Google Analytics custom dimension vs new users - google-analytics

We have multiple e-learning modules under one domain.
We want to know how many new users start each module over a set period of time e.g. > 4 new starts > 2 new starts > 5 new starts
The metric that seems to best fit new starts is new users by module.
We have tried various approaches but no success so far. I suspect we are misunderstanding something conceptual.
Each page in a module saves a moduleID to a custom dimension i.e. click scope. If we create a custom report with new users as the metric and moduleID as the primary dimension, only the first module visited registers in the report.
Does anyone have a suggestion of a better way we can approach this or a way to tweak the current approach to work? I'm really struggling to get my tiny brain around this...
Many thanks!

Actually, custom dimension is redundantly for your purpose.
Create a page content group with your modules. Then create a custom report with the new users as metric, page as a dimension and filter by your content group.


Generate and display html table with user data from wordpress

Update: With the help of the answerer below I figured out how to do this. Basically I used a WP Query to get users and their user metadata and I sorted and placed the data in a for each loop in a table.
I'm new to PHP and I need some help. Basically I want to create a leaderboard with different user data. I want to display it in an html table.
This is kinda what i want:
Username GamiPress Points Time since last login
And I want the table to be populated with these data amongst others automatically. I want two versions one that is sorted with the 15 users who have the most points and one that sorts on the 15 users that logged in last.
Can someone point me to the right place on how I can best implement this?
I basically want to create the GamiPress Leaderboard add-on that I, unfortunately, can't afford, but with some extra fields.
There are multiple steps to do if you want to achieve this:
1) Add meta field to your users, so you can store the points. For example you can use "Advanced Custom Fields" plugin for this.
2) Write a function for adding points to this field. Define when this function will be fired.
3) Query the users ordered by that meta value and display it (get_users($args) might be useful).
4) For the Last-Login value you can use a plugin (google Wordpress Last Login) and write another Query and order results by that meta field. You can also write this by your own, here is a link I found:
I don't know if this is what you were looking for.
Or did you want to see an example code how you use a wp query and display data in html table?

Field is periodically updated. Need to show New and prior field when changed

For this report, I need one field (Sales Code) to only show if it has been updated. Periodically they change Sales code and I want a report to show the prior code along side the new code when it changes. Along with its part number and so on.
I was wondering the best way to go about tackling this request.
I tried to do _add_days -1 and compare the Sales code --> Sales code1. I dont think that will give me what I am looking for.
For example Sales code changes from AA --> AB.
I want to see New CODE OLD Code Part Number and so on...
AB AB 12345
The pattern you are encountering is called a slowly changing dimension.
Here's a wee free primer.
You don't mention the structure of the data you're working with so it would be quite difficult for me to say what type you have other than the fact that you're trying to track historical data and seem to have it captured somehow rules out type 0.
Because of that, I can't come down from Mount Sinai with the solution but this can help you start to think through the problem.
In Framework manager have the modeler design the fields for SalesCode and SalesCode1
To only show if there was a change
Add a detail filter:
SalesCode <> SalesCode1
To control the context of time, have a separate filter like:
[Sales Date] between ?FromDate? and ?ToDate?

How do I create a page that shows two specific nodes?

We want to create a page that shows two specific nodes.
The first node will be localized content (an article node in the user's language). There will be at least 5 different language versions of that page.
The second node will be a Webform node that the user can submit to "sign" the document. It will be language neutral.
Originally I figured that I could have one Webform node and then translate it into the appropriate languages. But what I discovered was that the "translated" version of the Webform node was, in fact, a completely new node--which means a completely new webform. This makes sense if you think about how Drupal handles multilingual content--each translation is a separate node.
But in the case of our webform, we don't want to split the submissions into 10+ different webform submission sets. Everybody who "signs" has their signatures placed into the same "bin" of data.
I can think of two possible solutions:
Create a page that will display two nodes: the localized version of an "article" node (selected depending on the user's language selection), and the webform.
Create multiple Webform nodes (one per language), and then create a MySQL view that merges all the user submissions into a single set of records. This would allow us to extract our data without a great deal of headache.
I'm not sure if 2 is possible. I'm assuming that I'll have to go with 1. But, so far my efforts to accomplish this have also been fruitless! How can I do this?
I think 1 is much easy and possible solution. You can create webform node and make body field as php code (for that you need to enable php filter). And put in body follow lines:
$nid = NODE_ID;
$node = node_load($nid);
$node_view = node_view($node, 'full');
print drupal_render($node_view);
Just replace NODE_ID with nid of multilanguage node.

filtering datagrids

In a simple scenario there is a webpage with a datagrid containing 2 columns; first name and country. There's a filter set on the grid to filter out all Australians. There's a form on the same page to add new records and a user decides to add someone from Australia. This record does not meet the filter criteria so would not normally display. However, this might be confusing from the users perspective as they might not have confidence that the person has been successfully added or have forgotten that the filter will mean the new entry is not displayed.
What is the best way to handle this from a usability perspective?:
display the new entry but leave the list in a state inconsistent
with the filter criteria?
filter out the new entry but risk confusing the user?
provide feedback to the user that the record was successfully
added but may be filtered out of the list?
Three tools I use, Mingle, Jira, and Quicken, use this implementation very effectively; a slight modification to your number 3:
Provide feedback to the user that the record was successfully added, but won't be shown, and provide a link to the record using its record identifier (record number + title).

Pass the node and create a dynamic view according to the nid? Drupal

I am creating a website in which users enter challenges through a form(created by CCK) so every challenge is a node. Now i want to pass the node id to a view so that the related information to that challenge can be displayed. That is when users click on the challenge name it should display all the information related to that challenge.
Please help
Thanks in advance
Additional info:
Thanks alot i have done that now the view is displaying the participants according to the argument i.e challenge node id but i have given the challenges url as challenge/[nid] instead of node/[nid]. If i keep it as node.[nid] it is picking up the view but not with challenge/[nid] even the pathe of the page is challenge/%. Any suggestions.
Can you explain a little more what you mean?
Creating a node view, adding a node id argument, and then creating a page display where you put a % in the path where you want the node to come in is fairly easy - give it a try.
