save sonata media path into twig variable - symfony

I want to store full path of image (sonata media bundle) into variable in twig. Is that possible?
If I write:
{% set pic = path item.image, 'big' %}
it throws me an error: Unexpected token "name" of value "item" ("end of statement block" expected) ...
If I write:
{% set pic = item.image %}
then it works, but it stores only name of the file, not full path.

Why don't you do like this ?
{% set rendered %}{% path item.image, 'big' %}{% endset %}
Here is my path {{ rendered }}

There is not such a function available (there is a path() function to generate routes). You have to create your own twig extension with this custom function. Read all about that in the documentation.

Perhaps you can solve with:
<img src="{% path media, 'small' %}" data-href="{% path media, 'big' %}">


root path twig restriction

I want to set the href value dependig the referer value, but it doesn't work. Am I writing the restriction well?
{% if "{{app.request.headers.get('referer')}}" == "{{path('userPurchaseBidGetAll', {companyId:})}}" %} href="{{path('userPurchaseBidGetAll', {companyId:})}}"{% endif %}
The code is already in a twig logical tag, and so the {{ }} tags inside the inverted commas "" will be interpreted as a string. You can just write the logic there:
{% if app.request.headers.get('referer') == path('userPurchaseBidGetAll', {companyId:})%} href="{{path('userPurchaseBidGetAll', {companyId:})}}"{% endif %}
Inside the twig logical tags you have access to the twig variables (like app);

Use Twig Custom Set Variables From an Include

I'm trying to include a twig file with a bunch of custom set variables and then use the variables in the multiple other template files. Similar to how including a PHP file works.
I don't seem to have access to the variables set inside the include in my index file.
Is there any way to do this?
Sample Code *Edited
Included File:
{# variables.html #}
{% set width = "100" %}
{% set height = "250" %}
Template File:
{# index.html #}
{% include 'variables.html' %}
{{ width }}
{{ height }}
Expected Outcome:
100 250
Actual Outcome:
// Nothing gets output
I was just trying to do the same thing you were and came up with the following:
Created snippets.twig to maintain all these mini variables. In your case, you might call it variables.twig. In this file, I used a macro without any arguments. I was creating formatted entry date markup that I can use across all my templates and it looked like this:
{% macro entry_date() %}
<time datetime="{{post.post_date|date('m-d-Y')}}">{{post.post_date|date('F j, Y')}}</time>
{% endmacro %}
note that the parenthesis after the name declaration were imperative
In my main layout file, layout.twig, I referenced this macro via an import statement so it would be accessible in all child templates:
{% import "snippets.twig" as snippets %}
<!doctype html>
In my template files, I now have snippets accessible and can query it like any other variable:
{{ snippets.entry_date }}
This doesn't seem to correctly run code. If you're just storing static content, you should be good. You can also pass args to the macro so I imagine you could make some magic happen there but I haven't tried it.
As far as I know it is only possible with {% extends %} tag. Instead of including template with variables you should extend it.
{% set some_variable='123' %}
... more variables ...
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
{% extends 'variables.tpl' %}
{% block content %}
{{ some_variable }}
... more code which uses variables assigned in variables.tpl ...
{% endblock %}
You can use a template extension :

What is the difference between 'url' and 'path' in symfony2.3

The document said
{# src/Acme/ArticleBundle/Resources/views/Article/recentList.html.twig #}
{% for article in articles %}
<a href="{{ path('article_show', {'slug': article.slug}) }}">
{{ article.title }}
{% endfor %}
also, can use 'url' like this:
it confused me what is the difference between using 'url' and 'path'?
They are very similar.
Generates a relative/absolute path :
path('contact') will generate /contact
Generates a scheme-relative/absolute url, ie domain + path
url('contact') will generate
The url() style is useful when using cross-domain ajax or generating emails, because the hostname won't be the same.
Take a look at the code for more information
url Twig function generates absolute path
path Twig function generates / related url
Example we have http://sf2sandbox.local with AcmeDemoBundle
{{ path('_welcome') }} produce /
{{ url('_welcome') }} produce http://sf2sandbox.local/

Symfony Twig path() not working when using render

I have a layout that includes some chuck of code form a controller called "Layout"
In the header section I have:
{% block accessinfo %} {% render "/layout/accessinfo" %} {% endblock %}
It works pretty fine, the view file content is:
{% extends '::layout.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
{% if( is_logged == 0 ) %}
Welcome, access your <a id="accessAccount" title="Access your account">here</a>.
{% else %}
Hi, <b><em> {{ is_logged_user_name }}</em></b>, <a id="doLogout" href="javascript:void;">(Logout)</a>.
<i class="icon-user"></i> Your Account
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
As one can figure out, path('account/manage') points to the Route named 'account/manage', but it's not returning the fully qualified URL to my project.
It returns:
where it should be:
NOTE: I have path() all around my template files and they work like a charm.
IMPORTANT: I found out that when I call REQUEST URI inside the action method:
PHP will return the URL called by the render, in this case is:
Perhaps I'm not fully understanding your issue but it seems like you missunderstood the use of the path() and render() functions.
First of all if you like to render a controller and you follow the documentation here you would do it like this...
{{ render(controller('AcmeArticleBundle:Article:recentArticles') }}
{# with some parameters #}
{{ render(controller('AcmeArticleBundle:Article:recentArticles', {
'max': 3
})) }}
This assumes you're using Symfony >= 2.2. This follows the bundle:controller:action pattern, which is called Controller Naming Pattern
For a normal use of the path() function you would always use the name of the route and not a hardcoded URL (as it seems like you're passing in URLs and not route names?)
Let's say your route is called accountmanager, your routing.yml should look like this example
# app/config/routing.yml
path: /account/manage
defaults: { _controller:YourBundleName:YourControllerName:ControllerAction }
And with that in your routing.yml in twig the use of path() is simply achieved by writing {{ path('accountmanager') }}
See the documentation on this topic. Using the name of the route and not a URL pattern ensures that you're getting to the right page which also includes your environment settings (like app_dev.php for your dev environment)

Unable to find template Symfony2

I would like to include a template in my view but it doesn't work, I have this error :
Unable to find template "::StyleBlock/light-pattern.html.twig" in ::base.html.twig at line 46.
My code :
{% for zone in content.blocks %}
{% set path = '::StyleBlock/' ~ zone.styles %}
{% include path %}
{% endfor %}
In the details i have this message :
InvalidArgumentException: The file "views/StyleBlock/light-pattern.html.twig" does not exist (in: /var/www/gathena/app/Resources).
But the path is correct, i don't understand.
I use Symfony 2.3 and I have the good permission on my directory
You have given wrong path, it should be:
{% for zone in content.blocks %}
{% set path = 'CmsCmsBundle:StyleBlock:' ~ zone.styles %}
{% include path %}
{% endfor %}
as for path src/Cms/CmsBundle/Resources/views/StyleBlock/
The first parameter is your bundle, second is the controller in this case StyleBlock, so your views are in your bundle in Resources/views/StyleBlock directory, last parameter is the template name which is defined by your loop variable in this case. It should only be your template name, without any absolute paths. All parameters are seperated by :
Try this :
