QDockWidget with QStatusBar possible? - qt

For a QMainWindow I can easily set a status bar. When I have a floating QDockWidget, it behaves like a normal window (from user's perspective).
What I want to archive is to add a QStatusBarto the floating QDockWidget. With the signal topLevelChanged I could hide the status bar when the window is docked.
But can I add a status bar to a QDockWidget? At least in the Qt Creator form builder I can not (I have a context menu "Create Status Bar" for QMainWindow, but not for QDockWidget).
Any way to do it a runtime?

Just do this:
QStatusBar *bar = new QStatusBar;//in constructor for example
In this case QStatusBar will be as widget, but you can also use some QWidget as container and add layout where your QStatusBar will be always bottom.
With QProgressBar:
QStatusBar *bar = new QStatusBar;
QProgressBar *pr = new QProgressBar;
Result(there is "Ready" too, but you can't see it because of size of my window) :
Little example with another part of your question:
QStatusBar *bar = new QStatusBar;
QProgressBar *pr = new QProgressBar;
connect( ui->dockWidget,&QDockWidget::topLevelChanged,[=](bool visible)
I used here C++11 (CONFIG += c++11 to .pro file) and new syntax of signals and slots, but of course you can use old syntax if you want.


Qt: Resizing QMenuBar corner widget

I put a push button into the top-right corner of my main window menu bar:
QPushButton *pb = new QPushButton("Text");
pb->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
QMainWindow *mainWindow;
mainWindow->menuBar()->setCornerWidget(pb, Qt::TopRightCorner);
The initial layout is fine. Sometime later, an asynchronous event changes the QPushButton's text to a longer string, but it gets clipped on the right.
I can see that the QPushButton's size changes when the string is updated. The QPushButton is displayed correctly if the window is resized. The problem appears to be getting the QMenuBar to recognize that the widget's size has changed.
This answer How to auto change QPushButton width and QMenuBar corner widget width when change text of button? suggests resetting the corner widget. I would rather avoid that, because my application's structure makes me jump through several ugly and awkward hoops to reset the corner widget after initializing.
The solution is simple. After updating the text of the button call menuBar()->adjustSize(); I have tested it in Qt5.5 and hope it will work for you.
You can use QWidgetAction as a horizontal menu widget:
class TestMenu : public QWidgetAction
TestMenu(QObject *parent) :
QWidgetAction (parent)
virtual QWidget *createWidget(QWidget *parent)
QComboBox *combo = new QComboBox(parent);
return combo;
virtual void deleteWidget(QWidget *widget)
delete widget;
QMenu *menu = new QMenu();
menu->addAction(new TestMenu(this));

Prevent widgets stretching in QVBoxLayout and have scrollbar appear in QScrollArea?

Making my way up the Qt learning curve, I've seen many questions about dynamic layouts but the solutions aren't working for me or I don't quite understand them.
Reference questions:: Qt Scroll Area does not add in scroll bars, How can i make widgets overflow to make a scrollbar appear in Qt?
Question:: I want to have a dynamic layout of a set of widgets within a QScrollArea. I've been able to do this manually in Qt Creator and now I am trying to do it through code.
How do I prevent the widgets from stretching/force the area to scroll?
How do I have the added widgets start from the top? I have a vertical spacer in my QVBoxLayout but that pushes everything to the bottom.
Simple test code::
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
ui->myScroll->setWidgetResizable(true); //making sure this is set
QPushButton *b = new QPushButton(this);
b->setText(QString("Hello Button"));
QHBoxLayout *h = new QHBoxLayout();
Result:: Left side squished (dynamic) – Right side Ok (set up manually)
Qt Creator Setup:: Left side: dynamic – Right side set up manually
You can set use setMinimumHeight() on your buttons for preventing squished buttons. The layout can be configured with setContentsMargin() for space between item-border and item-content (QtDesigner has all four directions set to 9 IIRC) and setSpacing() for space between items (QtDesigner uses a default of 6). Also setWidgetResizable(true) allows your scrollarea to resize the view widgeth inside the area (this is where your layout and children are being placed).
This works for me:
In constructor or code set scrollArea->widget() to hold the QVBoxLayout:
v = new QVBoxLayout;
In Button Slot:
void MainWindow::pushButtonPressed()
QPushButton *b = new QPushButton(this);
b->setText(QString("Hello Button"));
QHBoxLayout *h = new QHBoxLayout();

QPushButton Main Gui

I'm beginning with Qt and I do not understand something. Here is my code:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QtWebKitWidgets/QWebView>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QPushButton>
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QMainWindow *mWin = new QMainWindow();
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Button");
mWin->setWindowFlags(Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
return a.exec();
When I launch the program, it makes a pushbutton, but not on the main GUI. It instead makes it in the upper lefthand corner of my scoeen. How do I make the pushbutton part of the main GUI?
Both QMainWindow and QPushButton derive from QWidget and generally, QWidgets can display themselves independently, so don't need to be attached to a parent, though it's likely you'll want to group and organise the widgets you're presenting to the user.
For a beginner, I think that QMainWindow is a bit misleading as you don't actually need it to display widgets. If, for example, you wanted to just display the button, you only need create the QPushButton and call show: -
QPushButton pButton = new QPushButton("Test");
Though it's rare that you'll actually want to do this. In actuality, though it appears pointless, you can even just create a QWidget and display that: -
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QWidget w;
return a.exec();
The QWidget can now be the parent to all other widgets, still without you defining a QMainWindow.
It is likely that you will want other widgets to display and Qt uses a parent / child hierarchy system of linking them together. Amongst other things, an advantage here is that you don't need to keep track of the different widgets in order to release their memory. When you're finished, you just delete the top level item, which may be a QMainWidget, or QDialog or other QWidget based object. In the case of Windows, all you need to do is close them and their children are cleaned up too.
Adding Widgets to a QMainWindow can be done in different ways, depending upon what you're trying to achieve. Eventually, you'll likely want to use layouts that allow grouping of widgets in logical arrangements, but to start with, if you look at the constructor of the QPushButton, you'll see that it takes an optional parameter of QWidget* : -
QPushButton(QWidget * parent = 0)
This allows you to attach the widget you're creating (QPushButton in this case) to a parent. Therefore, create the QMainWindow and then pass its pointer to the QPushButton.
QMainWindow* pWindow = new QMainWindow; // create the main window
QPushButton pButton = new QPushButton(pWindow); // create the push button
pWindow->show(); // Display the main window and its children.
You're creating a button and a window, but you're not associating them together. Therefore, the button is not part of the main UI. In order to add the button to the main window, you should add the following line-
When creating user interfaces with Qt, it's better to avoid setting the geometry explicitly. Here is a nice page which describes the layouting in Qt.
Also, you seem to be missing a main function.
You are not setting parent child relationship, you need QPushbutton as a child of QMainwindow. Then you can see QPushbutton on QMainwindow.
Please try this, I am not sure what exactly you want to achive..but below code will give some hind about how to proceed..
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QMainWindow *mWin = new QMainWindow();
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(mWin); // setting parent as QMainwindow
// button->show();
//mWin->setCentralWidget( button );
mWin->setWindowFlags(Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt::WindowCloseButtonHint);
Create a central widget for the main window and then use a layout to place the push button on the central widget. For example:
QMainWindow *mWin = new QMainWindow();
// Place the button in a layout
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout;
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Button");
// Set up a central widget for the main window
QWidget *centralWidget = new QWidget();
If you've placed your button into a layout this way (or as a central widget itself, as one of the other answers has indicated), you don't need to set the geometry on the button, nor do you need to call setVisible or show on the button explicitly (but you still need to on the main window).
Consider looking through some of Qt's examples, such as the application example for more information.

Reversing the layout of a QToolButton

I would like to make a QToolButton where the text is the left of its icon. I've tried to find related information, and tried things with:
but this sets the text to the right side of the button. I've looked into trying stylesheets, but text-alignment is only for push buttons. Is there any way to do this?
My highest-level goal is to make an interface bar which looks like this:
with a text label and image right beside it. Currently I'm using a toolbar with checkable toolbuttons because of the style (no border unless moused-over, still has the indent with checkable, contains text and an icon...). It's entirely possible that I'm using the wrong type widgets, so if I can't change the layout of this, is there any way to emulate this style?
This is what I currently have:
You can use QWidget::setLayoutDirection:
Your best bet is probably to create this functionality yourself in a QWidget. It should have a QLabel and a QToolButton (or QPushButton) arranged in a QHBoxLayout. Then you can add this custom widget to the toolbar using QToolBar::addWidget() or QToolBar::insertWidget().
Here's an example of a widget you could use:
#include <QtGui>
class CoolButton : public QWidget
CoolButton(QWidget *parent = 0) : QWidget(parent)
QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hi!", this);
QToolButton *button = new QToolButton(this);
QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout;

how to add an widget into the Form In QtDesigner

in qdesigner_workbench.cpp, how can I add a widget (say QLabel) into a FormWindow by code?
Since methods like createWidget()...etc are all abstract, how do I properly use the internal mechanics to add QLabel into the active FormWindow?
In qdesigner_workbench.cpp, this is currently what I have:
QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface* fwm = core()->formWindowManager();
QDesignerFormWindowInterface* fw = fwm->activeFormWindow();
QWidget* mw = fw->mainContainer();
QLabel* label = new QLabel(mw); //can be added correctly but not in the right hierarchy
label->setText("I am a good girl.");
The mw (obtained from fw->mainContainer()) is actually a MainWindow, however the real data I need is in:
mw -> children[2] (which is a QDesignerWidget) -> children
There are 9 widgets in the designer, and you can see there's 9 arrays in children mentioned above; see this link (an image) for illustration.
So... how can I correctly add the QLabel widget?
Tried both
QLabel* label = new QLabel(fw); // will be a sibling of MainContainer, which is the QMainWindow (mw) in this case
QLabel* label = new QLabel(mw); // will be a sibling of QDesignerWidget
and apprarently either of the works.
If you want just to display a widget on a form, you can set your QMainWindow or QDialog to be the widget parent:
QLabel *l = new QLabel(this);
l->setText("My long string");
Where this is a pointer pointing to your current QDialog or QMainWindow.
Otherwise as ufukgun pointed out, you can use setCentralWidget if you need your widget to occupy the center of the QMainWindow.
You should add any QWidget to the QLayout of the form.This will put it into the display strategy of the form when resizing it.
Depending of the QLayout you are using, parameters of the add function will not be the same.
create a widget and add it to your main window as it is your central widget
if you want to add a label, you can add it to this central widget
