Lightswitch HTML databinding to a details collection - data-binding

I have a simple master/details relationship where one order can have multiple revenue allocations. The order has a collection that contains these.
I want to sum a property in my revenue allocation objects and ensure that it adds up to my order total. However, if I databind on the count property of the allocations collection this gets called when you first add an empty object and not when that object has been populated. So an empty allocation is added at the time the "Add allocation" screen is created and the databind function called. That of course means that when the save button on the "Add allocation" screen is clicked, the databind function isn't called again.
Anyone got any ideas? I basically want my databind function to be called when the save button is clicked in the "add screen" and not before.
This is the HTML client - NOT Silverlight

I'm pretty sure that the solution would be to use an OData query to get your aggregate data within the databinding function of the save button - or perhaps a separate button (e.g. "Tally Order Totals"). Exactly how you do that? A bit too hard for me to answer right now, but start with a new button TallyOrderTotals and a new data field for your total. Edit the post_render event for TallyOrderTotals and lookup the allocations in the javascript in which you data bind the value of the new data field.
Somewhere you will need a piece of code that looks something like this:
.filter("OrderID eq " + msls._toODataString(<orderID>, ":String"))
.then(function (result) {
// assign the result somewhere
I'm not saying that's something you can cut-and-paste - but definitely look at the msls.js documentation and see what you can do with querying your data inside the event context.
One quick point however - if you only need to calculate that total as a verification step, consider doing it in the SaveExecuting() event on the server side. This will allow you to throw an exception back up the tree to your HTML page which the msls.js script should render on the client side.
Hope that helps. :)


What is the best way to hide "Completed or Cancelled Items" in a table?

So I have setup a model/table that users will use as a project task list. I would like it so that when they change the Status (a field in the model) of an item to either Completed or Cancelled it is hidden.
That way they are only dealing with active entries. But I would also like them to be able to view these hidden (archived) items if needed.
I added the following code to the onAttach option of the table
var datasource = app.datasources.Projects;
datasource.query.filters.Status._notContains = 'Completed';
And then I have a button with the following code so they can see hidden/archived items:
var datasource = app.datasources.Projects;
datasource.query.filters.Status._contains = 'Completed';
It works, but I feel like there might be a better/more elegant way to accomplish this. Especially since it looks like the app has to load then data, THEN filter it (which results in a slower load). (I think I might have some redundant code in there as well)
Also I feel like I am missing something with my syntax, because I can't get it to filter out Completed AND Cancelled.
Thank you for your help!
If you have a single page of items in the table and there aren't many items, then you can filter on the client side. For example, you can use a binding expression to add a "projectHidden" style to the row based on some logic and then use CSS to change the visibility of the row.
For your second code block, there is no reason to clear filters, load, set the filters and then load again. Just clear the filters, set the new filter, and call load. Also if you are manually controlling the query load, then you might want to uncheck the setting in the data source to automatically load data.
var datasource = app.datasources.Projects;
datasource.query.filters.Status._notEquals = 'Completed';
datasource.query.filters.Status._notEquals = 'Cancelled';

Getting Event data within a CustomView after setRange is called

So I'm trying to build my own custom view for a month's worth of data (based on the "agenda-views.html' example) and I've been able to create a custom View class which adds itself as a button on the list of .. buttons.
When I click on that button (MyView), its setRange is called so I know the range of Events to display.
The View's renderEvents is called but is passed all of the Events that the Calendar knows about, so I have a two parter question:
(a) Is there a way I can use existing code to do the equivalent of: "given this range, give me all of the Events fullCalendar knows about"?
- or -
(b) Do I use an XHR here to pull back the data for the given range (now that I know what it is is) and Render it
I'd rather do (a) as it's more efficient (less requests etc) but I'm finding myself swamped in code and, after reading through quite a lot it haven't really found a method that says 'Get all events for this range'.
Alternatively, am I missing something? How does renderEvents know what the current range is and then render them? Or, should I be using renderSelection, which doesn't seem to get called.
Set up your events as a json feed, when the URL is called it will pass the start and end dates for the current view. In your function/method/action you then retrieve your events for the given dates and return them.

Call child form programmatically with parameter / filter

I'm creating a customization where on a click of a button, I need to allocate a charge for a particular purchase order / invoice journal.
From the front end, I would accomplish this by following the purchase order life-cycle and invoicing it. I would then go under the invoice tab of the PO, click Invoice Journals -> Charges -> Adjustment . This will open up my desired form where I will select a charges code, charges value, currency and category, and then I will click 'Ok' and have the system take care of the rest of the process.
Form name: MarkupAllocation_VendInvoiceTrans
Parent form Name: VendInvoiceJournal
You can see that the child form gets called with a few parameters such as the invoice number, there obviously needs to be that link. If I go into the AOT under forms, I right click and open up VendInvoiceJournal, but I wouldn't be able to open up MarkupAllocation_VendInvoiceTrans because it requires parameters.
A: To open MarkupAllocation_VendInvoiceTrans through code where I manually pass those parameters to link to the parent table. I would provide the invoice number and such. The objective is to skip opening the parent table and manually going into the adjustments. I want to open that form directly and have it link to whichever record I specify.
B: I need to be able to pass a _ChargesValue parameter and have that be pre-populated for me. I don't know if this is possible, so I wanted to ask and confer. Ideally, I should be able to click a button on my custom form, and have MarkupAllocation_VendInvoiceTrans form directly open for a specified invoice, with pre-populated values on the line.
I know I should be tackling this problem one step at a time, so step A is priority number one.
I can open up the parent form with relative ease like so, but I cannot do the same for the child form. Obviously the same time of approach won't work, as I need to specify the relationship of the parent table before I open it.
private void allocateMarkup()
Object formRun;
Args args = new Args();
VendInvoiceJour jourTable;
select * from jourTable where jourTable.PurchId == 'PO000001191';;
formRun = ClassFactory.formRunClass(args);
How would I be able to do so?
(Side note, I realize this whole form calling could be avoided if do all the transactions programmatically instead of letting the out of the box functionality handle it, but the markup and allocation logic is a beast of it's own and to me seems much more complicated than doing this. If someone has done it this manual way, any help on that would be greatly appreciated as well)
If I read your post right, you just want to open the Charges>Adjustment for a certain invoice. Here is one simple method:
MarkupAdjustment markupAdjustment = new MarkupAdjustment();
markupAdjustment.vendInvoiceJour(VendInvoiceJour::findFromPurchId('PO 120079'));;

Data initialize is called before Report Start in Active Reports (Data dynamics)

Per Active reports documentation, the Report start is called first and Data initialize. Any reference to Data source inside Report start will invoke Data Initialize event. I am modifying an existing report; and to my surprise the order is reversed. I have an existing logic to get the count of nodes (my datasource is xml) in data initialize event; just because the event firing sequence is reversed, I am getting 0 as count always.
I am using Active reports for .NET 2.0 ( I think the version is 4.*). As I dont have support for the designer, I have the designer xml and code behind.
Please suggest what could force the event sequence to correct order.
There is probably not enough information for us to help you here. We'd need to see the report code at least, but better if you can do some debugging to find out more detail about what specific code you have that is causing the trouble.
I'm actually not sure about event order in this specific case, but to troubleshoot you could try with a new blank report to verify the event order in that case and move over one piece of code at a time to find out which line of code causes the event order to change.

stack overflow on XMLListCollection collectionEvent

I'm working on a Flex 3 project, and I'm using a pair of XMLListCollection(s) to manage a combobox and a data grid.
The combobox piece is working perfectly. The XMLListCollection for this is static. The user picks an item, and, on "change", it fires off an addItem() to the second collection. The second collection's datagrid then displays the updated list, and all is well.
The datagrid, however, is editable. A further complication is that I have another event handler bound to the second XMLLIstCollection's "change" event, and in that handler, I do make additional changes to the second list. This essentially causes an infinite loop (a stack overflow :D ), of the second lists "change" handler.
I'm not really sure how to handle this. Searching has brought up an idea or two regarding AutoUpdate functionality, but I wasn't able to get much out of them. In particular, the behavior persists, executing the 'updates' as soon as I re-enable, so I imagine I may be doing it wrong. I want the update to run, in general, just not DURING that code block.
Thanks for your help!
Trying to bind the behaviour to a custom event rather than the CHANGE event.
I.e. do what you are doing now, but dispatch and handle a custom event to do the work.
Have you considered using callLater?
Does direct manipulation of XMLListCollection's source XMLList have the same results?
Have you considered something like:
private function changeHandler( event:Event ):void
{ event.type, changeHandler );
// your code here. event.type, changeHandler );
