I'm new to Jenkins and I don't know if with it I can do what I want. I need to send a file from one point (in another PC) to an endpoint in a server where Jenkins exist, I believe the best way to send the file is with a POST Request because I can send metadata that could help me to process the file. The thing is I don't know if I can configure this endpoint with Jenkins so it could recieve the file or I have to use another thing to create this endpoint and later it should call Jenkins. I don't know if a Jenkins' Plugin could help me here or something.
What I was considering was maybe using Kafka to handle the requests (I believe it can do that) with a queue and it later could call Jenkins to execute the actions I really want with the file that arrived and the details that came in the metadata.
BTW, I'm using Ubuntu 20, but this should be able to run in Windows too, but for now I only want to test this in Ubuntu.
Also, if anyone could recomend me some software that is like Jenkins only to see other options. The main feature that I found in Jenkins that I want to use for now besides what I'm asking in this post is the capability of process the emails that arrives in an specific mail, this is done with a Plugin, the CI/CD features are welcome, tho, I haven't use them yet.
When a PHP application makes a database connection it of course generally needs to pass a login and password. If I'm using a single, minimum-permission login for my application, then the PHP needs to know that login and password somewhere. What is the best way to secure that password? It seems like just writing it in the PHP code isn't a good idea.
Several people misread this as a question about how to store passwords in a database. That is wrong. It is about how to store the password that lets you get to the database.
The usual solution is to move the password out of source-code into a configuration file. Then leave administration and securing that configuration file up to your system administrators. That way developers do not need to know anything about the production passwords, and there is no record of the password in your source-control.
If you're hosting on someone else's server and don't have access outside your webroot, you can always put your password and/or database connection in a file and then lock the file using a .htaccess:
<files mypasswdfile>
order allow,deny
deny from all
The most secure way is to not have the information specified in your PHP code at all.
If you're using Apache that means to set the connection details in your httpd.conf or virtual hosts file file. If you do that you can call mysql_connect() with no parameters, which means PHP will never ever output your information.
This is how you specify these values in those files:
php_value mysql.default.user myusername
php_value mysql.default.password mypassword
php_value mysql.default.host server
Then you open your mysql connection like this:
$db = mysqli_connect();
Or like this:
$db = mysqli_connect(ini_get("mysql.default.user"),
Store them in a file outside web root.
For extremely secure systems we encrypt the database password in a configuration file (which itself is secured by the system administrator). On application/server startup the application then prompts the system administrator for the decryption key. The database password is then read from the config file, decrypted, and stored in memory for future use. Still not 100% secure since it is stored in memory decrypted, but you have to call it 'secure enough' at some point!
This solution is general, in that it is useful for both open and closed source applications.
Create an OS user for your application. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_privilege
Create a (non-session) OS environment variable for that user, with the password
Run the application as that user
You won't check your passwords into source control by accident, because you can't
You won't accidentally screw up file permissions. Well, you might, but it won't affect this.
Can only be read by root or that user. Root can read all your files and encryption keys anyways.
If you use encryption, how are you storing the key securely?
Works x-platform
Be sure to not pass the envvar to untrusted child processes
This method is suggested by Heroku, who are very successful.
if it is possible to create the database connection in the same file where the credentials are stored. Inline the credentials in the connect statement.
mysql_connect("localhost", "me", "mypass");
Otherwise it is best to unset the credentials after the connect statement, because credentials that are not in memory, can't be read from memory ;)
mysql_connect("localhost", $db_user, $db_pass);
unset ($db_user, $db_pass);
If you are using PostgreSQL, then it looks in ~/.pgpass for passwords automatically. See the manual for more information.
Previously we stored DB user/pass in a configuration file, but have since hit paranoid mode -- adopting a policy of Defence in Depth.
If your application is compromised, the user will have read access to your configuration file and so there is potential for a cracker to read this information. Configuration files can also get caught up in version control, or copied around servers.
We have switched to storing user/pass in environment variables set in the Apache VirtualHost. This configuration is only readable by root -- hopefully your Apache user is not running as root.
The con with this is that now the password is in a Global PHP variable.
To mitigate this risk we have the following precautions:
The password is encrypted. We extend the PDO class to include logic for decrypting the password. If someone reads the code where we establish a connection, it won't be obvious that the connection is being established with an encrypted password and not the password itself.
The encrypted password is moved from the global variables into a private variable The application does this immediately to reduce the window that the value is available in the global space.
phpinfo() is disabled. PHPInfo is an easy target to get an overview of everything, including environment variables.
Your choices are kind of limited as as you say you need the password to access the database. One general approach is to store the username and password in a seperate configuration file rather than the main script. Then be sure to store that outside the main web tree. That was if there is a web configuration problem that leaves your php files being simply displayed as text rather than being executed you haven't exposed the password.
Other than that you are on the right lines with minimal access for the account being used. Add to that
Don't use the combination of username/password for anything else
Configure the database server to only accept connections from the web host for that user (localhost is even better if the DB is on the same machine) That way even if the credentials are exposed they are no use to anyone unless they have other access to the machine.
Obfuscate the password (even ROT13 will do) it won't put up much defense if some does get access to the file, but at least it will prevent casual viewing of it.
We have solved it in this way:
Use memcache on server, with open connection from other password server.
Save to memcache the password (or even all the password.php file encrypted) plus the decrypt key.
The web site, calls the memcache key holding the password file passphrase and decrypt in memory all the passwords.
The password server send a new encrypted password file every 5 minutes.
If you using encrypted password.php on your project, you put an audit, that check if this file was touched externally - or viewed. When this happens, you automatically can clean the memory, as well as close the server for access.
Put the database password in a file, make it read-only to the user serving the files.
Unless you have some means of only allowing the php server process to access the database, this is pretty much all you can do.
If you're talking about the database password, as opposed to the password coming from a browser, the standard practice seems to be to put the database password in a PHP config file on the server.
You just need to be sure that the php file containing the password has appropriate permissions on it. I.e. it should be readable only by the web server and by your user account.
An additional trick is to use a PHP separate configuration file that looks like that :
<?php exit() ?>
Plain text data including password
This does not prevent you from setting access rules properly. But in the case your web site is hacked, a "require" or an "include" will just exit the script at the first line so it's even harder to get the data.
Nevertheless, do not ever let configuration files in a directory that can be accessed through the web. You should have a "Web" folder containing your controler code, css, pictures and js. That's all. Anything else goes in offline folders.
Just putting it into a config file somewhere is the way it's usually done. Just make sure you:
disallow database access from any servers outside your network,
take care not to accidentally show the password to users (in an error message, or through PHP files accidentally being served as HTML, etcetera.)
Best way is to not store the password at all!
For instance, if you're on a Windows system, and connecting to SQL Server, you can use Integrated Authentication to connect to the database without a password, using the current process's identity.
If you do need to connect with a password, first encrypt it, using strong encryption (e.g. using AES-256, and then protect the encryption key, or using asymmetric encryption and have the OS protect the cert), and then store it in a configuration file (outside of the web directory) with strong ACLs.
Actually, the best practice is to store your database crendentials in environment variables because :
These credentials are dependant to environment, it means that you won't have the same credentials in dev/prod. Storing them in the same file for all environment is a mistake.
Credentials are not related to business logic which means login and password have nothing to do in your code.
You can set environment variables without creating any business code class file, which means you will never make the mistake of adding the credential files to a commit in Git.
Environments variables are superglobales : you can use them everywhere in your code without including any file.
How to use them ?
Using the $_ENV array :
Setting : $_ENV['MYVAR'] = $myvar
Getting : echo $_ENV["MYVAR"]
Using the php functions :
Setting with the putenv function - putenv("MYVAR=$myvar");
Getting with the getenv function - getenv('MYVAR');
In vhosts files and .htaccess but it's not recommended since its in another file and its not resolving the problem by doing it this way.
You can easily drop a file such as envvars.php with all environment variables inside and execute it (php envvars.php) and delete it. It's a bit old school, but it still work and you don't have any file with your credentials in the server, and no credentials in your code. Since it's a bit laborious, frameworks do it better.
Example with Symfony (ok its not only PHP)
The modern frameworks such as Symfony recommends using environment variables, and store them in a .env not commited file or directly in command lines which means you wether can do :
With CLI : symfony var:set FOO=bar --env-level
With .env or .env.local : FOO="bar"
Documentation :
I edited this question to clarify why I asked this question again (I had weak Google-Fu and found these rather old 1 2 3 pretty-much-duplicates only after posting).
Approaches to accessing a password-protected resources that I've seen in the wild.
Plaintext storage in script (might often end up being shared, or in a Dropbox)
Plaintext storage in a config script
You can do password = readline("Password: ") but of course the password ends up in plaintext in the console (and thus in console logs etc.), so might as well store it in a plaintext config file.
I found this little trick to avoid displaying the password in the Terminal, but running system("stty -echo") on OS X Mavericks leads to the error stty: stdin isn't a terminal, so I guess it wouldn't be particularly portable.
Using tcltk. Has the unfortunate effect of making Rstudio crash and being difficult to install.
keychain. It's not on CRAN, so I don't think I can use this as a first-line approach, I'd also like a bit more detail about where and how passwords are stored on various systems (i.e. will it end up in plaintext on Windows?).
Access tokens, OAuth etc. seem to have similar problems.
I don't know any R packages which use PGP for connections? Probably also a bit difficult for newbie users.
I'm not asking for myself mainly, but I want to provide somewhat sensible defaults for nontechnical users who might store plaintext passwords enabling access to sensitive data in their Dropbox.
Unlike others who asked similar questions, I could also change the server-side of things if I had a better approach.
Are there best-practice approaches that I'm currently missing? My focus on interactive sessions is because I assume that's how most nontechnical types use R, but of course it would be nice if it worked during e.g. knitr report generation too.
Some suggestions to solve your problem securely. These solutions match all programming languages.
Establish a secure connection to your resource without R, like a SSL tunnel.
If you need a secure password in R to establish a secure connection, then you can read this from a secure config file and remove this password variable if you don't use the password anymore. A secure config file is a config file that is not part of your code repository (Git, SVN, ...). You have to manage your secret independent of your code. This mean separate your code and your secrets. One simple way is to put your private and secure secret in your private and secure user home directory. Then you have delegated your security problem to your operating system. Your secret is now save as your OS and your home directory. Pleas check the rights of your home directory and enable the file system encryption if they are off. Notice, this is the way like Maven handle passwords.
You get more security if you encrypt your password/secret config file. Then you have second line of defense.
For most applications is point 2 enough.
Notice, be sure that your secret is not deployed with your code. You need a second way to manage and deploy your secret to production systems.
Notice, be sure that if your programs jams, that your secret is not in memory anymore.
Notice, use always strong algorithms for encryption. Don't implement your own security algorithm, is a high complexity task. Better use standard implementations of strong encryption algorithms.
I would really like to use the PAM module pam_exec to do some account setup and teardown activities during a session. I have written a simple test script that runs and logs some runtime data so that i can see what is happening.
It seems to me that the exec'd script has to be executable by the effective UID of whoever is running the command that triggers PAM. This makes sense. However, I want a bit more security in this process. For example, it seems to me that if I have a script that pokes a record into a database on account login/logout then that script has to be executable by ALL users all the time.
I would much prefer to have the script be visible and executable ONLY by root or some other special-purpose account and have pam_exec suid the script for the unprivileged user.
Why? In the case of the database script I would not want the user to login then execute the script by hand to seemingly "logout".
I've thought about trying to put the script in the "sudoers" file but that still enables anyone to run it whenever they like.
It seems like the only option is to hack pam_exec to allow a "run as" option.
It is late on a Friday afternoon and I may be missing something trivial. Is there a better way?
It seems to me that the exec'd script has to be executable by the
effective UID of whoever is running the command that triggers PAM.
This makes sense.
Sounds like you are running pam_exec under the "session" line. If you run your pam_exec script from "auth" it will be run by the root users (UID 0), so it doesn't need to be executable by the user any longer. This way the user will not be able to run the script manually to spoof a logout.
You could probably also run your script from the "account" line, I believe the only time that a pam module executes with user permissions is when it is executing pam_open_session() or pam_close_session().
I'm not entirely sure that I understand the problem. If you're tracking a user login session, that is set up by a process running as root (whether it be sshd or login or some other similar program). The PAM stack generally all runs as root through opening the session. I'm not entirely sure where in the session creation process the UID is permanently changed, but it's fairly late in the process, since writing to utmp, etc., all has to be done as root.
You therefore are unlikely to run into this problem with normal login sessions. The main places where PAM is used by non-root users is for things like screensavers that run on behalf of the user, but that seems like exactly the case where you don't want the user to run your script.
If you're trying to run something as part of sudo or su, the problem may be that pam_exec by default runs the program as the real user ID. In those cases, I think you may need to run the program as the effective user ID to accomplish what you want. There is a seteuid PAM option to pam_exec that tells pam_exec to do that.
I have a VBS script I use at work for automating tasks when connected to Cisco routers and switches, including automating the login process. Not unreasonably people are a little edgy about storing their password in a plain text VBS file, so I provide them with the option to prompt every time for the password or have it stored in the script.
Is there a method by which I could call out to a Windows API which might be able to handle encryption for me? I would need a way to both a) encrypt the original password so it could be safely stored in the script, and b) provide a way of calling the decrypt function for use within my main script so that I can use the plain password. There is no built in function for encryption/decryption in VBS that I can find.
I realise that anyone with access to the script to read the password could also easily add a "WScript.Echo Decrypt(strEncryptedPassword)" type line to the script, but this doesn't seem to worry anyone!
Any help would be appreciated. I'm not great with API programming (in truth I'm a poor VB6 programmer turned network engineer) so please bear this in mind with responses.
Check this article
Also consider the following links:
Encrypt function
Decrypt function
If your are interested in stronger encryption, then check this article