Scale vector along plane - vector

I'm trying to apply friction to a 3D collision. The information I have is:
The velocity of the collision
The surface normal of the collider
An arbitrary friction coefficient (0 - 1 inclusive)
What I would like to do is multiply the portion of the velocity that is parallel to the plane by the friction coefficient, while leaving the portion parallel to the normal intact.
How can I go about performing this operation?
I was thinking perhaps this will involve the use of the dot-product, but then I started reading about matrices, then vector projection, and now I'm pretty lost.

I was able to solve the problem by doing the following:
Get a tangent vector for the normal
Use the normal and the tangent vector to get a rotation matrix for the surface
Use the inverse of the rotation matrix to transform the velocity vector
Scale the x and z components of the transformed vector by the friction coefficient
Use the rotation matrix to transform the velocity back again
I doubt this is the most efficient way of doing it, but it seems to have worked.

If you can do vector addition, scalar multiplication (i.e. multiplying a vector by a number) and the dot product, then this is all you need:
Vin = (V•Vnormal)Vnormal
Vpar = V - Vin
Vpar = kVpar (where k is the coefficient, and "=" means assignment)
Vin = -Vin
V = Vin + Vpar


Rotation matrix, normalization, determinant -1

I'm currently implementing an algorithm for 3D pointcloud filtering following a scientific paper.
I run in some problems when computing the rotation matrix for specific values. The goal is to rotate points into the coordinatesystem which is defined by the direction of the normal vector ( Z Axis). Since the following query is rotationally symmetric in X,Y axis, the orientation of these axis does not matter.
R is defined as follows: Rotationmatrix
[1 1 -(nx+ny)/nz]
R = [ (row1 x row3)' ]
[nx ny nz ]
n is normalized. The problem occures when n_z becomes really small or zero. Therefore i considered to normalize row 1 before computing the crossproduct for row 2.
Nevertheless the determinant becomes -1. Will the rotationmatrix sill lead to correct results? R is orthogonal but det|R| not +1
thanks for any suggestions
You always get that
det(a, a×b, b) = - det( a, b, a×b)
= - dot(a×b, a×b)
is always negative. Thus you need to change the second row by negating it or by re-arranging the overall order of the rows.
Are you interested in rotating points around arbitrary axis? If yes, maybe quaternions is good solution.
You can check this if you want to transform a quaternion to matrix before you actually use it.

How to convert Yaw, Pitch, Roll and Acceleration value to cartesian system?

I am having readings of Yaw, pitch, Roll, Rotation matrix, Quaternion and Acceleration. These reading are taken with frequency of 20 (per second). They are collected from the mobile device which is moving in 3D space from one position to other position.
I am setting reference plane by multiplying inverse matrix to the start postion. The rest of the readings are taken by considering the first one as a reference one. Now I want to convert these readings to 3D cartesian system.
How to convert it? Can anyone please help?
Ok basically yaw, pitch and roll are the euler angles, with them you got your rotation matrix already.
Quaternions are aquivalent to that, with them you can also calculate the rotation matrix you need.
If you have rotation matrices R_i for every moment i in your l=20secs interval. Than these rotations are relative the the one applied at R_(i-1) you can calculate their rotation relative to the first position. So A_i = R_1*...*R_i but after all you could also just safe the new direction of travel (safes calculations).
So asuming that the direction of travel is d_0 = (1,0,0) at first. You can calculate the next by d_i = R_i*d_(i-1) (always norm d_(i-1) because it might get smaller or bigger due to error). The first position is p and your start speed is v_0 = (0,0,0) and finally the acceleration is a_i. You need to calculate the vectorial speed v_i for every moment:
v_i = v_(i-1) + l*a_i*A_i*d_0 = v_(i-1) + l*a_i*d_i
Now you basically know where you are moving, and what kind of speed you use, so your position p_i at the moment i is given by:
`p_i = p_0 + l * ( v_1 + v_2 + ... + v_i)`
For the units:
a_i = [m/s^2]^3
v_i = [m/s]^3
p_i = [m]^3
Now some points to the precision of your position calculation (just if you want to know how good it will work). Suppose you have an error e>= ||R_i*v-w|| (where w is the correct vector). in the data you calculate the rotation matrices with. Your error is multipling itself so your error in the i moment is e_i <= e^i.
Then because you apply l and a_i to it, it becomes:
f_i <= l*a_i*e^i
But you are also adding up the error when you add up the speed, so now its g_i <= f_1+...+f_i. And yeah you also add up for the position (both sums over i):
h_i <= g_1+...+g_i = ΣΣ (l*a_i*e^i) = l* ΣΣ (a_i*e^i)
So this is basically the maximum difference from your position p_i to the correct position w (||p_i - w|| <= h_i).
This is still not taking in account that you don't get the correct acceleration from your device (I don't know how they normally do this), because correct would be:
a_i = ||∫a_i(t) dt|| (where a_i(t) is vectorial now)
And you would need to calculate the difference in direction (your rotation matrix) as:
Δd_i = (∫a_i(t) dt)/a_i (again a_i(t) is vectorial)
So apart from the errors you get from the error in your rotations from your device (and from floating point arithmetic), you have an error in your acceleration, I won't calculate that now but you would substitute a_i = a_i + b_i.
So I'm pretty sure it will be far off from the real position. You even have to take in account that you're speed might be non zero when it should be!
But that beeing said, I would really like to know the precision you get after implementing it, that's what always keept me from trying it.

3D Rotation without Trigonometry?

I am developing a rotate-around-axis algorithm in 3 dimensions. My inputs are
the axis I am revolving around, as a vector from my center point
the center point (obviously)
the angle I wish to rotate around
my current position
I am wondering if there is a way to do this without trigonometry, just with vector operations. Does anyone have a potential solution?
EDIT: Is there a way that I could rotate by pi/4 radians (45 degrees) each time, rather than an inputted angle theta? This might simplify things a bit, I don't know.
Rotations are inherently well-described by and .
It's a handy trick that unit quaternions nicely represent 3-D rotations just as well as (and in some senses, better than) rotation matrices. Converting a rotation by angle about a normal axis where , does require a little bit of trigonometry: .
But from there on it's simple arithmetic.
A quaternion can be directly applied to rotate a vector with , or converted to a rotation matrix .
This is a rotation around the origin, of course. To rotate around an arbitrary point in space, simply translate by to the origin, rotate, then translate by to return.
use matrices:
If this is some sort of dumb homework problem, you can use Taylor Series approximation of the sine/consine functions. Whether or not this "counts" as trigonometry is I guess up for debate. You could then use these values in a rotation matrix or quarternion, if you want to use vector operations.
But again, there's no practical reason to do this.
Are there other techniques that don't use trig functions? Possibly, but there are no know efficient, general (i.e. for arbitrary angles) ways to perform rotations without use of trig functions.
However, based on your edit, you can precompute the sin and cos for a collection of angles you're interested in and store them in a lookup table. You need not be constrained in such a circumstance to π/4 increments, but you can do π/256 or π/1024 increments if you want. Also, you don't need two tables, since cos(θ) = sin(θ+π/2).
From there, you can use any of a number of interpolation methods to include simple rounding, linear interpolation or some sort of polynomial interpolation based on your needs.
You would then use either the matrix or quaternion based transformation to compute the rotated vector.
This will be faster than computing the sin and cos for general angles, though will require some additional space, and there will be an accuracy penalty as well. But if it satisfies your needs...
Theres a cheaper way than matrices, I think ive got it to sum count of adders.
The perimetre box of the vector is as good as an angle, if you step in partitions of the box size. (thats only a binary shift if its a power of 2.)
Then that would be a "box rotate" then just use the side report to give you how far along the diagonal you would be then you can split it up into so many gradients, the circle shape.
Id like to see someone proove that u can rotate without matrices or any trig like that too.
Is it possible to rotate without trigonometry? Yes.
Is it useful to rotate without using trigonometry? Probably not.
The first option is a problem-level solution: Change your coordinate system to spherical or cylindrical coordinates.
Since you rotate around an axis cylindrical coordinates of the form (alpha, radius, x3) will work.
Naming your center point O (for origin) and the point to rotate P, you can get the vector between them v=P-O. You also know the normal vector n of your plane of rotation (the vector you rotate around). With this, you can get the components of v that are parallel and orthogonal to n using a vector projection.
You have the freedom to choose how your new coordinate frame is rotated (relative to your original frame), so you can measure angles from the projection of v onto the plane of rotation. You also have the freedom to choose between degree and radians.
From there, you can now rotate to your heart's content using addition and subtraction.
Using dot(.,.) to denote the scalar product it would look something like this in code
v_parallel = dot(v, n) / dot(n, n) * n
radius = norm(v - v_parallel)
x3 = norm(v_parallel)
new_axis = (v - v_parallel) / norm(v - v_parallel)
P_polar = (0, radius, x3)
# P rotated by 90 degrees
P_polar = (pi/2, radius, x3)
# P rotated by -10 degrees
P_polar = (-pi/36, radius, x3)
However, if you want to change back to a standard basis you will have to use trigonometry again. Hence why I said this approach exists, but may not be too useful in practice.
Another approach comes from the cool observation that you can describe any planar rotation using two reflections along two given axis (represented by two vectors). The plane of rotation is the plane that is spun up by the two vectors and the angle of rotation is twice the angle between the two vectors.
You can reflect a vector using the vector projection from above; hence, you can do the entire process without trigonometry if you know the two vectors (let's call them x1 and x2).
tmp = v - 2 * dot(v, x1) / dot(x1, x1) * x1
v_rotated = tmp - 2 * dot(tmp, x2) / dot(x2, x2) * x2
The problem then turns into finding two vectors that are orthogonal to n and have an enclosing angle of alpha/2. How to do this is specific to your problem. For arbitrary alpha this is again the point where you can't dodge the trigonometry bullet; hence, it is again possible, but maybe not so viable in practice.
With help from Mathematica, it looks like we can rotate a point around a vector without Sin/Cos if you are willing to specify the amount of rotation as a number between -1 and 1, rather than an angle in radians.
The below starts with Mathematica's RotationTransform of a point {x,y,z} around a vector {u,v,w} by c radians (which contains many instances of Cos[c] and Sin[c]). It then substitutes all the Cos[c] with "c" and Sin[c] with Sqrt[1-c^2] (a trig identity for Sin in terms of Cos). Everything is simplified with the assumption that the rotation vector is normalized. The resulting equation produces the rotated point without any trig operations.
Note: as c ranges from -1 to 1 the point will only rotate through half a circle, the other half of the rotation can be achieved by flipping the signs on {u,v,w}.

error between two rotations?

sorry - I should know this but I don't.
I have computed the position of a reference frame (S1) with respect to a base reference frame (S0) through two different processes that give me two different 4x4 affine transformation matrices. I'd like to compute an error between the two but am not sure how to deal with the rotational component. Would love any advice.
thank you!
If R0 and R1 are the two rotation matrices which are supposed to be the same, then R0*R1' should be identity. The magnitude of the rotation vector corresponding to R0*R1' is the rotation (in radians, typically) from identity. Converting rotation matrices to rotation vectors is efficiently done via Rodrigues' formula.
To answer your question with a common use case, Python and OpenCV, the error is
r, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(
rotation_error_from_identity = np.linalg.norm(r)
You are looking for the single axis rotation from frame S1 to frame S0 (or vice versa). The axis of the rotation isn't all that important here. You want the rotation angle.
Let R0 and R1 be the upper left 3x3 rotation matrices from your 4x4 matrices S0 and S1. Now compute E=R0*transpose(R1) (or transpose(R0)*R1; it doesn't really matter which.)
Now calculate
d(0) = E(1,2) - E(2,1)
d(1) = E(2,0) - E(0,2)
d(2) = E(0,1) - E(1,0)
dmag = sqrt(d(0)*d(0) + d(1)*d(1) + d(2)*d(2))
phi = asin (dmag/2)
I've left out some hairy details (and these details can bite you). In particular, the above is invalid for very large error angles (error > 90 degrees) and is imprecise for large error angles (angle > 45 degrees).
If you have a general-purpose function that extracts the single axis rotation from a matrix, use it. Or if you have a general-purpose function that extracts a quaternion from a matrix, use that. (Single axis rotation and quaternions are very closely related to one another).

Combine Rotation Axis Vectors

I'm experimenting with using axis-angle vectors for rotations in my hobby game engine. This is a 3-component vector along the axis of rotation with a length of the rotation in radians. I like them because:
Unlike quats or rotation matrices, I can actually see the numbers and visualize the rotation in my mind
They're a little less memory than quaternions or matrices.
I can represent values outside the range of -Pi to Pi (This is important if I store an angular velocity)
However, I have a tight loop that updates the rotation of all of my objects (tens of thousands) based on their angular velocity. Currently, the only way I know to combine two rotation axis vectors is to convert them to quaternions, multiply them, and then convert the result back to an axis/angle. Through profiling, I've identified this as a bottleneck. Does anyone know a more straightforward approach?
You representation is equivalent to quaternion rotation, provided your rotation vectors are unit length. If you don't want to use some canned quaternion data structure you should simply ensure your rotation vectors are of unit length, and then work out the equivalent quaternion multiplications / reciprocal computation to determine the aggregate rotation. You might be able to reduce the number of multiplications or additions.
If your angle is the only thing that is changing (i.e. the axis of rotation is constant), then you can simply use a linear scaling of the angle, and, if you'd like, mod it to be in the range [0, 2π). So, if you have a rotation rate of α raidans per second, starting from an initial angle of θ0 at time t0, then the final rotation angle at time t is given by:
θ(t) = θ0+α(t-t0) mod 2π
You then just apply that rotation to your collection of vectors.
If none of this improves your performance, you should consider using a canned quaternion library as such things are already optimized for the kinds of application you're disucssing.
You can keep them as angle axis values.
Build a cross-product (anti-symmetric) matrix using the angle axis values (x,y,z) and weight the elements of this matrix by multiplying them by the angle value. Now sum up all of these cross-product matrices (one for each angle axis value) and find the final rotation matrix by using the matrix exponential.
If matrix A represents this cross-product matrix (built from Angle Axis value) then,
exp(A) is equivalent to the rotation matrix R (i.e., equivalent to your quaternion in matrix form).
exp (A1 + A2) = R1 * R2
probably a more expensive calucation in the end...
You should use unit quaternions rather than scaled vectors to represent your rotations. It can be shown (not by me) that any representation of rotations using three parameters will run into problems (i.e. is singular) at some point. In your case it occurs where your vector has a length of 0 (i.e. the identity) and at lengths of 2pi, 4pi, etc. In these cases the representation becomes singular. Unit quaternions and rotation matrices do not have this problem.
From your description, it sounds like you are updating your rotation state as a result of numerical integration. In this case you can update your rotation state by converting your rotational rate (\omega) to a quaternion rate (q_dot). If we represent your quaternion as q = [q0 q1 q2 q3] where q0 is the scalar part then:
q_dot = E*\omega
[ -q1 -q2 -q3 ]
E = [ q0 -q3 q2 ]
[ q3 q0 -q1 ]
[ -q2 q1 q0 ]
Then your update becomes
q(k+1) = q(k) + q_dot*dt
for simple integration. You could choose a different integrator if you choose.
Old question, but another example of stack overflow answering questions the OP wasn't asking. OP already listed out his reasoning for not using quaternions to represent velocity. I was in the same boat.
That said, the way you combine two angular velocities, with each represented by a vector, which represents the axis of rotation with its magnitude representing the amount of rotation.
Just add them together. Component-by-component. Hope that helps some other soul out there.
