In R, do an operation temporarily using a setting such as working directory - r

I'm almost certain I've read somewhere how to do this. Instead of having to save the current option (say working directory) to a variable, change the w.d, do an operation, and then revert back to what it was, doing this inside a function akin to "with" relative to attach/detach. A solution just for working directory is what I need now, but there might be a more generic function that does that sort of things? Or ain't it?
So to illustrate... The way it is now:
curdir <- getwd()
# some operation
The way it is in my wildest dreams:
with.dir("../some/place", # some operation)
I know I could write a function for this, I just have the impression there's something more readily available and generalizable to other parameters too.

There is an idiom for this in some of R's base plotting functions
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# par(blah = stuff)
# plot(stuff)
that is so unbelievably crude as to be fully portable to options() and setwd().
Fortunately it's also easy to implement a crude wrapper:
with_dir <- function(dir, expr) {
old_wd <- getwd()
result <- evalq(expr)
I'm no wizard with nonstandard evaluation so evalq could be unstable somehow. More on NSE in an old write-up by Lumley and also in Wickham's Advanced R, but it's dense stuff and I haven't wrapped my head around it all yet.
edit: as per Ben Bolker's comment, it's probably better to use on.exit for this:
with_dir <- function(dir, expr) {
old_wd <- getwd()
From the R docs:
on.exit records the expression given as its argument as needing to be executed when the current function exits (either naturally or as the result of an error). This is useful for resetting graphical parameters or performing other cleanup actions.

What you're describing depends upon two things: detecting when you enter and leave a particular lexical scope, and defining a behavior to do on entrance and on exit. Python has these, called "Context Managers". This was a big deal when it was released, and many parts of Python's standard library now behave like context managers, and have to define the "enter" and "exit" behavior in explicitly, or by leveraging some clever inheritance scheme.
function (data, expr, ...)
eval(substitute(expr), data, enclos = parent.frame())
<bytecode: 0x07d02ccc>
<environment: namespace:base>
R's with function works sort of like a context manager, because it can pass scopes around easily. That said, this doesn't give you the "enter" and "exit" operations for free. Especially consider that the current working directory isn't an entry in the current scope, but a state of the R interpreter, which can only be queried or changed by function calls behind the .Internal shield.
You can easily define your own object types to have methods that are context manager-like for the with generic function, as well as writing and registering methods for other types you commonly use, but it is not part of the base R language.


R generic dispatching to attached environment

I have a bunch of functions and I'm trying to keep my workspace clean by defining them in an environment and attaching the environment. Some of the functions are S3 generics, and they don't seem to play well with this approach.
A minimum example of what I'm experiencing requires 4 files:
testfun.R <- function(object) print("x")
ttt <- function(object) UseMethod("ttt")
ttt2 <- function() {
yyy <- structure(1, class="xxx")
In testfun.R I define an S3 generic ttt and a method, I also define a function ttt2 calling the generic.
test_env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
source("testfun.R", local=test_env)
In testenv.R I source testfun.R to an environment, which I attach.
xxx <- structure(1, class="xxx")
test1.R sources testfun.R to the global environment. Both ttt2 and a direct function call work.
xxx <- structure(1, class="xxx")
test2.R uses the "attach" approach. ttt2 still works (and prints "x" to the console), but the direct function call fails:
Error in UseMethod("ttt") :
no applicable method for 'ttt' applied to an object of class "xxx"
however, calling ttt and without arguments show that they are known, ls(pos=2) shows they are on the search path, and sloop::s3_dispatch(ttt(xxx)) tells me it should work.
This questions is related to Confusion about UseMethod search mechanism and the link therein, but I cannot get my head around what is going on: why is it not working and how can I get this to work.
I've tried both R Studio and R in the shell.
Based on the answers below I changed my testenv.R to:
test_env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
source("testfun.R", local=test_env)
if (is.null(.__S3MethodsTable__.))
.__S3MethodsTable__. <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
for (func in grep(".", ls(envir = test_env), fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE))
.__S3MethodsTable__.[[func]] <- test_env[[func]]
rm(test_env, func)
... and this works (I am only using "." as an S3 dispatching separator).
It’s a little-known fact that you must use .S3method() to define methods for S3 generics inside custom environments (outside of packages).1 The reason almost nobody knows this is because it is not necessary in the global environment; but it is necessary everywhere else since R version 3.6.
There’s virtually no documentation of this change, just a technical blog post by Kurt Hornik about some of the background. Note that the blog post says the change was made in R 3.5.0; however, the actual effect you are observing — that S3 methods are no longer searched in attached environments — only started happening with R 3.6.0; before that, it was somehow not active yet.
… except just using .S3method will not fix your code, since your calling environment is the global environment. I do not understand the precise reason why this doesn’t work, and I suspect it’s due to a subtle bug in R’s S3 method lookup. In fact, using getS3method('ttt', 'xxx') does work, even though that should have the same behaviour as actual S3 method lookup.
I have found that the only way to make this work is to add the following to testenv.R:
if (is.null(.__S3MethodsTable__.)) {
.__S3MethodsTable__. <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
.__S3MethodsTable__.$ <-
… in other words: supply .GlobalEnv manually with an S3 methods lookup table. Unfortunately this relies on an undocumented S3 implementation detail that might theoretically change in the future.
Alternatively, it “just works” if you use ‘box’ modules instead of source. That is, you can replace the entirety of your testenv.R by the following:
This code treats testfun.R as a local module and loads it, attaching all exported names (via the attach declaration [...]).
1 (and inside packages you need to use the equivalent S3method namespace declaration, though if you’re using ‘roxygen2’ then that’s taken care of for you)
First of all, my advice would be: don't try to reinvent R packages. They solve all the problems you say you are trying to solve, and others as well.
Secondly, I'll try to explain what went wrong in test2.R. It calls ttt on an xxx object, and is on the search list, but is not found.
The problem is how the search for happens. The search doesn't look for in the search list, it looks for it in the environment from which ttt was called, then in an object called .__S3MethodsTable__.. I think there are two reasons for this:
First, it's a lot faster. It only needs to look in one or two places, and the table can be updated whenever a package is attached or detached, a relatively rare operation.
Second, it's more reliable. Each package has its own methods table, because two packages can use the same name for generics that have nothing to do with each other, or can use the same class names that are unrelated. So package code needs to be able to count on finding its own definitions first.
Since your call to ttt() happens at the top level, that's where R looks first for, but it's not there. Then it looks in the global .__S3MethodsTable__. (which is actually in the base environment), and it's not there either. So it fails.
There is a workaround that will make your code work. If you run
.__S3MethodsTable__. <- list2env(list( =
as the last line of testenv.R, then you'll create a methods table in the global environment. (Normally there isn't one there, because that's user space, and R doesn't like putting things there unless the user asks for it.)
R will find that methods table, and will find the method that it defines. I wouldn't be surprised if this breaks some other aspect of S3 dispatch, so I don't recommend doing it, but give it a try if you insist on reinventing the package system.

Which R functions are not suitable for programmatic use?

Some functions like browser only make sense when used interactively.
It is widely regarded that the subset function should only be used interactively.
Similarly, sapply isn't good for programmatic use since it doesn't simplify the result for zero length inputs.
I'm trying to make an exhaustive list of functions that are only not suitable for programmatic use.
The plan is to make a tool for package checking to see if any of these functions are called and give a warning.
There are other functions like file.choose and readline that require interactivity, but these are OK to include in packages, since the end use will be interactive. I don't care too much about these for this use case but feel free to add them to the list.
Which functions have I missed?
(Feel free to edit.)
The following functions should be handled with care (which does not necessarily mean they are not suitable for programming):
Functions whose outputs do not have a consistent output class depending on the inputs: sapply, mapply (by default)
Functions whose internal behavior is different depending on the input length: sample, seq
Functions that evaluate some of their arguments within environments: $, subset, with, within, transform.
Functions that go against normal environment usage: attach, detach, assign, <<-
Functions that allow partial matching: $
Functions that only make sense in interactive usage: browser, recover, debug, debugonce, edit, fix, menu, select.list
Functions that can be a threat (virus) if used with user inputs: source, eval(parse(text=...)), system.
Also, to some extent, every function that generates warnings rather than errors. I recommend using options(warn = 2) to turn all warnings into errors in a programming application. Specific cases can then be allowed via suppressWarnings or try.
This is in answer to the comment after the question by the poster. This function inputs a function and returns the bad functions found with their line number. It can generate false positives but they are only warnings anways so that does not seem too bad. Modify bad to suit.
badLines <- function(func) {
bad <- c("sapply", "subset", "attach")
regex <- paste0("\\b", bad, "\\b")
result <- sort(unlist(sapply(regex, FUN = grep, body(func), simplify = FALSE)))
setNames(result, gsub("\\b", "", names(result), fixed = TRUE))
## sapply1 subset attach sapply2
## 2 2 2 4

Setting Function Defaults R on a Project Specific Basis

Commonly, I use the same function settings. I'm wondering if there is a method, other than having a new object in the path that is essentially a wrapper for the function, to set default arguments. For example:
paste() has it's sep argument set to a space =" ", I'm tired of writing ,sep="" over and over. So is there a way to "temporarily" replace the function with my chosen defaults?
Can I accomplish this through packaging? I've sometimes noticed that, some packages force other equally named functions to be masked in the global environment.
Ideally, I'd like something that can be set on a project by project basis in (load.r or some other such workflow startpoint)
I'd personally be very hesitant to change the default behavior of any commonly used functions --- especially base R functions. For one thing, it will immediately decrease the portability of any scripts or code snippets in which you use the redefined functions. Worse, other R users reading your scripts will likely be either: (a) unaware of your private meanings for well-known language elements or (b) frustrated at having to rewire their own expectations for the functions. For me, it would also feel like an added mental burden to attach different meanings to the same symbol in different settings.
I think a much better solution is to create similarly named functions implementing your preferred defaults. A slightly modified name will effectively flag that this isn't the familiar base function, without burdening you with much or any extra typing. A good example are the paste0() and cat0() functions that are included in the gsubfn package. (Clearly you and I aren't the only two to find ourselves (frequently) annoyed by the paste()'s default sep setting!):
# function (..., sep = "")
# paste(..., sep = sep)
# <environment: namespace:gsubfn>
# function (..., sep = "")
# cat(..., sep = sep)
# <environment: namespace:gsubfn>
You can then either collect a number of these functions in a text file, sourcing them early in your script, or (better) package them up and load them via a call to library().
The Defaults package used to do that; retired in 2014.

In R, how can one make a method of an S4 object that directly adjusts the values inside the slots of that object?

Is there a way to allow a method of an S4 object to directly adjust the values inside the slots of that object without copying the entire object into memory and having to re-write it to the parent environment at the end of the method? Right now I have an object that has slots where it keeps track of its own state. I call a method that advances it to the next state, but right now it seems like I have to assign() each value (or a copy of the object invoking the method) back to the parent environment. As a result, the object oriented code seems to be running a lot slower than code that simply adjusts the various state variables in a loop.
R has three object oriented (OO) systems: S3, S4 and Reference Classes (where the latter were for a while referred to as [[R5]], yet their official name is Reference Classes).
Reference Classes (or refclasses) are new in R 2.12. They fill a long standing need for mutable objects that had previously been filled by non-core packages like R.oo, proto and mutatr. While the core functionality is solid, reference classes are still under active development and some details will change. The most up-to-date documentation for Reference Classes can always be found in ?ReferenceClasses.
There are two main differences between reference classes and S3 and S4:
Refclass objects use message-passing OO
Refclass objects are mutable: the usual R copy on modify semantics do
not apply.
These properties makes this object system behave much more like Java and C#.
read more here:
I asked this question on the R-list myself, and found a work-around to simulate a pass by reference, something in the style of :
expression(object#slot <<- value)
,env=parent.frame(1) )
Far from the cleanest code around I'd say...
A suggestion coming from the R-help list, uses an environment to deal with these cases.
EDIT : tweaked code inserted.
setClass("MyClass", representation(.cache='environment',masterlist="list"))
setMethod("initialize", "MyClass",
function(.Object, .cache=new.env()) {
.Object#masterlist <- list()
callNextMethod(.Object, .cache=.cache)
sv <- function(object,name,value) {} #store value
function(object, name, value) {
object#.cache$masterlist[[name]] <- value
rv <- function(object,name) {} #retrieve value
function(object, name) {
As far as I know (and if I get you correctly), you have to recopy the whole object. You can't easily pass values by reference, it is always passed "by value". So once you have modified (a copy of) your object, you need to recopy it back to your object.
John Chamber is pretty explicit about it in his book Software for Data Analysis. It's a way to avoid surprises or side effects.
I think there are some workaround using environments, but I can't help with this.

Protecting function names in R

Is it possible in R to protect function names (or variables in general) so that they cannot be masked.
I recently spotted that this can be a problem when creating a data frame with the name "new", which masked a function used by lmer and thus stopped it working. (Recovery is easy once you know what the problem is, here "rm(new)" did it.)
There is an easy workaround for your problem, without worrying about protecting variable names (though playing with lockBinding does look fun). If a function becomes masked, as in your example, it is still possible to call the masked version, with the help of the :: operator.
In general, the syntax is packagename::variablename.
(If the function you want has not been exported from the package, then you need three colons instead, :::. This shouldn't apply in this case however.)
Maybe use environments! This is a great way to separate namespaces. For example:
> a <- new.env()
> assign('printer', function(x) print(x), envir=a)
> get('printer', envir=a)('test!')
[1] "test!"
#hdallazuanna recommends (via Twitter)
new <- 1
lockBinding('new', globalenv())
this makes sense when the variable is user created but does not, of course, prevent overwriting a function from a package.
I had the reverse problem from the OP, and I wanted to prevent my custom functions in .Rprofile from being overridden when I defined a variable with the same name as a function, but I ended up putting my functions to ~/.R.R and I added these lines to .Rprofile:
From the help page of attach:
One useful ‘trick’ is to use ‘what = NULL’ (or equivalently a
length-zero list) to create a new environment on the search path
into which objects can be assigned by assign or load or
## create an environment on the search path and populate it
sys.source("myfuns.R", envir = attach(NULL, name = "myfuns"))
