Remove Name and owner in CRM Dynamics - crm

I have created a form for cheque entries. But when i create the form "name" and "owner" field are compulsory and it does not allow to remove either. Any suggestions really appreciated.

Owner attribute is inside the form because the Ownership when you created the entity was set to User or Team instead of Organization.
If you create the entity to be as Organization, you will not have the Owner field BUT you are limited to define the roles on this entity, you can't define for example to make users from a business unit to access only to their records, if a user has a read privilege will be at Organization level (meaning he will be able to read all the records)
Regarding the Name field it's the primary attribute of the entity, from your screenshot looks like you have a field called ChequeNumber, you can delete that field and rename the label of Name field to Cheque Number (if the field type is Single Type of Text) or when you create the entity you define correctly the primary attribute:


Create a dropdown menu specific for company in AX

I would like to create a dropdown in AX form so that only the user from specific company see this field as a dropdown and other company see it as string field that user have to manually key in. I only manage to create the dropdown list based on table menu, but have no idea how to limit to specific company.
This create a problem since not all company wants dropdown and If the user key in none registered number, the system will return “ the value xxx in the field yyy is not found in the relating table zzz
How can I set the condition so that only selected company see this field as dropdown and the other company see this as string? And also where to locate the condition?
You may need to set the form control property AutoDeclaration=Yes and then dynamically change the FormStringControl.LookupButton (see here) based on the current company (curext()).
You must also decide if you have a relation on your table, whether or not you want it to be enforced (Validate=[Yes/No]). If you are allowing a free-text field input, I would imagine you would want No, but you could perform validation in the validateField or validateWrite method.
Depending on your situation, you may want to create a custom lookup with a condition.
See how to create custom lookups here -
You'll have to experiment a little, but this information should point you the right direction.
You could add two fields to your form, on with the lookup and one without. You could then use the security setup to control which users have access to which field. Note that this may not work if you have users that work in both companies that use the field with lookup and companies that use the field without lookup.

How to ensure that the username that is auto-populated does not get replaced by another one in InfoPath

I have an approve and reject form having three views. In the first view i.e the requester's view I auto-populate the requester name by using "GetUserProfileByName". Now I also want to auto populate the name of the user who approves the form in a different view (but this view also has the requester's name)- so I was wondering if I actually use "GetUserProfileByName" again won't it change the first name too (i.e the requester's name). I don't have other accounts to test it out.
Can someone please provide a workaround to this problem
So basically I want this to happen:- For example when John enters the form his name should be auto populated in the requester's name field. And once this form is send to Michelle who approves it - the approver's name field should have been autopopulated with Michelle's name.
How can I avoid overwriting of data.
Thank you for helping
Add fields to the form data source to store the data returned from GetUserProfileByName service. Do not use default values for the values in these fields. Instead, I generally use form load rules for this - run the query, and then, if the requester field is blank, set the field to the user's name from the datasource.
When the approved view is submitted, you can take a similar approach with the approver name field - if it is blank, set it.

Symfony OneToMany Persistence using entity/collection field type

My Problem: I cannot get an associated Entity to save using the entity field type or collection field type.
My Database Relations
Database Structure Description:
I have a 'Usage' entity that has many 'telephone numbers' attached to
Each 'telephone number' has one and only one region.
What I want to Achieve
On my edit 'Usage' form I want to display a dropdown box for each 'telephone number' that the 'Usage' already has attached to it.
Each dropdown box will list all the telephone numbers for that region, allowing the user to select a new telephone number
How I want to display my Usage Form
My Controller
Usage Controller
line 146 - 203
My Entities
Usage Entity
Telephone Entity
Form Type
UsageType - form
Twig Template
Usage Form Page
line 80 -128
My Problem:
When I submit the form, nothing happens, the new telephone number I selected is not persisted.
I think your problem is that in your Usage Entity, you don't cascade the persist operation. You should try this :
#ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Telephone", mappedBy="usage", cascade={"persist"})
Hope this helps

How to set relationship when I create a new (custom) content to another (custom) content in Drupal

Premise: I'm new in the world of Drupal, so sorry if this is a stupid question.
What I need is to set some relationships for some new content types I created. For example, I created the "Person" content type and the "Group" content type. Using the "Relation" module I have defined the relation "is in", but now if I want to add a field for setting the relation at creation time, there are no edit widget available. The only way I found to set relationships is using the entity collector: too complicated for a user.
Example: a user creates the Person "John", and he want for him to set the relation "is in" with the Group "Drupal fans". So, during the creation of this Person he needs, for example, a select control that lets him to choose from all the groups already registered in the site.
In brief, I need to manage some entities created by me, with CRUD controls, list, etc. and I need to set some relationships from these entities.
What is the best method/ what are the best module/ how I can do this?
Try the references module:
You can create an taxanomy list of your'e groups at Structure -> Taxonomy.
This list you can use in creating an field. By the creation of the field choose for "Term reference" type and then "Autocomplete term widget". Click on save and choose the Taxonomy list that you created.
Hope this is what you need!

How to display and hide Drupal 7 fields, based on value of a specific field

What I am trying to do here is controlling how a group of fields are showing up on node view. I don't want to control them by user role, as this is going to be a node level permission and I don't want these permissions affect other nodes with the same content type.
For example imagine I have three different roles: ROLEA, ROLEB and ROLEC. Each role has it's own permissions set for accessing to fields. When a node is created for the first time, a user with role of ROLEA, can see couple of fields and can edit the value of those fields. When node is published, a rule/action get called through Rules module, and will set a status field in that node to STAGE1. After this event (a new node created), if user (ROLEA) goes to that node that was just created by herself, those fields that were editable before, should be read-only now. This means when Rules module, set the value of the status field to STAGE1, when that node wants to get loaded by Drupal, we need to check the status value, and based on that if it was for example STAGE1, modify some other field in that particular node, read only or editable, or in some cases hide them from user. So my guess is to create a module that every time a node of that type, is loading, check the status field (which is a field that we have created in that node type) and based on the value of that field, decide which node should show up or hide. This should override the permission that have been set for those fields on that particular node type.
What I am trying to do is creating a method to control which field is going to be read only /editable / hidden based on the value of a specific field in that content type, which has been set by Roules module, based on different stages of working on that node by different group of users. I am not using Organic Group. I use Drupal 7 and Rules module and couple of other permission related modules. But I found that there is no such a way to handle field visibility in node level, separate from user roles.
Do you think there is any other way to achieve the same result? I appreciate if you could give me an idea about how to create such a module.
I really appreciate any and all input.
You can create a module and add a hook on node form using : hook_form_alter or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
Using this kind of hook, you can easily modify node form and hide or make read only specific fields, based on whatever you want (user role, field value...)
There are also the hook_node_view_alter() hook and hook_entity_view_alter() hooks that allow you to modify the render array for a node before it is rendered. There you can set field arrays to have '#access' = FALSE so they are hidden, or '#access' = TRUE to show them.
I'm using this to hide some fields if the date in another field of the node has a time in the past (it's a "subscription expires" field). So I didn't need to change the edit form, just the field display.
