Firebase ResetPassword issue - firebase

I am building user authentication in my website using Angular and Firebase's Email & Password authentication framework. This is NOT using the Firebase Simple Login Framework but the newly introduced native framework.
My code links to Firebase using:
<script src=""></script>
I can create users, login and so on but the ResetPassword call fails with the following error.
Error: Firebase.resetPassword failed: First argument must be a valid object.
at Error (native)
at E (
at (
at Object.resetPassword (http://localhost:8000/src/js/services/loginservice.js:78:27)
at k.$scope.resetPassword (http://localhost:8000/src/js/controllers.js:35:20)
at f (
at k.$eval (
at k.$apply (
The code I use is from the firebase example as follows:
ref.resetPassword(email, function(error) {
if (error === null) {
console.log("Password reset email sent successfully");
} else {
console.log("Error sending password reset email:", error);
I have verified that a valid email id is being passed in.
Can you please let me know what the issue is?
Thanks in advance

According to the firebase documentation, you should be passing in an object not a string.
var credentials = {email: email};
ref.resetPassword(credentials, function(error) {
if (error === null) {
console.log("Password reset email sent successfully");
} else {
console.log("Error sending password reset email:", error);

I have found that using an object no longer works, it would keep giving me "First argument must contain the key "email", even then the object was as the answer above.
After much frustration i got it working passing the email parameter as per the firebase docs.
$scope.resetPassword = function(email){
console.log("made in to auth method for reset passowrd with email - " + email);
email: email
}, function(error) {
if (error) {
switch (error.code) {
console.log("The specified user account does not exist.");
console.log("Error resetting password:", error);
} else {
console.log("Password reset email sent successfully!");


Get Firebase User.ProviderID on auth/wrong-password when using signInWithEmailAndPassword

I have an Application that uses Firebase for Authentification.
I allow users to sign in with either Google/Facebook/Twitter or using an Email and Password.
Additionally I have activated within Firebase that Users can only create one account per email.
I want to cover the Following case:
A users signs up with facebook and gets a user account created with their facebook email (e.G.
A few days later the user comes back to the app, but forgot that he signed up using facebook and tries loging in with their email adress and their usual password instead.
The firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) method throws an auth/wrong-password error, as no password was given using the facebook login method but the email does exist.
Instead of showing a useless "Wrong password or the account corresponding to the email does not have a password set." error I would like to check instead which provider was used for signing up and reminding the user to sign in with the provider instead.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to exist a method to get the User.ProviderID for a given email or to understand if the auth/wrong-password error was given because the user typed in a wrong password or if there was no password given in first place as the user signed up with an OAuthProvider instead.
Okay, I have missed the fetchProvidersForEmail method.
Just for Reference: (not the final code I will be using)
Uses signInWithEmailAndPassword to check if a User exists
If it doesn't it creates it using createUserWithEmailAndPassword
If a user exits, it tries to login and catches errors
If the error is auth/wrong-password it checks with fetchProvidersForEmail if the user has used a Provider to sign up
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).catch(function(error) {
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
// User not found? Create user.
if ( errorCode === 'auth/user-not-found' ) {
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).catch(function(error) {
// Handle Errors here.
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
if ( errorCode == 'email-already-in-use' ) {
alert('You already have an account with that email.');
} else if ( errorCode == 'auth/invalid-email' ) {
alert('Please provide a valid email');
} else if ( errorCode == 'auth/weak-password' ) {
alert('The password is too weak.');
} else {
// Wrong Password Error
} else if ( errorCode === 'auth/wrong-password' ) {
// Check if User has signed up with a OAuthProvider
firebase.auth().fetchProvidersForEmail(email).then(function( result ){
// … show OAuthProvider Login Button
alert('Wrong password. Please try again');
} else {
alert( errorMessage );
console.log( error );

No response from Jquery validation when creating Meteor account

Basically, I'm using Jquery validation package as a way to alert errors to users when creating and registering accounts on Meteor, since the boilerplate interface doesn't work in my case.
Anyway, when a user tries to sign up for an account, I get no response at all on client. The user is just created with no message or redirection like it's supposed to have.
Here is the particular code:
var validator = $('.register').validate({
submitHandler: function(){
user = {
email: document.getElementById("email").value,
password: document.getElementById("password").value
password: user.password,
if(error.reason == "Email already exists."){
email: "The email belongs to a registered user."
} else{
console.log("Account successfully created.");
I'm using the same code logic for account logins with the only exception being a different meteor accounts function (Meteor.loginWithPassword() for login and Accounts.createUser() for account creation).
No response at all, so it probably has to do something with the callback function, since the user account is created, but no message displayed on client.
You're including your callback as part of your options object when it should be a separate argument. It should look more like this:
password: user.password
}, function(error){
if(error.reason == "Email already exists."){
email: "The email belongs to a registered user."
} else{
console.log("Account successfully created.");

Change email of a user with Firebase simple login

If I have a user that logged in with email/password is there any way to change that user’s email address on the backend?
I see I can have the user change it themselves with oldEmail, newEmail, password:
oldEmail : "",
newEmail : "",
password : "correcthorsebatterystaple"
}, function(error) {
if (error === null) {
console.log("Email changed successfully");
} else {
console.log("Error changing email:", error);
But is there any way for me to change it for them without the password?
From Firebase support: There is no way to change the user's email address without the password.

resetPassword issues in meteor

I sent enrollment email to the user and when he enters password and other details I'm trying to reset the password but it is throwing error
uncaught error extpected to find a document to change
As you can see in the mage
I've subscribed to the user record
my code
this.route('enroll', {
path: '/enroll-account/:token',
template: 'enroll_page',
onBeforeAction: function() {
Session.set('_resetPasswordToken', this.params.token);
s = this.subscribe('enrolledUser', this.params.token).wait();
After I'm displaying form and on the submit event
onSubmit: function(creds) {
var options = {
_id: Meteor.users.findOne()._id,
var token=Session.get('_resetPasswordToken');'updateUser', options, function(error, result) {
if(!error) {
Accounts.resetPassword(token, creds.password, function(error) {
if (error) {
toastr.error("Sorry we could not update your password. Please try again.");
return false;
toastr.error("Logged In");
} else {
toastr.error("Sorry we could not update your password. Please try again.");
return false;
return false;
Everything is working fine but resetpassword callback is not triggering and the above error is displaying in console.
my token is get deleted from the user record and I'm able to login using login form but
From the docs
Reset the password for a user using a token received in email. Logs the user in afterwards.
I'm not able to automatically login after resetting the password,above error is throwing
What am I missing here?
this.subscribe('enrolledUser', this.params.token).wait();
here you're subscribing using resetPassword token
when you call Accounts.resetPassword method the method will reset the password and delete the token from user record.
So your subscription is lost and there are no records available in client side to modify
(That is waht the error Expected to find a document to change)
Instead on first subscription save the user Id and subscribe to the user record using Id
so the subscription will not be lost
path: '/enroll-account/:token',
template: 'enroll_page',
onBeforeAction: function() {
Session.set('_resetPasswordToken', this.params.token);
s = this.subscribe('enrolledUser', this.params.token).wait();
var userid=Meteor.users.findOne()._id;
Alternatively, you could do something like as follows in your publication. This worked for me (but mine was a slightly more involved query than this).
Meteor.publish('enrolledUser', function (token) {
check(token, String);
return Meteor.users.find({
$or: [{
_id: this.userId
}, {
'services.password.reset.token': token
From the docs, it says
Reset the password for a user using a token received in email. Logs the user in afterwards.
So basically, you have to subscribe to the logged in user after the fact as well. A little silly, but whatever.

Getting invalid password error when logging in with Meteor.loginWithPassword

I am using the accounts-password package of the meteor. When try to login, it fails twice and when try the third time, it is logging in successfully.
code for creating user
Accounts.createUser({email: email, password : password}, function(err){
if (err) {
console.log('The user creation failed.');
} else {
// Success. Account has been created and the user
// has logged in successfully.
console.log('The user has been created.');
Code for login
Meteor.loginWithPassword({email:email}, password, function(err){
if (err) {
console.log('login failed');
} else {
console.log('login success');
I am getting "Incorrect password [403]" error when try to login.
I dont understand what the issue is. Please help me how to fix this issue.
I was having the exact same problem. Every third try it would work. The problem was that I was already authenticated as a user. Once I called Meteor.logout() in the console and logged in, it works on the first try.
