How can i limit one group per page in Cognos? - report

I have a block with a list with 5 columns and i have grouped it on the first column. I have added sum aggregation below each group.
How can i limit results to show one group per page?

You can achieve this by using a Page Set as follows:
Go to the Report Pages in the Page Explorer
Drag a Page Set from the toolbox into Report Pages
Drag your current report page into the Detail Pages folder of the new Page Set
Click on the new Page Set
In the properties of the Page set:
Select the query of your report page
Click on Grouping and Sorting (a small dialog box appears)
From the data items on the left drag the grouping criterion into the Group folder on the right.
Close dialog.
Run the report.
The following figure shows the Report Pages windows after successful configuration.


Is it possible to duplicate a row in grafana?

I want to have many rows on the same dashboard which are very similar, so row duplication would prove very handy.
However from what i can see it's only possible to duplicate a panel.
So is it possible to duplicate a row (consisting of multiple panels)?
Or you can use wizzy to duplicate a row on a Grafana dashboard
wizzy copy row 1 2
Here are the links for getting starting with wizzy:
You can. First create a template: On your dashboard click settings, Templating and create your template variable.
Next, in your panel click on the green bar, Row Editor, select Repeat Row and put your template-variable there.
There is a nice gif-example here underneath "Repeating Rows and Panels":
Per How to automatically repeat rows and panels in dynamic dashboards
Edit the panel by clicking the title of the panel, and click Edit.
In the panel editor, open the Repeat options section.
In Repeat by variable, select the instance variable.
In Repeat direction, select Horizontal to lay out the repeated panels horizontally.
Apply your changes to go back to the dashboard.
Click Add panel, and then click Convert to row. The panels you created earlier are automatically assigned to the row you created.
Hover your cursor over the Row title and click the gear icon to open the Row Options.
In Title, enter $service.
In Repeat for, select the variable you want to repeat rows for. For this example, select service.
Click Update.
Select multiple services from the service drop-down menu. Grafana creates a row for each selected service, each within its own set of repeated panels.
Find the left-most panel in the top-most row and edit it.
In the text area for the Text panel, enter $instance and $service.
Save the dashboard and refresh the page.

How can i use a common header in Cognos among many report pages?

I have a Cognos report and i have created 3 pages and 1 common prompt page. According to a radio selection in the prompt page i show the appropriate among these 3 pages.
In each page i have a block that is the header and there i just show title, current date and the selected values of the prompt controls (parameter values).
This header is the same among all pages and i want to find a way to create only 1 header section and then assign it on the top of each page. So if later i want to change anything in the header i will do it in one place.
Any ideas?
Re-using parts of a report (either from the report or other report in Cognos Connection) can be achieved with the help of layout component refenrences which are inserted into your report page and which refer to other existing components.
To use them proceed as follows:
Indentify the layout component(s) to be re-used (e.g. a table or a text or more or less anything less).
In the property list of that component go to the name and give it a unique name.
In the report page that is supposed to re-use the component drag an instance of the layout component reference to the appropriate location in the page.
Specify the target of the reference by choosing the report and within the report the named component (same name as given above).
A block component (which could be incorporated into a header) is to be re-used. Give the block a name, e.g. my_block:
From the toolbox drag the layout component reference
to the report page. A dialog box opens which permits choosing the target component:

Rdlc export to pdf break table

I am using RDLC report which consists of table and looks like this:
After exporting to Pdf table jumps to second page and makes first page almost empty.
It occurs when table fits right in second page. In situation when there is more data, table starts directly after header.
Is it possible to force table to stay in first page no matter on it size ?
This topic also didnt help
Page break on a RDLC Report Table
Here is solutions:
Had to select on Report menu "Grouping"
Choose Advanced mode.
Then on Row Groups panel select on table and in property window set "KeepTogether" to false.

The page size was not large enough to format the contents of an object in the report

I'm trying to generate a report using Crystal Reports which contains data of two tables. So I tried to add another header page and put each table in a sub-report for each header page. This works very nicely when I have a single page in my report. It works here:
But when I had many lines of data( table 1) ( more than 10 lines ), I got this error:
Page header or footer longer than a page.
Got to your main report
Right-click on the subreport you added
Click Format sub-report
Uncheck the Can Grow option
Right Click on Details in crystal report
Detail ->Paging
Control Number of Rows

Can I Only Export the visible items in a DevExpress Grid

We have data using DevExpress Grid on a web application, and the users are asking to only export the visible data from the page. At the moment, if we do an export, it exports everything from the grid, whether it is shown on the current page, or on a future page (200 items, 20 pages, showing only page 4, we export everything).
We are using the WritePdfToResponse (if its a PDF file as an example) and tried using the PdfExportOptions PageRange, but it seems to only work for Pages of the PDF file, not the data... For example, if there are 200 items to display, on the site it shows as 20 pages, but in PDF, it shows up as 4 or 5 pages. If we want only page 4, we get page 4 of the PDF, not of the site... Can this be done? Ideally, for PDF, CVS, RTF and XSL...
The grid exporter exports the entire data from the ASPxGridView control. However, if you temporarily bind the grid to a visible page only, and then export it, you will get the same result.
For example, you can get the grid's page index to determine what user sees on the screen and that fetch these records from the datasource.
I assume that you can select required range of rows and set the ExportedRowType property of the ASPxGridViewExporter to Selected.
Please also review the following help topics:
- Export Overview
- Selection
