Gracenote does not seem to recoginize VOD content - gracenote

I've been trying to test gracenote over some VOD content, however It doesn't seem to recognize VOD content. Does Gracenote work with VOD content?
I always assume that it work with both live and VOD content. And I recall that it used recognize VOD content before (a few months ago), however no matter how I changes the settings and license, it cannot recognize VOD content at all.
Am I missing something here?
Thanks in advance.

Talk to your Gracenote contact. Your client id needs to be routed correctly to recognise VOD content. This is not something you can change by yourself.


https, a subdomain and an iframe: Any alternative to purchasing an additional SSL certificate?

I have a website and an SSL certificate for this domain only. No subdomains except www are included. The site is based on Typo3.
On is an iframe (note the subdomain):
<iframe src=„“ width="400" height="300">
This doesn’t work with all browsers. Some browsers show an error (SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN) because the subdomain is not covered by the certificate.
The subdomain contains rather complex content which I wouldn’t know how to built in Typo3, that’s why I used an iframe.
Is there any way to insert the contents of into the page without purchasing an additional SSL certificate for the subdomain?
I see the following solutions:
Get a certificate for
Buy one
Use an ACME client, for example Let's Encrypt
Link: Instead of using an iFrame just link to the site
Set up a reverse proxy
Server side include: Write an extension for the website which includes the content from
Rebuild the solution as TYPO3 extension
It is difficult to say which one fits best for you.
A server side include may be easy in some cases, but in most cases it requires a lot of search an replace for the content which is going to be pasted. It also requires to include asset files (images, javascript, css) either in the TYPO3 template or dynamically by parsing the whole include content.
A reverse proxy is easy to set up in case you have the required software components already installed an the required knowledge. Otherwise it requires some reading and some hours to set up.

How do I refer to http resources on a https page safely?

I have enabled HTTPS for my site. Some of the resources such as css and js files on my pages come from another domain which is on HTTP. Now the problem is when I visit the page, browsers display an alert message. IE says "Do you want to view only the page content that was delivered securely" and FF says "You have requested an encrypted page that contains some unencrypted information. Information that you see or enter on this page could easily be read by a third party."
I tried the technique mentioned by Paul Irish which is not working.
Any idea how I can resolve this issue?
I use 3.5 for my site.
The assumption he makes in the referenced article I think you missed is
… assuming the site you're pointing to has this asset available on
both HTTP and HTTPS.
Those resources need to be served over HTTPS as well, or you will always get that message. I don't believe there is a way around it, and there likely shouldn't be a way around it. You want everything running over HTTPS for a reason.
You need to serve those resources over HTTPS.
The Firefox Mixed Content Blocking Announcement does a good job explaining the security risks.
If you own/control the other website where the resource files are located, a good solution might be to move the resource files over to the website where both HTTP and HTTPS are supported, and change both websites to point to those files at their new location.

What do i need to add video streaming capabilities to drupal 7

i need to add video streaming capabilities to drupal. I need this functions:
Some users must be able to create
content with video inside it. It must
be easy, the best idea would be
adding a new content type (rich
media) and then the user can choose
to either upload a video from his pc
or choose a video that has been
already uploaded
Registered user must
have the possibility to upload videos
that are viewed by a moderator before
publishing them
All video must stay on my server (privacy reasons and so on), what i'm asking is: is there any drupal modules that any of you has used that does such things?
for streaming video from my server do i need some special "video streaming server"?
i'v checked flowplayer as stated in this question, but i don't get if i need to setup some extras on the server or not.
EDIT - in case, has anyone tried to use Kaltura?
In the end i used the video module with the flowplayer module. Simple and very easy.
I built a WebTV Module on top of NaviCast Streaming API. I used flowplayer for playback. I also setup adStreamer plugin with flowplayer.
NaviCast is a paid service and gives you a desktop application to manage your videos.
I really recommend MediaFront. It is pretty much stand-alone (needs HTML5), and has a tutorial video. It is the only streaming solution that worked for me.

Can Asp.Net support streaming of 320kbps mp3 files?

I have a piece of my site being built for me that works like this... when you click a song, the song loads in the player and plays it.
I'm being told by the guy who's developing it for me that Asp.Net does not support 320kbps files, so that's why the player isn't working. This seemed a little ridiculous so I did some research on it and couldn't find anything that says so:
He found this on that page:
24 bit audio will return silence.
But that's under the WMA section, not the MP3 section, I can't even tell if they're 24 bit or not anyways... The only info I have is that the songs are 320kbps and they're all .mp3 files. I can provide more info if you tell me where to look. Please let me know why he would be saying that these files can't be streamed... he says he's tried 128kbps and it worked, but that these are incompatible.
I'm being told by the guy who's
developing it for me that Asp.Net does
not support 320kbps files, so that's
why the player isn't working.
You're right, he's wrong. That page is irrelevant. doesn't care -- doesn't know! -- what's inside the file. If the connection doesn't overtax the available bandwidth, you're fine.
Assuming you're using a static file and not a dynamic one, ASP.NET will never even see it. All references to static files are handled by IIS, without involving the ASP.NET runtime.
However, by default static files aren't streamed. Instead, they are sent at the maximum speed that the connection will support. If you want true streaming, you will need to add an appropriate plug-in to IIS, or use something like Windows Media Server.

How to control which users can see which videos

Imagine you have a large number of video files stored on a server, and a Flex app which lets users play those videos they have access to. How can you best set this up? Wouldn't the Flex app just be sent the name of the video to play... in which case couldn't someone else write another flex app if they knew the file names? Can Flex play videos hosted on other sites? Is there some clever piece on the server I'm missing, which sits between the Flex video player and the files?
Ask users to log-in with a username and password - you can use OpenID if you want.
Set the crossdomain.xml of your server in such a way that only Flash movies from your domain can access content from there.
You can write a server-side script (in PHP or something else) that serves the file only if your user is allowed to see it (how to determine that you'll have to come up with yourself). This is a bit of a performance hit, although not so much if you use PHP's readfile().
Can Flex play videos hosted on other sites?
Your crossdomain.xml can control this. e.g. would contain entries based on who you want to grant access to, like Then just ripping off your main flex application wouldn't give them access to your video files.
