Parse Cloud - Manual Entry for Installation (Push Notifications) - push-notification

I'm using the Javascript SDK and Appccelerator Titanium. The Javascript SDK doesn't have a function to save deviceToken's for enabling push. I've tried various methods but the one that should work (does not) is saving via a Cloud Function. What am I doing wrong?
Parse.Cloud.define("subscribeToPush", function(request, response) {
var Installation = Parse.Object.extend("Installation");
var membership = new Installation();
membership.set("deviceType", request.params.os);
membership.set("deviceToken", request.params.deviceToken);
membership.set("channels", ["general"]);,{
success:function(membership) {
error:function(error) {
After running this function Cloud Log shows that it was created, yet, I don't see it in the data browser.
I2014-10-22T01:29:30.319Z] v51: Ran cloud function subscribeToPush for user rCzHEXY5hN with:
Input: {"deviceType":"ios","deviceToken":"xxxXXXxxx","channels":["general"]}
Result: {"deviceToken":"xxxXXXxxx","channels": "general"],"objectId":"KCWtpcwy4i","createdAt":"2014-10-22T01:29:30.383Z","updatedAt":"2014-10-22T01:29:30.383Z","__type":"Object","className":"Installation"}


How to get the current https functions endpoint for firebase when using/not using emulator

I have a graphql api running on a firebase function and I develop locally for the most part.
Before when I called the firebase functions directly I would use the connectFunctionsEmulator function to conditionally connect to my local emulator and when I called the functions using getFunctions it would know to call my localhost endpoint.
However I'm trying to use Apollo client and I'm not sure how to determine when the local emulators have been connected and when they have not as well as how to determine the absolute url when calling the function like the way firebase does when I call it using the firebase functions helpers.
I went snooping through the code and when I call the connectFunctionsEmulator function it updates a variable called functionsInstance.emulatorOrigin.
This is not present in the functions typing but I'm still able to access the value by doing getFunctions().emulatorOrigin.
If the value is not set to null that means firebase will be talking to my emulators and not to the live endpoint.
function getGraphQLUri(): string {
const functions = getFunctions();
const app = getApp();
const { projectId } = app.options;
const { region } = functions;
// emulatorOrigin is not defined in the typings but it exists
// #ts-ignore
const emulator = functions.emulatorOrigin;
let url: string = "";
if (emulator) {
url = `${emulator}/${projectId}/${region}/graphql`;
} else {
url = `https://${region}-${projectId}`;
return url;
I would appreciate if someone at Google can confirm whether this approach might continue to be supported in the future.

Is it possible to stub meteor methods and publications in cypress tests?

Is it possible to stub meteor methods and publications in cypress tests?
In the docs ( it says:
This means that instead of resetting the database, or seeding it with
the state we want, you can force the server to respond with whatever
you want it to. (...) and even test all of the edge cases, without needing a server.
But I do not find more details about that. All I can find is, that when not using the virtual user in the tests to fill the database, it is possible to call API calls on the app, like so:
cy.request('POST', '/test/seed/user', { username: 'jane.lane' })
In my opinion that is not a "stub". It is a method to "seed" the database.
Is it possible to tell cypress to answer a meteor method in the client code like'getUser', { username: 'jane.lane' }, callbackFunction);
with some data, it would give back in production?
I can only show an example using sinon to stub Meteor method calls:
const stub = sinon.stub(Meteor, 'call')
stub.callsFake(function (name, obj, callback) {
if (name === 'getUser' && obj.username === 'jane.lane') {
setTimeout(function () {
callback(/* your fake data here */)
That would be of corse a client-side stub. You could also simply override your Meteor method for this one test.

can't upload image to cloudinary from firebase cloud function

According to cloudinary's documentation one should be able to upload an image to cloudinary using google cloud storage.
However when I attempt to do so, I get the following error in my cloud functions logs.
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'gs://'
this is my cloud function:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as cloudinary from 'cloudinary';
cloud_name: functions.config().cloudinary.cloudname,
api_key: functions.config().cloudinary.apikey,
api_secret: functions.config().cloudinary.apisecret,
export const uploadImageToCloudinary =
.onFinalize(object => {
function(error, result) {
if (error) {
I have added /.wellknown/cloudinary/<cloudinary_cloudname> to my bucket as well added permission in cloud platform to allow cloudinary object viewer access
Is there an extra step I'm missing - I can't seem to get this working?!
Cloudinary does support Google cloud storage upload, but it's a relatively new feature and the current version of the node SDK doesn't handle gs:// urls.
In your example, it's trying to resolve the gs:// URL on the local server and send the image to Cloudinary, rather than sending the URL to Cloudinary so the fetch happens from Cloudinary's side.
Until this is added to the SDK, you could get this working by triggering the fetch using the URL-based upload method, or by making a small change to the SDK code.
Specifically, it's a small change in lib/uploader.js - you need to add the gs: prefix there, after which it should work OK.
diff --git a/lib/uploader.js b/lib/uploader.js
index 2f71eaa..af08e14 100644
--- a/lib/uploader.js
+++ b/lib/uploader.js
## -65,7 +65,7 ##
return call_api("upload", callback, options, function() {
var params;
params = build_upload_params(options);
- if ((file != null) && file.match(/^ftp:|^https?:|^s3:|^data:[^;]*;base64,([a-zA-Z0-9\/+\n=]+)$/)) {
+ if ((file != null) && file.match(/^ftp:|^https?:|^gs:|^s3:|^data:[^;]*;base64,([a-zA-Z0-9\/+\n=]+)$/)) {
return [
params, {
file: file
After applying that diff, I did successfully fetch an image from Google Cloud Storage

Firebase cloud function always fails - onerror

I am trying to call firebase cloud function using xmlhttprequest through serve feature(testing locally), the following code is xmlHttpRequest
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = function() {
req.onerror = function() {
//always fall to this function
var url = 'https://us-central1-' + getFirebaseProjectId() + '';'GET', url);
//Chrome does not allow 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' from
//localhost:5000 (non-google server)
//I am using mozilla firefox with 'serve' feature, hope
//this solve 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' problem
req.setRequestHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
I can see that cloud function is executed successfully in firebase console. But i am always fall into onerror function.
I also enabled CORS in cloud functions by
const cors = require('cors')({origin: true});
While hosting functions locally i get following error
After research of two day of research ,
Updated node and firebase to compatible version.
Cleared cache
Updated firebase-tools, firebase functions through npm
. Still not working.
Delete the project, re-initialize the project with firebase init function. hope this helps.

Meteor.userId() not available in ConnectHandlers

I am trying to create a file upload feature in Meteor where a logged in user is able to upload a file to the server under a directory named after their username. I have the basics working but when I take it a step further by checking the logged in user ID, things start breaking. Specifically:
WebApp.connectHandlers.use('/upload/', function(req, res) {
if (this.userId) {
// Do cool stuff.
} else {
res.writeHead(500, {"content-type":"text/html"});
res.end("this.userId = " + this.userId); // End the response.
this.userId = undefined
WebApp.connectHandlers.use('/upload/', function(req, res) {
if (Meteor.userId()) {
// Do cool stuff.
} else {
res.writeHead(500, {"content-type":"text/html"});
res.end("Meteor.userId() = " + Meteor.userId()); // End the response.
Error: Meteor.userId can only be invoked in method calls. Use this.userId in publish functions.
at Object.Meteor.userId (packages/accounts-base/accounts_server.js:19:1)
at Object.Package [as handle] (packages/cool_package/upload.js:34:1)
at next (/Users/me/.meteor/packages/webapp/.
at (/Users/me/.meteor/packages/webapp/.
at Object.fn [as handle] (/Users/me/.meteor/packages/webapp/.
at next (/Users/me/.meteor/packages/webapp/.
at Object.WebAppInternals.staticFilesMiddleware (packages/webapp/webapp_server.js:331:1)
at packages/webapp/webapp_server.js:625:1
The code above is included in a Meteor package I'm developing. The package.js file specifies that the code should run on the server:
api.add_files("upload.js", "server");
So my questions are:
What is the correct way to check the logged in user ID and username?
Can this code be moved to an Iron Router route instead?
It looks like the line
WebApp.connectHandlers.use('/upload/', function(req, res) {
Is Express.js or similar code -- if so, you have broken out of the Meteor frameowrk providing your own REST services etc. If that is the case you also have to provide your own user management and authentication scheme for incoming REST calls, just as you would in any other bare-bones REST applications
