How to configure SSRS without using my Windows login and password? -

The way SSRS in my project works, it requires my Windows User Login and password in the web.config file of the ASP.NET application which calls the reports. This is a problem since i have to change the password every 90 days as a security measure. Is it possible to configure SSRS without any employees Login and password ?
This is the part that worries me
<add key="ReportServerUsername" value="me" />
<add key="ReportServerPassword" value="my password" />
<add key="ReportServerDomainname" value="my domain />

Yes, set it up to use impersonated/delegated credentials.
You will have to configure the web application to use integrated authentication, then set the correct attribute in the config file.
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>
If done this way, each user will be accessing the database using their own username and password, so you will want to set up security appropriately. This means creating
NT Group - Add users to this group
Server Login - Create a DB login for the group
DB user - create a db user for the login
db role - create a db role, and assign it to the login
Permissions - give the role the needed permissions on database objects


Automatic or manual Active Directory authentication in mvc

I'm working on an mvc web app that is supposed to:
Automatically login someone if they are a valid user in Active Directory.
If the client is outside of the network (they're at home or whatever), allow them to manually login with their AD credentials through a login form.
I'm very new to AD authentication, I'm confused as to if I should be using Forms Authentication or Windows Authentication.
I have this in my web.config:
<add name="ADConnect" connectionString="LDAP://[something]/CN=dhr,DC=[something],DC=net" />
If I set: <authentication mode="Windows">
I can check User.Identity.IsAuthenticated in the controller to determine if they're logged in. If they're not, am I supposed to use this?:
Membership.ValidateUser("someguy", "somepass");
I get an error about making a secure connection to the server if I run the above. I have this as my provider:
<membership defaultProvider="AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider">
<clear />
<add name="AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider"
connectionStringName="ADConnect" attributeMapUsername="sAMAccountName"
Typically, network administrators prevent web applications that use windows authentication to expose to the internet due to security reasons. This is definitely possible, but you need to make sure that second scenario is valid and possible in your organization. A common scenario to connect from the internet is to use VPN which will log in you to the network (means you will be authenticated against AD).
To perform only authentication for the first scenario you do no need the AspNetActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider. An authentication (validation of user identity) usually only required to be set
in web.config: authentication mode="Windows" and authorization
on IIS: set integrated windows authentication to ON
on IIS: if you have second scenario (or if you have different domains, etc) keep anonymous access as ON - it should prompt with standard login propmt;otherwise set it OFF

How to get the current logon user name in

I have a web app, in the web.config, I have following settings:
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true" userName="domain01\user01" password="***"/>
I deployed the app to Windows 2008 (IIS 7), the Identity of the application pool is domain01\user01, and in the Authentication of the app, I have following set:
Anonymous Authentication Disabled
ASP.NET Impersonation Enabled
Basic Authentication Disabled
Digest Authentication Disabled
Forms Authentication Disabled
Windows Authentication Enabled
Now I need to get the user name who is currently logged on the machine, could be any authorized user with different domain. But no matter what I tired, I always got the impersonated user domain01\user01. I tried, HttpContext, WindowsIdentity, etc. Does anybody know how do I get the correct user name without changing my settings?
You are specifying domain01\username as the identity that you want to impersonate. That is why the current user is always that. If you remove the configured identity you will get the actual logged in user.
<identity impersonate="true" />
This is documented here:

How can I use Windows Authentication to allow group members access to my web application

I under stand how to configure .NET Authorization under Windows Authentication to limit access to a website to specific users and groups.
However, for a web application, how do I set the database connection to impersonate the logged in user? The SQl database is on another server.
If this strictly IIS configuration? Code? Both? For an individual, I can add the credentials via the <identity> element, but what about impersonating AD group members?
The SQL Server is set up to to only allow connections from a specific group. The DBA set this up, I do not know the details.
<identity impersonate="true" />
and Integrated Security=true results in the following error:
HTTP Error 500.24 - Internal Server Error
An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in
Integrated managed pipeline mode.
Using <identity impersonate="true" />
in your web.config along with Integrated Security=true; in your connection string should do this for you.
It will be up to the database to discover if the Active Directory User supplied is in the appropriate AD Group.

setting connection string

I have been building my web application with visual studio and sql server express and now I'm in the process of deploying it on a server. I need to change the connection string
This is what I have:
<add name="MySiteDBConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MySiteDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
This is what I need to replace it with:
<add name="LocalSqlServer"
connectionString="Data Source=DBServerName;Integrated Security=false;Initial Catalog=DBName;User ID=DBLogin;Password=DBPassword"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
The problem is that I don't know where or even if I set up a password for the database. What is integrated security?
I'm using linq-to-sql, do I also need to make some changes in the dbml file?
Thanks for some suggestions.
If you are not using Intergrated Security you will need to set up a user and password on the database server itself. If you are using shared hosting it is possible this will be provided for you. You can then replace DBLogin and DBPassword with your credentials.
Intergrated security uses your windows login/password details to authenticate against the database.
With your linq to sql if you are not passing in a connection string yourself you will need to use the designer to change the connection to the new database (or just overwrite the one in your config file).
Integrated security means that it will use credentials that the web site (app pool) is running under to access the database. You'd need to have SQL server set up to allow this account access to read/write your tables in order for this to work. If your web site is set up to run under the anonymous network account, then it's unlikely that this would be the case. If your web site runs under a domain account, then it's possible that you would need to use integrated security.
If you're not using integrated security, then your DB admin will have set up a SQL login for your application. This is the id/password that you need to use in your connection string. It's possible that multiple accounts have been set up, an admin account, a read/write account, a read-only account, execute SP account (these describe the permissions assigned to the account, not necessarily their names). In that case choose the appropriate one -- it's almost certainly not the admin account unless your DBAs know nothing about security.
FYI, if you use the User ID=...;Password=... format, you can omit the Integrated Security=false as it will assume a SQL login account and password.
'Integrated Security' mode is what was formerly called 'Use Trusted Connection': it uses the credentials of the currently logged on Windows user (in this case, most likely the IUSR_xxx account the web application is running as, or sometimes the computer account) as its login credentials.

Retrieving the Windows username from a logged-in machine through an intranet application

How can an application, running on a production server, access the login username of the machine that a user is accessing an application from? For example, I am currently logged into my machine on the INTRA corporate intranet. My username will be INTRA\Username.
I have added specific usernames to a database and wish to check this intranet username against the database to restrict access to an application and leverage the username across the application.
Currently, I am using the following code to access the username:
Private username As String = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name
This is working great on localhost, but when authenticating against the database on a development server, I'm getting the following error:
Login failed for user 'NT
Is this an incorrect approach? Is this even possible, or is it too much of a security issue? This application will be an internal intranet application running in an IE shop. Relevant pieces of web.config that already exist include:
<identity impersonate="true"/>
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<deny users="?"/>
<add name="CONNSTR" connectionString="Initial Catalog=DATANAME;Data Source=servername;Integrated Security=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
When setting up your web application on the server, you need to go into the Document Security section (the name of it changes depending on what version of IIS your server is running, but it's something like that), turn off anonymous authentication, and turn on Windows authentication. That tells the server to request windows login authentication from the browser. (Perhaps someone who knows web.config files better than I [which is nearly anyone] can edit this to point to the relevant bit; I don't think it's impersonate but if I knew, I'd say. I've so far only done this via the UI.)
in your example, you are locating the username that your webserver is running under. What you are after is the username of the user accessing the page.
Try something like this:
How To: Use Windows Authentication in ASP.NET 2.0
If setting the directory security to Windows Authentication is not working, change it to Basic Authentication. You'll also need to specify the domain name to authenticate against. This was the only way we could get the security to propagate through from the IIS layer to the DB. Unfortunately this causes the username and password to be sent through clear text. Its not the best solution, but since things were on the Intranet, it worked while we work on updating our login procedure.
