how to pass any object using openDDS? - idl

I'm using openDDS pub/sun middleware. I have tested openDDS using complex structure.
e.g .
typedef struct DSMD
string a;
long b;
} StandByModeData;
struct DSMCD{
string SessionId;
DSMD Data;
but now I have different structure.which is pass over the openDDS.
how can I use template in idl structure?
I need something like this.
template <struct T>
struct array {
T typr;

This is something that is currently not possible with OpenDDS. IDL3+ does define templated modules which is like your example, but that is not supported with OpenDDS or any other DDS vendor as far as I know.

Fast-RTPS from eProsima could support large variety of data types using DDS, aka the dynamic type builder, some sample dynamic builder could refer to here and the github repo refer to . IMHO, when the data type support std::string type, it could be support any kind of data type, since std::string is a versatile choice. For uncertain data type, you could cast the data into a json formatted string to pass through the DDS. I've been working on such thing, further progress would be forwarded here later on.

You can do your own VMF (variable message format) message type. Code I'm working on now uses this concept to pass messages between nodes/participants using eprosima FastDDS. The same idl file can be used for OpenDDS and FastDDS. We use both DDS implementations concurrently in some instances.
struct VariableMessageType
/* Message id */
long msg_id;
/* Number of bytes in the data vector */
/* units: none */
long num_bytes;
/* num_bytes sized array of bytes */
/* units: none */
sequence<octet> data;


How can I retrieve struct from nested array in solidity?

I want to grab my User out of the nested gameBoard array so that I can move it to a new index set of x and y. Remix IDE throws this error: TypeError: type struct Game.User storage ref[] storage ref is not implicitly convertible to expected type struct Game.User memory. I originally tried this without the memory, but not only does that go against the goal of not storing it permanently (if I understand it correctly), but also it threw less useful errors. Please help!
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract Game {
struct User{
address owner;
uint currency;
uint left;
uint right;
uint top;
uint bottom;
User[][10][10] public gameBoard;
function addUser (uint _x, uint _y) public {
gameBoard[_x][_y].push(User(msg.sender, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5));
function moveUser (uint _fromX, uint _fromY, uint _toX, uint _toY) public {
User memory mover = gameBoard[_fromX][_fromY];
if (mover.owner != msg.sender)return;
// once I have 'mover', I will check whether
// I want its the msg.senders and then place
// it where I want it to go
Short Answer: You are indexing your array wrong, and need another set of [brackets].
So you created a 3 dimensional array of users called "gameboard". When adding a user you push a struct into the dynamic 3rd dimension of your array correctly. However when you access the structs, you only give two dimensions and so Solidity returns the dynamic user array. Since you are trying to store it into a struct rather than an array of structs the error is being thrown. The easiest way to fix it is to use:
User memory mover = gameBoard[_fromX][_fromY][0];
However this only returns the first user at that position on the game board so you'll probably need to do some sort of looping (which isn't ideal in contracts). Personally I prefer to stay away from multidimensional arrays, and honestly all arrays in general (although they have their uses) when working with Solidity. Mappings are usually a lot easier to work with, especially when working with addresses. Could you possibly elaborate on what you are attempting to do in case there is a better way of achieving it?

Provide a Converter for data-binding by defining a pair of SerializableFunction objects

In Vaadin 8 Framework, and Vaadin 10 Flow, the data-binding capability lets us provide a Converter to mediate between the widget’s expected data type (such as String for a TextField) and the data type of the backing bean property (such as Integer number).
In this example, the built-in Converter implementation StringToIntegerConverter is used.
.forField( this.phaseField )
new StringToIntegerConverter( "Must enter an integer number" )
.bind( Panel::getPhase , Panel::setPhase ) ;
But what about defining a Converter for other types? How can I easily define a short-and-sweet Converter? For example, a String-to-UUID converter. I want to show the canonical 36-character hex string in a TextField, and going the other direction, parse that string back into a UUID.
// String to UUID
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString( myString ) ;
// UUID to String
String myString = uuid.toString() ;
I see that Binder.BindingBuilder offers the pair of methods withConverter that both take a pair of SerializableFunction objects.
Binder.BindingBuilder::withConverter(SerializableFunction<TARGET,NEWTARGET> toModel, SerializableFunction<NEWTARGET,TARGET> toPresentation)
Binder.BindingBuilder::withConverter(SerializableFunction<TARGET,NEWTARGET> toModel, SerializableFunction<NEWTARGET,TARGET> toPresentation, String errorMessage)
➥ So how do I define the pair of SerializableFunction objects/classes?
I noticed that this interface lists a known subinterface ValueProvider<SOURCE,TARGET>. That looks familiar, and I have a hunch it is the key to easily defining a short simple converter. But I do not quite comprehend the syntax with lambdas and all that is going on here.
I am not asking how to write a class implementing Converter. I am asking how to write the pair of SerializableFunction arguments to pass to the Binder.BindingBuilder::withConverter methods listed above as bullet items.
Quoting that JavaDoc:
Interface Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,TARGET>
default <NEWTARGET> Binder.BindingBuilder<BEAN,NEWTARGET> withConverter(SerializableFunction<TARGET,NEWTARGET> toModel, SerializableFunction<NEWTARGET,TARGET> toPresentation)
Maps the binding to another data type using the mapping functions and a possible exception as the error message.
The mapping functions are used to convert between a presentation type, which must match the current target data type of the binding, and a model type, which can be any data type and becomes the new target type of the binding. When invoking bind(ValueProvider, Setter), the target type of the binding must match the getter/setter types.
For instance, a TextField can be bound to an integer-typed property using appropriate functions such as: withConverter(Integer::valueOf, String::valueOf);
Type Parameters:
NEWTARGET - the type to convert to
toModel - the function which can convert from the old target type to the new target type
toPresentation - the function which can convert from the new target type to the old target type
a new binding with the appropriate type
IllegalStateException - if bind has already been called
You can do it by passing two lambda expressions to withConverter, so something like this:
.withConverter(text -> UUID.fromString(text), uuid -> uuid.toString())
.bind(/* ... */);
If you need a more complicated conversion, then the right-hand side of the lambda can be surrounded with brackets, e.g.
binder.forField(textField).withConverter( text -> {
if ( text == null ) {
return something;
} else {
return somethingElse;
}, uuid -> { return uuid.toString(); } )
.bind(/* ... */);
If you need your converter multiple times, I recommend creating a separate class implementing interface However, using lambdas is possible, too, as you already know (see answer of #ollitietavainen). But this is not Vaadin specific, it's a Java 8+ feature you can read about e.g. here. Basically, you can use lambdas whereever an object implementing an interface with only one method is required.

JAVAFX architecture for storing user data

I am very new to JAVAFX. I just started looking at how to store user files and in my case I don't want to use XML. I am creating a new version of a tool that in the past was done in perl. The user files were text based, and were done with a proprietary definition.
As an example
PROJECT_NAME some_device;
LINE_TYPE_A name_A mask:0xFFFFFFFF default:0x00000000 "Some documentation about this line type
SUB_LINE_TYPE_A_0 sub_name_0 PROP0 "Some documentation about what the sub line does";
SUB_LINE_TYPE_A_1 sub_name_1 PROP0 "Some documentation about what the sub line does";
LINE_TYPE_B name_B PROP_2 Size:0x1000 "Some documentation about this line type - important Linetype B has different properties than the previous line type A"
SUB_LINE_TYPE_B_0 sub_name_0 "Some documentation about what the sub line does";
LINE_TYPE_C name_C Other PROPs "And more documentation"
What I am thinking about doing is creating a document class, and then creating an array, that would hold each of the lines. But the rub is that the document class would hold an array of objects where there are three (or even more) types of objects. A LINE_TYPE_A, LINE_TYPE_B, etc.. objects, where there are different properties for each type. I am familiar with creating an array of One type of object. Creating an array of multiple types, seems odd to me, but it seems like there should be a way. As I rolled through the list, I would have to be able to look at each item and say, you're a TYPE A or your a TYPE C, so I could work with the data appropriately.
Is this the right thing to do to create a custom document format? Or is there something else I should be doing? Again, though, I do want to stay away from XML.
There are a few ways you can go about structuring this:
A) Define a data structure, say DataLine, to hold your data. It would contain all the information in a particular line: TYPE, name, etc. Then continue with what you wanted to do:
class Document {
//array or list or some other collection type of `DataLine`
DataLine[] lines;
void doStuff() {
for (DataLine line : lines) {
// line.getType(), line.getName(), etc
B) Define an inheritance based structure that would isolate common fields / query methods, e.g.
// abstract class if you have some common methods or interface
abstract class DataLine {
abstract DataType getType();
// some specific data that belongs to only TypeA
class DataLineTypeA extends / implements DataLine {
class Document {
//array or list or some other collection type of `DataLine`
DataLine[] lines;
void doStuff() {
for (DataLine line : lines) {
// can also check with getType() if you have it stored
if (line instanceof DataLineTypeA) {
DataLineTypeA typeA = (DataLineTypeA) line;
// do stuff with typeA specific methods
// etc.
Finally, you either create your own data parser if you have a formal definition of your data, or use an intermediate format like JSON. Alternatively, you can make data persistent by using the default Java serialization mechanism.

How can I modify a value in a struct?

My struct class:
public struct PinAndRadius
public string pinID { get; set; }
public string radiusID { get; set; }
public string getPinID()
return pinID;
public string getRadiusID()
return radiusID;
the method with a problem:
void mapArea_VE_PinDragged(double latitude, double longitude, object id)
foreach (var pin in pinRadiusCollection)
string ID = id.ToString();
//string newID = ID.Substring(0, 18);
if (!pin.Key.pinID.Equals(ID))
else if (pin.Key.pinID.Equals(ID))
var newLoc = createNewSearchLocation(latitude, longitude);
drawPoly(newLoc, pin.Value.xar_Radius);
pin.Key.radiusID = pollyID;
The problem is that when I try to set pin.key.radiusID to pollyID, I get an error saying
Cannot modify the return value of 'System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair.Key' because it is not a variable...
Any ideas?
Structure in .net is value-type. This mean you can't get reference to PinAndRadius using pin.Key. You will get copy of pin.Key of type PinAndRadius. Then you haven't access to this copy and compiler tell you about this. In C++ terms it not l-value.
If you create struct always try make it immutable. Mutable structs are evil.
Simplest way to solve this problem is to make PinAndRadius as class.
By the looks of it, your pinRadiusCollection is a generic dictionary keyed by PinAndRadius; the error you're getting is letting you know you can't modify that object because it's being used as the key in your dictionary.
If your pins are supposed to be mutable, you should probably revisit how you're storing them.
Collections in .net are not set up to allow convenient modification of struct-type items contained therein. Despite this, mutable structs still offer cleaner semantics than any other kind of data type. To edit a struct held in a collection, simply copy it to a variable, edit that variable, and store it back:
var temp = myList[someIndex];
temp.SomeVield = whatEver;
myList[someIndex] = temp;
Note that it's generally better to have mutable structs expose their contents as fields than as properties. Some people may say mutable structs are evil because their semantics differ from classes, but that's like saying screwdrivers are evil because they make lousy hammers. Exposed-field structs don't work like class types, but structs where all fields are exposed all have the same semantics as each other. Those semantics differ from classes, but for cases where they're useful, they have no equal.
Incidentally, much of the bad reps "mutable structs" got was a result of the fact that mutating struct members other than exposed fields would often generate bogus code if applied to read-only structures. If you avoid having struct members which modify fields of this [it's perfectly safe for static struct methods to modify fields of structures received as ref parameters], those dangers don't apply.
I simply just changed the struct definition to a class.

Making a reference-counted object in D using RefCounted!(T)

How do you use std.typecons.RefCounted!(T) to make a reference-counted object in D?
I've tried to figure out what std.array.Array does internally by looking at the source, but while I can read the source, I just can't figure what a "payload" is or how it all works when there's things like bitwise struct copying involved, as well as why some things are duplicated in the internal and external structure.
Could anyone provide an example or a link on how to use it to, say, wrap a simple Win32 HANDLE?
Disclaimer: I haven't tested my claims, just read the documentation.
Payload is referring to what is being stored. In your case the payload is the Win32 HANDLE. Since HANDLE is just an integer you wouldn't want to do:
auto refHandle = RefCounted!HANDLE(WhatGetsMeAHandle());
Because a Windows function will need to be called when the handle goes out of scope.
In std.containers.Array what you saw was a struct called Payload, which had a field called _payload. The structure is going to be the storage of the data, accessed through _payload. This provides a level of indirection to be utilized later.
You will notice that RefCounted is actually used on the Array structure. This means the destructor for that struct will only be called when the reference count is 0. So the ~this() inside of Payload is where you would want to clean up the your HANDLE.
What is happening: since struct is a value type, every time the structure goes out of scope the destructor is called, there isn't one for Array, but Payload is wrapped in a RefCounted, the destructor for RefCounted!Payload is also called. And only when the reference count reaches zero is the destructor for Payload itself called.
Now, RefCounted itself has reference semantics, this means that having an Array a, you can then assign to auto b = a; and everything will be copied over, but RefCounted has a postblits defined meaning the data will not be copied, but the reference count will be
I will now try and provide you with a wrapper outline for what you want. It will probably help you visualize the information above, but it may not be entirely correct. Let me know if something needs fixing.
struct MyWinWrapper {
struct Payload {
HANDLE _payload;
this(HANDLE h) { _payload = h; }
~this() { freeHandleHere(_payload); }
// Should never perform these operations
this(this) { assert(false); }
void opAssign(MyWinWrapper.Payload rhs) { assert(false); }
private alias RefCounted!(Payload, Data;
private Data _data;
this(HANDLE h) { _data = Data(h); }
Since there is no default constructor for a struct you will probably want to provide a free function that returns this structure.
