How to create database for a Semantic Logging Application Block with SqlDatabaseSink - application-blocks

How to set up the SQL Server database for Semantic logging.
Does the table for logging information needs to be created earlier?
If yes, what is the schema to be used.
I have the following code :
var listener = new ObservableEventListener();
string connectionString = #"Data Source=nibc2025;Initial Catalog=TreeDataBase;Integrated Security=True;User Id=sa;Password=nous#123";
listener.EnableEvents(AuditingEventSource.Log, EventLevel.LogAlways, Keywords.All);
databaseSubscription = listener.LogToSqlDatabase
Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan, 500
// The following one line of code is not part of this function.
// It is just added here to show this is how I log my information.
// Inside LogInformation method I call the 'Write' method
AuditingEventSource.Log.LogInformation("sgsgg", "sgsg");

Well, Since this thread gets the most hits on Google regarding Semantic Logging onto SQL DB or even SLAB ...
The scripts to create the DB lies here
And to create the EventSource and Fire the Blocks, information are given here, for a shortcut and quick fix solution

OK. I got it. the script was in the packages folder. I had overlooked that.


QtQuick LocalStorage database version mismatch (missing "Version" attribute in ini file)

I am using QtQuick/QML/Qt5.2.1 on Android. I also tested this issue on the Desktop rather than Android and I see the same problem.
I use LocalStorage to persist application data after the application closes.
I open a database using openDatabaseSync:
var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync(
"1.0", <-- version
"Test Database",
function(db) {
If the database does not exist and was created, the callback function gets executed and in that case I create the database schema and populate the initial dataset.
The next time the application starts, obviously I want to keep the database as-is and not recreate it.
The problem is when I restart the application I get this error:
Error: SQL: database version mismatch
If I inspect the .ini file that was created when the database was created the first time the application was run, I see this:
Description=Test Database
You can clearly see a problem here is that the "Version" attribute is empty.
When the application starts up, it compares the requested version "1.0" against this empty string "" and fails.
I can fake it to get it to work of course by specifying the version as "", or by fixing the ini file - that at least tells me the code is otherwise correct - but clearly that's not a solution.
So, did I miss something or is this a Qt bug?
You can set the database version after creating it:
var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync(
"Test Database",
function(db) {
db.changeVersion("", "1.0");
Since the callback function will only be called it the database doesn't exists, and the changeVersion function will only work if current version is "" (otherwise, exception is thrown), I believe it's safe to use it.
EDIT: Maybe this is the intended behaviour... from LocalStorage source code, line 700:
if (dbcreationCallback)
version = QString();
So, maybe you really need to set db version after you create your tables... before you do that on the callback, it's just an empty database, and shouldn't really have a version.
set the attributes like this in your above code
// db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync(identifier, version, description, estimated_size, callback(db))
LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync("kMusicplay", "0.1", "kMusicPlay app Ubuntu", 10000);
'kMusicplay' is appname ,
'0.1' is version ,
'kMusicPlay app Ubuntu' is app discription
and '10000' is size of database

Event System Error with Tridion UI (Experience Manager)

We are publishing extra page using event system on publishing event of pages.
It is working well when we publish a page from the CME. When we create a page using Tridion UI, it is created and published as expected but the event system throws error when it tries to create a target type object.
foreach (var t in e.Targets)
var targets = new List<TargetType>();
some logic
targets.Add(new TargetType(t.Id, page.Session)); // error is in this line
PublishInstructionBase pib = e.PublishTransactions.First().Instruction;
PublishInstruction pi = new PublishInstruction(page.Session);
pi.StartAt = pib.StartAt;
pi.RollbackOnFailure = pib.RollbackOnFailure;
Exception we are getting is InvalidURIException
Both t and Session are not definitely not null which we verified by writing log over there.
Please do suggest what we can to fix the issue?
We manage to fix that by little hack putting code in try catch and creating target type manually if there is exception as we do know Tridion UI publish to staging only initially.
Vikas Kumar
It's hard to tell without exception and stack trace, but I assume you need to read TargetType first and not try to create it, like this:
(TargetType) page.Session.GetObject(t.Id)
It might be that the URIs you use are not from the same Publication context and are therefore invalid.

File sharing violation using SQL Server Compact Edition

I have a personal website written in ASP.NET Web Pages, with a small SQL Server Compact Edition database. This is handy for me because the database is stored as a file (.sdf), and when I add, modify or delete any records and test it out locally, I can just use Publish... in WebMatrix and copy the .sdf file over.
This works great except for a random error message I get when it accesses the .sdf file.
I get...
There is a file sharing violation. A different process might be using the file.
Sometimes a page refresh will fix it, sometimes I have to refresh the page a couple of times. I suppose migrating the database to a SQL Server database will fix it, but I don't really want to do that. Is that the best option though?
Here's a link to the site, maybe you'll hit the error:
Is there something I have to change in the code, or will I need to ask my hosting company to change something. I don't really have a lot of experience in this area.
Here's my code
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("GarethLewisWeb", "UserProfile", "UserId", "Email", true);
// WebMail.SmtpServer = "";
// WebMail.EnableSsl = true;
// WebMail.UserName = "";
// WebMail.Password = "your-password";
// WebMail.From = "";
Layout = "~/Shared/_SiteLayout.cshtml";
Page.Title = "Home";
var db = Database.Open("GarethLewisWeb");
var featuredPhotoSQL = " SELECT col " +
" FROM tablename ";
var featuredPhoto = db.QuerySingle(featuredPhotoSQL);
[Lots of HTML and C# code here...]
Well, you know- that is like trying to wash dishes in an oven. It won't work.
Basically - most likely you try to create multiple instances of SQL Server CE and then use the same DB and guess what - the old one still has the exclusive lock.
In general, you CAN NOT USE SQL CE ON A WEBSITE. It is not made for concurrent access, and even if you are one of the few, that is like asking for trouble. Google comes around, a fiend comes around, and occaionally your browser comes around with 2 requests that overlap and boom - dead.
You do not show any code, so I can only guess what causes the problem, but the documentation for CE is QUITE strict - it is NOT for multi threaded scenarios.
Not really an answer to this specific problem, but the migration to SQL Server solved this issue.
When we added Mode=Read Only; Temp Path=c:/Temp in the connection string then it fixed.
<add name="XYZ" providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\XYZ.sdf;Max Database Size = 4091;Enlist=false;encryption mode=engine default;password=!secret!;Mode = Read Only;Temp Path=c:/temp" />
It worked for us !

JAX-WS: define server side handler chain in code and not in external xml

i want to enable http compression for my jax-ws webservice. i found out that i have to do it with a custom handlerchain that can modify the http-headers.
all tutorials i found refer to the annotation #HandlerChain that points to a handler chain configuration xml-file but my problem is that my webservice has to be as lightweight as possible therefore i cant define my handler chain in an external xml file.
i tried the following but did not succeed:
final Endpoint ep = Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:8878/mywebservice",
new WebserviceImpl() );
final Binding binding = ep.getBinding();
final List<Handler> handlerChain = binding.getHandlerChain();
handlerChain.add(new MySuperbSOAPHandler());
does anyone know how to do this? is it even possible?
It doesn't appear that you can change the handler chain when the service has already been published.
If your actual use case is as above, it's easy to fix by simply create()ing and then publish()ing.
final Endpoint ep = Endpoint.create(new WebserviceImpl() );
final Binding binding = ep.getBinding();
final List<Handler> handlerChain = binding.getHandlerChain();
handlerChain.add(new MySuperbSOAPHandler());

Need a quick way to mass update PropertyValuesBinary field for all users

we are using the profiles provider in our app and I need to update one particular property for most of our users. Does anyone have a console app or sample code written? We are not storing the properties in string format. This binary stream is in the aspnet_Profile table.
You can do something like this fairly easily:
.Where(u => true /*insert your criteria here*/)
.ToList().ForEach(user =>
var p = ProfileBase.Create(user.UserName, true);
// do whatever you want to the profile here
int counter = (int)p["Counter"];
p["Counter"] = counter;
The above code will work as-is in any handler of your site, but if you want to do it with a console app, simply copy the <system.web> section from your web.config to the app.config of the console app.
caveat: if you are using the default provider connection string, localSqlServer, you will need to create a new connection string explicitly pointing to the .mdf as only web applications have a concept of DATADIRECTORY (app_data).
