Twig: Cannot override a block that's defined in a macro - symfony

I am importing a macro from a layout file, and inside that macro I define a few twig blocks.
When I extend my 'base' layout file in a new 'view' file, I cannot override the content of the blocks that I defined in the macro.
Here is a very simplified, minimal version of my use-case.
{% import 'macros' as macros %}
{{ macros.render_sections() }}
{% block working %}
{% endblock %}
{% macro render_sections() %}
{% block notworking %}
{% endblock %}
{% endmacro %}
{% extends "base" %}
{% block working %}
{% endblock %}
{% block notworking %}
{% endblock %}
Expected behavior:
I expect to see "content1-override content2-override" in my html.
What actually happens:
I see 'content1-override content2-default'
Is there a way to pass the blocks scope to a macro?
I have tried defining the macro inside the base.twig file, as to rule out the import function, but that didn't help.
and obviously everything else works because I can see the block that does get overriden.

You should learn about Twig's internals:
all Twig files are converted to PHP classes
{% extends %} is the equivalent for the litteral PHP extends (used for inheritance).
{% import %} assign a property of your context to an object of type "the twig file you're importing"
blocks are no more than php methods, and the native php inheritance let you overwrite Twig blocks sweetly.
So, taking this into account, your converted twig code will look like this:
class base {
public function display() {
$context['macros'] = new macros();
echo '<section>';
echo $this->blockWorking();
echo '</section>';
public function blockWorking() {
echo "content1-default";
class macros {
public function render_sections() {
echo '<section>';
echo $this->blockNotWorking();
echo '</section>';
public function blockNotWorking() {
echo "content2-defualt";
class view extends base {
public function blockWorking() {
echo "content1-override";
public function blockNotWorking() {
echo "content2-override";
$view = new view();
You can clearly see here that the blockNotWorking() method of the view class can never overwrite the macro.


Override twig variable in included template in Symfony 3

I'm trying to override a variable in the included template.
Can I do this in a Symfony3 & Twig?
My twig template looks like this:
{% set foo = 'bar' %}
{% include 'first.html.twig' %}
{% include 'second.html.twig' %}
// first.html.twig
{{ foo }}
{% set foo = 'second' %}
// second.html.twig
{{ foo }}
I get such a result:
bar bar
But I expect:
bar second
The following Twig code:
{% set a = 42 %}
{{ include("first.twig") }}
Will be compiled to this one:
// line 1
$context["a"] = 42;
// line 2
echo twig_include($this->env, $context, "first.twig");
And twig_include prototype is:
# lib/Twig/Extension/Core.php
function twig_include(Twig_Environment $env, $context, $template, $variables = array(), $withContext = true, $ignoreMissing = false, $sandboxed = false)
So variables are passed by copy, not by reference in included templates. Thus your changes in included templates won't be reflected to including templates.
Moreover, since Twig 2.0, you can't call TwigEnvironment::addGlobal once twig runtime is initialized, so you can't glitch using simple extensions.
All in all, you can understand that if you need to update variables cross templates, it means some template contains business logic and Twig isn't build for that. You need to prepare the whole context in controllers.
Alternatively you may call a PHP class method from TWIG. Example of a page-counter needed when generating a pdf.
Custom class :
class PageCounter
private $pageNumber = 0;
public function incrementPageCounter()
$this->pageNumber ++;
return $this->pageNumber;
$twigVariables = [
'pageCounter' => new PageCounter()
return $this->render('template.html.twig', $twigVariables);
Twig template (object pageCounter available from any included template)
{{ pageCounter.incrementPageCounter() }} / {{totalPages}}
You just need to do the check and override the variable with another variable :))
{% if name is defined %}
{% set foo = name %}
{% else %}
{% set foo = 'bar' %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'first.html.twig' %}
{% include 'second.html.twig' %}
// first.html.twig
{% set name = 'first' %}
// second.html.twig
{% set name = 'second' %}
Why not override your variable with your include tag/function like :
{% include 'first.html.twig' with {'foo': 'second'} %}
or :
{ include('first.html.twig', {foo: 'second'}) }}

Set Twig layout in controller

I have multiple subdomains, each with its own layout. Some controllers are shared across subdomains (e.g login), some not. What I'd like to do is to set layout according to domain, so that I would not need to write in each template:
{% if app.request.domain == 'one' %}
{% set layout = '::layout-one.html.twig' %}
{% elseif app.request.domain == 'two' %}
{% set layout = '::layout-two.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
{% extends layout %}
Is it possible to set default layout in controller (or somewhere)? E.g:
class FooController
function fooAction()
$templating = $this->get('templating');
return $templating->renderResponse($view, $parameters, $response);
If you have a separate config file for each of the domains, you can put the layout config in there and have it available in twig as a global variable:
base_layout: '::layout-one.html.twig'
Then in twig you can just do:
{% extends base_layout %}
You can set layout variable in your FooController:
class FooController
function fooAction()
return $this->render($template, array(
'layout' => $layout
And then use it in your template:
{% extends layout %}

symfony twig extends: 'only extend if'

In twig there is the 'extends' tag, as found here;
Now what I wanna do is something along the lines of the following example from that page:
{% extends standalone ? "minimum.html" : "base.html" %}
But rather than having 2 templates to extend from, I just want to extend from a template if a specific condition is met.
Now I've tried things such as:
{% extends boolean ? "template.html.twig" : "" %}
{% if boolean %}
{% extends "template.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
but the former gives an error saying it cannot find a template (since "" obviously isnt a valid path), and the latter just doesn't appear to do anything at all (or rather, it loads for a while and ends up not showing anything)
I've tried some other approaches, but couldn't come up with anything, so figured I'd ask here if I might be missing something.
Thanks in advance for any replies :)
EDIT: To sum up my intent; I am wondering if I can tell my template to only extend if a certain condition is met, and otherwise skip the extend step. (if condition then extend else do nothing)
Twig files are generated into PHP classes.
The extends tag should be the first tag in the template, as:
the {% extends %} tag will be converted to the PHP extends so the child template will inherit from the parent template.
the {% if %} tag is generated as a PHP if, inside a method of the template class, so you can't use {% if %} to extend some class or not.
Anyway, you can extends a variable coming from your context, so you should put your condition in the controller.
if ($boolean) {
$template = 'hello.twig';
} else {
$template = 'world.twig';
$this->render("MyBundle:MyFeature:child.html.twig", array('template' => $template);
And then in child.html.twig:
{% extends template %}
I came with this hack: added empty layout only with content block. Seems to be working :) I can pass variable from controller and page is loaded with or without layout.
<!-- base.html.twig -->
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
<!-- empty.html.twig -->
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
<!-- some_page.html.twig -->
{% extends boolean ? 'base.html.twig' : 'empty.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
Now this is my real content
{% endblock %}
In pure twig language, it could be something like this :
{% if app.request.pathinfo starts with '/react' %}
{% set extendPath = "::react_base.html.twig" %}
{% else %}
{% set extendPath = "CoreBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% extends extendPath %}

How to get source of twig block in twig template?

I have following twig block in template which extends main layout:
{% block abc %}
{{ name }}
{% endblock %}
next I have a head block in the same template. I want to pass block abc as template for twig.js:
{% block head %}
<script type="text/html" id="template-abc">
{{ blocksource('abc') }}
{% endblock %}
so the rendering result is:
How can I do this?
I tried building "blocksource" function in twig extension, but I don't know how to access block source form here.
function blocksource( Twig_Environment $env, $blockname) {
$source = ???;
return $source;
Use verbatim tag, it will do what you want.
{% verbatim %}
{{ things_you_want_to_show_as_twig_template }}
{% endverbatim %}
Everything inside this tag will not be interpreted by twig engine.
You can read more on that in twig documentation.

Symfony2 FOSUserBundle Overriding Forms

I am trying to change the template for the registration form in my application so that I can add some other HTML to it. Here is the /My/UserBundle/Resources/views/Registration/register.html.twig file:
{% extends "MyUserBundle::layout.html.twig" %}
{% block fos_user_content %}
<section class="register site-content">
<h1>{{ 'layout.register'|trans({}, 'FOSUserBundle') }}</h1>
<div class="block">
{% include "FOSUserBundle:Registration:register_content.html.twig" %}
{% endblock fos_user_content %}
And I have successfully overridden the layout.html.twig:
{% extends 'MyMainBundle::layout.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}{{ site_name }}{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% for key, message in app.session.getFlashes() %}
<div class="{{ key }}">
{{ message|trans({}, 'FOSUserBundle') }}
{% endfor %}
{% block fos_user_content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
as well as form.html.twig:
{% extends 'FOSUserBundle::form.html.twig' %}
{% block field_row %}
<li class="form_row">
{{ form_label(form) }}
{{ form_errors(form) }}
{{ form_widget(form) }}
{% endblock field_row %}
{% block form_widget %}
<ul {{ block('container_attributes') }}>
{{ block('field_rows') }}
{{ form_rest(form) }}
{% endblock form_widget %}
config parts:
# FOS User Configuration
db_driver: orm
firewall_name: main
user_class: My\UserBundle\Entity\User
address: %admin_email%
sender_name: %site_name%
engine: twig
theme: MyUserBundle::form.html.twig
I have cleared my cache.
Whenever I go to
apache just hangs until it times out.
The best I can figure out, is the PHP maximum execution message says it crashes on a twig template in the cache on line 16. That line is function doGetParent(...) The file is:
/* FOSUserBundle::form.html.twig */
class __TwigTemplate_9cf68a2af1db50466c556a735bcdeba0 extends Twig_Template
public function __construct(Twig_Environment $env)
$this->blocks = array(
'field_row' => array($this, 'block_field_row'),
'form_widget' => array($this, 'block_form_widget'),
protected function doGetParent(array $context)
return "FOSUserBundle::form.html.twig";
protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = array())
$this->getParent($context)->display($context, array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
// line 3
public function block_field_row($context, array $blocks = array())
// line 4
echo " <li class=\"form_row\">
// line 5
echo $this->env->getExtension('form')->renderLabel($this->getContext($context, "form"));
echo "
// line 6
echo $this->env->getExtension('form')->renderErrors($this->getContext($context, "form"));
echo "
// line 7
echo $this->env->getExtension('form')->renderWidget($this->getContext($context, "form"));
echo "
// line 11
public function block_form_widget($context, array $blocks = array())
// line 12
echo " <ul ";
$this->displayBlock("container_attributes", $context, $blocks);
echo ">
// line 13
$this->displayBlock("field_rows", $context, $blocks);
echo "
// line 14
echo $this->env->getExtension('form')->renderRest($this->getContext($context, "form"));
echo "
public function getTemplateName()
return "FOSUserBundle::form.html.twig";
public function isTraitable()
return false;
It has also timed out on \vendor\twig\lib\Twig\Template.php on line 65 Which is public function getParent(array $context)
So clearly there is some problem with getParent but I don't know what that means or how to fix it.
According to the FOSUserBundle documentation:
The easiest way to override a bundle's template is to simply place a
new one in your app/Resources folder. To override the layout template
located at Resources/views/layout.html.twig in the FOSUserBundle
directory, you would place you new layout template at
As you can see the pattern for overriding templates in this way is to
create a folder with the name of the bundle class in the app/Resources
directory. Then add your new template to this folder, preserving the
directory structure from the original bundle.
In my project I override FOSUserBundle's layout as they said and it's work like a charm.
So doing it at the same way you will need to create app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views/Registration/register.html.twig. (or the form you want to override)
Ok, I just realize that you've chosen to extend the FOSUserBundle. In that case instead of app/Resources/ you need to do it inside your bundle. But you don't need to put
{% extends 'FOSUserBundle::form.html.twig' %}
The FOSUserBundle will detect that you are overriding the bundle and will be extended automatically.
And you also need to tell your bundle that FOSUserBundle is its parent.
class YourBundle extends Bundle
public function getParent()
return 'FOSUserBundle';
Copy the file:
{% include "FOSUserBundle:Registration:register_content.html.twig" %}
to the: app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views/ catalogue. Then it will overwrite the base FOS form. You can edit the copied file.
Otherwise you must override the FOS RegisterController.
I feel stupid, just removed the {% extends ... %} line in form.html.twig and it worked. I guess I don't understand enough about what is inherited in bundles. (I did want to inherit from the FOSUserBundle form.html.twig, but I don't know how to access that from a bundle which inherits from FOSUserBundle)
