Multiple boxplots in ggplot2 - r

I have three vectors for each I would like to make side-to-side boxplots in ggplot2. Each vector contains observations from three separate samples so ideally I would like to identify each boxplot. I know of course how to accomplish that with the simple boxplot command but in ggplot2, it seems to be more complicated, at least for a newbie such as myself.
Could you please tell me whether there is a painless way to proceed here?
Thank you.

# re-create your samples via runif (though I should have set.seed first)
obs_1 <- runif(100)
obs_2 <- runif(100)
obs_3 <- runif(100)
# you need a data frame, but you can do it on the fly
# this makes 3 columns from each of your samples
# then uses melt to do wide to long (which is what geom_boxplot needs
gg <- ggplot(melt(data.frame(obs_1, obs_2, obs_3)), aes(x=variable, y=value))
gg <- gg + geom_boxplot()
You should really make a proper data frame, do the melt and rename column as needed. This was just to show a quick example.


graphing multiple data series in R ggplot

I am trying to plot (on the same graph) two sets of data versus date from two different data frames. Both data frames have the same exact dates for each of the two measurements. I would like to plot these two sets of data on the same graph, with different colors. However, I can't get them on the same graph at all. R is already reading the date as date. I tried this:
qplot( date , NO3, data=qual.arn)
+ qplot( qual.arn$date , qual.arn$DIS.O2, "O2(aq)" , add=T)
and received this error.
Error in add_ggplot(e1, e2, e2name) :
argument "e2" is missing, with no default
I tried using the ggplot function instead of qplot, but I couldn't even plot one graph this way.
ggplot(date=qual.no3.s, aes(date,NO3))
Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class uneval
PLEASE HELP. Thank you!
Since you didn't provide any data (please do so in future), here's a made up dataset for demonstrate a solution. There are (at least) two ways to do this: the right way and the wrong way. Both yield equivalent results in this very simple case.
# set up minimum reproducible example
set.seed(1) # for reproducible example
dates <- seq(as.Date("2015-01-01"),as.Date("2015-06-01"), by=1)
df1 <- data.frame(date=dates, NO3=rpois(length(dates),25))
df2 <- data.frame(date=dates, DIS.O2=rnorm(length(dates),50,10))
ggplot is designed to use data in "long" format. This means that all the y-values (the concentrations) are in a single column, and there is separate column which identifies the corresponding category ("NO3" or "DIS.O2" in your case). So first we merge the two data-sets based on date, then use melt(...) to convert from "wide" (categories in separate columns) to "long" format. Then we let ggplot worry about legends, colors, etc.
library(reshape2) # for melt(...)
# The right way: combine the data-sets, then plot
df.mrg <- merge(df1,df2, by="date", all=TRUE)
gg.df <- melt(df.mrg, id="date","Component","Concentration")
ggplot(gg.df, aes(x=date, y=Concentration, color=Component)) +
geom_point() + labs(x=NULL)
The "wrong" way to do this is by making separate calls to geom_point(...) for each layer. In your particular case this might be simpler, but in the long run it's better to use the other method.
# The wrong way: plot two sets of points
ggplot() +
geom_point(data=df1, aes(x=date, y=NO3, color="NO2")) +
geom_point(data=df2, aes(x=date, y=DIS.O2, color="DIS.O2")) +
scale_color_manual(name="Component",values=c("red", "blue")) +
labs(x=NULL, y="Concentration")

Visualize summary-statistics with R

My dataset looks similar to the one described here( i have more variables=columns and more observations):
Now I want to create a bargraph with R where on the x axis one see the names of all the variable, and on the y axis the mean of the respective variable.
As a second task it would be great to show not only the mean, also the standard deviation within the same plot.
It would be nice, solving this with gglopt or qplot.
Using base R:
dat <- cbind(var1=c(1,0.20,0.33,4),var2=c(1,0,1,1),var3=c(0,1,0,0))
dat <- # get this into a data frame as early as possible
Using ggplot
library(reshape2) # for melt(...)
df <- melt(dat)
ggplot(df, aes(x=variable,y=value)) +

49 plots arranged in a 7x7 matrix

I don't know if this question is trivial, but...
I'm trying to plot a group of variables in a similar form as a PAIRS plot.
But instead of using the same variables in the row and columns of the graphic I would like to have diferents variables. For exemple, if I have a dataset with X1,...,X7 and another dataset with Y1,...,Y7.
I've tryed with layout and par(mfrow) but as I want to cross 7 variables x 7 variables it gave me an overflow error.
Is there any way to do this plot matrix 7x7?
Thank you
I'm not aware of a way to do this using pairs(...) in base R, but here's a ggplot solution, assuming your x- and y-values are in dataframes named df.x and df.y.
# create a sample dataset - you have this already...
set.seed(1) # for reproducible example
df.x <- data.frame(matrix(sample(1:50,350,replace=T),nc=7))
df.y <- 2*df.x + rnorm(350,sd=5)
colnames(df.y) <- paste0("Y",1:7)
# this makes the plot - you start here.
library(reshape2) # for melt(...)
xDT <- data.table(melt(cbind(id=1:nrow(df.x),df.x),id="id","xval","H"),key="id")
yDT <- data.table(melt(cbind(id=1:nrow(df.y),df.y),id="id","yval","V"),key="id")
xy <- xDT[yDT,allow.cartesian=T]
# simulates pairs() in base R
ggp = ggplot(xy,aes(x=xval,y=yval))
ggp = ggp + geom_point()
ggp = ggp + facet_grid(V~H, scales="free")
ggp = ggp + labs(x="",y="")
This assumes, but does not test, that the number of rows in df.x and df.y are the same.
You do not necessarily need data.tables to do this, but it's likely to be faster if your datasets are large, and the syntax is cleaner.

R: Plot multiple box plots using columns from data frame

I would like to plot an INDIVIDUAL box plot for each unrelated column in a data frame. I thought I was on the right track with boxplot.matrix from the sfsmsic package, but it seems to do the same as boxplot(as.matrix(plotdata) which is to plot everything in a shared boxplot with a shared scale on the axis. I want (say) 5 individual plots.
I could do this by hand like:
But there must be a way to use the data frame columns?
EDIT: I used iterations, see my answer.
You could use the reshape package to simplify things
data <- data.frame(v1=rnorm(100),v2=rnorm(100),v3=rnorm(100), v4=rnorm(100))
meltData <- melt(data)
boxplot(data=meltData, value~variable)
or even then use ggplot2 package to make things nicer
p <- ggplot(meltData, aes(factor(variable), value))
p + geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~variable, scale="free")
From ?boxplot we see that we have the option to pass multiple vectors of data as elements of a list, and we will get multiple boxplots, one for each vector in our list.
So all we need to do is convert the columns of our matrix to a list:
m <- matrix(1:25,5,5)
boxplot(x = as.list(
If you really want separate panels each with a single boxplot (although, frankly, I don't see why you would want to do that), I would instead turn to ggplot and faceting:
m1 <- melt(
ggplot(m1,aes(x = variable,y = value)) + facet_wrap(~variable) + geom_boxplot()
I used iteration to do this. I think perhaps I wasn't clear in the original question. Thanks for the responses none the less.
for (i in 1:length(plotdata)) {
boxplot(plotdata[,i], main=names(plotdata[i]), type="l")

How to better create stacked bar graphs with multiple variables from ggplot2?

I often have to make stacked barplots to compare variables, and because I do all my stats in R, I prefer to do all my graphics in R with ggplot2. I would like to learn how to do two things:
First, I would like to be able to add proper percentage tick marks for each variable rather than tick marks by count. Counts would be confusing, which is why I take out the axis labels completely.
Second, there must be a simpler way to reorganize my data to make this happen. It seems like the sort of thing I should be able to do natively in ggplot2 with plyR, but the documentation for plyR is not very clear (and I have read both the ggplot2 book and the online plyR documentation.
My best graph looks like this, the code to create it follows:
The R code I use to get it is the following:
### recode the variables to factors ###
recode(c(int_newcoun, int_newneigh, int_neweur, int_newusa, int_neweco, int_newit, int_newen, int_newsp, int_newhr, int_newlit, int_newent, int_newrel, int_newhth, int_bapo, int_wopo, int_eupo, int_educ), c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, NA),
c('Very Interested','Somewhat Interested','Not Very Interested','Not At All interested',NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA))
### Combine recoded variables to a common vector
Interest1<-c(int_newcoun, int_newneigh, int_neweur, int_newusa, int_neweco, int_newit, int_newen, int_newsp, int_newhr, int_newlit, int_newent, int_newrel, int_newhth, int_bapo, int_wopo, int_eupo, int_educ)
### Create a second vector to label the first vector by original variable ###
a1<-rep("News about Bangladesh", length(int_newcoun))
a2<-rep("Neighboring Countries", length(int_newneigh))
a17<-rep("Education", length(int_educ))
Interest2<-c(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17)
### Create a Weighting vector of the proper length ###
Interest.weight<-rep(weight, 17)
### Make and save a new data frame from the three vectors ###
Interest.df<-cbind(Interest1, Interest2, Interest.weight)
write.csv(Interest.df, 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\[name]\\Desktop\\Sweave\\InterestBangladesh.csv')
### Sort the factor levels to display properly ###
Interest.df$Interest1<-relevel(Interest$Interest1, ref='Not Very Interested')
Interest.df$Interest1<-relevel(Interest$Interest1, ref='Somewhat Interested')
Interest.df$Interest1<-relevel(Interest$Interest1, ref='Very Interested')
Interest.df$Interest2<-relevel(Interest$Interest2, ref='News about Bangladesh')
Interest.df$Interest2<-relevel(Interest$Interest2, ref='Education')
Interest.df$Interest2<-relevel(Interest$Interest2, ref='European Politics')
### Finally create the graph in ggplot2 ###
p<-ggplot(Interest, aes(Interest2, ..count..))
p<-p+geom_bar((aes(weight=Interest.weight, fill=Interest1)))
p<-p+scale_y_continuous("", breaks=NA)
p<-p+scale_fill_manual(value = rev(brewer.pal(5, "Purples")))
update_labels(p, list(fill='', x='', y=''))
I'd very much appreciate any tips, tricks or hints.
Your second problem can be solved with melt and cast from the reshape package
After you've factored the elements in your data.frame called you can use something like:
x <- melt(your.df, c()) ## Assume you have some kind of data.frame of all factors
x <- na.omit(x) ## Be careful, sometimes removing NA can mess with your frequency calculations
x <- cast(x, variable + value ~., length)
colnames(x) <- c("variable","value","freq")
## Presto!
ggplot(x, aes(variable, freq, fill = value)) + geom_bar(position = "fill") + coord_flip() + scale_y_continuous("", formatter="percent")
As an aside, I like to use grep to pull in columns from a messy import. For example:
x <- your.df[,grep("int.",df)] ## pulls all columns starting with "int_"
And factoring is easier when you don't have to type c(' ', ...) a million times.
for(x in 1:ncol(x)) {
df[,x] <- factor(df[,x], labels = strsplit('
Very Interested
Somewhat Interested
Not Very Interested
Not At All interested
', '\n')[[1]][-1]
You don't need prop.tables or count etc to do the 100% stacked bars. You just need +geom_bar(position="stack")
About percentages insted of ..count.. , try:
ggplot(mtcars, aes(factor(cyl), prop.table(..count..) * 100)) + geom_bar()
but since it's not a good idea to shove a function into the aes(), you can write custom function to create percentages out of ..count.. , round it to n decimals etc.
You labeled this post with plyr, but I don't see any plyr in action here, and I bet that one ddply() can do the job. Online plyr documentation should suffice.
If I am understanding you correctly, to fix the axis labeling problem make the following change:
# p<-ggplot(Interest, aes(Interest2, ..count..))
p<-ggplot(Interest, aes(Interest2, ..density..))
As for the second one, I think you would be better off working with the reshape package. You can use it to aggregate data into groups very easily.
In reference to aL3xa's comment below...
alt text
The bins are now densities...
Your first question: Would this help?
Your second question; could you use reorder to sort the bars? Something like
aes(reorder(Interest, Value, mean), Value)
(just back from a seven hour drive - am tired - but I guess it should work)
