When i read a csv file through R, all specific symbols(>,<) are replaced by points(.).
for example:
csv file:
R shows users.75
How i can avoid this?
You can use check.names=FALSE in your read.csv call.
From ?read.csv:
check.names: logical. If ‘TRUE’ then the names of the variables in the
data frame are checked to ensure that they are syntactically
valid variable names. If necessary they are adjusted (by
‘make.names’) so that they are, and also to ensure that there
are no duplicates.
I have an excel sheet which has formulas in one column like C=(A-32)/1.8. if i read using function read_excel it is showing the error as unexpected symbol in column. Need help in reading this.
I think you need to force each column type with the argument col_types = of the function read_excel() in the package readxl. You can specify the type character which should read the cells as they are.
The basic format for scan function in R to read a file with characters is represented like this
a<- scan(file.choose(),what='char',sep=',').
I have a csv file with names as a separate column. Can i use what='char' in read.csv. If yes, how to use. If not how to read names column?
There is an entire R manual on importing and exporting data
read.table (or more specifically read.csv, which is read.table with the default separator being a comma) are the functions you are looking for.
a <- read.csv(yourfile)
The World Health Organization dataset is available here: http://www.filedropper.com/who
When the data is read using fread (from the data.table package), or read_csv (from the readr package) some variables are wrapped within letter r, and are shown as character type. Like so:
I checked the dataset in notepad and indeed it looks weird as these values are wrapped within (' '). However they are numeric, and when the regular read.csv is used there is no such problem.
What's the reason behind this? How to fix?
the '\r' is e special character used as a new line delimiter for files on windows.
When using read_csv setting the argument escape_backslash=TRUE might do the trick.
Check this for further reading.
I imported csv.file to software R. But, when listing the data in R, variable names and variable values are not separated. (Screenshot is posted ~ picture1) Also, when seeing the variable names, variables name is listed in one column as if it is one name. (picture2) There is a problem. I need to separate them. How to solve it? Thank you so much.
read.csv splits data by , and your file has ;. Try read.csv2 instead.
I am trying to load a fairly large csv file into R. It has about 50 columns and 2million row.
My code is pretty basic, and I have used it to open files before but none this large.
mydata <- read.csv('file.csv', header = FALSE, sep=",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
The result is that it reads in the data but stops after 1080000 rows or so. This is roughly where excel stops as well. Is their way to get R to read the whole file in? Why is it stopping around half way.
Update: (11/30/14)
After speaking with the provider of the data it was discovered that they may have been some corruption issue with the file. A new file was provided which also is smaller and loads into R easily.
As, "read.csv()" read up to 1080000 rows, "fread" from library(data.table) should read it with ease. If not, there exists two other options, either try with library(h20) or with "fread" you can use select option to read required columns (or read in two halves, do some cleaning and can merge them back).
You can try using read.table and include the parameter colClasses to specify the type of the individual columns.
With your current code, R will read all data first as strings and then check for each column if it is convertible e. g. to a numeric type, which needs more memory than reading right away as numeric. colClasses will also allow you to ignore columns you might not need.