sql server generate all select script (asp.net) - asp.net

I'm in the process of developing an application that allows users to select tables and columns, and choose join methods ( like inner, outer..) as well as aggregate functions sql (sum, avg..etc) for the purpose of generating reports from those selections.
What I did is append strings to build a request to an sql server. I think i'm wrong doing it this way because users can choose a lot of columns and that throws unexpected exceptions. Are there some ideas on a better way to go about this (not source code)?

As you have asked, what is best way to manage query ( can contain sum,avg etc..) generated on server side and made those to execute on SQL server, I am writing best possible suggestion for this. Consider that and follow your path.
If you have adhoc queries generated in server side, then definitely you can write those into SQL group of statements known as Stored Procedure . And this has following advantages.
More manageable, if same set of SQL blocks need in multiple places, then use this single procedure everywhere.
Secure - you don't have to set permission( like select) for multiple tables (joining tables), instead just have execute permission for procedure.
Good Performance - Execution Plan Caching and Reuse
Source - http://weblogs.asp.net/fbouma/38178
Stored proc - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190782.aspx
If you are new to stored procedure and want to know, how to use that in asp.net, here is tutorial for this - http://www.dbtutorials.com/advanced/using-stored-procedures-cs/


Progress-OpenEdge query to show Column Relations of the table

I want a query to get the column relation or reference of column for the table or for all the databases.
Like in MySQL, we have a query
TABLE_SCHEMA = 'database_name';
So, What is the query for Progress OpenEdge to get column relation.
Also where are procedure, functions and views stored in ProgressDB?
Query to view database name list?
To find relationships, or views, or stored procedures you must query the meta-schema. Stefan's link documents SYSTABLES, SYSCOLUMNS, SYSINDEXES, SYSPROCEDURES, and SYSVIEWS. These are the tables that define what you have asked for.
The Progress database does not explicitly store relationships. They are implied, by convention, when there are common field names between tables but this does not create any special relationship in the engine. You can parse the tables above and make some guesses but, ultimately, you probably need to refer to the documentation for the application that you are working with.
Most Progress databases were created to be used by Progress 4gl applications. SQL came later and is mostly used to support 3rd party reporting tools. As a result there are two personas - the 4gl and sql. They have have many common capabilities but there are some things that they do not share. Stored procedures are one such feature. You can create them on the sql side but the 4gl side of things does not know about them and and will not use them to enforce constraints or for any other purpose. Since, as I mentioned, most Progress databases are created to support a 4gl application, it is very unusual to have any sql stored procedures.
(To make matters even more complicated there is some old sql-89 syntax embedded within the 4gl engine. But this very old syntax is really just token sql support and is not available to non-4gl programs.)

SQL Performance from .net: Insert via loop vs XML vs Sql Data Table Type

I have a handful of records, 5-10, that I need to take from the user and run a SQL merge statement against. I can think of three ways of accomplishing this.
.net Loop processing one record at a time - Wondering what the performance of this would be compared to the other options. I would think it is pretty good given connection pooling?
SQL Data Table type - I have seen these used elsewhere in the project, but as I learned first hand these are a pain to update the table definitions if need, dropping the entire object and recreating
XML variable - I have used this in the past. I like it because it is flexible to change the definition of the object. The .net is simple with XMLSerializer. But I am sure there is probably a performance hit to call XMLSerializer. And then on the SQL side to use the .nodes() function.
Does anyone know by personal experience or some reference, such as a white paper, which method is the most efficient when inserting/updating records in a database via .net application?
For 5-10 items you can use "clasic" insert with more records.
(ColumnA, ColumnB, ColumnC)
(#ColumnA_0, #ColumnB_0, #ColumnC_0),
(#ColumnA_1, #ColumnB_1, #ColumnC_1),
(#ColumnA_2, #ColumnB_2, #ColumnC_2)
This is MUCH faster than XML or DataTable. And is faster than isolated inserts in loop.
The limit for number of inserted records is 1000. If you want more, you need execute more statements.

What is the best way to CRUD dynamically created tables?

I'm creating(ed) an ASP.NET application (SQL Server backend) that allows the user (a business) to create their own tables and fields. They will all be child tables of a parent table (non-dynamic) and have proper PK/FK relationships (default fields when the table is created).
However, I don't like my current method of updating/inserting and selecting the fields. I was going to create an SP that was passed the proper keys and table names, then have it return the proper SQL statement. I'm thinking that it might make more sense to just pass the name/value pairs of fields/values and have an SP actually process them. Is this the best way to do it? If so, I'm not good at SP's so any examples of how?
I don't have a lot of experience with the EAV model, but it does sound like it might be a good idea for implementing what you're trying to achieve. However, if you already have a system in place, an overhaul could be very expensive.
If the queries you're making against the user tables are basic CRUD operations, what about just creating CRUD stored procs for each table? E.g. -
Stored Procs:
... [other necessary procs]
I have no idea what the business needs are for these tables, but I imagine that whatever you're doing currently could be translated into doing the same thing with stored procs.
I was going to create an SP that was passed the proper keys and table names, then have it >return the proper SQL statement. I'm thinking that it might make more sense to just pass the >name/value pairs of fields/values and have an SP actually process them.
Assuming you mean the proc would generate and then execute the SQL (sometimes known as dynamic SQL) this can work, but it probably performs slower than static / compiled SQL, as in normal procs.

Passing whole dataset to stored procedure in MSSQL 2005

How do I pass a dataset object to a stored procedure? The dataset comprises multiple tables and I'll need to be able to access them from within the SQL.
You can use Table valued parameter for passing single table in SQL 2008 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb675163.aspx
refer to this article and use SQL CLR procedure to pass dataset http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jpapiez/archive/2005/09/26/474059.aspx
It looks like you can do this with SQL Server 2008 or newer (at least with a DataTable). Here are the links:
As the article from MusiGenesis' answer states
In SQL Server 2005 and earlier, it is
not possible to pass a table variable
as a parameter to a stored procedure.
When multiple rows of data to SQL
Server need to send multiple rows of
data to SQL Server, developers either
had to send one row at a time or come
up with other workarounds to meet
requirements. While a VB.Net developer
recently informed me that there is a
SQLBulkCopy object available in .Net
to send multiple rows of data to SQL
Server at once, the data still can not
be passed to a stored proc.
At the risk of stating obvious here are two more approaches
Parametrize your processing procedure
You might re-evaluate if you truly and really need to pass a general table variable. While sometimes this can not be avoided the reason why this is a later addition to the set of features that MS SQL Server has is partially because usually you can get around it by structuring your stored procedures and the flow of your data processing.
If you are able to 'parametrize' your process then you should be able to let stored procedures retrieve full dataset based on a limited number of parameters.
This will make the process less flexible, but it will also make it more controlled, which is not a bad thing (similarly like the database which interfaces with applications only on the level of stored procedures is more robust, this approach also, by limiting the flexibility reduces the number of possible cases and consequently the number of possibly unhandeled cases. read: security holes and general bugs)
Temp tables
Besides the above there's always approach with temp tables, which can be more or less complicated, depending on the scope of sharing that you need on the data (sharing can be between db users, app users, connections, processes, etc..).
Nice side effect is that such approach would allow persistence of the process (which bring you closer to having undo, redo and ability to continue interrupted work).

Inner join across multiple access db's

I am re-designing an application for a ASP.NET CMS that I really don't like. I have made som improvements in performance only to discover that not only does this CMS use MS SQL but some users "simply" use MS Access database.
The problem is that I have some tables which I inner join, that with the MS Access version are in two different files. I am not allowed to simply move the tables to the other mdb file.
I am now trying to figure out a good way to "inner join" across multiple access db files?
It would really be a pity if I have fetch all the data and the do it programmatically!
You don't need linked tables at all. There are two approaches to using data from different MDBs that can be used without a linked table. The first is to use "IN 'c:\MyDBs\Access.mdb'" in the FROM clause of your SQL. One of your saved queries would be like:
SELECT MyTable.*
FROM MyTable IN 'c:\MyDBs\Access.mdb'
and the other saved query would be:
SELECT OtherTable.*
FROM OtherTable IN 'c:\MyDBs\Other.mdb'
You could then save those queries, and then use the saved queries to join the two tables.
Alternatively, you can manage it all in a single SQL statement by specifying the path to the source MDB for each table in the FROM clause thus:
SELECT MyTable.ID, OtherTable.OtherField
FROM [c:\MyDBs\Access.mdb].MyTable
INNER JOIN [c:\MyDBs\Other.mdb].OtherTable ON MyTable.ID = OtherTable.ID
Keep one thing in mind, though:
The Jet query optimizer won't necessarily be able to use the indexes from these tables for the join (whether it will use them for criteria on individual fields is another question), so this could be extremely slow (in my tests, it's not, but I'm not using big datasets to test). But that performance issue applies to linked tables, too.
If you have access to the MDBs, and are able to change them, you might consider using Linked Tables. Access provides the ability to link to external data (in other MDBs, in Excel files, even in SQL Server or Oracle), and then you can perform your joins against the links.
I'd strongly encourage performance testing such an option. If it's feasible to migrate users of the Access databases to another system (even SQL Express), that would also be preferable -- last I checked, there are no 64-bit JET drivers for ODBC anymore, so if the app is ever hosted in a 64-bit environment, these users will be hosed.
Inside one access DB you can create "linked tables" that point to the other DB. You should (I think) be able to query the tables as if they both existed in the same DB.
It does mean you have to change one of the DBs to create the virtual table, but at least you're not actually moving the data, just making a pointer to it
Within Access, you can add remote tables through the "Linked Table Manager". You could add the links to one Access file or the other, or you could create a new Access file that references the tables in both files. After this is done, the inner-join queries are no different than doing them in a single database.
