Handlebars how to get sibling value inside an object - handlebars.js

ok so iv got an object which looks like this:
Magnetim.photos = {
facebook:{albums: {id:["id1","id2","id3","id4"] , albumName:["n1","n2","n3","n4"]}},
inside a handlebars template im doing this line of code:
<select id="albums-selection">
{{#each photos.facebook.albums.albumName}}
<option id="{{photos.facebook.albums.id}}" value="{{this}}">{{this}}</option>
this outputs this result:
<option id="id1,id2,id3,id4" value="n1">n1</option>
<option id="id1,id2,id3,id4" value="n2">n2</option>
<option id="id1,id2,id3,id4" value="n4">n3</option>
<option id="id1,id2,id3,id4" value="n4">n4</option>
but what i'm trying to achieve is for every name set the id element to its own id, so it looks like this:
<option id="id1" value="n1">n1</option>
<option id="id2" value="n2">n2</option>

While you are in the {{#each}} statement handlebars provides you with #index variable to track the current item index. Knowing this, you should be able to get corresponding item from other array.
So first you need to step outside of your {{#each}}, this is done by using ../, which will move you one level up.
My initial aproach was simply to do something like this
But for some reason that didn't work out. So I wrote the helper to simply grab item from array by index you pass there:
Handlebars.registerHelper('getAlbumName', function(array, id) {
return array[id];
Now your handlebars template will look like this:
<script id="template">
<select id="albums-selection">
{{#each id}}
<option id="{{this}}" value="{{getAlbumName ../albumName #index}}">
{{getAlbumName ../albumName #index}}
<div id="output"></div>
And here is the js:
var Magnetim = {};
Magnetim.photos = {
facebook: {
albums: {
id: ["id1", "id2", "id3", "id4"],
albumName: ["n1", "n2", "n3", "n4"]
var source = $("#template").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
Handlebars.registerHelper('getAlbumName', function(albums, id) {
return albums[id];
Final jsfiddle with everything in place


Replacing Jade for ... in loop with Handlebars

I need convert Jade select list which iterates over statuses and assigns a status to an account into Handlebars template. In Jade it looks like this:
option(value='') -- choose --
for status in data.statuses
option(value='#{status._id}') #{status.name}
I tried to do this with #each like this
<select name="status" class="form-control">
<option value="">-- choose --</option>
{{#each statuses}}
<option value="{{this._id}}">{{this.name}}</option>
but it doesn't work because it is not an array.
Is there a way to do this with Handlebars? Thank you.
You can see this example:
var source = $("#some-template").html();
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var data = {
{_id:1, name:'name1'},
{_id:2, name:'name2'}
o1:{_id:1, name:'name1'},
o2:{_id:2, name:'name2'},
o3:{_id:3, name:'name3'}
Both variants (array and object) are working correct with your template. May be you set statuses into handlebars incorrect?

How to manupulate {{#each something}} in the view ,where "something" is comming from database

Actually I am new to meteor . I want to manupulate {{#each something}} in my view, without manipulating database. Is there something like i treat it like an array. actually its returning the list of elements.
<select name="field">
<option value="">Lists</option>
{{#each something}}
<option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>
JUST I WANT TO SHOW ALL THE ELEMENT within "options" except the LAST element.
Any Help would be appreciated .
if you want to show everything in "something" except the last thing, you can use #index in Blaze to detect when you're at the end. i'm using the each/in construct because i think it's easier to read.
<select name="field">
<option value="">Lists</option>
{{#each thing in something}}
{{#if showThing #index}}
<option value="{{thing._id}}">{{thing.name}}</option>
for the JS, i'm making assumptions about how you get your data, but the helpers would look something like this:
something() {
return Somethings.find({});
showThing(index) {
let somethingsCount = Somethings.find({}).count();
return (index != (somethingsCount - 1));

Meteor Dropdown #each over a collection

I've been around this all day and i can't figure why my each cycle is not working. I'm trying to create a dropdown with some countries.
countries: function(){
return Country.find({ });
View, template register
<select id="country-select">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please Select</option>
{{#each countries}}
<option value={{ name }}>{{ name }}</option>
I have records in the country collection
meteor:PRIMARY> db.country.find({ }).count() ->
The only options that the dropwdown displays is the placeholder.
I'm using mongol this is a country record
Try this...
<option disabled selected>Please select</option>
{{#each countries}}
It works here
return Country.find().fetch()
in the helper
Hope it helps
"The solution that worked for me is by calling the 'material_select' function after the options data has been loaded.
Template.[name].rendered = function() { this.autorun(function() { var optionsCursor = OptionsList.find().count(); if(optionsCursor > 0){ $('select').material_select(); } }); };"
from https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize/issues/1469

How do we populate a dropdown list's element from a variable in a collection in Meteor?

I am actually trying to do 2 things here:
With 2 dropdown lists,
a) the first would populate with the products, while
b) the second would populate with the colors according to the first dropdown selected.
I starts off insert a document into the collection as below:
ProductList.insert ({ product: "apple", color: "\"red\",\"green\""});
ProductList.insert ({ product: "banana", color: "\"yellow\",\"green\""});
And this is what I have so far:
<template name="prodlist">
<select id="category-select">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please Select</option>
{{#each prodlist}}
<option value="{{this}}">{{this}}</option>
<template name="colorlist">
<select id="category-select">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please Select</option>
{{#each colorlist}}
<option value="{{this}}">{{this}}</option>
prodlist: function(){
return ProductList.find().map(function(doc) {
return doc.product
colorlist: function(){
return ProductList.find().map(function(doc) {
return doc.color.split(",") //<-- edited with MrE's answer
The reason I insert color: "\"red\",\"green\"" is trying to simulate when you populate the dropdown as hardcode: return ["red", "green"], but it return as one element with the string "red","green". Is there a better approach? Also I don't know if there are packages exists that handle dropdown. Thanks in advance.
why do you try to code a string into an array instead of using an array? I'm not sure what that gets you.
If you 'really' want to use a string, you need to parse it ( with doc.color.split(",") ) into an array instead of doing [doc.color]

Set value of a select HTML element reactively with Meteor

I want to set the value of an HTML <select> element reactively, without changing the various options for the element. I have found a solution, but it in not elegant.
To test, create a barebones Meteor app with create meteor select and change the contents of the select.html and select.js files to the following:
{{> select}}
<template name="select">
<label for="select">{{category}}</label>
<select id="select">
<option value='' disabled selected style='display:none;'>Select...</option>
<option value="Animal">Animal</option>
<option value="Vegetable">Vegetable</option>
<option value="Mineral">Mineral</option>
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Session.set("category", "")
Session.set("label", "Category")
Template.select.onRendered(function () {
category: function () {
return Session.get("label")
function setSelectValue() {
var select = $("#select")[0]
if (select) {
select.value = Session.get("category")
Now launch your app. In the browser console, you can change the value of the category Session variable:
Session.set("category", "Animal")
However, the select element will not update until you change the label:
Session.set("label", "category") // was "Category'
Now the select element updates, and any subsequent change the category Session variable will also update the select element.
Session.set("category", "Vegetable") // Now the select element updates
Is it possible to achieve the same effect directly, without using this clumsy workaround?
Yes. You can do it as follows:
<select id="select">
<option value="Animal" {{animalSelected}}>Animal</option>
<option value="Vegetable" {{vegetableSelected}}>Vegetable</option>
<option value="Mineral" {{mineralSelected}}>Mineral</option>
And helpers that looks something like this:
animalSelected: function () {
return (someCondition === true) ? 'selected' : '';
vegetableSelected: function () {
return (someOtherCondition) ? 'selected' : '';
A better way might be something like this though:
<select id="select">
{{#each options}}
<option value="{{value}}" {{selected}}>{{label}}</option>
And then you can use this in the helpers to decide what is selected and what isn't.
Another option is just using standard jQuery to change the select box. Something like this:
$('[name=options]').val( 3 );
Or this SO answer.
If you want the selection set dynamically I usually use a handlebar helper like this
filler: function(element){
return Session.get(element);
then in html
<select class="browser-default" id="selectedService" name="jobtype">
<option id="zero" value="{{filler 'type'}}">{{filler 'type'}}</option>
