JavaFX borderpane.setCenter replaces entire scene - javafx

I'm trying to load a FXML into a FXML. The main FXML has a borderpane, and the second contains a VBox. I load both of these with the FXMLLoader. When I try to set the center of the boarderpane, the entire screen gets replaced with the second FXML. Here is the code
BorderPane riskAnalysis = new BorderPane((BorderPane) FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("./proposaldevelopment/riskAnalysis.fxml")));
VBox center = new VBox((VBox) FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("./proposaldevelopment/openRiskAssessmentVbox.fxml")));
root = riskAnalysis;
Any ideas that could cause this? I also tried making a new label and putting that into the borderpane center with the same result.

Try as
BorderPane riskAnalysis = (BorderPane) FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("./proposaldevelopment/riskAnalysis.fxml"));
VBox center = (VBox) FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("./proposaldevelopment/openRiskAssessmentVbox.fxml"));


How add padding or margin for ImageView in JavaFX by using code (not FXML)

I want add white border around ImageView.
One solution is to wrap the images in a Button.
And I try use StackPane:
StackPane stackPaneforImageActivity = new StackPane();
Image activityImage = new Image(file.toURI().toString());
ImageView imv = new ImageView(activityImage);
stackPaneforImageActivity.setPadding(new Insets(10));
stackPaneforImageActivity.setStyle("-fx-border-color:white;-fx-background-color: black;");
Are there other solutions?
But the image is outside the StackPane. Why?

JavaFX-2 BorderPane won't fill AnchorPane

I am using JavaFX and I have a StackPane within a BorderPane within a TitledPane. Like so:
The StackPane is placed in the center region of the BorderPane. My problem is that when I run the app, the BorderPane is not filling the AnchorPane that is associated with the TitledPane. I have tried the AnchorPane.setBottom(), setTop(), setLeft(), and setRight() properties, setting them to 0.0 and it doesn't work. Thanks.

JavaFX accessing stackpane within borderpane

The center of my BorderPane has a stackpane called designView (an FXML defined stackpane). I'm trying to get a draggable pane in the designView. If I add that pane to the rootView (my BordePane) all is well. If however I try to add it to the designView like this:
// This works fine except the pnae is on the wrong place obviously
Pane p = displayField.createDraggablePane(800.0, 800.0, 400.0, 300.0);
// Now the pane is in the right place, but it's 'stuck'
Pane p = displayField.createDraggablePane(800.0, 800.0, 400.0, 300.0);
The pane appears correctly in the designView, BUT it is no longer draggable. The MouseEvents fire, but the position of the pane is not updated. I think the problem is with the fact that layoutX, getSceneX, layoutXProperty etc. have no reference to designView, but how do I get that? Can anyone help?
I found a solution. Instead of adding a StackPane to my BorderPane center, I have added a Pane and all is well :-) So my draggable Pane is added to a Pane instead of added to a StackPane.
Don't quite understand why this should change the behaviour of the draggable pane, but practice shows that it does.

JavaFX: Menu items only shown as three dots when in BorderPane

I am trying to learn JavaFX and I've run into a problem with the Menus in my MenuBar. Here is a minimal example:
public void start(Stage mainStage) throws Exception {
BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 1200, 1000, Color.WHITE);
MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
Menu menuFile = new Menu("_File");
MenuItem add = new MenuItem("_New");
This application starts, but the Menu in the MenuBar is only shown as three dots (...). It does open however when I press ALT+F, so it is there.
From what I understand, a Menu item has no width or similar attribute, so that can't be set. I suspect it has something to do with my root node being a BorderPane, because in every other example I found that works, the root is either a VBox or something else. I seem to get the desired results when I place a Vbox as my root node, and then add the MenuBar and the BorderPane` to the root - but that seems like a strange and uneccesary workaround to me.
So what am I missing here? Is it true that a MenuBar will only ever look like it should in certain containers? What is the difference between a BorderPane and a VBox in this regard? If someone could explain or point me to a part of the documentation that I've missed, I would be very thankful.
You are using a BorderPane and using getChildren().add() to add MenuBar in it, which is incorrect. BorderPane unlike VBox, can't accept any number of children and is divided into 5 specific positions :
The children goes into any one of these positions. Please go through the documentation for BorderPane.
You need to add the Menubar to the top of the BorderPane using :

MenuBar to top of the app

I'm quite new to JavaFX and I have two methods - one returning a grid layout and the other one returning a HBox with a MenuBar, but fot the life of me I can't make it, so it's not overlapping (I want the grid to be a few pixels lower). I have this code in my start method:
final Group rootGroup = new Group();
final Scene scene = new Scene(rootGroup);
How do I fix this?
You may use another Layout Manager as root. For example:
final VBox rootGroup = new Vbox();
Then all its children will be aligned vertically.
