I'm trying to create a flex mxml project that contains a starling viewport.
If I create an actionscript project, that I extend Sprite and am able to work with starling.
but if my main project is an MXML File, I can't seem to add the starling viewport to the stage.
so in general what I need is a simple hello world example that uses starling using an mxml main page.
any information regarding the issue would be greatly appreciated.
try s:SpriteVisualElement
and add some starling sprite to it.
hope it will help
see [here][1] http://www.hsharma.com/tutorials/starting-with-starling-ep-1-intro-setup/
and here http://www.hsharma.com/tutorials/
I'm looking for a tool that can help me generate css / div information through a UI / live preview.
For example, I'd like to just create the UI (top part of the image) and have the tool provide the css (bottom part of the image).
I've seen a lot of stuff for webpage layouts, but what I'm looking for is for "components".
Download HTTrack from
Install the .exe and run the app.
Provide the link of the page you want HTML and CSS for and start
copying code.
You can use "Brackets".
You have few features like :
Code Hints from PSD
Inline editors
Live preview
Link : http://brackets.io/
After a bit of research I wasn't really able to understand why this happens.
In a nutshell, I'm calling QWebView and feeding a .swf into it and it works. However it goes out of its frame/layout, and I'm not sure why.
For a representation, see:
As you may see, the dark greyish rectangle is where QWebView was placed, however the .swf going into it is represented out of it in the top left corner.
How to recreate this problem:
I literally just placed a QWebView using the designer, added all the includes needed etc. and added 3 lines of code to mainwindow.cpp :
QWebSettings *settings = ui->webView->settings();
settings->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true);
I also tried opening an html file with the .swf wrapped in it, but the same problem occurs.
Am I doing something wrong? Is it a known bug? Thanks in advance.
Apparently this is a known bug with Qt, will be fixed next release.
Source: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-33053
What I did to fix was basically compile QT again with the fix included.
I made a text/html editor app but I want to add code hinting. Right now I'm using a basic Spark textures. What steps are involved in implementing code hinting/completion?
I think this project help you.
Moonshine 0.8 Beta 2 just out now with basic auto-completion. Parses SWCs and source files.
I'm working on a blank template flex 4.5 mobile project.
I am using states, to move on to the next page on mobile solution.
I have a background image on 'State 1' which should be removed on 'state 2' and other states.
I have tried everything, and I can't find a solution, as I am new to flex.
Please Suggest to me any link, or help me with code that works.
Say, I have 2 states.I have 2 skin mxml files where I have 2 bgimages specified on each skin. In the main app file, I specified
skinClass.state1="skins.bgskin1" and
skinClass.state2="skins.bgskin2" on the top View tag which worked with me!!!
Select State 2 on the right hand side of Flash Builder, and then set the Background image to nothing, and save the project.
Look at what it did to the code, and you will see how the state changes are defined in each component.
In qt-designer I loaded bitmap images and in preview I am able to view the images. But after compiling in qdevelop IDE, I could not see the images at all.
Is there any procedure to load the bitmaps in to qdevelop.
Thanks in advance
I think you'll be wanting to add the bitmaps to a resource file, using Qt's resource system, if you want to be able to use them in Designer and also have them work in your compiled application correctly. I've not used it, but the examples look fairly straightforward, and it appears QDevelop supports the resource system to some extent.
Have you configured Qt to use required images plugins?
[-no-gif] [-qt-gif] [-no-libtiff] [-system-libtiff] [-no-libpng] [-qt-libpng] [-system-libpng] [-no-libmng] [-qt-libmng] [-system-libmng] [-no-libjpeg] [-qt-libjpeg] [-system-libjpeg]