On clicking edit link in wordpress template file display blank page - wordpress

This is my edit link in template file.
<a href=" http://plotsup.com/plotsup_plot/post-service/?ser_edit=6935"><?php
But when I click On that link It display blank page? What will be the possible reason?

It looks like the "u" of user_edit is missing


My wordpress homepage is not showing proper title

In my wordpress site I set my homepage to be my latest posts and when it gets loaded title doesn't show like "Home - SiteName" but only " - SiteName".
How to fix this. I want to add Static "Home" in front or after "- SiteName"
1. I tried to check my home.php file but it is not there.
2. When I am saying "title" I mean the name or description shows in browser's tab.
hi you can add this plugin and customize the TITLE as your requirement
You can add code like this to your header.php
if (is_front_page()) {echo ' My wonderful Page title in here ';}
else {echo wp_title('');}
It will put the echo text as your homepage title, and the post/page title as the title for the other pages. Other WordPress code can be added into the php if you want something more comprehensive

How to call single.php file using dynamically posts in wordpress?

I have this href link which is dynamically posted, I want to get the single.php file and the dynamically posts to be redirected to my single.php file Here is my link below:
<a href="/single-<?php the_ID();?>-<?php the_slug(); ?>" class="wrapper" style="background-image:url('<?=$url?>')">
When I click on the link the URL is this way:
And I want that page to be redirected to my single.php file. How will I be able to do this?
Any help is muchl appreciated. TIA
I have solved your problem but please read about the get_permalink() function
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>" class="wrapper" style="background-image:url('<?=$url?>')">
get_permalink() - Retrieves full permalink (link of a post) for the current post or post ID. This link will be opened post single page, which means if this is a custom post type and you create it as a separate single-post-type.php, then it will be as an open single-post-type.php page. Otherwise it appears as single.php.
For your information, posts have been opened in single.page while page opened with page.php. read about this link https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Type_Templates

get the page template unique from the slug in wordpress

Hi i have this page template past conferences single and i have this href tag
<a href="/past-conferences-single/<?php the_slug(); ?>" class="wrapper" style="background-image:url('<?=$url?>')">
and my href link goes this way
i want that when i click on this page goes to this page template past-conference-single and with the content is dynamic based on the slug.
How will i able to do this?
Any help is muchly appreiciated. TIA

Like url from Wordpress incorrect

I'm helping out as admin on a WordPress site and we are adding the ability to "Like" individual post and pages and are using the following code;
<div class="fb-like" data-href=”<?php the_permalink(); ?>” data-send="false" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>
The Like button displays correctly but the url for some reason has an " added in the end rendering the link to become invalid. If I "echo" the result of the_permalink it displays the correct url.
Like is clicked on http://my.blog/is-cool/ but the displayed url on my timeline is http://my.blog/is-cool/".
Your double quote marks around the <?php the_permalink(); ?> are incorrect - they are the 'curly quotes'.

Wordpress: get link title

I want to use the jGrowl plugin with my custom wordpress theme.
my case: you click on a link and a growl-like message box opens. My message should be the link's title text.
But how can I echo/display this title? where can I get it from? I already did some research but couldn't find any solution.
(I really don't mean "the_title()" .. more like this one <a href="" title="">
just google it: "php get title from url".
You'll find some php classes.
You can use them to get Title of page from given url and use it in jGrowl.
