Applying ezANOVA error work-around to Long Format data - r

I have a similar problem as described here:
Here is an example of what my dataframe looks like:
Participant Visual Audio StimCondition Accuracy
1 Bottom Circle 1st 2 Central Beeps AO2 0.92
1 SIM Circle Left Beep AO2 0.86
2 Bottom Circle 1st 2 Central Beeps CT4 0.12
2 SIM Circle Left Beep CT4 0.56
I have 3 Visual conditions, 5 Audio conditions & 5 StimConditions & 12 participants exposed to all conditions.
When I run the following ezANOVA:
Model <- ezANOVA(data = Shaped.means, dv = .(Accuracy), wid = .(Participant), within = .(Visual, Audio, StimCondition), type = 3, detailed = TRUE)
I get the same error as the linked question above. I have tried changing Type to equal 1 and it does return the output but minus the Sphericity Test.
I've tried to apply the solution to the linked question to my dataset but as mine is in Long Format I'm a bit lost as to what exactly I need to do to achieve the desired stats.
I'll keep playing with it my end but if anyone could help in the mean time it would be much appreciated.

Following the linked question, you have don't have to change much. Assuming your dataset is exactly as you describe, the following should work for you.
Let's first create a dataset to reflect your description
set.seed(123) ## make reproducible
N <- 12 ## number of Participants
S <- 5 ## number of StimCondition groups
V <- 3 ## number of Visual groups
A <- 5 ## number of Audio groups
Accuracy <- abs(round(runif(N*V*S*A), 2)) ## (N x (PxQ))-matrix with voltages
init.Df <- expand.grid(Participant=gl(N,1),
Visual=gl(V, 1),
Audio=gl(A, 1),
df <- cbind(init.Df, Accuracy)
Now we have a dataframe with 3 Visual conditions, 5 Audio conditions & 5 StimConditions & 12 participants exposed to all conditions. This should be at the stage you are currently at. We can do the between-subjects call easily.
# If you just read in the data set and don't know how many subjects
# N <- length(unique(df$Participant))
fit <- lm(matrix(df[,c("Accuracy")], nrow=N) ~ 1)
For the factor component, this is the only real change. If you simply generate your model design, you can pass it to anova.
# You can create your within design table
# You can get these values from your dataset as well
# V <- nlevels(df$Visual)
# A <- nlevels(df$Audio)
# S <- nlevels(df$StimCondition)
# If you want the labels with gl, you can use the levels function (e.g. labels=levels(df$Visual))
inDf <- expand.grid(Visual=gl(V, 1),
Audio=gl(A, 1),
# Test for Visual
anova(fit, M=~Visual, X=~1, idata=inDf, test="Spherical")
# Test for Audio
anova(fit, M=~Visual+Audio, X=~Visual, idata=inDf, test="Spherical")
# Test for Visual:Audio interaction
anova(fit, M=~Visual+Audio+Visual:Audio, X=~Visual+Audio, idata=inDf, test="Spherical")


choose thresholds for 100% sensitivity in glm and lda (wbcd, R)

I'm working on Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset, my aim is to build a model which features a good accuracy and 100% sensitivity. I know that in order to achieve this, I've to work with the thresholds. The problem is that I don't understand how does thresholds work and how can I properly choose them.
I'm studying on the famous Intro to SL (with applications in R) book, but I'm not able to find the explanation about choosing the threshold in chapter 4.
Here is the code I've written so far:
df <- subset(df, select = -c(X, id)) # Selecting features
# Train and test
nrows <- NROW(df)
index <- sample(1:nrows, 0.7 * nrows)
traindf <- df[index,]
testdf <- df[-index,], data=traindf ,family=binomial)
glm.pred[glm.probs >.5]="M"
table(glm.pred, testdf[,1])
Now, this gives me
glm.pred B M
B 108 3
M 4 56
What I want is to put 0 in the top right of the table, but changing the thresholds doesn't work.
How can I fix the problem?
The same is with the lad function (which I avoid to write here).

R: adjusting a given time-series but keeping summary statistics equal

Let's say I have a time-series like this
t x
1 100
2 50
3 200
4 210
5 90
6 80
7 300
Is it possible in R to generate a new dataset x1 which has the exact same summary statistics, e.g. mean, variance, kurtosis, skew as x?
The reason for my asking is that I would like to do an experiment where I want to test how subjects react to different graphs of data that contain the same information.
I recently read:
Matejka, Justin, and George Fitzmaurice. "Same stats, different graphs: Generating datasets with varied appearance and identical statistics through simulated annealing." Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2017.
Generating Data with Identical Statistics but Dissimilar Graphics: A Follow up to the Anscombe Dataset, The American Statistician, 2007,
However, Matejka uses code in Python that is quite scientific and their data is more complex than time-series data, so I was wondering if there was a way to do this more efficiently for a simpler data set?
Best regards
I'm not aware of a package that can give you precisely what you are looking for. One option is using the datasets in the datasauRus package as JasonAizkalns pointed out. However, if you want to create your own dataset, you can try this:
Fit the Johnson distribution from the SuppDists package to get the moments of the dataset and draw new sets from that distribution until the difference is sufficiently small. Below an example with your dataset, although more observations make it easier to replicate the summary statistics:
a <- c(100,50,200,210,90,80,300)
momentsDiffer <- function(x1,x2){
diff <- sum(abs(moments(x1)- moments(x2)))
repDataset <- function(x,n){
# fit Johnson distribution
parms<-JohnsonFit(a, moment="quant")
# generate from distribution n times storing if improved
current <- rJohnson(length(a),parms)
momDiff <- momentsDiffer(x,current)
for(i in 1:n){
temp <- rJohnson(length(a),parms)
tempDiff <- momentsDiffer(x,temp)
if(tempDiff < momDiff){
current <- temp
momDiff <- tempDiff
# Drawing 1000 times to allow improvement
b <- repDataset(a,1000)
> moments(b)
mean sigma skew kurt
148.14048691 84.24884165 1.04201116 -0.05008629
> moments(a)
mean sigma skew kurt
147.1428571 84.1281821 0.5894543 -1.0198303
EDIT - Added additional method
Following the suggestion of #Jj Blevins, the method below generates a random sequence based upon the original sequence leaving out 4 observations. Those 4 observations are then added through solving a non-linear equation on the difference between the four moments of the original sequence and the new sequence. This still not generate a perfect match, feel free to improve.
a <- c(100,50,200,210,90,80,300)
#a <- floor(runif(1000,0,101))
init <- floor(runif(length(a)-4,min(a),max(a)+1))
moments <- moments(a)
f <- function(x) {
a <- mean(c(init,x))
b <- var(c(init,x))
c <- skewness(c(init,x))
d <- kurtosis(c(init,x))
result <- nleqslv(runif(4,min(a),max(a)+1), f,control=list(ftol=.00000001, allowSingular=TRUE))
> moments(c(init,result$x))
mean sigma skew kurt
49.12747961 29.85435993 0.03327868 -1.25408078
> moments(a)
mean sigma skew kurt
49.96600000 29.10805462 0.03904256 -1.18250616

Clustering leads to very concentrated clusters

To understand my problem, you will need the whole dataset:
Pre-processing: I had a list of orders and 696 unique item numbers, and wanted to cluster them, based on how frequent each pair of items are ordered together. I calculated for each pair of items, number of frequency of occurence within the same order. I.e the highest number of occurrence was 489 between two items. I then "calculated" the similarity/correlation, by: Frequency / "max frequency of all pairs" (489). Now I have the dataset that I have uploaded.
Similarity/correlation: I don't know if my similarity approach is the best in this case. I also tried with something called "Jaccard’s coefficient/index", but get almost same results.
The dataset: The dataset contains material numbers V1 and V2. and N is the correlation between the two material numbers between 0 - 1.
With help from another one, I managed to create a distance matrix and use the PAM clustering.
Why PAM clustering? A data scientist suggest this: You have more than 95% of pairs without information, this makes all these materials are at the same distance and a single cluster very dispersed. This problem can be solved using a PAM algorithm, but still you will have a very concentrated group. Another solution is to increase the weight of the distances other than one.
Problem 1: The matrix is only 567x567. I think for clustering I need the 696x696 full matrix, even though a lot of them are zeros. But i'm not sure.
Problem 2: Clustering does not do very well. I get very concentrated clusters. A lot of items are clustered in the first cluster. Also, according to how you verify PAM clusters, my clustering results are poor. Is it due to the similarity analysis? What else should I use? Is it due to the 95% of data being zeros? Should I change the zeros to something else?
The whole code and results:
#Suppose X is the dataset
df <- data.table(X)
ss <- dcast(rbind(df, df[, .(V1 = V2, V2 = V1, N)]), V1~V2, value.var = "N")[, -1]
ss <- ss/max(ss, na.rm = TRUE)
ss[] <- 0
diag(ss) <- 1
Now using the PAM clustering
dd2 <- as.dist(1 - sqrt(ss))
pam2 <- pam(dd2, 4)
But I get very concentrated clusters, as:
1 2 3 4
382 100 23 62
I'm not sure where you get the 696 number from. After you rbind, you have a dataframe with 567 unique values for V1 and V2, and then you perform the dcast, and end up with a matrix as expected 567 x 567. Clustering wise I see no issue with your clusters.
dim(df) # [1] 7659 3
test <- rbind(df, df[, .(V1 = V2, V2 = V1, N)])
dim(test) # [1] 15318 3
length(unique(test$V1)) # 567
length(unique(test$V2)) # 567
test2 <- dcast(test, V1~V2, value.var = "N")[,-1]
dim(test2) # [1] 567 567
#Mayo, forget what the data scientist said about PAM. Since you've mentioned this work is for a thesis. Then from an academic viewpoint, your current justification to why PAM is required, does not hold any merit. Essentially, you need to either prove or justify why PAM is a necessity for your case study. And given the nature of (continuous) variables in the dataset, V1, V2, N, I do not see the logic on why PAM is applicable here (like I mentioned in the comments, PAM works best for mixed variables).
Continuing further, See this post on correlation detection in R;
# Objective: Detect Highly Correlated variables, visualize them and remove them
my_data <- mtcars[, c(1,3,4,5,6,7)]
# print the first 6 rows
head(my_data, 6)
# compute correlation matrix using the cor()
res<- cor(my_data)
round(res, 2) # Unfortunately, the function cor() returns only the correlation coefficients between variables.
# Visualize the correlation
# install.packages("corrplot")
corrplot(res, type = "upper", order = "hclust",
tl.col = "black", = 45)
# Positive correlations are displayed in blue and negative correlations in red color. Color intensity and the size of the circle are proportional to the correlation coefficients. In the right side of the correlogram, the legend color shows the correlation coefficients and the corresponding colors.
# tl.col (for text label color) and (for text label string rotation) are used to change text colors and rotations.
#Apply correlation filter at 0.80,
#install.packages("caret", dependencies = TRUE)
highlyCor <- colnames(my_data)[findCorrelation(res, cutoff = 0.80, verbose = TRUE)]
# show highly correlated variables
[1] "disp" "mpg"
removeHighCor<- findCorrelation(res, cutoff = 0.80) # returns indices of highly correlated variables
# remove highly correlated variables from the dataset
my_data<- my_data[,-removeHighCor]
[1] 32 4
Hope this helps.

How to import a distance matrix for clustering in R

I have got a text file containing 200 models all compared to eachother and a molecular distance for each 2 models compared. It looks like this:
1 2 1.2323
1 3 6.4862
1 4 4.4789
1 5 3.6476
All the way down to 200, where the first number is the first model, the second number is the second model, and the third number the corresponding molecular distance when these two models are compared.
I can think of a way to import this into R and create a nice 200x200 matrix to perform some clustering analyses on. I am still new to Stack and R but thanks in advance!
Since you don't have the distance between model1 and itself, you would need to insert that yourself, using the answer from this question:
(you can ignore the wrong numbering of the models compared to your input data, it doesn't serve a purpose, really)
# Create some dummy data that has the same shape as your data:
df <- expand.grid(model1 = 1:120, model2 = 2:120)
df$distance <- runif(n = 119*120, min = 1, max = 10)
# model1 model2 distance
# 1 2 7.958746
# 2 2 1.083700
# 3 2 9.211113
# 4 2 5.544380
# 5 2 5.498215
# 6 2 1.520450
inds <- seq(0, 200*119, by = 200)
val <- c(df$distance, rep(0, length(inds)))
inds <- c(seq_along(df$distance), inds + 0.5)
val <- val[order(inds)]
Once that's in place, you can use matrix() with the ncol and nrow to "reshape" your vector of distance in the appropriate way:
matrix(val, ncol = 200, nrow = 200)
When your data only contains the distance for one direction, so only between e.g. model1 - model5 and not model5 - model1 , you will have to fill the values in the upper triangular part of a matrix, like they do here. Forget about the data I generated in the first part of this answer. Also, forget about adding the ones to your distance column.
dist_mat <- diag(200)
dist_mat[upper.tri(dist_mat)] <- your_data$distance
To copy the upper-triangular entries to below the diagonal, use:
dist_mat[lower.tri(dist_mat)] <- t(dist_mat)[lower.tri(dist_mat)]
As I do not know from your question what format is your file in, I will assume the most general file format, i.e., CSV.
Then you should look at the reading files, read.csv, or fread.
Example code:
dt <- read.csv(file, sep = "", header = TRUE)
I suggest using data.table package. Then:
dt[, id := paste0(as.character(col1), "-", as.character(col2))]
This creates a new variable out of the first and the second model and serves as a unique id.
What I do is then removing this id and scale the numerical input.
After scaling, run clustering algorithms.
Merge the result with the id to analyse your results.
Is that what you are looking for?

Stuck with a 2 data frames row copy

I have decided to learn R and am going through Introduction to Scientific programming in R book (
I am currently stuck on chapter 7 question 3 of the book, the question is:
Consider the following very simple genetic model. A population consists of
equal numbers of two sexes: male and female. At each generation men and
women are paired at random, and each pair produces exactly two offspring,
one male and one female. We are interested in the distribution of height
from one generation to the next. Suppose that the height of both children
is just the average of the height of their parents, how will the distribution
of height change across generations?
Represent the heights of the current generation as a dataframe with two
variables, m and f, for the two sexes. The command rnorm(100, 160, 20)
will generate a vector of length 100, according to the normal distribution
with mean 160 and standard deviation 20 (see Section 16.5.1). We use it to
randomly generate the population at generation 1:
pop <- data.frame(m = rnorm(100, 160, 20), f = rnorm(100, 160, 20))
The command sample(x, size = length(x)) will return a random sample
of size size taken from the vector x (without replacement). (It will also
sample with replacement, if the optional argument replace is set to TRUE.)
The following function takes the dataframe pop and randomly permutes the
ordering of the men. Men and women are then paired according to rows,
and heights for the next generation are calculated by taking the mean of
each row. The function returns a dataframe with the same structure, giving
the heights of the next generation.
next.gen <- function(pop) {
pop$m <- sample(pop$m)
pop$m <- apply(pop, 1, mean)
pop$f <- pop$m
Use the function next.gen to generate nine generations, then use the lattice
function histogram to plot the distribution of male heights in each
generation, as in Figure 7.7. The phenomenon you see is called regression
to the mean.
Hint: construct a dataframe with variables height and generation, where
each row represents a single man.
I have constructed a blank data frame:
generations <- data.frame(gen="", height="")
For now I am trying to get just the first generation height information into it, so I run:
generations$height <- pop$m
and I get the following error:
Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "height", value = c(165.208323681597, :
replacement has 100 rows, data has 1
I understand that I'm trying to squeeze in information from pop$m dataframe into a single row of generations$height and that is causing the problem, I do not know how to fix this? I thought that a blank data frame is flexible enough to add rows as they are being copied from pop data frame?
I tried then to run this code:
generations <- pop$m
And I get 100 values but that just turns my generations dataframe into a vector I think and running
Just lists the values copied in a vector only.
I think I am approaching the first step wrong, is my dataframe definition correct? Why can't I copy row information from 1 data frame into an empty one and just adjust the size of the empty data frame as needed?
Thank you
Unsure the exact output you are looking for. Here is an approach which should be simple enough to follow. ** Note: There are workable approaches aplenty.
pop <- data.frame(m = rnorm(100, 160, 20), f = rnorm(100, 160, 20))
next.gen <- function(pop) {
pop$m <- sample(pop$m)
pop$m <- apply(pop, 1, mean)
pop$f <- pop$m
# the code
test <- list()
for (i in 1:9) {
test[[i]] <- next.gen(pop)["m"]
test[[i]]$generation <- paste0("g", i)
test2 <- rbindlist(test)
# result
m generation
1: 174.6558 g1
2: 143.2617 g1
3: 185.2829 g1
4: 168.9719 g1
5: 151.6948 g1
896: 159.6091 g9
897: 161.4546 g9
898: 171.8679 g9
899: 138.4982 g9
900: 152.7390 g9
> generations <- data.frame(gen="", height="", stringsAsFactors=F)
> for(i in 1:length(pop$m)) generations[i,] = c("",pop$m[i])
> generations
gen height
1 136.70042632318
2 153.985392293761
3 122.077485676327
4 166.582538529591
5 170.751368839498
6 190.8894492681
