasn't that great idea. I'm currently trying to figure out a way to make Microsoft Sync Framework works with Sharepoint's lists but cannot find much information online (maybe i'm looking for the wrong thing?).
Does someone knows a way to allow synchronisation between multiple offline apps and a Sharepoint server ?
The thing which has already been done is a CacheService but I'm guessing that all of it has to be changed to use sqlite offline database...
Thanks for your help :)


What is the best/simplest way to connect my Silverlight 5 web-app to a Windows Azure database?

I have a fairly simple project in progress where I create a very basic upload/download capable Silverlight 5 app to upload a user-selected file from their local machine to an Azure database. After reading up on the variety of ways to do this (WCF RIA services and others) I haven't been able to get a clear idea of how I would best implement this.
Some more information about my app would be that I envision it to be very simple, with the upload consisting of a file selection and subsequent tagging and uploading to the Azure database and the download portion consisting of a user searching for the file in a pivot-viewer like environment and then selecting and downloading the file they want. If it is relevant: the app will run in IE, Chrome, and Firefox.
How would I best connect my Silverlight app to a database set up in Windows Azure? Links to tutorials or explanations would be greatly appreciated! I'm looking for possible examples with sample code of how a Silverlight app could be written to connect and upload/download a file as well as samples/examples of what I need to setup on the Azure side in order for the app to function properly.
I think you need to use any tool which migrates your schema and connect to SQL azure database with proper server name using SQL server 2012.

Advice required: Creating desktop application with database connectivity

I want to create a desktop application, I normally work on web based applications so have very little knowledge about creating console applications using .Net and visual studio.
So now in this application I'l also be using database connectivity and stored procedures (SQL server). But how should I start doing this as I dont want to install SQL server on my clients system.
thanks in advance..
I think it depends on the goal of your application, the amout and sturcture of the data and the environment. The last point aims to the client system, if the client is part of an enterprise network (e.g. Active Directory) or is a common user at home.
maybe you can use xml or json files to store the data
if you need a database, you can create a setup project for your application which automatically installs a SQL Server express
another way is, if it's applicable for you, your application can consume a webservice which provide the data
you could use SQL Server compact or SQL Lite to embark your DB in your application without external dependencies.
Otherwise, if offline isn't a requirement, you could go the "cloud" way, with web APIs

Synchronization between Two SQL Server Databases, Online and Offline

We have a local intranet based Project Management tool, we built it in .net 4.0 and sql server 2008. We cannot access this system online as it is lan based, neither we want its files to be appear online. But most of the cases we and other managers need to post project on it from home, but the issue is we dont wana use this system only on online server but also local intranet should be working, live ip is not prefered in any case because of electricity issues etc. We have an idea in our mind, that if we launch the same published site on online server (dedicated vps), and people use to work on offline system, but we can make some .exe utility which will upload our latest records from offline server to online server using the internet, does sql server provide any built in functionality for this, what is the best way to do this, either with our own custom logic with windows task scheduler or .Net provides any kind of facility for that. The reason of not using this system only as online is, our employees used to upload files in GBs, and the internet is only 4MBps, which will slow down the work, also we dont want internet dependency every time, also there is security issue.
Check out Microsoft Sync Framework:

Which database to use for C# ASP.NET website?

I am developing an online internal web portal (like users write tests, provide document links to study, completing a study roadmap, admin user to view ststistics, etc). It caters some 150 users. I have planned to use ASP .NET with c# in Visual Studio 2008 on windows xp. I am implementing using Forms and NOT MVC since I feel at home with forms.
I do not want to use windows authentication since each user will have many attributes related to him and so it will be easy using a database. Security is not an issue since it is being used internally only.
I have only a fair knowledge about ASP and C# and VS 2008.
Now my questions:
Can I use MS SQL server database that is built in in VS 2008?( I cannot ask for external databases)
Can I export the website totally along with the databases to IIS server running in some other computer? How?
Do I need to export databases separately or provide a database creation script like PHP?
(I have more questions. Will update once I start off).
(This is my first .net web app. so can i know where i can find login scripts, pagination, examples, and pretty much all the stuff)
edit: which to use? New website or New Webapplication?
You can pretty much use any database, but it seems from your requirements that you want to look closer towards something like SQLExpress, SQL Server Compact Edition or SQLLite.
Can I export the website totally along
with the databases to IIS server
running in some other computer? How?
Your database will be shipped along with your application if you use one of the database options that I have specified above.
Do I need to export databases
separately or provide a database
creation script like PHP?
See my comment above, the database will exist when you deploy your website to IIS. It's a physical file that will be in your APP_DATA folder.
You can use:
MySQL. The reason: It has no space or memory limit!
SQL Server or SQL CE. These are both alike. They just differ in slite functions, and also the storage!
The SQL CE allows you to have 4GB. But the SQL Server lets you have 10GB.
So it depends on your work!
Also, I wanted to point out one error in a post, that the SQL CE is present in App_Data, Correct! But the SQL Server is placed somewhere like:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\here_will_it_be
And yes, you can migrate it to wherever you want to place it. I mean if you want to upload it to a hosting server, you can upload it using Web Deploy! Or what ever service. When downloading you will have to repeat same process!
I hope you are doing good with your first web app! :)

ASP.Net web site on IIS connecting to Access DB with Links to SharePoint lists on another machine

My Problem is the following,
I have an ASP.Net web site hosted on IIS. This web site connects to an Access 2007 DB file on the same server. The DB file contains links to sharepoint lists on another server on the same domain. If I run the web site on the visual studio built-in server, I can Open connection to the DB file and retrieve data just fine. But whenever I try to run the web site over the IIS, the web site can't open a connection with the DB file.
What do you think the problem is?
It will be a permissions problem. When you run with Visual Studio's web server it is running as you, IIS on the other hand runs (by default) as Network Service. This is limited in what it can do.
To access an access database (no pun intended) the account that IIS runs under will need the ability to read, write, execute, change and delete for the directory the database is in. By default this should be granted to the APP_DATA directory, if your access database is elsewhere you will need to grant these permissions.
Connecting via Access to a remote machine is a whole other problem, it's unlikely this will work because the Network Service account is a local account and will not exist on the sharepoint server, and you cannot grant access because it does not exist.
If you were in a domain you could run IIS under a suitable locked down domain account and it might work, but frankly it's all a bit messy!
Have a look at this article:
How to connect to a remote Access database from Active Server Pages
Yes, I know your database is on the same machine, but there are differences in permissions and authentication for files and folders when you run IIS. The chances are good that whatever is hanging you up is covered in this article.
Whether mixing Access databases and IIS is a Good Thing or not is a separate discussion...
Access 2007 makes connecting to SharePoint a breeze. After you link to a list, then ADO, and even DAO + VBA code and your sql queries work on those lists!
I seen a good number of people thus start using the JET (actually it called ACE in access 2007) as a data connector to SharePoint for this very reason. Since your are building a web based system then we not using ms-access here, but ONLY using the 2007 version of the JET data engine that ships with access 2007.
Someone does need to come out with a OLEDB provider for SharePoint lists that allows ones web site or .net code to view those lists as standard sql tables like ms-access can. Using JET as the data connector system is likely not such a good idea. I do realize that you not storing nor placing data in the access JET table, but are using the wonderful ability of the new access JET engine to view and use SharePoint lists as regular sql tables. This approach does allow your code to execute sql updates on that data or do whatever as if this was a regular sql table. It does make this oh so easy.
The security permissions on the SharePoint site are thus going to view this connection as not as a end user, but always see the USER as the actual web site connecting (or at least the user you were in ms-access when you linked the table to SharePoint). I don’t believe the SharePoint user authentication process can work reliable when you do this. What will happen is you change a few things on the SharePoint site, and next thing you know the JET connection will be trying to prompt you for new logon credentials. You can’t provide nor control those logon credentials at that point in time.
So, as others pointed out, this is going to be problematic and not reliable.
Using Access as a fudge to access SharePoint from an site is going to give you lots of pain in the long run.
A much better way would be to use SharePoint's web services to access that data - removing Access from the equation altogether.
MSDN - Using ASP.NET web services
Creating and Consuming a Web Service
